272 research outputs found

    Key trends in morbidity and mortality rate due to ovarian cancer in Ukraine

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    Introduction. Ovarian cancer is characterized by the unfavorable progression and is in the first place within the structure of women’s mortality rate due to oncogynecological disorders. The purpose is to conduct the comparative analysis of the morbidity and mortality rate due to ovarian cancer before COVID-19 pandemic and during quarantine measures. Materials and methods. We conducted the analysis based on the statistical data from the National Cancer Register of Ukraine 2015 to 2021 without temporarily occupied territories using the statistical method, that is, analysis of time series. We analyzed the morbidity and mortality rate, distribution by age, structure of detection stages for ovarian cancer by TNM classification, detection rate of patients with ovarian cancer during preventive examinations. Research results and their discussion Long quarantine measures caused by COVID-19 pandemic have led to the broken communication between female patients and doctors within the primary and special medical assistance: limited possibility or full impossibility of getting a consultation by the general practitioner/family doctor due to a large number of COVID-19 patients, limited access to specialized healthcare institutions, personal fear of female patients to catch COVID-19 in healthcare institutions. These conditions have made women postpone their visits to doctors and a share of female patients with oncogynecological disorders detected at the stage ІІІ to IV by TNM classification increase. 2015 to 2019 there was a trend in decrease in the share of patients with ovarian cancer detected during preventive examinations by 19.7 %, which increased during quarantine measures due to COVID-19 pandemic (-27.4 %). 2015 to 2019 there was a stated trend in decrease in the share of detected patients with ovarian cancer at the stage I to II (-1.4 %) and III (-9.3 %) by TNM classification and increase in the share of detected patients with ovarian cancer at the stage IV (+17.2 %). During quarantine measures the share of patients with ovarian cancer at the stage I to II and III by TNM classification continued to decrease (-10.3 % and -0.7 %, respectively) and the share of patients with ovarian cancer at the stage IV increased (+20.4 %). The decrease in the share of detected patients with ovarian cancer during preventive examinations is one of the factors for detecting patients with the extensive-stage disease, which was confirmed both at the national and regional level. Conclusion. Obtained data are evidence of the fact that the morbidity rate due to ovarian cancer insignificantly increased (+3.9 %) 2015 to 2019 and decreased by 8.6 % during COVID-19 pandemic. The morbidity rate increased among women aged from 45, especially at the age 65 to 69. The decrease in the share of detected patients with ovarian cancer during preventive examinations is one of the factors for detecting patients with the extensive-stage disease, which was confirmed both at the national and regional level

    Key trends in morbidity and mortality rate due to ovarian cancer in Ukraine

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    Introduction. Ovarian cancer is characterized by the unfavorable progression and is in the first place within the structure of women’s mortality rate due to oncogynecological disorders. The purpose is to conduct the comparative analysis of the morbidity and mortality rate due to ovarian cancer before COVID-19 pandemic and during quarantine measures. Materials and methods. We conducted the analysis based on the statistical data from the National Cancer Register of Ukraine 2015 to 2021 without temporarily occupied territories using the statistical method, that is, analysis of time series. We analyzed the morbidity and mortality rate, distribution by age, structure of detection stages for ovarian cancer by TNM classification, detection rate of patients with ovarian cancer during preventive examinations. Research results and their discussion Long quarantine measures caused by COVID-19 pandemic have led to the broken communication between female patients and doctors within the primary and special medical assistance: limited possibility or full impossibility of getting a consultation by the general practitioner/family doctor due to a large number of COVID-19 patients, limited access to specialized healthcare institutions, personal fear of female patients to catch COVID-19 in healthcare institutions. These conditions have made women postpone their visits to doctors and a share of female patients with oncogynecological disorders detected at the stage ІІІ to IV by TNM classification increase. 2015 to 2019 there was a trend in decrease in the share of patients with ovarian cancer detected during preventive examinations by 19.7 %, which increased during quarantine measures due to COVID-19 pandemic (-27.4 %). 2015 to 2019 there was a stated trend in decrease in the share of detected patients with ovarian cancer at the stage I to II (-1.4 %) and III (-9.3 %) by TNM classification and increase in the share of detected patients with ovarian cancer at the stage IV (+17.2 %). During quarantine measures the share of patients with ovarian cancer at the stage I to II and III by TNM classification continued to decrease (-10.3 % and -0.7 %, respectively) and the share of patients with ovarian cancer at the stage IV increased (+20.4 %). The decrease in the share of detected patients with ovarian cancer during preventive examinations is one of the factors for detecting patients with the extensive-stage disease, which was confirmed both at the national and regional level. Conclusion. Obtained data are evidence of the fact that the morbidity rate due to ovarian cancer insignificantly increased (+3.9 %) 2015 to 2019 and decreased by 8.6 % during COVID-19 pandemic. The morbidity rate increased among women aged from 45, especially at the age 65 to 69. The decrease in the share of detected patients with ovarian cancer during preventive examinations is one of the factors for detecting patients with the extensive-stage disease, which was confirmed both at the national and regional level


