3,232 research outputs found

    Non-Arrhenius conduction due to the interface-trap-induced disorder in X-doped amorphous InXZnO thin-film transistors

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    Thin film transistors, with channels composed of In-X-Zn oxides, IXZO, with X dopants: Ga, Sb, Be, Mg, Ag, Ca, Al, Ni, and Cu, were fabricated and their I-V characteristics were taken at selected temperatures in the 77K<T<300K range. The low field mobility, mu, and the interface defect density, Nst were extracted from the characteristics for each of the studied IXZOs. At higher T the mobility follows the Arrhenius law with an upward distortion, increasing as T was lowered, gradually transforming into the exp [-(T0/T)1/4] variation. We showed that mu(T, Nst) follows mu0exp[-Eaeff(T,Nst)/kT], with T-dependent effective activation energy Eaeff(T, Nst) accounts for the data, revealing a linear correlation between Eaeff and Nst at higher T. Temperature variation of Eaeff(T, Nst) was evaluated using a model assuming a random distribution of conduction mobility edge Ec values in the oxides, stemming from spatial fluctuations induced by disorder in the interface traps distribution. For a Gaussian distribution of Ec, the activation energy Eaeff(T, Nst) varies linearly with 1/T, which accounts satisfactorily for the data obtained on all the studied IXZOs. The model also shows that Eaeff(T, Nst) is a linear function of Nst at a fixed T, which explains the exponential decrease of mu with NST

    Quantum Brownian motion in a quasiperiodic potential

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    We consider a quantum particle subject to Ohmic dissipation, moving in a bichromatic quasiperiodic potential. In a periodic potential the particle undergoes a zero-temperature localization-delocalization transition as dissipation strength is decreased. We show that the delocalized phase is absent in the quasiperiodic case, even when the deviation from periodicity is infinitesimal. Using the renormalization group, we determine how the effective localization length depends on the dissipation. We show that {a similar problem can emerge in} the strong-coupling limit of a mobile impurity moving in a periodic lattice and immersed in a one-dimensional quantum gas.Comment: 5+6 pages, 1 figur

    Localization-protected order in spin chains with non-Abelian discrete symmetries

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    We study the non-equilibrium phase structure of the three-state random quantum Potts model in one dimension. This spin chain is characterized by a non-Abelian D3D_3 symmetry recently argued to be incompatible with the existence of a symmetry-preserving many-body localized (MBL) phase. Using exact diagonalization and a finite-size scaling analysis, we find that the model supports two distinct broken-symmetry MBL phases at strong disorder that either break the Z3{\mathbb{Z}_3} clock symmetry or a Z2{\mathbb{Z}_2} chiral symmetry. In a dual formulation, our results indicate the existence of a stable finite-temperature topological phase with MBL-protected parafermionic end zero modes. While we find a thermal symmetry-preserving regime for weak disorder, scaling analysis at strong disorder points to an infinite-randomness critical point between two distinct broken-symmetry MBL phases.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures main text; 6 pages, 3 figures supplemental material; Version 2 includes a corrected the form of the chiral order parameter, and corresponding data, as well as larger system size numerics, with no change to the phase structur

    Impact of dopant species on the interfacial trap density and mobility in amorphous In-X-Zn-O solution-processed thin-film transistors

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    Alloying of In/Zn oxides with various X atoms stabilizes the IXZO structures but generates electron traps in the compounds, degrading the electron mobility. To assess whether the latter is linked to the oxygen affinity or the ionic radius, of the X element, several IXZO samples are synthesized by the sol-gel process, with a large number (14) of X elements. The IXZOs are characterized by XPS, SIMS, DRX, and UV-spectroscopy and used for fabricating thin film transistors. Channel mobility and the interface defect density NST, extracted from the TFT electrical characteristics and low frequency noise, followed an increasing trend and the values of mobility and NST are linked by an exponential relation. The highest mobility (8.5 cm2/Vs) is obtained in In-Ga-Zn-O, and slightly lower value for Sb and Sn-doped IXZOs, with NST is about 2E12 cm2/eV, close to that of the In-Zn-O reference TFT. This is explained by a higher electronegativity of Ga, Sb, and Sn than Zn and In, their ionic radius values being close to that of In and Zn. Consequently, Ga, Sb, and Sn induce weaker perturbations of In-O and Zn-O sequences in the sol-gel process, than the X elements having lower electronegativity and different ionic radius. The TFTs with X = Ca, Al, Ni and Cu exhibited the lowest mobility and NST > 1E13 cm2/eV, most likely because of metallic or oxide clusters formation

