803 research outputs found

    Near-infrared luminescence of rare earth ions in oxyfluoride lead borate glasses and transparent glass-ceramic materials

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    Oxyfluoride lead borate glasses singly doped with Nd3+ and Er3+ ions have been studied before and after thermal treatment. The orthorhombic PbF2 crystallites are formed during thermal treatment, which was evidenced by X-ray diffraction analysis. Near-infrared luminescence spectra at 1.06 μm and 1.53 μm have been registered for samples before and after annealing, which correspond to the main 4F3/2–4I11/2 and 4I13/2–4I15/2 laser transitions of Nd3+ and Er3+ ions, respectively. Luminescence decays from 4F3/2 state of Nd3+ and 4I13/2 state of Er3+ have been analyzed in detail. Contrary to Nd-doped samples, the luminescence lines obtained for Er-doped transparent oxyfluoride glass-ceramics are more intense and narrowed, whereas the luminescence decays from 4I13/2 state of Er3+ are slightly longer in comparison to precursor glasses

    Physical properties of InF3-based glasses

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    Results of X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorymetry (DSC), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and optical absorption of InF3-based glasses are reported. Different concentrations of rare earth ions have been added to a base glass. XRD results show that no crystalline phases are formed. Characteristic temperatures were determined by DSC and values of glass stability parameters were calculated. Also, the effect of rare earth ions on the thermal stability of InF3-based glasses has been investigated. From the optical absorption measurements and Judd- Ofelt method the intensity parameters have been calculated. In consequence the trends of the intensity parameters are discussed as a function of the number of 4/electrons

    Gapeau: Enhancing the Sense of Distance to Others with a Head-Mounted Sensor

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    Human perception lacks the capabilities to accurately assess distance. The recent Covid-19 pandemic outbreak rendered this ability particularly important. Augmenting our sense of distance can help maintain safe separation from others when required. To explore how systems can help users maintain physical distance, we designed, implemented and evaluated Gapeau - a head-mounted system for augmenting the sense of distance. Our system uses proximity sensors and thermal sensing to detect and measure the distance to other people. We conducted a validation protocol, an experiment, in which we compared different feedback modalities, and an in-the-wild study to evaluate Gapeau\u27s performance and suitability for use in social contexts. We found that our system enabled users to more accurately determine whether they were maintaining a safe distance from others. Vibration and auditory feedback were found most effective and usable. Gapeau was perceived as socially acceptable. Our work contributes insights for augmented sensing systems with social relevance

    Influence of PbX2 (X = F, Cl, Br) content and thermal treatment on structure and optical properties of lead borate glasses doped with rare earth ions

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    Oxyhalide lead borate glasses doped with rare earth ions have been studied before and after thermal treatment. The rare earths as optically active ions were limited to the Er3+ ions. Near-infrared luminescence due to the main 4I13/2–4I15/2 laser transition of Er3+ was registered. The introduction of PbX2 to the borate glass results in a reduction of spectral linewidth and an increase of luminescence lifetime of 4I13/2 state of Er3+ ions. The unusual large spectral linewidth for 4I13/2–4I15/2 transition of Er3+ in the oxide glass host was obtained, whereas the luminescence decay from 4I13/2 state is longer for a sample with PbF2 than PbCl2 and PbBr2. Heat treatment introduces transformation from a glass to transparent glass-ceramic (TGC). The coordination sphere around Er3+ ions is changed, giving important contribution to the luminescence characteristics. The spectroscopic consequence of this transformation is the increase of luminescence lifetime and the narrowing of spectral lines of Er3+

    Optical and EPR spectroscopy of Er3+ in lithium yttrium borate, Li6Y(BO3)3:Er single crystals

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    The energy levels of Er3+ ions have been determined in lithium yttrium borate (Li6Y(BO3)3) single crystals in a wide spectral range between 6000 and 40000 cm-1 together with an analysis of the ground state, using optical and EPR spectroscopy. The crystal field splittings of the 4I15/2 ground state and those of nearly all excited states up to the 4D7/2 manifold have been obtained at low temperature from luminescence (T = 5 K) and absorption (T = 9 K) measurements, respectively. The numbers of experimentally observed Stark sublevels agree well with those expected theoretically for Er3+ ions occupying a single low symmetry (C1) site. A full set of g- and 167Er hyperfine tensor parameters are presented for the ground state characterized by EPR; the measured Orbach-type spin-relaxation rates viz. the involved activation energies correspond to the optically derived lowest excited sublevels

    First-principles study on the energetics and vibrational properties of the S2 - impurity in alkali-halide crystals

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科計算科学金沢大学理学部We have performed first-principles electronic structure calculations for the S2 and S2- molecules in the vacuum and found that the calculated equilibrium bond lengths and vibrational spectroscopic constants are in good agreement with the experiments as well as the previous calculations. Based on this conformation we extended these calculations to the substitutional S2- molecule in the alkali halides, such as NaCl, NaBr, NaI, KCI, KBr, KI, RbCl, RbBr, and RbI. It is found from these calculations that the S2- center aligned to [110] direction is generally favorable over those with the [100] and [111] orientations, in agreement with the experiments. We also found that the vibrational frequencies of the S2- anion in the alkali halides shift to higher energies with decreasing lattice parameters. These results suggest that the change in the bond length of the S2- anion in the matrices depends on the species of halogen atom, while the frequencies are influenced by the species of alkali atom

    Effect of symmetry reduction on the electronic transitions in polytypic GdAl3(BO3)4:Eu:Tb crystals

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    The existence of a recently described monoclinic phase (C2/c, Z=8) in addition to the well-known Huntite type rhombohedral (R32) polytypic modification of the GdAl3(BO3)4 (GAB) crystal at room temperature provides a unique possibility to investigate the incorporation of rare earth dopants into slightly modified crystal lattice by spectroscopic methods. In these characteristic GAB structures the dopant ions, e.g Tb3+ or Eu3+ , possess slightly different neighbor geometries and local symmetries. The Tb3+:7F6 → 5D4 and Eu3+:7F0,1,2 → 5D0,1,2 electronic transitions were successfully identified in the absorption spectra using polarization, concentration and temperature dependent measurements in both polytypic modifications. The positions of the investigated Tb lines are shifted by up to 10 cm−1 due to symmetry changes. In addition, some of the Eu lines show splittings of about 4–30 cm−1 as a consequence of the change of the local environment. From the room temperature absorption measurements some of the low energy crystal field levels of 7F and 5D states of the Eu3+ ions were successfully determined for both modifications

    Limits on neutrino oscillations from ν̄e appearance

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    A 20-ton neutrino detector located near the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility beam stop is used search for ν̄e generated via neutrino oscillations from any of the three neutrino types, νμ, ν̄μ, and νe, which radiate from the beam stop. The analysis of three years of data provides limits on the oscillation modes ν̄μ→ν̄e, νe→ν̄e, and νμ→ν̄e, and the lepton-number-violating decay process μ+→e++ν̄e+νμ. The 90%-confidence-level limits for ν̄μ→ν̄e oscillations are δm2≤0.14 eV2 for maximal mixing, and sin22θ≤0.024 for large δm2. © 1993 The American Physical Society