17 research outputs found

    Fishing tools and implements from the layers of the Roman-period port in Zaton near Nin

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    Antička luka u Zatonu otkrivena je sredinom Å”ezdesetih godina 20. st., a sustavno se istražuje od 2002. godine. U tih 50 godiĀ­na istraživanja su se vrÅ”ila s većim ili manjim prekidima, i svaka kampanja dala je bogatstvo različitog materijala s područja od Hispanije sve do istočnog Sredozemlja. U radu se donosi pregled 78 predmeta koji se direktno ili indirektno mogu povezati s aktivĀ­noŔću ribolova. ArheoloÅ”kim ostatcima ribarskog alata i pribora u literaturi je pridavano malo pažnje s obzirom na to da je riječ o predmetima koji nisu previÅ”e ā€žzanimljiviā€œ jer se javljaju tijekom ciĀ­jele povijesti u gotovo neizmijenjenom obliku i vrlo je često, ako nema arheoloÅ”kog konteksta, teÅ”ko doći do nekih konkretnijih zaključaka, naročito Å”to se tiče datiranja samih predmeta. Od riĀ­barskog alata i pribora iz antičke luke u Zatonu izdvojene su udiĀ­ce, osti, utezi za mreže i igle za krpanje i Å”ivanje mreža.The Roman-period port in Zaton was discovered in the mid-1960s, but systematic excavations have been going on there since 2002. During these 50 years, the excavations have been conducted at intervals. Every campaign yielded ample and varied material from the regions stretching from Hispania to Eastern MediterraĀ­nean. This paper presents 78 objects directly or indirectly associĀ­ated with fishing. Literature has not paid much attention to the archaeological remains of fishing tools and implements; it does not consider them particularly ā€œinterestingā€ because they have not changed much throughout the history and ā€“ unless found in some archaeological context ā€“ they are very often difficult to date. Of the fishing tools and implements found in the Roman-period port in Zaton, we have singled out here hooks, fish spears, fishing net weights and netting needles

    Flat-bottomed amphorae from layers of the ancient port in Zaton near Zadar

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    Antička luka u Zatonu otkrivena je sredinom Å”ezdesetih godina 20. st., a sustavno se istražuje od 2002. god. Å”to nam je omogućilo detaljniji uvid u kronoloÅ”ku problematiku. Vrlo bogati arheoloÅ”ki slojevi ne govore samo o privremenoj postaji, nego ukazuju na to da su se brodovi duže zadržavali i da je luka bila značajnije tranzitno pristaniÅ”te. U luci je pronađena velika količina različitog materijala, uglavnom keramičkih proizvoda, među kojim amfore zauzimaju tek manji dio. U radu se donosi pregled 49 amfora klasificiranih kao tip Forlimpopoli, a za koje se danas najčeŔće koristi naziv amfore ravnog dna. Autori donose opći pregled istraživanja amfora tipa Forlimpopoli i statističku obradu amfora pronađenih u luci. Amfore su s obzirom na oblik oboda, ručki i dna podijeljene na nekoliko tipova.The ancient port in Zaton was discovered in the mid-1960s, and systematically researched since 2002, has provided us with more detailed insight into chronological issues. The very rich archaeological layers do not testify only of the existence of a temporary station, but suggest that the boats stayed for longer periods and that the port was an important transit station. A large amount of various materials has been discovered in the port, mainly ceramic products, of which the amphorae are only a small part. This paper provides an overview of 49 amphorae classified as the ForlƬmpopoli type, and for which the most commonly used name is the flat-bottomed amphora. The authors present a general overview of research into the ForlƬmpopoli type of amphorae and a statistical analysis of the amphorae found in the port. Based on the shape of the rim, the handles and bottom, the amphorae have been classified into several types

    Radiocarbon dating of three sewn boats from the ancient port in Zaton near Nin ā€“ a revision of the existing analyses