    Particle-hole symmetry, many-body localization, and topological edge modes

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    We study the excited states of interacting fermions in one dimension with particle-hole symmetric disorder (equivalently, random-bond XXZ chains) using a combination of renormalization group methods and exact diagonalization. Absent interactions, the entire many-body spectrum exhibits infinite-randomness quantum critical behavior with highly degenerate excited states. We show that though interactions are an irrelevant perturbation in the ground state, they drastically affect the structure of excited states: even arbitrarily weak interactions split the degeneracies in favor of thermalization (weak disorder) or spontaneously broken particle-hole symmetry, driving the system into a many-body localized spin glass phase (strong disorder). In both cases, the quantum critical properties of the non-interacting model are destroyed, either by thermal decoherence or spontaneous symmetry breaking. This system then has the interesting and counterintuitive property that edges of the many-body spectrum are less localized than the center of the spectrum. We argue that our results rule out the existence of certain excited state symmetry-protected topological orders.Comment: 9 pages. 7 figure

    Observation and inverse problems in coupled cell networks

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    A coupled cell network is a model for many situations such as food webs in ecosystems, cellular metabolism, economical networks... It consists in a directed graph GG, each node (or cell) representing an agent of the network and each directed arrow representing which agent acts on which one. It yields a system of differential equations x˙(t)=f(x(t))\dot x(t)=f(x(t)), where the component ii of ff depends only on the cells xj(t)x_j(t) for which the arrow jij\rightarrow i exists in GG. In this paper, we investigate the observation problems in coupled cell networks: can one deduce the behaviour of the whole network (oscillations, stabilisation etc.) by observing only one of the cells? We show that the natural observation properties holds for almost all the interactions ff

    Lunar basalt chronology, mantle differentiation and implications for determining the age of the Moon

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    Despite more than 40 years of studying Apollo samples, the age and early evolution of the Moon remain contentious. Following the formation of the Moon in the aftermath of a giant impact, the resulting Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) is predicted to have generated major geochemically distinct silicate reservoirs, including the sources of lunar basalts. Samples of these basalts, therefore, provide a unique opportunity to characterize these reservoirs. However, the precise timing and extent of geochemical fractionation is poorly constrained, not least due to the difficulty in determining accurate ages and initial Pb isotopic compositions of lunar basalts. Application of an in situ ion microprobe approach to Pb isotope analysis has allowed us to obtain precise crystallization ages from six lunar basalts, typically with an uncertainty of about ±10Ma, as well as constrain their initial Pb-isotopic compositions. This has enabled construction of a two-stage model for the Pb-isotopic evolution of lunar silicate reservoirs, which necessitates the prolonged existence of high-μ reservoirs in order to explain the very radiogenic compositions of the samples. Further, once firm constraints on U and Pb partitioning behaviour are established, this model has the potential to help distinguish between conflicting estimates for the age of the Moon. Nonetheless, we are able to constrain the timing of a lunar mantle reservoir differentiation event at 4376±18Ma, which is consistent with that derived from the Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf isotopic systems, and is interpreted as an average estimate of the time at which the high-μ urKREEP reservoir was established and the Ferroan Anorthosite (FAN) suite was formed

    Critical properties of joint spin and Fortuin-Kasteleyn observables in the two-dimensional Potts model

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    The two-dimensional Potts model can be studied either in terms of the original Q-component spins, or in the geometrical reformulation via Fortuin-Kasteleyn (FK) clusters. While the FK representation makes sense for arbitrary real values of Q by construction, it was only shown very recently that the spin representation can be promoted to the same level of generality. In this paper we show how to define the Potts model in terms of observables that simultaneously keep track of the spin and FK degrees of freedom. This is first done algebraically in terms of a transfer matrix that couples three different representations of a partition algebra. Using this, one can study correlation functions involving any given number of propagating spin clusters with prescribed colours, each of which contains any given number of distinct FK clusters. For 0 <= Q <= 4 the corresponding critical exponents are all of the Kac form h_{r,s}, with integer indices r,s that we determine exactly both in the bulk and in the boundary versions of the problem. In particular, we find that the set of points where an FK cluster touches the hull of its surrounding spin cluster has fractal dimension d_{2,1} = 2 - 2 h_{2,1}. If one constrains this set to points where the neighbouring spin cluster extends to infinity, we show that the dimension becomes d_{1,3} = 2 - 2 h_{1,3}. Our results are supported by extensive transfer matrix and Monte Carlo computations.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Non equilibrium thermodynamics and cosmological pancakes formation

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    We investigate the influence of non equilibrium thermodynamics on cosmological structure formation. In this paper, we consider the collapse of planar perturbations usually called "Zel'dovich pancakes". We have developed for that purpose a new two fluids (gas and dark matter) hydrodynamical code, with three different thermodynamical species: electrons, ions and neutral particles (T_e\ne T_i \ne T_n). We describe in details the complex structure of accretion shock waves. We include several relevant processes for a low density, high temperature, collisional plasma such as non-equilibrium chemical reactions, cooling, shock heating, thermal energy equipartition between electrons, ions and neutral particles and electronic conduction. We find two different regions in the pancake structure: a thermal precursor ahead of the compression front and an equipartition wave after the compression front where electrons and ions temperatures differ significantly. This complex structure may have two interesting consequences: pre-heating of unshocked regions in the vicinity of massive X-ray clusters and ions and electrons temperatures differences in the outer regions of X-rays clusters.Comment: 30 pages, including 8 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa