606 research outputs found

    Atlanta region food access: A study of food access as it relates to population growth

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    Atlanta region food access: A study of food access as it relates to population growth Derek Romanek (Uli Ingram), Department of Geography and Anthropology, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, 30144 The Atlanta region is one of the fastest growing regions in the United States of America. With a growing population there is an increase in the demand for resources including food. Food security is a global issue and does not only effect developing nations. To improve sustainability the United Nations came up with 17 Sustainable Development goals. To better understand what we can do to improve sustainability and meet the U.N. goals there is a need to study our local economy. This study aims to focus on census tracts with a high percentage of households identified as being low-income and has low access to food stores with an emphasis on the region’s counties that are expecting the greatest percentage growth in the population. Open-sourced geospatial dataset feature layers were acquired from the United States Drug Administration and from the Atlanta Regional Commission. ESRI’s ArcGIS programs were used to create a quantitative choropleth map of the percentage population growth from 2015 to 2050 and a qualitative map of food insecurity in the region. The intended purpose of the mapped data is to illustrate where in the region can expect the greatest percentage increases in population juxtaposed to the regions census tracts dealing with current food insecurity issues. The greatest concentration of food insecurity was expected to be in Atlanta, but it is anticipated that there will be greater growth in the surrounding region. The expected result of this study is to anticipate areas that can expect to see a high percentage increases in the population with food insecurity. When we identify areas in need of food security assistance, we can make more efforts to the improve the well-being of the people in that community

    Using ArcGIS Pro for a U.S. Embassy site suitability study: Douala, Cameroon

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    Using ArcGIS Pro for a U.S. Embassy site suitability study: Douala, Cameroon Derek Romanek (Uli Ingram), Department of Geography and Anthropology, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, 30144 The Bureau of Overseas Building Operations wants to know the ideal location for a U.S. Embassy in the Douala, Cameroon. The suitability for the U.S. Embassy location will be determined from feature layer data acquired from ArcGIS Online. The ideal location will be accessed through vacant parcels and industrial sites, points of interest, vulnerabilities to natural hazards, social and economic issues, and a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Through ArcGIS Pro, I have built a geodatabase from the feature layers acquired through ArcGIS Online. By running the various data through the spatial analysis and network analysis tools, I will be capable to determine the ideal location for a U.S. Embassy. The different data sets and analysis tools will generate several outcomes that have been illustrated in maps. The analysis will help determine the proximity to different vulnerabilities, distance from points of interest, optimized routes, and Model Builder is utilized to illustrate the results. The expected result is a location that is far from gun ranges and known violent areas, near four- and five-star hotels, near grocery stores, a large enough space for a large building, appropriate building zoning, near a hospital, near public transport, and several other factors. In conclusion, the best location for a U.S. Embassy in Douala, Cameroon away from flooding zones and in a vacant parcel that is within drive or walk times with economic and social area

    Past, Present and Future: Photographic Presence in New Mexico

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    This thesis investigates the relationship between historical ethnographic photographs of Native Americans, their disposition in archives and collections, and the relationship of those images to their contemporary circulation and use by Native American artists, and others, particularly in New Mexico. Having undertaken original research into mid-19th century photographs in archives internationally, pertaining to Native America in the American Southwest, new histories and a reframing of the photographs in question has been assembled. This portion of the research was undertaken both as a starting point for further investigation, and as a return to the people of New Mexico, particularly the Indigenous inhabitants of that place. In light of the newly assembled history and reframing of various historical photographs within the photography complex/network, and in acknowledging the limitations of 20th century photographic theories, a variety of anthropological and visual culture theoretical frameworks, which value notions of ‘presence’ and ‘significance’ are given weight over previous ideas of ‘meaning’, ‘epistemology’ and ‘provenance’. This thesis explores the role of memory, notions of essentialism, and practices of racism, as they are strategically and aesthetically employed through the medium of the photographic image. The contemporary re-presentation of 19th century photographs by Indigenous artists is also examined, with an eye towards observing the manner in which, by reclaiming the past, Native Americans may go forward into the future in unimaginable and sovereign ways. The research centres on addressing the question: what is the role of the photographic image in the ongoing discourse about Native American identity

    Marshall University Music Department Presents a Senior Recital, James T. Romanek, Saxophone, Debora Sue Bailes, Clarinet

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    Diaspora Identities: Jewish Bakeries and Baked Goods in London and Berlin

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    This essay investigates how material culture acts as an agent of cultural construction when social and cultural practices are geographically displaced. It does this by taking a comparative look at current Jewish Diaspora communities in London and Berlin, and by analyzing the production, consumption and broader meaning of three Jewish baked goods – matzos, challah and bagels - in the context of Diaspora communities in these two cities.The comparison between London and Berlin also allows a consideration of the construction of ‘locality’/‘setting’, particularly in the transient sense of a fluid concept of sense-of-place as constructed against a backdrop of material culture; additionally, the level of religious observance; the contrast of notions of ‘fixed’ and ‘fluid’, and ‘traditional’ and ‘cosmopolitan’; and the agency of the baked goods themselves is observed and analyzed

