509 research outputs found

    L’architecture localement bio- et géo-sourcée de Christophe Aubertin : régionaliste, biorégionaliste ?

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    Dans un contexte contemporain de critique généralisée des idéologies extractivistes, productivistes et naturalistes occidentales, l’article interroge un corpus d’œuvres bâties de l’architecte lorrain Christophe Aubertin dans une optique de réhabilitation de l’idée de ressources pour l’architecture. Au travers d’un questionnement sur les caractéristiques « régionalistes » ou « biorégionaliste » de cette pratique architecturale, l’argumentation cherche à mettre en lumière les aspects à la fois éthiques, esthétiques mais aussi politiques de cette utilisation disciplinaire des ressources locales tant bio- que géo-sourcées.As it is nowadays quite a commonplace to criticize the extractivist, productivist and naturalist ideologies, it also became interesting to question how architecture could help to rehabilitate the idea of ressources. To do so, this essay propose an examination of a selected body of buildings from french architect Christophe Aubertin, through the filter of their « regionalist » and/or « bioregionalist » caracteristics. The research aims to produce knowledge about some of the ethical, aesthetical and political issues of our specific disciplinary use of bio-based resources

    A description of the skull of eubaena cephalica (hay, 1904) and new insights into the cranial circulation and innervation of baenid turtles

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    The internal carotid system has played an important role in the systematics of fossil turtles, including baenids. A new, almost perfectly preserved specimen of Eubaena cephalica provides an opportunity to explore for the first time the cranial circulation and innervation of this taxon using CT (computed tomography) scans. We here document that the skull possesses a well-developed, branching canalis nervus vidianus but lacks a canalis caroticus palatinum, which contradicts the previously reported circulation and innervation pattern for E. cephalica specifically and that of paracryptodires in general. Future investigation using CT scanning technology will be able to clarify if the pattern reported herein is unique to E. cephalica or is representative of paracryptodires in general. The latter conclusion will likely have considerable implications for the systematics of fossil turtles.Citation for this article: Rollot, Y., T. R. Lyson, and W. G. Joyce. 2018. A description of the skull of Eubaena cephalica (Hay, 1904) and new insights into the cranial circulation and innervation of baenid turtles

    The skull of the carettochelyid turtle <i>Anosteira</i> <i>pulchra</i> from the Eocene (Uintan) of Wyoming and the carotid canal system of carettochelyid turtles

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    Here we document the morphology of the only known skull of a carettochelyid turtle from North America. The specimen originates from the middle Eocene (early Uintan) Washakie Formation of Sweetwater County, Wyoming, and is referred to Anosteira pulchra based on temporal considerations. The skull of Anosteira pulchra broadly corresponds in its morphology to that of other carettochelyids but exhibits numerous differences that are related to it being more gracile. As a meaningful outgroup is lacking, it is not possible to determine if the gracile morphology seen in this taxon is apomorphic or plesiomorphic for the Anosteira–Allaeochelys clade. Anosteira pulchra and Carettochelys insculpta lack an ossified palatine canal. We conclude by reference to extant trionychids that the palatine (mandibular) canal is likely present but branches from the cerebral (pseudopalatine) canal following its exit from the sella turcica. As in trionychids, the vidian branch of the facial nerve (VII) of Anosteira pulchra and Carettochelys insculpta mostly traverses the palatine.</p

    Two Cases of Acute Leukopenia Induced by Colchicine with Concurrent Immunosuppressants Use in Behçet's Disease

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    Colchicine-induced leukopenia usually occurrs in intentional or accidental overdoses or inappropriate use in combination with intravenous and oral colchine; however, there have been several reports of hematologic toxicity in short-term and small-dose colchicine medication courses. We present two cases of leukopenia induced by colchicine use concurrent with immunosuppressants in Behçet's disease. We postulate that the mechanism of colchicine-induced leukopenia might be the destruction of circulating leukocytes and an inhibition of leukocyte production by the immediate and direct toxic effect of colchicine on idiosyncrasies unique to each patient. The concurrently administered immunosuppressant might decrease the threshold for hematologic toxicity of colchicine in the leukocytes and their precursor cells

    Rationale and methodology for a European pooled analysis of postmarketing interventional and observational studies of insulin glargine 300 U/mL in diabetes: Protocol of REALI project

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    Introduction Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a common and heterogeneous disease. Using advanced analytic approaches to explore real-world data may identify different disease characteristics, responses to treatment and progression patterns. Insulin glargine 300 units/mL (Gla-300) is a second-generation basal insulin analogue with preserved glucose-lowering efficacy but reduced risk of hypoglycaemia. The purpose of the REALI pooled analysis described in this paper is to advance the understanding of the effectiveness and real-world safety of Gla-300 based on a large European patient database of postmarketing interventional and observational studies. Methods and analysis In the current round of pooling, REALI will include data from up to 10 000 subjects with diabetes mellitus (mostly T2DM) from 20 European countries. Outcomes of interest include change from baseline to week 24 in haemoglobin A 1c, fasting plasma glucose, self-measured plasma glucose, body weight, insulin dose, incidence and rate of any-time-of-the-day and nocturnal hypoglycaemia. The data pool is being investigated using two complementary methodologies: a conventional descriptive, univariate and multivariable prognostic analysis; and a data-mining approach using subgroup discovery to identify phenotypic clusters of patients who are highly associated with the outcome of interest. By mid-2019, deidentified data of 7584 patients were included in the REALI database, with a further expected increase in patient number in 2020 as a result of pooling additional studies. Ethics and dissemination The proposed study does not involve collection of primary data. Moreover, all individual study protocols were approved by independent local ethics committees, and all study participants provided written informed consent. Furthermore, patient data is deidentified before inclusion in the REALI database. Hence, there is no requirement for ethical approval. Results will be disseminated via peer-reviewed publications and presentations at international congresses as data are analysed

