23 research outputs found

    Pile de protocoles pour des réseaux des capteurs avec récupération d'énergie

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    This thesis concerns energy efficient protocols for harvested wireless sensor networks. It is a part of an industrial Internet of Things project. STMicroelectronics started the GreenNet project with the objective to develop and design a new generation of harvesting smart objects to be integrated in the Internet of Things. The GreenNet platform is novel with respect to the existing solutions due to its small size that implies a small energy buffer and small harvesting capabilities. This aspect makes the standard protocols and precedent solutions not directly applicable on this extremely low power platform. In this dissertation, we analyse standard protocols and existing solutions to identify their issues in the gn platform. Then, we provide protocol and algorithm adaptations to make feasible the concept of auto configurable and sustainable networks of GreenNet nodes. We proposed MCBT, an energy efficient protocol for the bootstrap procedure. It enables low power nodes to be enrolled in mh mc wireless sensor networks thanks to the network support for enrolling new nodes. It represents an energy efficient solution that extends the standard protocol. We proposed STADA, a sustainable algorithm to adapt the node activity according to the available energy and traffic conditions. STADA is based on a weighted function that takes into account the energy present in the battery, the energy harvesting rate, and network traffic. In this way, the algorithm takes into account all main parameters to adapt the energy consumption and improve the node performance. To make the harvested network more efficient according to light variations, we proposed a novel metric that makes the path choice a simple process. With the Expected Delay, we synthesize all network parameters in a single monotonic variable that facilitates the path choice in mh harvesting wireless sensor networks. All proposed solutions are designed to work with standard beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 protocols and are easily portable on the future version of IEEE 802.15.4e. We validated the proposed protocols with emulations and simulations. The evaluation results shown better performance in terms of energy consumption and quality of service.Cette thèse vise à améliorer la pile de protocoles pour réseaux de capteurs sans fil à récupération d'énergie afin de les rendre autonomes dans un contexte multi-saut. Elle s'inscrit dans le projet GreenNet de STMicroelectronics qui a pour objectif de concevoir et développer une nouvelle génération d'objets intelligent basés sur la récupération d'énergie ambiente en vue de l'intégration dans l'Internet des Objets. L'originalité de la plateforme GreenNet repose sur sa petite taille qui implique une faible capacité de stockage d'énergie ainsi qu'une faible capacité de récupération d'énergie. Avec un si faible budget d'énergie, les protocoles standards ou les solutions proposées par les communautés académique/industrielle ne permettant pas d'assurer un fonctionnement autonome de ces réseaux. Dans cette thèse, nous analysons les protocoles standards et les solutions existantes pour identifier leurs limites avec la plateforme GreenNet. Ensuite, nous proposons 3 contributions afin de permettre cette autonomie. La première contribution est MCBT, un protocole permettant d'accélérer la découverte et le rattachement de nouveaux noeuds à un réseau multi saut et multi-canaux en formation ou existent. Ce protocole réduit efficacement l'énergie dépensée dans cette phase fortement consommatrice. La deuxième contribution est STADA, un algorithme adaptant l'activité des capteurs en fonction des conditions locales de trafic et d'énergie disponible. STADA est basé sur une fonction de pondération qui tient compte de l'énergie présente dans la batterie, du taux de récupération d'énergie et du trafic local. Enfin, notre troisième contribution propose une nouvelle métrique de routage basée sur Expected Delay synthétisant en une seule variable monotone des facteurs tels que l'éloignement au puits, les chemins bénéficiant d'un ordonnancement de relayage de paquet privilégié et de périodes cumulées d'activité des radios sur le chemin favorable. Toutes les solutions proposées sont conçues pour fonctionner avec la norme IEEE 802.15.4 slotté et sont facilement transposables à son évolution définie par la norme IEEE 802.15.4e. Nous avons validé les protocoles proposés grâce à un simulateur émulant des noeuds réels (Cooja) et au simulateur WSNet. Les résultats ont montré de meilleures performances en termes de consommation d'énergie et de qualité de service par rapport à l'existant

    Sustainable Traffic Aware Duty-Cycle Adaptation in Harvested Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks

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    International audienceSustainable power management techniques in energy harvesting wireless sensors currently adapt the consumption of sensors to their harvesting rate within the limits of their battery residual energy, but regardless of the traffic profile. To provide a fairer distribution of the energy according to application needs, we propose a new sustainable traffic aware duty-cycle adaptation scheme (STADA) that takes into account the traffic load in addition to previous factors. We evaluate our protocol in the specific context of multi-hop IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled wireless sensor networks powered by solar energy. Simulations show that our solution outperforms traffic-unaware adaptation schemes while minimizing the variance of the quality of service provided to applications