    Czynniki ryzyka występowania adenomiozy u pacjentek z mięśniakami trzonu macicy

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    Summary Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential risk factors for adenomyosis in patients with symptomatic uterine leiomyomas. Material and methods: The medical charts and histopathology reports of 1499 women who underwent hysterectomy between 2003-2007 were retrospectively reviewed. The study group was composed of 135 patients with coexisting uterine leiomyoma and adenomyosis. The control group comprised 176 patients with uterine leiomyoma without adenomyosis. Results: Among 233 patients with adenomyosis 135 (57.9%) had associated uterine fibroids. Women who delivered twice or more were at increased risk for adenomyosis in relation to nulliparuos women: RR (95% CI) 2.44 (1.04-5.72), p=0.040. No relationship was found between adenomyosis and cesarean section rate, abortions, menorrhagia or dysmenorrhea. Conclusion: Results of our study indicate that multiparity is a risk factor for adenomyosis in women with symptomatic leiomyomas.Streszczenie Cel pracy: Celem badania była ocena potencjalnych czynników ryzyka występowania adenomiozy u pacjentek operowanych z powodu mięśniaków macicy. Materiał i metody: Retrospektywnej analizie poddano historie chorób oraz wyniki pooperacyjnych badań histopatologicznych 1499 pacjentek, u których wykonano histerektomię w latach 2003-2007. Badana grupa obejmowała 135 pacjentki, u których zdiagnozowano mięśniaki macicy oraz adenomiozę. Do grupy kontrolnej zakwalifikowywano pacjentki z rozpoznaną mięśniakowatością macicy, bez adenomiozy. Wyniki: Wśród 233 pacjentek ze zdiagnozowaną adenomiozą, u 135 (57,9%) zdiagnozowano mięśniaki macicy. Kobiety rodzące dwa bądź więcej razy były w grupie zwiększonego ryzyka występowania adenomiozy w porównaniu z nieródkami: RR (95% CI) 2.44 (1,04-5,72), p=0,040. Nie wykazano zależności pomiędzy występowaniem adenomiozy i ilością cięć cesarskich, poronieniami, nieprawidłowymi krwawieniami i bolesnym miesiączkowaniem. Wnioski: Wyniki naszego badania wskazują, że wielorództwo u kobiet z mięśniakami macicy jest czynnikiem ryzyka występowania adenomiozy

    Zabiegi laparoskopowe z użyciem materiałów syntetycznych w leczeniu zaburzeń statyki narządu rodnego – przegląd literatury

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    Objectives: The main aim of the article was to describe laparoscopic mesh procedures for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse, as well as evaluate their role, outcomes and limitations. Material and methods: In February 2014, online search of English-language literature in PubMed was performed. This paper presents the analysis of reports published over the last decade that included at least 50 patients with a minimum of 12 months of follow-up. Results: Numerous laparoscopic techniques to restore proper anatomy in patients with pelvic organ prolapse have been described. Laparoscopy provides a number of important advantages, including enhanced visualization of the pelvic anatomy, reduction of adhesion formation, lower morbidity and blood loss, decreased postoperative pain, smaller incision and quicker recovery. Nonetheless, this access is technically more difficult than an open or vaginal surgery due to two-dimensional vision and decreased degrees of freedom. It requires high level of laparoscopic suturing skills and longer operative time, especially at the beginning of the learning curve. Conclusions: Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy, hysteropexy and lateral suspension are interesting and effective options for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse, providing a number of important advantages characteristic for endoscopic techniques.Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest opis zabiegów laparoskopowych z użyciem materiałów syntetycznych w leczeniu zaburzeń statyki narządu rodnego, ocena ich skuteczności i ograniczeń w stosowaniu. Materiał i metody: W lutym 2014 roku dokonano przeglądu literatury anglojęzycznej dostępnej w bazie PubMed. W poniższej publikacji poddano analizie wyniki badań opublikowanych w ciągu ostatnich 10 lat, przeprowadzonych na grupie co najmniej 50 pacjentek, u których efekt zabiegu został oceniony po minimum 12 miesiącach od operacji. Wyniki: W leczeniu zaburzeń statyki narządu rodnego zostało opisanych wiele technik laparoskopowych. Laparoskopia daje możliwość lepszej wizualizacji struktur anatomicznych, redukuje ilość zrostów oraz dolegliwości bólowych po operacji, zmniejsza utratę krwi i przyczynia się do szybszego powrotu do zdrowia. Ten typ operacji jest jednak trudniejszy od zabiegów pochwowych lub wykonywanych z klasycznego dostępu ze względu na dwuwymiarowe widzenie i ograniczoną swobodę ruchów, jak również wymaga umiejętności laparoskopowego szycia i dłuższego czasu operacji zwłaszcza na początku nauki. Wnioski: Laparoskopowa sakrokolpopeksja, histeropeksja i boczne podwieszenie macicy są interesującymi i skutecznymi metodami leczenia zaburzeń statyki narządu rodnego dającymi przy tym korzyści typowe dla zabiegów endoskopowych