29 research outputs found

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    Data-related concepts for artificial intelligence education in K-12

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    Due to advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), computer science education has rapidly started to include topics related to AI along K-12 education. Although this development is timely and important, it is also concerning because the elaboration of the AI field for K-12 is still ongoing. Current efforts may significantly underestimate the role of data, the fundamental component of an AI system. If the goal is to enable students to understand how AI systems work, knowledge of key concepts related to data processing is a prerequisite, as data collection, preparation, and engineering are closely linked to the functionality of AI systems. To advance the field, the following research provides a comprehensive collection of key data-related concepts relevant to K-12 computer science education. These concepts were identified through a theoretical review of the AI field, aligned through a review of AI curricula for school education, evaluated through interviews with domain experts and teachers, and structured hierarchically according to the data lifecycle. Computer science educators can use the elaborated structure as a conceptual guide for designing learning arrangements that aim to enable students to understand how AI systems are created and function

    Eine digitale Perspektive fĂŒr den Sachunterricht? Fachdidaktische Überlegungen und Implikationen

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    Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen und Probleme aufzunehmen, den Sachunterricht permanent weiterzuentwickelnund an die sich stetig verĂ€ndernden Lebensbedingungen von Kindern anzupassen, ist eine zentraleAufgabe der Sachunterrichtsdidaktik. Angesichts der zunehmenden Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Vernetzungaller Lebensbereiche (vgl. Döbeli Honegger, 2017, 11) und der damit einhergehenden gesellschaftlichenVerĂ€nderungen, die schon in der frĂŒhen Kindheit zum Tragen kommen, liefert die Sachunterrichtsdidaktik bislangaber kaum Antworten. So werden die Digitalisierung bzw. die Informatik, als der der Digitalisierung zugrundeliegendeWissenschaft, bislang wenig berĂŒcksichtigt. Auch der Perspektivrahmen Sachunterricht (GDSU, 2013) gibtin Hinblick auf die Frage nach entsprechenden Bildungsinhalten und -zielen fĂŒr Kinder im Grundschulalter derzeitnur wenig Antworten: Eine digitale bzw. informatische Perspektive fĂŒr den Sachunterricht gibt es bisher nicht. InZusammenarbeit mit Fachdidaktik-Vertreter*innen des Sachunterrichts und der Informatik sowie mit RĂŒckgriffauf die konsensualen BestĂ€nde der Sachunterrichtsdidaktik gilt es u.E. dieses wichtige Feld in der Forschung zuberĂŒcksichtigen. Auch mĂŒssen Wege gefunden werden, die neuen technologischen Entwicklungen und die damiteinhergehenden gesellschaftlichen VerĂ€nderungen in Curricula abzubilden und in den Unterricht zu integrieren.Dies geschieht fĂŒr den Sachunterricht am besten auf dem Weg ĂŒber den Perspektivrahmen Sachunterricht, der inden letzten Jahren einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Gestaltung von RahmenlehrplĂ€nen genommen hat.Mit diesem Artikel möchten wir den Forschungsbedarf aufzeigen und einen Beitrag zur Diskussion leisten, obund inwiefern digitale bzw. informatische Bildung in den Sachunterricht und in den Perspektivrahmen Sachunterrichtintegriert werden sollte.„Wer wie wir heute in der fatalen Situation steht, infolge des bedingten Zweifel[s] bereits an der Möglichkeit der Wahrheit, die auch wieder geradezu die Voraussetzung unseres gewohnten verstĂ€ndigen/ verstandesgemĂ€ĂŸen Gebrauchs der Wörter und Begriffe ist, nach Mitteln zu fahnden, um die Grenzen des Verstandes Überschreiten zu können, greift nach jedem Strohhalm. Und das Wort 'Widerstreit' schien mir fĂŒr die Sachlage passend zu sein, da es genau in diesem Sinn als ein 'Kind' dieser Sprachnot verstanden werden kann.” (Ansgar HĂ€ußling in einem Brief an Gerold Scholz vom 1.2.2002

    Early Computer Science Education. Goals and Success Criteria for Pre-Primary and Primary Education

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    “Scientific Studies on the Work of the ‘Haus der kleinen Forscher’ Foundation” is a regularly published series of scientific reports authored by distinguished experts from the field of early education. This series serves to pursue professional dialogue between the Foundation, academia and practice, with the aim of lending sound support to all child-care centres, after-school care centres and primary schools in Germany in their educational mission. This ninth volume of the series, with a foreword by Ilan Chabay, deals with the goals and requirements of computer science education in the elementary and primary sector. In their expert report, Nadine Bergner, Hilde Köster, Johannes Magenheim, Kathrin MĂŒller, Ralf Romeike, Ulrik Schroeder and Carsten Schulte specify the pedagogical and content-related goal dimensions of computer science education at child-care centres and primary schools. In addition to establishing a theoretical basis for various goal dimensions, the authors discuss the success criteria for effective and efficient early computer science education in practice. They also provide recommendations for the further development of the Foundation’s offerings and scientific accompaniment of the work of the Foundation in the field of computer science. In their expert recommendation, Nadine Bergner and Kathrin MĂŒller describe a selection of informatics systems for children at child-care centres and primary schools and offer suggestions for particularly suitable systems and their use in elementary and primary education based on professional criteria. The final chapter of the volume describes the implementation of these professional recommendations in the programmes of the “Haus der kleinen Forscher” Foundation – with and without computers. (DIPF/Verlag