    Rationale and methodology for a European pooled analysis of postmarketing interventional and observational studies of insulin glargine 300 U/mL in diabetes: protocol of REALI project

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    INTRODUCTION: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a common and heterogeneous disease. Using advanced analytic approaches to explore real-world data may identify different disease characteristics, responses to treatment and progression patterns. Insulin glargine 300 units/mL (Gla-300) is a second-generation basal insulin analogue with preserved glucose-lowering efficacy but reduced risk of hypoglycaemia. The purpose of the REALI pooled analysis described in this paper is to advance the understanding of the effectiveness and real-world safety of Gla-300 based on a large European patient database of postmarketing interventional and observational studies. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: In the current round of pooling, REALI will include data from up to 10 000 subjects with diabetes mellitus (mostly T2DM) from 20 European countries. Outcomes of interest include change from baseline to week 24 in haemoglobin A1c, fasting plasma glucose, self-measured plasma glucose, body weight, insulin dose, incidence and rate of any-time-of-the-day and nocturnal hypoglycaemia. The data pool is being investigated using two complementary methodologies: a conventional descriptive, univariate and multivariable prognostic analysis; and a data-mining approach using subgroup discovery to identify phenotypic clusters of patients who are highly associated with the outcome of interest. By mid-2019, deidentified data of 7584 patients were included in the REALI database, with a further expected increase in patient number in 2020 as a result of pooling additional studies. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The proposed study does not involve collection of primary data. Moreover, all individual study protocols were approved by independent local ethics committees, and all study participants provided written informed consent. Furthermore, patient data is deidentified before inclusion in the REALI database. Hence, there is no requirement for ethical approval. Results will be disseminated via peer-reviewed publications and presentations at international congresses as data are analysed

    Qluster: An easy-to-implement generic workflow for robust clustering of health data

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    The exploration of heath data by clustering algorithms allows to better describe the populations of interest by seeking the sub-profiles that compose it. This therefore reinforces medical knowledge, whether it is about a disease or a targeted population in real life. Nevertheless, contrary to the so-called conventional biostatistical methods where numerous guidelines exist, the standardization of data science approaches in clinical research remains a little discussed subject. This results in a significant variability in the execution of data science projects, whether in terms of algorithms used, reliability and credibility of the designed approach. Taking the path of parsimonious and judicious choice of both algorithms and implementations at each stage, this article proposes Qluster, a practical workflow for performing clustering tasks. Indeed, this workflow makes a compromise between (1) genericity of applications (e.g. usable on small or big data, on continuous, categorical or mixed variables, on database of high-dimensionality or not), (2) ease of implementation (need for few packages, few algorithms, few parameters, ...), and (3) robustness (e.g. use of proven algorithms and robust packages, evaluation of the stability of clusters, management of noise and multicollinearity). This workflow can be easily automated and/or routinely applied on a wide range of clustering projects. It can be useful both for data scientists with little experience in the field to make data clustering easier and more robust, and for more experienced data scientists who are looking for a straightforward and reliable solution to routinely perform preliminary data mining. A synthesis of the literature on data clustering as well as the scientific rationale supporting the proposed workflow is also provided. Finally, a detailed application of the workflow on a concrete use case is provided, along with a practical discussion for data scientists. An implementation on the Dataiku platform is available upon request to the authors

    The helochelydrid turtle Helochelydra nopcsai from the Early Cretaceous (late Barremian – early Aptian) fissure fills of Balve, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, including a large sample of granicones

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    Early Cretaceous (late Barremian – early Aptian) fissure fill deposits near Balve, North Rhine Westphalia, Germany, have yielded a rich continental vertebrate fauna over the course of the last two decades. More than 250 fragmentary specimens, including more than 150 osteoderms (i.e., granicones), represent the late Early Cretaceous helochelydrid Helochelydra nopcsai, which had previously been reported from the UK, France, and Spain. The new material mostly differs from that from the type section by exhibiting a reduced to absent entoplastral scute and by displaying distinct cranial scute sulci, both of which are interpreted as intraspecific variation. Although morphological insights are limited, the new material reveals that the visceral cavity extends anteriorly and posteriorly to the bridge, a relatively novel feature previously reported for an eclectic mix of compsemydids, pleurosternids, and other helochelydrids. The available sample of granicones reveals great shape diversity, but a morphometric analysis concludes that no distinct morphotypes exist