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    The experimental was carried out on three groups of cow of Ukrainian black and white dairy cattle (5 in each), analogues by age, productivity, mass and lactation period. In contrast to control group, the animals of the second experimental group during two months were fed by mineral supplement in the form of iodine aquahydrate, chromium, selenium, cobalt and zinc citrates in an amount 0,06 mg І, 30 mkg Cr, 25 mkg Se, 100 mkg Со and 10 mg Zn/kg dry feed, but the animals in the third experimental group received iodine aquahydrate, chromium and selenium citrates — 0,06 mg І, 30 mkg Cr and 25 mkg Se/kg dry feed. It was established that inclusion of mineral supplement in the diet of cows of the second experimental group contributed to increasing of inorganic phosphorus in blood and decreasing urea. Under such conditions the amount of inorganic phosphorus in milk increased and there was 8,8 % increase of daily average milk yield. Using of mineral supplement during two months contributed to vitamin A and phenolsulfates in blood of animals of the third experimental group and decrease of  cholesterol, urea and also of alkaline phosphatas activity. Mineral supplement led to milk fat increase 0,08 % and to 4.0 % increase of daily average milk yield.  Опыт проведен на 3 группах коров (по 5 голов) украинской черно–пестрой молочной породы, аналогах по возрасту, производительности, массой тела и периодом лактации. В отличие от коров контрольной, животным ІІ опытной группы в течение двух месяцев скармливали минеральную добавку в виде аквагидрата йода и цитратов хрома, селена, кобальта и цинка в количестве 0,06 мг І, 30 мкг Cr, 25 мкг Se, 100 мкг Со и 10 мг Zn/кг с. в. рациона, а ІІІ опытной – в виде аквагидрата йода и цитратов хрома и селена в количестве 0,06 мг І, 30 мкг Cr и 25 мкг Se/кг с. в. рациона.Установлено, что включение в рацион коров ІІ опытной группы минеральной добавки способствовало увеличению в крови содержания неорганического фосфора и уменьшению — мочевины. В этих условиях в молоке коров увеличивалось содержание неорганического фосфора и повышались на 8,8% среднесуточные удои молока. Применение минеральной добавки в течение двух месяцев способствовало увеличению в крови животных ІІІ опытной группы содержания витамина А и фенолсульфатов и снижению — холестерола, мочевины, а также активности щелочной фосфатазы. Минеральная добавка способствовала повышению на 4,0 % среднесуточных удоев молока и увеличению в нем на 0,08 % (абсолютных) содержания жира.Дослід  проведено на 3  групах корів (по 5 голів)  української  чорно–рябої молочної породи, аналогах за віком, продуктивністю, масою тіла та періодом лактації. На відміну від корів контрольної, тваринам ІІ дослідної групи протягом двох місяців згодовували мінеральну добавку у вигляді аквагідрату йоду і цитратів хрому, селену, кобальту та цинку в кількості 0,06 мг І, 30 мкг Cr, 25 мкг Se, 100 мкг Со та 10 мг Zn/кг с. р. раціону, а ІІІ дослідної ―у вигляді  аквагідрату йоду та цитратів хрому і селену  у кількості 0,06 мг І, 30 мкг Cr і 25 мкг Se/кг с. р. раціон Встановлено, що включення до раціону корів ІІ дослідної групи мінеральної добавки сприяло збільшенню у крові вмісту неорганічного фосфору та зменшенню ― сечовини. За цих умов у молоці корів збільшувався вміст неорганічного фосфору та підвищилися на 8,8 % середньодобові надої молока.  Застосування мінеральної добавки протягом двох місяців сприяло збільшенню у крові тварин ІІІ дослідної групи вмісту вітаміну А і фенолсульфатів та зниженню ― холестеролу, сечовини, а також активності лужної фосфатази. Мінеральна добавка сприяла підвищенню на 4,0 % середньодобових надоїв молока і збільшенню в ньому на 0,08 % (абсолютних) вмісту жиру. &nbsp

