3,193 research outputs found

    The good receipt for the kidneys: Salty...but not too much

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    On a chemotaxis-hapotaxis model with nonlinear diffusion modelling multiple sclerosis

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    We investigated existence of global weak solutions for a system of chemotaxis-hapotaxis type with nonlinear degenerate diffusion, arising in modelling Multiple Sclerosis disease. The model consists of three equations describing the evolution of macrophages (mm), cytokine (cc) and apoptotic oligodendrocytes (dd). The main novelty in our work is the presence of a nonlinear diffusivity D(m)D(m), which results to be more appropriate from the modelling point of view. Under suitable assumptions and for sufficiently regular initial data, adapting the strategy in [30,44], we show the existence of global bounded solutions for the model analysed

    The beneficial role of green bonds as a new strategic asset class: Dynamic dependencies, allocation and diversification before and during the pandemic era

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    The paper proposes a full comprehensive analysis of green bond diversification benefits, their co-movement with multiple market indices, and the corresponding implications for portfolio allocation. Based on a time frame of seven years, divided into four sub-periods, the co-movements of green-bond indices, i.e. Solactive Green Bond Index and Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Green Bond Index, and the stock/bond market have been described, shedding light on the connections with sectors most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Solactive Green Bond Index is found to provide the greater diversification benefit of the two green-bond indices, on average during the seven years and also during the pandemic. Allocation strategies and risk performances have also been analyzed to assess the impact of green-bond indices on otherwise traditional portfolios; their diversification power is discussed by use of traditional measures and an additional behavioral approach, drawing attention to its evolution in time and its consistency in terms of diminished risks and increased returns. Portfolios constructed with the inclusion of green bonds prove preferable in terms of risk, in all periods and for all strategies, while the superiority of returns depends on the allocation strategy

    Fuzzy Esscher changes of measure and copula invariance in LĂ©vy markets

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    In the context of a multidimensional exponential Lévy market, we focus on the Esscher change of measure and suggest a more flexible tool allowing for a fuzzy version of the standard Esscher transform. Motivated both by the empirical incompatibility of market data and the analytical form of the standard Esscher transform (see [8]) and by the desire to introduce a pricing technique under incompleteness conditions, we detect the impact of fuzziness in terms of measure change function and in contingent claims' pricing. In a multidimensional setting the fuzzy Esscher transform is a copula whose invariance, under margins' transformations induced by a change of measure, is investigated and connected to the notion of the absence of arbitrage opportunities. We highlight how Esscher transform, primarily used in pricing techniques, preserves the invariance of the aggregation operator and it can be generalized to the fuzzy version assuming that the measurable functions defining the Choquet marginal integrals are increasing. Furthermore, the empirical evidence seems to suggest that a weaker concept of invariance may be more suitable, i.e. the ε-measure invariance, coherent with the Esscher fuzzy copula tool. An empirical experiment for our model will make clear how this blurring technique fits the market data

    Latent AKI is... still AKI: The quantification of the burden of renal dysfunction

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    The association between pediatric cardiac surgery, acute kidney injury (AKI), and clinical outcomes has been studied several times in the recent literature. In this issue of Critical Care an interesting and original study analyzed the path from causal AKI entities to clinical AKI consequences through the application of structural equation modeling. The authors described the complex connections linking duration of cardiopulmonary bypass, cross clamp-time, and descriptors of low cardiac output syndrome to AKI modeled as a complex variable composed of post-operative serum creatinine increase of 50 % over baseline, urine output <0.5 ml/kg/h, and urine creatinine-normalized neutrophil gelatinase lipocalin within 12 h of surgery. Similarly, the causal relationships between AKI and hard outcomes in the analyzed population were verified and quantified. The authors, for the first time, produce a repeatable coefficient (0.741) that may become a useful quality benchmark and could be applied to test future interventions aiming to reduce the burden of AKI on children’s clinical course

    “I’m elected Chair? Now what?” Helpful Strategies for Newer Chairs

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    This session shares concrete strategies for helping department chairs navigate common problems more effectively and efficiently. With attention to managing email, handling complaints, constructing schedules, building relationships, and working with upper administration, the presenters offer practical tips to help newer chairs succeed

    Acute Kidney Injury in Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infected Patients: A Meta-Analytic Study

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    Introduction: In clinical reports on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) is extremely variable, although AKI is described as an independent risk factor for mortality. A meta-analysis was performed to clarify the incidence and the impact of COVID-19-related AKI on mortality. Methods: All trials reporting the incidence of AKI in COVID-19 patients were searched using MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, and EMBASE databases (last update April 26, 2020). Results: Ten trials with a sample of 5,166 patients were included. AKI occurred in 947 out of 5,166 (18.3%) patients. AKI incidence was higher in severe cases: 62/305 severe patients developed AKI (20%) versus 27/1,268 nonsevere patients (2%) (p = 0.00001). AKI occurred in 475 out of 915 (52%) deceased patients versus 183 out of 2,678 (7%) survivors (p = 0.00001). Continuous renal replacement therapy was significantly more frequent in severe cases and in dead patients. Conclusion: A significant increase in mortality rate was observed in COVID patients who developed AKI, and AKI incidence was also higher in severe cases. Any supportive strategies to protect kidney could represent valuable intervention to reduce mortality in severe COVID-19 patients

    High serum osteopontin levels are associated with prevalent fractures and worse lipid profile in post-menopausal women with type 2 diabetes

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    Purpose: Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) have increased fracture risk. Osteopontin (OPN) is a protein involved in bone remodeling and inflammation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of OPN with fracture prevalence and with metabolic parameters in post-menopausal women with T2DM. Methods: Sixty-four post-menopausal women with T2DM (age 67.0 ± 7.8 years, diabetes duration 8.9 ± 6.7 years), enrolled in a previous study, were followed up (3.6 ± 0.9 years). Previous fragility fractures were recorded. The FRAX score (without BMD) was calculated and biochemical parameters (plasma glucose, HbA1c, lipid profile and renal function) were assessed. Serum 25OH-vitamin D, calcium, PTH and OPN were evaluated at baseline. The association between OPN and fracture prevalence at baseline was evaluated by a logistic model. Results: OPN levels were higher in patients with previous fractures (n.25) than in patients without previous fractures at baseline (n.39) (p = 0.006). The odds of having fractures at baseline increased by 6.7 (1.9–31.4, 95% CI, p = 0.007) for each increase of 1 ng/ml in OPN levels, after adjustment for vitamin D and HbA1c levels. Fracture incidence was 4.7%. Higher OPN associated with a decrease in HDL-cholesterol (p = 0.048), after adjustment for age, basal HDL-cholesterol, basal and follow-up HbA1c and follow-up duration. 25OH-vitamin D associated with an increase in FRAX-estimated probability of hip fracture at follow-up (p = 0.029), after adjustment for age, 25OH-vitamin D and time. Conclusions: In post-menopausal women with T2DM, OPN might be a useful marker of fracture and worse lipid profile
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