    Topology Construction in RPL Networks over Beacon-Enabled 802.15.4

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    In this paper, we propose a new scheme that allows coupling beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 with the RPL routing protocol while keeping full compliance with both standards. We provide a means for RPL to pass the routing information to Layer 2 before the 802.15.4 topology is created by encapsulating RPL DIO messages in beacon frames. The scheme takes advantage of 802.15.4 command frames to solicit RPL DIO messages. The effect of the command frames is to reset the Trickle timer that governs sending DIO messages. We provide a detailed analysis of the overhead incurred by the proposed scheme to understand topology construction costs. We have evaluated the scheme using Contiki and the instruction-level Cooja simulator and compared our results against the most common scheme used for dissemination of the upper-layer information in beacon-enabled PANs. The results show energy savings during the topology construction phase and in the steady state

    A Retrospective Analysis of Familicide in Latium (Italy): A Criminological Profile of the Victims and Offenders Involved in 29 Cases and a Comparison with the Literature

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    familicide, an extreme form of domestic violence where one family member kills another, is a complex criminological issue. we analyzed autopsy files from the institute of legal medicine, university of rome tor vergata (1995-2022), to understand familicide better. the study focused on victim profiles, offender characteristics, and case dynamics. from 29 analyzed cases, 31 victims emerged, with 2 instances of double homicide. The perpetrators were mostly male (79.31%) and the victims were primarily female (54.84%). the familial ties ranged from parent-child to siblings and spouses. a significant number of crimes happened at private residences (70.97%) using bladed weapons (48.39%), with the injuries being concentrated on the head and chest. Half of the cases showed struggle signs, and 24.14% of the perpetrators had identifiable psychiatric disorders, which often served as the motive. post-crime actions included self-reporting, suicide attempts, and successful suicides. A comparison with literature confirmed the typical familicide offender as a middle-aged male with potential social stressors and a history of domestic violence, with the victims often being female family members. mental health conditions including depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia significantly impacted these events. these findings underline the need for customized approaches to comprehending and preventing familicide

    Extracellular Vesicles and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Activation: Interplay of Drivers in Cancer Progression

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are of great interest to study the cellular mechanisms of cancer development and to diagnose and monitor cancer progression. EVs are a highly heterogeneous population of cell derived particles, which include microvesicles (MVs) and exosomes (EXOs). EVs deliver intercellular messages transferring proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and metabolites with implications for tumour progression, invasiveness, and metastasis. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is a major driver of cancer. Tumour cells with activated EGFR could produce EVs disseminating EGFR itself or its ligands. This review provides an overview of EVs (mainly EXOs and MVs) and their cargo, with a subsequent focus on their production and effects related to EGFR activation. In particular, in vitro studies performed in EGFR-dependent solid tumours and/or cell cultures will be explored, thus shedding light on the interplay between EGFR and EVs production in promoting cancer progression, metastases, and resistance to therapies. Finally, an overview of liquid biopsy approaches involving EGFR and EVs in the blood/plasma of EGFR-dependent tumour patients will also be discussed to evaluate their possible application as candidate biomarkers

    Aberrant MET activation impairs perinuclear actin cap organization with YAP1 cytosolic relocation

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    : Little is known about the signaling network responsible for the organization of the perinuclear actin cap, a recently identified structure holding unique roles in the regulation of nuclear shape and cell directionality. In cancer cells expressing a constitutively active MET, we show a rearrangement of the actin cap filaments, which crash into perinuclear patches associated with spherical nuclei, meandering cell motility and inactivation of the mechano-transducer YAP1. MET ablation is sufficient to reactivate YAP1 and restore the cap, leading to enhanced directionality and flattened nuclei. Consistently, the introduction of a hyperactive MET in normal epithelial cells, enhances nuclear height and alters the cap organization, as also confirmed by TEM analysis. Finally, the constitutively active YAP1 mutant YAP5SA is able to overcome the effects of oncogenic MET. Overall, our work describes a signaling axis empowering MET-mediated YAP1 dampening and actin cap misalignment, with implications for nuclear shape and cell motility