    Features of distribution and causes of risk-oriented behavior among young people (by the example of psychoactive substances use)

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    Kukovska I. L., Ivanushko Ya. G., Romaniv L. V., Pylyp G. N., Pishak O. V., Logush L. G. Features of distribution and causes of risk-oriented behavior among young people (by the example of psychoactive substances use). Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(3):290-299. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.321709 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4277 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 01.02.2017. Revised 23.02.2017. Accepted: 23.02.2017. ОСОБЕННОСТИ РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЯ И ПРИЧИНЫ РИСК-ОРИЕНТИРОВАНОГО ПОВЕДЕНИЯ В МОЛОДЕЖНОЙ СРЕДЕ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ ПСИХОАКТИВНЫХ ВЕЩЕСТВ) Куковская И.Л., Иванушко Я.Г., Романив Л.В., Пылып Г.Н., Пишак О.В., Логуш Л.Г. Черновицкий национальный университет имени Ю.Федьковича, ул. Коцюбинського 2, г. Черновцы , 58012, Украина Целью представленного исследования было изучение мнения студентов высшего учебного заведения о возможных ситуациях и причинах употребления их сверстниками веществ, которые могут вызывать зависимость, так называемых психоактивных веществ (табакокурение, употребление алкоголя, наркотических средств, энергетических напитков), являются факторами риска и способствуют развитию ряда социально-значимых заболеваний. Исследование не предусматривало изучение распространения вредных привычек среди молодежи, а только анализ их ответов относительно ситуаций и причин указанных явлений. В исследовании приняли участие 137 студентов возрастом от 17 до 21 года. Установлено, что большинство опрошенных не могут определить одну наиболее весомую причину, но указывали несколько таких причин и ситуаций. Показано, что по мнению молодых людей, более свободному употреблению психоактивных веществ в молодежной среде способствует, прежде всего, посещение дискотек, встречи с товарищами, которые проходят на фоне отсутствия интересных занятий и увлечений, а также ситуации, сопровождающиеся недостаточным уровнем контроля со стороны взрослых, в том числе во время каникул. Анализ результатов исследования дает основание сделать предположение о недостаточном уровне навыков выхода из «некомфортных» психологических ситуаций среди молодежи. Результаты опроса показывают ключевое влияние семьи и социального окружения на степень проявления риск-ориентированного поведения молодежи. Принимая во внимание существенный вклад факторов риска в показатели состояние общественного здоровья, анализ процессов формирования и восприятия рисков для здоровья в молодежной среде требует особого внимания. Проведение дальнейших систематических социологических исследований, которые будут обуславливать направление и влиять на качество программ здоровьесбережения представляется актуальным и целесообразным. Ключевые слова: студенты, причины, ситуации, риск-ориентированные привычки FEATURES OF DISTRIBUTION AND CAUSES OF RISK-ORIENTED BEHAVIOR AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE (BY THE EXAMPLE OF PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCES USE) Kukovska I.L., Ivanushko Ya.G., Romaniv L.V., Pylyp G.N., Pishak O.V., Logush L.G. Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,2 Kotsjubynskyi Str., Chernivtsi 58012, Ukraine Summary: The aim of the present study was to investigate the university students’ views of possible situations and the reasons for the use of substances that can be addictive by their peers. So-called psychoactive substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, energy drinks) can act as risk factors and contribute to the development of a number of socially significant diseases. The study did not provide for the study of the spread of harmful habits among young people, but only an analysis of the responses concerning the situation and the reasons for these phenomena. The study involved 137 students aged 17 to 21 years. It was found that the majority of respondents can not identify a single best reason, but pointed out a few of these reasons and situations. It is shown that in the opinion of young people, the freer use of psychoactive substances among young people is primarily promoted by visits to discos, meeting with friends who are on the background of the lack of interesting activities and hobbies, as well as the situation, accompanied by an insufficient level of adult supervision, including the holidays period. Analysis of the study results suggests a lack of skill level output from "uncomfortable" psychological situations among young people. The survey results indicate key influence of family and social environment on the degree of the risk-oriented behavior manifestation of young people. Taking into account the significant contribution of risk factors in the state of public health indicators, analysis of the processes of formation and perception of health risks among young people requires special attention. Conducting further systematic sociological studies, which will condition the direction and influence the quality of health preservation programs seems relevant and appropriate. Keywords: students, the reasons, the situation, the risk-oriented habit

