6 research outputs found


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    Financial resources and organizational culture as determinants for competitive strategy of enterprises

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    Purpose: The aim of this article is to study the scientific approaches for the formation of a competitive strategy of an enterprise through financial resources and organizational culture. Design/Methodology/Approach: We have approached the research using the method of comparison, the method of abstraction, the induction method, the method of systematization, and the method of grouping. The empirical research is based on regression analysis. Findings: Scientific approaches to the essence of “competitive strategy” are arranged in three directions: the action plan, the production of competitive products, and the management solutions. Formation of a competitive strategy is based on the factors of the internal environment and they have been built on the provision of financial autonomy and the skill of building organizational culture. Practical Implications: An important indicator of the effectiveness of financial resources is the assessment of the company’s competitive potential. We propose the most promising methods for assessing the competitive environment at the tactical and strategic levels. Originality/Value: The advantages of building an effective organizational culture as part of the enterprise’s development strategy are represented by a set of factors, which can be adopted by an enterprise to improve effectiveness.peer-reviewe


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    The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and applied principles of the economic and legal analysis of socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine. The results of the conducted research allow us to assert that socio-economic factors have a significant destabilizing effect on the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine and provoke the intensification of the processes of the emergence of threats. The article analyzes the main approaches to determining the socio-economic factors of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine, systematizes their list and singles out the most important ones. On the basis of a detailed study, an economic and legal analysis of socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing and their legislative regulation was carried out. It was established that among the most significant socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine are: (1) the growth of the shadow economy; (2) the deepening of corruption; (3) growth of the state budget deficit; (4) an increase in the number of crimes related to the legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained funds. The weakness of the current domestic legislation in terms of establishing responsibility for crimes containing signs of money laundering and terrorism financing was revealed, which requires its improvement in the direction of strengthening such responsibility. A list of measures of economic and legal regulation of socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine is proposed, most of which are in the area of harmonizing the current legislation of Ukraine with international and European norms, improving the supervisory activities of state regulators and the methodological tools of financial monitoring


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    The importance of the rule of law for the functioning of a democratic state makes this research topic relevant. The study aims to examine the principle of impartiality as one of the key principles of legal procedures, define its place in the provisions of international treaties, international legal acts, and the legislation of Ukraine, and study its interpretation in practice of the European Court of Human Rights. The main research method we used in the article was the formal-legal method, which allowed us to ana-lyze the legal framework of international law, court practice, and the legislation of Ukraine. This, in turn, helped us to examine the level of legal regulation on the principle of impartiality and find out cer-tain gaps. The article explores the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and, on its basis, substantiates as the conclusion the importance of the principle of impartiality in judicial activity. More-over, having analyzed the legislation of Ukraine, we revealed the need to refine the consolidation of the principle of impartiality and its detailed interpretation in regulatory legal acts, in particular, the Law of Ukraine On the Judiciary and Status of Judges. The practical significance of the article is to prepare the basis for amendments to the legislation of Ukraine


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    The importance of respect for human rights in a democratic society and, especially, by the state makes this research topic relevant. However, the current situation in Ukraine is evidence that such rights are often broken, and although law enforcement officials should protect these rights, they are those who break them. The study aims to explore the role of law enforcement activities in ensuring and protecting human rights in Ukraine, examine existing problems at the legislative and practical level, and find ways to improve the current situation. The article studies the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. On its basis, it substantiates there are significant problems in the Ukrainian reality regarding the respect for human rights by law enforcement officials. Based on this, we have suggested effective meth-ods to eliminate these breaches, such as establishing additional control over the activities of law en-forcement officials and reforming their education system. As the changes and reforms should start with a terminological definition, we have emphasized the need to amend the current legislation of Ukraine that will eliminate contradictions and inaccuracies in the interpretation of the notion of law enforce-ment officials. The practical significance of the article is to prepare the basis for amendments to the leg-islation of Ukraine and the training system of law enforcement officials. In addition, the practical signif-icance of the work is to justify the need for an online platform for society to control the activities of law enforcement officials in terms of their respect for human rights and freedoms