21 research outputs found

    Perfectly matched layers with high rate damping for hyperbolic systems

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    We propose a simple method for constructing non-reflecting boundary conditions via Perfectly Matched Layer approach. The basic idea of the method is to build a layer with high rate damping properties with are provided by adding the stiff relaxation source terms to all equations of the system. No complicated modification of the system to be solved is then required

    Exact and approximate solutions of Riemann problems in non-linear elasticity

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    Eulerian shock-capturing schemes have advantages for modelling problems involving complex non-linear wave structures and large deformations in solid media. Various numerical methods now exist for solving hyperbolic conservation laws that have yet to be applied to non-linear elastic theory. In this paper one such class of solver is examined based upon characteristic tracing in conjunction with high-order monotonicity preserving weighted essentially non-oscillatory (MPWENO) reconstruction. Furthermore, a new iterative method for finding exact solutions of the Riemann problem in non-linear elasticity is presented. Access to exact solutions enables an assessment of the performance of the numerical techniques with focus on the resolution of the seven wave structure. The governing model represents a special case of a more general theory describing additional physics such as material plasticity. The numerical scheme therefore provides a firm basis for extension to simulate more complex physical phenomena. Comparison of exact and numerical solutions of one-dimensional initial values problems involving three-dimensional deformations is presented

    A structure-preserving staggered semi-implicit finite volume scheme for continuum mechanics

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    We propose a new pressure-based structure-preserving (SP) and quasi asymptotic preserving (AP) staggered semi-implicit finite volume scheme for the unified first order hyperbolic formulation of continuum mechanics [1], which goes back to the pioneering work of Godunov [2] and further work of Godunov & Romenski [3] and Peshkov & Romenski [4]. The unified model is based on the theory of symmetric-hyperbolic and thermodynamically compatible (SHTC) systems [2,5] and includes the description of elastic and elasto-plastic solids in the nonlinear large-strain regime as well as viscous and inviscid heat-conducting fluids, which correspond to the stiff relaxation limit of the model. In the absence of relaxation source terms, the homogeneous PDE system is endowed with two stationary linear differential constraints (involutions), which require the curl of distortion field and the curl of the thermal impulse to be zero for all times. In the stiff relaxation limit, the unified model tends asymptotically to the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The new structure-preserving scheme presented in this paper can be proven to be exactly curl-free for the homogeneous part of the PDE system, i.e. in the absence of relaxation source terms. We furthermore prove that the scheme is quasi asymptotic preserving in the stiff relaxation limit, in the sense that the numerical scheme reduces to a consistent second order accurate discretization of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations when the relaxation times tend to zero. Last but not least, the proposed scheme is suitable for the simulation of all Mach number flows thanks to its conservative formulation and the implicit discretization of the pressure terms

    Simulation of non-Newtonian viscoplastic flows with a unified first order hyperbolic model and a structure-preserving semi-implicit scheme

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    We discuss the applicability of a unified hyperbolic model for continuum fluid and solid mechanics to modeling non-Newtonian flows and in particular to modeling the stress-driven solid-fluid transformations in flows of viscoplastic fluids, also called yield-stress fluids. In contrast to the conventional approaches relying on the non-linear viscosity concept of the Navier-Stokes theory and representation of the solid state as an infinitely rigid non-deformable solid, the solid state in our theory is deformable and the fluid state is considered rather as a “melted” solid via a certain procedure of relaxation of tangential stresses similar to Maxwell's visco-elasticity theory. The model is formulated as a system of first-order hyperbolic partial differential equations with possibly stiff non-linear relaxation source terms. The computational strategy is based on a staggered semi-implicit scheme which can be applied in particular to low-Mach number flows as usually required for flows of non-Newtonian fluids. The applicability of the model and numerical scheme is demonstrated on a few standard benchmark test cases such as Couette, Hagen-Poiseuille, and lid-driven cavity flows. The numerical solution is compared with analytical or numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes theory with the Herschel-Bulkley constitutive model for nonlinear viscosity

    Validation of hyperbolic model for two-phase flow in conservative form

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    A mathematical formulation is proposed for the solution of equations governing isentropic gas-liquid flow. The model considered here is a two-fluid model type where the relative velocity between the two phases is implemented by a kinetic constitutive equation. Starting from the conservation of mass and momentum laws, a system of three differential equations is derived in a conservative form for the three principal variables, which are mixture density, mixture velocity and the relative velocity. The governing equations for the mixture offer the novel hyperbolic conservation laws for the description of two-phase flows without any conventional source terms in the momentum or relative velocity equations. The discretisation of the governing equations is based on splitting approach, which is specially designed to allow a straightforward extension to various numerical methods such as Godunov methods of centred-type. To verify the validity of the model, numerical results are presented and discussed. It is demonstrated that the proposed numerical methods have superior overall numerical accuracy among existing methods and models in the literature. The model correctly describes the formation of shocks and rarefactions for the solution of discontinuities in two-phase fluid flow problems, thus verifying the proposed mathematical and numerical investigations

    Numerical solution for hyperbolic conservative two-phase flow equations

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    We outline an approximate solution for the numerical simulation of two-phase fluid flows with a relative velocity between the two phases. A unified two-phase flow model is proposed for the description of the gas–liquid processes which leads to a system of hyperbolic differential equations in a conservative form. A numerical algorithm based on a splitting approach for the numerical solution of the model is proposed. The associated Riemann problem is solved numerically using Godunov methods of centered-type. Results show the importance of the Riemann problem and of centered schemes in the solution of the two-phase flow problems. In particular, it is demonstrated that the Slope Limiter Centered (SLIC) scheme gives a low numerical dissipation at the contact discontinuities, which makes it suitable for simulations of practical two-phase flow processes