1,141 research outputs found

    Phenomenology of an extended IDM with loop-generated fermion mass hierarchies

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    We perform a comprehensive analysis of the most distinctive and important phenomenological implications of the recently proposed mechanism of sequential loop generation of strong hierarchies in the Standard Model (SM) fermion mass spectra. This mechanism is consistently realized at the level of renormalizable interactions in an extended variant of the Inert Higgs Doublet model, possessing the additional Z2(1)×Z2(2)Z_{2}^{(1)}\times Z_{2}^{(2)} discrete and U1XU_{1X} gauge family symmetries, while the matter sectors of the SM are extended by means of SU2LSU_{2L}-singlet scalars, heavy vector-like leptons and quarks, as well as right-handed neutrinos. We thoroughly analyze the most stringent constraints on the model parameter space, coming from the ZZ^{\prime } collider searches, related to the anomaly in lepton universality, and the muon anomalous magnetic moment, as well as provide benchmark points for further tests of the model and discuss possible "standard candle" signatures relevant for future explorations.Comment: Version accepted for publication in EPJC. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1901.0276

    Defectos de la terminología en la ley y la técnica

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    The article deals with the formation of parallel different concepts that complicate the understanding of terms and categories used in the process of enforcement. Violation of the requirements to the concept formulation or to the selection of terms for their designation relates to the conceptual and logical and linguistic defects respectively.El artículo aborda la formación de diferentes conceptos paralelos que complican la comprensión de los términos y categorías utilizados en el proceso de aplicación. La violación de los requisitos para la formulación del concepto o la selección de términos para su designación se relacionan con los defectos conceptuales y lógicos y lingüísticos, respectivamente


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    Experimental methods for determining a performance index of explosives are analysed: the methods of a ballistic pendulum, ballistic mortar, a lead block, and according to the volume of soil explosion funnel. It is defined that the determination of a performance index of emulsion explosives (EE) involves a set of significant features connected with a large critical diameter requiring the experiments with large-mass charges and resulting in refusal from the traditional methods of determining a performance index. Analytical methods for calculating an index of relative performance of explosives are analysed. Determination of the performance indices of explosives with the help of analytical methods helps identify considerable differences in the calculation results; in case of emulsion explosives the results are erroneously low at all. It is since analytical methods do not consider the brisant action of emulsion explosives. This paper represents the developed methodology of determining a performance index of explosives according to the degree of detonation velocity. The proposed methodology considers the key energy and detonation characteristics of explosives: heat and volume of the explosion products, density (thickness), and detonation velocity. The use of analytical methodology for calculating a performance index for all explosive types makes it possible to get correct results that are necessary for designing the parameters of drilling and blasting operations.U radu su analizirane eksperimentalne metode kojima se određuje indeks učinkovitosti eksploziva: metoda balističkoga klatna, metoda balističkoga mužara, Trauzlova proba i metoda određivanja volumena kratera od miniranja u tlu. Utvrđeno je kako određivanje indeksa učinkovitosti emulzijskih eksploziva (EE) uključuje skupinu važnih značajki povezanih s velikim kritičnim promjerom, a to zahtijeva ispitivanja s nabojima velike mase i odustajanje od tradicionalnih metoda određivanja indeksa učinkovitosti. Također, analizirane su analitičke metode za izračunavanje indeksa relativnoga učinka eksploziva. Određivanje indeksa učinkovitosti eksploziva uz pomoć analitičkih metoda pomaže identificirati znatne razlike u rezultatima, a rezultati su u slučaju emulzijskih eksploziva općenito preniski. Do toga dolazi zato što analitičke metode ne uzimaju u obzir brizantno djelovanje emulzijskih eksploziva. U radu je prikazana razvijena metodologija određivanja indeksa učinkovitosti eksploziva prema stupnju brzine detonacije. Predložena metodologija razmatra ključne parametre energije i detonacijskih svojstava eksploziva: toplinu i volumen produkata eksplozije, gustoću (promjer) i brzinu detonacije. Korištenje analitičke metodologije izračuna indeksa učinkovitosti kod svih vrsta eksploziva omogućuje dobivanje točnih rezultata potrebnih za određivanje parametara bušenja i miniranja

    Forensic prevention of crimes in criminal investigation techniques

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    The purpose of the article is to determine the place and role of forensic prevention in the structure of methods of investigation of certain types of crimes. The subject of research is the concept and features of forensic prevention. The research methodology includes general scientific and special methods of legal science: historical and legal method; structural and functional method; system and structural method, logical and semantic analysis method, formal and legal analysis method. Research results. The issues related to the characteristics of forensic crime prevention are considered. Different points of view on the role, significance and structure of forensic crime prevention are summarized and the conclusion that this legal institution is an integral part of forensic science is made. Practical implementation. The main methods and means of forensic prevention of criminal offenses are determined. Value / originality. It is concluded that the prevention of crimes should be aimed at neutralizing and eliminating the causes that contribute to their commission, and the pre-trial investigation authorities should play the key role in this process

    Sequentially loop-generated quark and lepton mass hierarchies in an extended Inert Higgs Doublet model

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    Extended scalar and fermion sectors offer new opportunities for generating the observed strong hierarchies in the fermion mass and mixing patterns of the Standard Model (SM). In this work, we elaborate on the prospects of a particular extension of the Inert Higgs doublet model where the SM hierarchies are generated sequentially by radiative virtual corrections in a fully renormalisable way, i.e. without adding any non-renormalisable Yukawa terms or soft-breaking operators to the scalar potential. Our model has a potential to explain the recently observed RKR_{K} and RKR_{K^{\ast }} anomalies, thanks to the non universal U1XU_{1X} assignments of the fermionic fields that yield non universal ZZ^{\prime} couplings to fermions. We explicitly demonstrate the power of this model for generating the realistic quark, lepton and neutrino mass spectra. In particular, we show that due to the presence of both continuous and discrete family symmetries in the considered framework, the top quark acquires a tree-level mass, lighter quarks and leptons get their masses at one- and two-loop order, while neutrino masses are generated at three-loop level. The minimal field content, particle spectra and scalar potential of this model are discussed in detail.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Published versio

    Фінансування передвиборної агітації на виборах президента США і України

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    Коваленко Р. О. Фінансування передвиборної агітації на виборах президента США і України / Р. О. Коваленко // Правові та інституційні механізми забезпечення розвитку держави та права в умовах євроінтеграції : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (20 травня 2016 р., м. Одеса) : у 2 т. Т. 1 / відп. ред. М. В. Афанасьєва. - Одеса : Юридична література, 2016. - С. 292-294