    Dynamical lymphadenectomy as a component of multidisciplinary approach while doing operative interventions for pancreatic cancer

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    Objective. To improve the results of treatment of pancreatic cancer, using modification of volumes of lymphadenectomy and application of multidisciplinary approach. Materials and methods. Into the investigation 16 patients, suffering a moderately differentiated (G2) adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic gland head (II stage of the disease) were included. There were 10 men and 6 women. The average age of the patients have constituted 62.4 yrs old. The patients were divided into two groups – the main and the comparative one, equally - by 8 of every group. In all the patients pancreaticoduodenal resection was done. All the patients in postoperative period have obtained gemcitabine in combination with 5-fluorouracyl. In patients of the main group a dynamical personalized intraoperative lymphadenectomy in accordance to our elaborated scheme, was performed. In patients of the comparison group lymphadenectomy was performed in accordance to the volumes adjusted, and it is called a standard one. Results. Average duration of the operation have constituted (347 ± 48) min, lymphadenectomy – (42 ± 12) min in the main group, and (31 ± 9) in the comparison group. Average volume of the blood loss have constituted (342 ± 272) ml. Average duration of hospitalization have constituted (8.2 ± 4.3) days, general rate of postoperative complications – 24.3% in both groups. After the operation the mortality was absent. Clinically significant lymphorrhea was observed in 3 patients in the main group, and in 5 – from the comparison group. In patients of the main group 9 ± 2 lymph nodes were excised, and in a comparative one – 13 ± 2, there were revealed 7 ± 1 (77.7%) and 9 ± 2 (60%) lymph nodes affected, accordingly. Postoperative diarrhea have occurred in 4 patients: in 3 – from comparative group, and in 1 – from the main group. Duration of the recurrence-free period in the main group have constituted (18 ± 2.3) mo, and in a comparative one – (13 ± 1.5) mo. Two years have survived 12/16 (75%) patients. In the main group one patient died, and in a comparative one - 3. The two-year survival in the main group have constituted 87.5%, and in a comparative one – 62.5%. Conclusion. Dynamical lymphadenectomy as a component of multidisciplinary approach gives possibility to reduce the quantity of the lymph nodes excised, unaffected by the tumor, to enhance the quantity of the excised lymph nodes trustworthily affected by the tumor, to lower the morbidity rate and to prolong the duration of the recurrence free period

    All-Union Seminar on Gases in Metals

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