3,343 research outputs found

    Dimensionality and Construct Validity of the Romanian Self-Report Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)

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    The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is one of the most widely utilised measures of behavioural and emotional difficulties among children and young people. Previous research has raised concerns about the psychometric properties of the measure, particularly the internal consistency of the CP and PP subscales. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) has generally supported a five-factor solution that is consistent with Goodman’s (1997) original conceptualisation of the SDQ, but alternative factor structures have been validated including models with internalising and externalising factors, and a total difficulties factor. This was the first study to examine the dimensionality, construct validity and internal consistency of the Romanian self-report version of the SDQ. Based on data collected from 1,086 school children aged 9-17 years old, six alternative factor models were specified and tested using conventional CFA techniques and a confirmatory bifactor modelling approach. The five-factor model provided a better fit for the data than alternative factor structures, but was still unacceptable according to a range of overall model fit indices and individual item loadings. Model fit statistics for the five-factor solution were also notably poorer among boys than girls. Internal consistency was low for the CP, H and PP subscales among the total sample and girls only; and for the EP, CP, H and PP subscales among boys only. Results are discussed in terms of the appropriate interpretation of the Romanian SDQ

    Irisin evokes bradycardia by activating cardiac-projecting neurons of nucleus ambiguus.

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    Irisin is a newly identified hormone induced in muscle and adipose tissues by physical activity. This protein and its encoding gene have been identified in the brain; in addition, the precursor for irisin, FNDC5, can cross the blood-brain barrier. The fact that irisin is secreted during exercise together with the lower resting heart rate in athletes prompted us to investigate the effect of irisin on cardiac-projecting vagal neurons of nucleus ambiguus, a key regulatory site of heart rate. In vitro experiments in cultured nucleus ambiguus neurons indicate that irisin activates these neurons, inducing an increase in cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration and neuronal depolarization. In vivo microinjection of irisin into the nucleus ambiguus promotes bradycardia in conscious rats. Our study is the first to report the effects of irisin on the neurons controlling the cardiac vagal tone and to link a myokine to a cardioprotective role, by modulating central cardiovascular regulation

    About the use of nano-therapeutic means in medicine (ro.)

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    Nanobiotehnology is a relatively new field of research, being the interface between the life sciences and nanotechnology. In this area where the work dimensions are between 1 nm and 100 nm the recovery of biomolecules’ quality and the processes involved it is proposed, in the development of materials or devices with certain medical activity. This bibliographic approach proposes a first foray into nano-therapeutic resources use in the medical field. Are presented sintheticaly the main nanomaterials, their properties and potential applications in nanomedicine, magnetic fluids, their synthezis and stabilization as well as recent advances in this topic

    Oltre l’Italia: riflessioni sul presente e il futuro del postcoloniale

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    L’intento di questo nostro lavoro è di contribuire alla costruzione di un paradigma critico del postcoloniale italiano, analizzandone la specificità a partire dalla storia e dalla posizione geografica dell’Italia, ma allo stesso tempo mettendolo anche in relazione con i modelli teorici postcoloniali sviluppati in altri stati europei. Se la teoria postcoloniale sembra essersi indebolita in Paesi come la Gran Bretagna e l’India dove essa è nata, essa è certamente viva e vegeta in un Paese come l’Italia e in molti stati europei che, ora più che mai, sono alle prese con le conseguenze dei riadattamenti globali causati dalla decolonizzazione degli ex-imperi. Nel caso dell’Italia, come sappiamo, esiste una discontinuità fra l’emergere di un postcoloniale italiano e le storie del post-impero britanniche e francesi. Se nel Regno Unito e in Francia i flussi migratori cominciano ad arrivare direttamente dalle ex-colonie già negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta, la condizione postcoloniale italiana si definisce in un contesto europeo post-Guerra Fredda e globalizzato, ed è caratterizzata da migrazioni postcoloniali indirette

