282 research outputs found

    On non-overdetermined inverse scattering at zero energy in three dimensions

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    We develop the d-bar -approach to inverse scattering at zero energy in dimensions d>=3 of [Beals, Coifman 1985], [Henkin, Novikov 1987] and [Novikov 2002]. As a result we give, in particular, uniqueness theorem, precise reconstruction procedure, stability estimate and approximate reconstruction for the problem of finding a sufficiently small potential v in the Schrodinger equation from a fixed non-overdetermined ("backscattering type") restriction h on Γ\Gamma of the Faddeev generalized scattering amplitude h in the complex domain at zero energy in dimension d=3. For sufficiently small potentials v we formulate also a characterization theorem for the aforementioned restriction h on Γ\Gamma and a new characterization theorem for the full Faddeev function h in the complex domain at zero energy in dimension d=3. We show that the results of the present work have direct applications to the electrical impedance tomography via a reduction given first in [Novikov, 1987, 1988]

    Formulas for phase recovering from phaseless scattering data at fixed frequency

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    We consider quantum and acoustic wave propagation at fixed frequency for compactly supported scatterers in dimension d≥2d\ge 2. In these framework we give explicit formulas for phase recovering from appropriate phaseless scattering data. As a corollary, we give global uniqueness results for quantum and acoustic inverse scattering at fixed frequency without phase information

    An effectivization of the global reconstruction in the Gel'fand-Calderon inverse problem in three dimensions

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    By developing the d-bar approach to global "inverse scattering" at zero energy we give a principal effectivization of the global reconstruction method for the Gel'fand-Calderon inverse boundary value problem in three dimensions. This work goes back to results published by the author in 1987, 1988 and proceeds from recent progress in the d-bar approach to inverse scattering in 3D published by the author in 2005, 2006

    Phaseless inverse scattering in the one-dimensional case

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    We consider the one-dimensional Schr\"odinger equation with a potential satisfying the standard assumptions of the inverse scattering theory and supported on the half-line x≥0x\ge 0. For this equation at fixed positive energy we give explicit formulas for finding the full complex valued reflection coefficient to the left from appropriate phaseless scattering data measured on the left, i.e. for x<0x<0. Using these formulas and known inverse scattering results we obtain global uniqueness and reconstruction results for phaseless inverse scattering in dimension d=1d=1

    Large time asymptotics for the Grinevich-Zakharov potentials

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    In this article we show that the large time asymptotics for the Grinevich-Zakharov rational solutions of the Novikov-Veselov equation at positive energy (an analog of KdV in 2+1 dimensions) is given by a finite sum of localized travel waves (solitons)

    Faddeev eigenfunctions for point potentials in two dimensions

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    We present explicit formulas for the Faddeev eigenfunctions and related generalized scattering data for point (delta-type) potentials in two dimensions. In particular, we obtain the first explicit examples of such eigenfunctions with contour singularity in spectral parameter at a fixed real energy

    On the reconstruction of conductivity of bordered two-dimensional surface in R^3 from electrical currents measurements on its boundary

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    An electrical potential U on bordered surface X (in Euclidien three-dimensional space) with isotropic conductivity function sigma>0 satisfies equation d(sigma d^cU)=0, where d^c is real operator associated with complex (conforme) structure on X induced by Euclidien metric of three-dimensional space. This paper gives exact reconstruction of conductivity function sigma on X from Dirichlet-to-Neumann mapping (for aforementioned conductivity equation) on the boundary of X. This paper extends to the case of the Riemann surfaces the reconstruction schemes of R.Novikov (1988) and of A.Bukhgeim (2008) given for the case of domains in two-dimensional Euclidien space. The paper extends and corrects the statements of Henkin-Michel (2008), where the inverse boundary value problem on the Riemann surfaces was firstly considered

    An analog of Chang inversion formula for weighted Radon transforms in multidimensions

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    In this work we study weighted Radon transforms in multidimensions. We introduce an analog of Chang approximate inversion formula for such transforms and describe all weights for which this formula is exact. In addition, we indicate possible tomographic applications of inversion methods for weighted Radon transforms in 3D
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