32 research outputs found
Los bienes culturales y paisajísticos en el derecho vigente en Italia
Estudio de la regulación legal sobre la protección del patrimonio cultural y paisajístico
en Italia.Study of the legal regulation on the protection of the cultural and landscape heritage
in Italy.peerReviewe
Potere di ordinanza extra ordinem e conflitti tra Stato, Regioni ed enti locali
Nella gestione dell’emergenza epidemiologica da Covid-19 frequenti sono stati i casi di disallineamento tra le misure disposte attraverso D.P.C.M. e le ordinanze regionali e sindacali. Il tentativo in sede governativa è stato di definire, attraverso i decreti-legge emanati, puntuali limiti e presupposti ulteriori all’emanazione di tali ordinanze al fine costruire un coordinamento per una gestione unitaria dell’emergenza. Il presente contributo propone di ricostruire l’evoluzione del critico rapporto centro-periferia dalla fase del lockdown sino al processo di progressive riaperture, con l’obiettivo di comprendere come siano stati intesi dalla giurisprudenza amministrativa siffatti limiti e se tale soluzione abbia effettivamente costruito un adeguato coordinamento tra i diversi livelli di governo.A lot of cases of misalignments between the rules set through decrees of Prime Minister and regional as well as municipal ordinances occurred during the management of the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19. The government has set more requirements and limits for these ordinances through decree-laws to coordinate a unified management of the emergency. The contribution aims to destructure this critical centre-periphery relations from the lockdown phase to the progressive opening process. Furthermore, this article aims to understand how the administrative jurisprudence has interpreted these limits and if the governative solution has produced an efficient coordination
Unveiling the spatial distribution of aflatoxin B1 and plant defense metabolites in maize using AP‐SMALDI mass spectrometry imaging
SUMMARYIn order to cope with the presence of unfavorable compounds, plants can biotransform xenobiotics, translocate both parent compounds and metabolites, and perform compartmentation and segregation at the cellular or tissue level. Such a scenario also applies to mycotoxins, fungal secondary metabolites with a pre‐eminent role in plant infection. In this work, we aimed to describe the effect of the interplay between Zea mays (maize) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) at the tissue and organ level. To address this challenge, we used atmospheric pressure scanning microprobe matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (AP‐SMALDI MSI) to investigate the biotransformation, localization and subsequent effects of AFB1 on primary and secondary metabolism of healthy maize plants, both in situ and from a metabolomics standpoint. High spatial resolution (5 µm) provided fine localization of AFB1, which was located within the root intercellular spaces, and co‐localized with its phase‐I metabolite aflatoxin M2. We provided a parallel visualization of maize metabolic changes, induced in different organs and tissues by an accumulation of AFB1. According to our untargeted metabolomics investigation, anthocyanin biosynthesis and chlorophyll metabolism in roots are most affected. The biosynthesis of these metabolites appears to be inhibited by AFB1 accumulation. On the other hand, metabolites found in above‐ground organs suggest that the presence of AFB1 may also activate the biochemical response in the absence of an actual fungal infection; indeed, several plant secondary metabolites known for their antimicrobial or antioxidant activities were localized in the outer tissues, such as phenylpropanoids, benzoxazinoids, phytohormones and lipids
Il “ventaglio” degli atti amministrativi dell’emergenza. I tentativi di coordinamento tra interventi statali e regionali in un anno di emergenza pandemica
Il contributo propone un’indagine relativa all’evoluzione del critico rapporto tra Stato e Regioni nell’arco temporale di un anno di emergenza epidemiologica, con l’intento di esaminare l’efficacia delle forme di coordinamento tra interventi statali e regionali disposti tramite atti amministrativi dell’emergenza. A tal fine, con tale analisi vengono esaminati i casi di disallineamento tra le misure governative e quelle regionali presentatisi nelle diverse fasi dell’emergenza, in particolare tenendo conto dell’esito delle controversie sorte dinnanzi al giudice amministrativo.The article aims to examine the evolution of the critical relationship between the central government and the regional authorities, by examining the efficacy of the coordination between the measures set by these authorities through administrative acts during the last year of epidemiological emergency. For this purpose, an examination of the misalignments between central and periphery regulations is provided, by taking particularly into consideration jurisprudence decisions
Este documento se centra en el estudio del derecho administrativo europeo. Se analiza, en primer lugar, el desarrollo de los principios en que se funda, que divide, por un lado, en los principios fundamentales de la Unión y, por otra, los principios en los que se manifiesta la acción europea en los Estados miembros. Particular atención, entonces, se dedica a la organización y funcionamiento de las administraciones europeas, en cooperación con los Estados miembros. A continuación, abordó el tema de la protección legal europeización y, sobre todo, la influencia que la ley tiene sobre los sistemas nacionales de justicia administrativa. Por último, se le dio una lectura en clave administrativa, del Tratado de Lisboa con el fin de demostrar la existencia de un Derecho administrativo europeo
Los bienes culturales y paisajísticos en el derecho vigente en Italia
Study of the legal regulation on the protection of the cultural and landscape heritage
in Italy.Estudio de la regulación legal sobre la protección del patrimonio cultural y paisajístico en Italia
An optimized method for in vitro propagation of African baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) using two-node segments
Adansonia digitata L. (African baobab), is an important multi-purpose tree, whose distribution is at present limited to wild or semi-domesticated individuals widespread in Africa. Its distribution is threatened by seedling clearance for other land use and potentially by overharvesting induced by growing commercial use of baobab fruit. Recently, efforts have been made to establish baobab domestication and conservation strategies, with mixed results due to the low germinability of baobab seeds, a factor that hinders the possibility of developing commercial A. digitata plantations. Here, micropropagation was tested as a method for clonal propagation of explants from in vivo-grown seedlings. In vitro shoot multiplication was achieved by enhanced axillary bud proliferation of sterilized two-node segments. Bud break was dependent on cytokinin supply, but the combination of 1.0 or 10.0 μM zeatin riboside and 10.0 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) increased the formation of microshoots after 8 weeks of culture. Regenerated microshoots rooted successfully in in vitro nutrient medium containing 10.0 μM IBA and normally grew in a greenhouse after acclimatization
Risk Emergency Management: analisi delle correlazioni fra aspetti normativi e pianificazione territoriale
Dipartimento di Fisica, Scuola di Dottorato "Archimede" in Scienze, Comunicazione e Tecnologie, indirizzo: Scienze e Tecnologie dei Sistemi Complessi, Ciclo XXVIII,a.a. 2015-2016Università della Calabri
Rapporti tra ordinamento italiano e ordinamento comunitario. La nostra Costituzione: l’ordinamento della Repubblica
Il volume rappresenta una raccolta ragionata e sistematica di lezioni nella materia del diritto pubblico. La globalizzazione e le repentine trasformazioni socio economiche che investono gli aggregati umani non hanno mancato di ripercuotersi sulla realtà ordinamentali, innescando processi di restyling rispetto ai quali si è orientata l'attenzione degli autori. Questi ultimi infatti hanno colto l'opportunità di leggere gli istituti classici del diritto pubblico alla luce delle istanze che caratterizzano la modernità, facendo leva tanto sugli interventi di riforma che hanno interessato la materia in esame, si pensi alle risultanze scaturenti dall'equilibrio di bilancio, quanto sugli orientamenti più recenti della giurisprudenza