    Breast implant illness: a step forward in understanding this complex entity and the impact of social media

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    Introduction. The number of implant-related complaints is constantly rising, a phenomenon probably accentuated by the extensive use of social media by patients. Material and method. A group of signs and symptoms considered to be caused by mammary implants is known as “Breast Implant Illness”. This paper analyzes the increased number of posts by patients on social media in which they describe their symptoms, their disappointment with the decision of using breast implants, and the beneficial effects of explantation. The case of a patient with breast implants who visited our clinic is reported here. The patient complained of two palpable masses, located in the left axilla and in the superolateral quadrant of the left breast. The pathophysiological mechanism by which lymphadenopathy occurred after a long period of time remains uncertain. Discussion. A review of the literature was conducted to identify the underlying causes of implant-related complaints, allowing evaluation of the presence of local complications, cancer with large anaplastic cells, and autoimmune diseases. The possibility of a somatization effect has also been considered. Conclusions. Plastic surgeons must remain the best source of information, taking on the role of educating the patient in order to better understand this condition

    Channel Assignment with Separation on Trees and Interval Graphs

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    Given a vector (δ1,δ2,,δt)(\delta_1, \delta_2, \ldots, \delta_{t}) of non increasing positive integers, and an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), an L(δ1,δ2,,δt)L(\delta_1, \delta_2, \ldots,\delta_{t})-coloring of GG is a function ff from the vertex set VV to a set of nonnegative integers such that f(u)f(v)δi|f(u)-f(v)| \ge \delta_i, if d(u,v)=i, 1it, d(u,v) = i, \ 1 \le i \le t, \ where d(u,v)d(u,v) is the distance (i.e. the minimum number of edges) between the vertices uu and vv. An optimal L(δ1,δ2,,δt)L(\delta_1, \delta_2, \ldots,\delta_{t})-coloring for GG is one minimizing the largest used integer over all such colorings. This coloring problem has relevant application in channel assignment for interference avoidance in wireless networks, where channels (i.e. colors) assigned to interfering stations (i.e. vertices) at distance ii must be at least δi\delta_i apart, while the same channel can be reused only at stations whose distance is larger than tt. This paper presents efficient algorithms for finding optimal L(1,,1)L(1, \ldots, 1)-colorings of trees and interval graphs as well as optimal L(2,1,1)L(2,1,1)-colorings of complete binary trees. Moreover, efficient algorithms are also provided for finding approximate L(δ1,1,,1)L(\delta_1,1, \ldots, 1)-colorings of trees and interval graphs as well as approximate L(δ1,δ2)L(\delta_1,\delta_2)-colorings of unit interval graphs

    Implications and size of trade in anti-infective drugs a.u.v. and About the drafting of medical and veterinary ordinances in Romania

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    The presentation brings information about the developments in the trade with veterinary products, comparative, in the world, in Europe and in Romania in the light of the One - Health approach, the evolution of the relevant legislation, up to EU Regulation 2019/6 and its implementation. Data are presented on the counterbalancing of commercial trends related to veterinary medicines which, from the preponderance towards farm animals, are slowly moving towards companion animals. Here, too, a projection of the global pharmaceutical products market is made, as well as the slice allocated to a.u.v. products, the global portfolio allocated to animal health, the current situation in Romania as well as the main global producers of veterinary drugs. In the second part of this presentation, there is a reminder of new medical orders according to the current legislation, as well as an example of how to write the ATC-vet electronic ordinance (Anatomical - Therapeutical - Chemical)

    Cuvântul Editorului

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    The time elapsed since the establishment of the Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug Journal has so far, revealed that the efforts made by the editorial staff have been inspired, as a result of his passion and work. This is why the Journal will continue its journalistic activity in the field of veterinary and zoo-technical sciences. The year 2018 is assessed with the main achievements and failures of the Veterinary Medicine / Veterinary Drug Magazine as well as the guidelines for the next period

    In memoriam, Mentorului meu

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    In memoria