    Kritische Entgegnung auf die Studie «Zur Relevanz informatischer Bildung in der Schule fĂŒr den Erwerb computer- bzw. informationsbezogener Kompetenzen»

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    Dieser Beitrag nimmt Bezug auf den Artikel «Zur Relevanz informatischer Bildung in der Schule fĂŒr den Erwerb computer- und informationsbezogener Kompetenzen als Teilaspekt von Medienbildung», der an gleicher Stelle in einem frĂŒheren Heft erschien. Basierend auf SekundĂ€ranalysen der ICILS 2013-Daten wird darin geschlussfolgert, es gebe einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Belegung von Informatikunterricht in der Schule und geringeren computer- bzw. informationsbezogenen Kompetenzen. Der vorliegende Beitrag legt dar, warum diese und andere Schlussfolgerungen basierend auf dem zur VerfĂŒgung stehenden Datenmaterial und der von den Autorinnen gewĂ€hlten Auswertungsmethodik wissenschaftlich nicht haltbar sind

    PapagAI : Automated Feedback for Reflective Essays

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    Written reflective practice is a regular exercise pre-service teachers perform during their higher education. Usually, their lecturers are expected to provide individual feedback, which can be a challenging task to perform on a regular basis. In this paper, we present the first open-source automated feedback tool based on didactic theory and implemented as a hybrid AI system. We describe the components and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of our system compared to the state-of-art generative large language models. The main objective of our work is to enable better learning outcomes for students and to complement the teaching activities of lecturers

    The numerical renormalization group method for quantum impurity systems

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    In the beginning of the 1970's, Wilson developed the concept of a fully non-perturbative renormalization group transformation. Applied to the Kondo problem, this numerical renormalization group method (NRG) gave for the first time the full crossover from the high-temperature phase of a free spin to the low-temperature phase of a completely screened spin. The NRG has been later generalized to a variety of quantum impurity problems. The purpose of this review is to give a brief introduction to the NRG method including some guidelines of how to calculate physical quantities, and to survey the development of the NRG method and its various applications over the last 30 years. These applications include variants of the original Kondo problem such as the non-Fermi liquid behavior in the two-channel Kondo model, dissipative quantum systems such as the spin-boson model, and lattice systems in the framework of the dynamical mean field theory.Comment: 55 pages, 27 figures, submitted to Rev. Mod. Phy

    Endoplasmic reticulum stress and the unfolded protein response in skeletal muscle of subjects suffering from peritoneal sepsis

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    We provide a descriptive characterization of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in skeletal muscle of human patients with peritoneal sepsis and a sepsis model of C57BL/6J mice. Patients undergoing open surgery were included in a cross-sectional study and blood and skeletal muscle samples were taken. Key markers of the UPR and cluster of differentiation 68 (CD68) as surrogate of inflammatory injury were evaluated by real-time PCR and histochemical staining. CD68 mRNA increased with sepsis in skeletal muscle of patients and animals (p < 0.05). Mainly the inositol-requiring enzyme 1α branch of the UPR was upregulated as shown by elevated X-box binding-protein 1 (XBP1u) and its spliced isoform (XBP1s) mRNA (p < 0.05, respectively). Increased expression of Gadd34 indicated activation of PRKR-Like Endoplasmic Reticulum Kinase (PERK) branch of the UPR, and was only observed in mice (p < 0.001) but not human study subjects. Selected cell death signals were upregulated in human and murine muscle, demonstrated by increased bcl-2 associated X protein mRNA and TUNEL staining (p < 0.05). In conclusion we provide a first characterization of the UPR in skeletal muscle in human sepsis

    Workshop: A Creative Introduction to Programming with Scratch

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    Abstract. This workshop introduces a creative way of teaching computer science. Creativity will be regarded as essential for CS and for motivation and interests of students. The relevance of creativity for CS education will be discussed; criteria for creative CS lessons and a creativity teaching framework are presented. Together we will run through an introduction to programming while exploring and being creative with the programming environment. Scratch offers an intuitive way into programming and leaves lots of space for creativity. Participants will leave the workshop with ideas how to design creative lessons and familiarity in the use of Scratch