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    Metoda određivanja starosti pomoću radioaktivnog izotopa ugljika 14C jedna je od najčeŔće koriÅ”tenih metoda određivanja apsolutne starosti arheoloÅ”kih artefakata bioloÅ”kog podrijetla. Uvidom u bazu Instituta Ruđer BoÅ”ković utvrđeno je da su analizirana ukupno četiri uzorka iz antičkog doba iz Zatona, dva uzorka broda Zaton 1 te po jedan uzorak brodova Zaton 2 i Zaton 3. Datirani su u rasponu od sredine 3. st. pr. Kr. do sredine 2. st. po. Kr. U radu se donosi revizija napravljenih radiokarbonskih analiza triju Å”ivanih brodova iz antičke luke u Zatonu kod Nina i rezultati nakon dendrokronoloÅ”ke kalibracije konvencionalne 14C starosti.The method of determining the age using the radioactive isotope of carbon 14C is one of the most commonly used methods of determining the absolute age of archaeological artefacts of biological origin. An inspection of the Ruđer BoÅ”ković Institute database revealed that a total of four samples from the ancient period from Zaton were analysed, two samples from the boat Zaton 1 and one sample each from the boats Zaton 2 and Zaton 3. They were dated in the range from the middle of the 3rd century BC to the middle of the 2nd century AD. The paper presents a revision of the radiocarbon analyses of three sewn boats from the ancient port in Zaton near Nin, and the results after the dendrochronological calibration of the conventional 14C age

    Radiocarbon dating of three sewn boats from the ancient port in Zaton near Nin ā€“ a revision of the existing analyses

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    Metoda određivanja starosti pomoću radioaktivnog izotopa ugljika 14C jedna je od najčeŔće koriÅ”tenih metoda određivanja apsolutne starosti arheoloÅ”kih artefakata bioloÅ”kog podrijetla. Uvidom u bazu Instituta Ruđer BoÅ”ković utvrđeno je da su analizirana ukupno četiri uzorka iz antičkog doba iz Zatona, dva uzorka broda Zaton 1 te po jedan uzorak brodova Zaton 2 i Zaton 3. Datirani su u rasponu od sredine 3. st. pr. Kr. do sredine 2. st. po. Kr. U radu se donosi revizija napravljenih radiokarbonskih analiza triju Å”ivanih brodova iz antičke luke u Zatonu kod Nina i rezultati nakon dendrokronoloÅ”ke kalibracije konvencionalne 14C starosti.The method of determining the age using the radioactive isotope of carbon 14C is one of the most commonly used methods of determining the absolute age of archaeological artefacts of biological origin. An inspection of the Ruđer BoÅ”ković Institute database revealed that a total of four samples from the ancient period from Zaton were analysed, two samples from the boat Zaton 1 and one sample each from the boats Zaton 2 and Zaton 3. They were dated in the range from the middle of the 3rd century BC to the middle of the 2nd century AD. The paper presents a revision of the radiocarbon analyses of three sewn boats from the ancient port in Zaton near Nin, and the results after the dendrochronological calibration of the conventional 14C age

    Supplementary material for the article: Romanović, M. Č.; Milenković, M. R.; Pevec, A.; Turel, I.; Spasojević, V.; GrubiÅ”ić, S.; Radanović, D.; Anđelković, K.; Čobeljić, B. Crystal Structures, Magnetic Properties and DFT Study of Cobalt(II) Azido Complexes with the Condensation Product of 2 Quinolinecarboxaldehyde and Girardā€™s T Reagent. Polyhedron 2018, 139, 142ā€“147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poly.2017.10.018

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    Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poly.2017.10.018]Search results: [https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/structures/search?id=doi:10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc1pcd7p&sid=DataCite]Search results: [https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/structures/search?id=doi:10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc1pcd6n&sid=DataCite]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2580]Related to accepted version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3193

    Synthesis, characterization, DFT calculations and antimicrobial activity of Cd(II) complexes with the condensation product of 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde and Girard's T reagent

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    The chloro (1) and isocyanato (2) Cd(II) complexes with the condensation product of 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde and trimethylammonium acetohydrazide chloride (Girard's T reagent) (HLCl) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, and NMR spectroscopy. The crystal structure of chloro Cd(II) complex (1) was determined. In 1 and 2, coordination surrounding of Cd(II) consists of deprotonated hydrazone ligand coordinated through NNO-donor atoms and two monodentates at the rest of the coordination places. Quantum chemical calculations of the molecular structures and the relative stabilities of linkage isomers of the Cd(II) complex showed that the isomer with N-Cd-N coordination of OCN- is the most stable. The investigated Cd(II) complexes showed lower activity than standard antimicrobial drugs. [GRAPHICS] .This is peer-reviewed version of the following article: Romanović, M. Č.; Čobeljić, B.; Pevec, A.; Turel, I.; GrubiÅ”ić, S.; Radanović, D.; Anđelković, K.; Milenković, M.; Milenković, M. R. Synthesis, Characterization, DFT Calculations and Antimicrobial Activity of Cd(II) Complexes with the Condensation Product of 2-Quinolinecarboxaldehyde and Girardā€™s T Reagent. J. Coord. Chem. 2017, 70 (21), 3702ā€“3714. [https://doi.org/10.1080/00958972.2017.1405262