    Energy Efficient Protocols for Harvested Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Cette thèse vise à améliorer la pile de protocoles pour réseaux de capteurs sans fil à récupération d'énergie afin de les rendre autonomes dans un contexte multi-saut. Elle s'inscrit dans le projet GreenNet de STMicroelectronics qui a pour objectif de concevoir et développer une nouvelle génération d'objets intelligent basés sur la récupération d'énergie ambiente en vue de l'intégration dans l'Internet des Objets. L'originalité de la plateforme GreenNet repose sur sa petite taille qui implique une faible capacité de stockage d'énergie ainsi qu'une faible capacité de récupération d'énergie. Avec un si faible budget d'énergie, les protocoles standards ou les solutions proposées par les communautés académique/industrielle ne permettant pas d'assurer un fonctionnement autonome de ces réseaux. Dans cette thèse, nous analysons les protocoles standards et les solutions existantes pour identifier leurs limites avec la plateforme GreenNet. Ensuite, nous proposons 3 contributions afin de permettre cette autonomie. La première contribution est MCBT, un protocole permettant d'accélérer la découverte et le rattachement de nouveaux noeuds à un réseau multi saut et multi-canaux en formation ou existent. Ce protocole réduit efficacement l'énergie dépensée dans cette phase fortement consommatrice. La deuxième contribution est STADA, un algorithme adaptant l'activité des capteurs en fonction des conditions locales de trafic et d'énergie disponible. STADA est basé sur une fonction de pondération qui tient compte de l'énergie présente dans la batterie, du taux de récupération d'énergie et du trafic local. Enfin, notre troisième contribution propose une nouvelle métrique de routage basée sur Expected Delay synthétisant en une seule variable monotone des facteurs tels que l'éloignement au puits, les chemins bénéficiant d'un ordonnancement de relayage de paquet privilégié et de périodes cumulées d'activité des radios sur le chemin favorable. Toutes les solutions proposées sont conçues pour fonctionner avec la norme IEEE 802.15.4 slotté et sont facilement transposables à son évolution définie par la norme IEEE 802.15.4e. Nous avons validé les protocoles proposés grâce à un simulateur émulant des noeuds réels (Cooja) et au simulateur WSNet. Les résultats ont montré de meilleures performances en termes de consommation d'énergie et de qualité de service par rapport à l'existant.This thesis concerns energy efficient protocols for harvested wireless sensor networks. It is a part of an industrial Internet of Things project. STMicroelectronics started the GreenNet project with the objective to develop and design a new generation of harvesting smart objects to be integrated in the Internet of Things. The GreenNet platform is novel with respect to the existing solutions due to its small size that implies a small energy buffer and small harvesting capabilities. This aspect makes the standard protocols and precedent solutions not directly applicable on this extremely low power platform. In this dissertation, we analyse standard protocols and existing solutions to identify their issues in the gn platform. Then, we provide protocol and algorithm adaptations to make feasible the concept of auto configurable and sustainable networks of GreenNet nodes. We proposed MCBT, an energy efficient protocol for the bootstrap procedure. It enables low power nodes to be enrolled in mh mc wireless sensor networks thanks to the network support for enrolling new nodes. It represents an energy efficient solution that extends the standard protocol. We proposed STADA, a sustainable algorithm to adapt the node activity according to the available energy and traffic conditions. STADA is based on a weighted function that takes into account the energy present in the battery, the energy harvesting rate, and network traffic. In this way, the algorithm takes into account all main parameters to adapt the energy consumption and improve the node performance. To make the harvested network more efficient according to light variations, we proposed a novel metric that makes the path choice a simple process. With the Expected Delay, we synthesize all network parameters in a single monotonic variable that facilitates the path choice in mh harvesting wireless sensor networks. All proposed solutions are designed to work with standard beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 protocols and are easily portable on the future version of IEEE 802.15.4e. We validated the proposed protocols with emulations and simulations. The evaluation results shown better performance in terms of energy consumption and quality of service

    Progetto e valutazione delle prestazioni di un protocollo per la gestione della mobilita globale nell' Internet of Things

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    La tesi riguarda la progettazione e la valutazione delle prestazioni per il supporto della mobilitĂ  globale per dispositivi con capacitĂ  limitate

    The multi-channel Dyson equation: coupling many-body Green's functions

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    International audienceWe present the multi-channel Dyson equation that combines two or more many-body Green's functions to describe the electronic structure of materials. In this work we use it to model photoemission spectra by coupling the one-body Green's function with the three-body Green's function. We demonstrate that, unlike methods using only the one-body Green's function, our approach puts the description of quasiparticles and satellites on an equal footing. We propose a multi-channel self-energy that is static and only contains the bare Coulomb interaction, making frequency convolutions and self-consistency unnecessary. Despite its simplicity, we demonstrate with a diagrammatic analysis that the physics it describes is extremely rich. Finally, we present a framework based on an effective Hamiltonian that can be solved for any many-body system using standard numerical tools. We illustrate our approach by applying it to the Hubbard dimer and show that it is exact both at 1/4 and 1/2 filling