30 research outputs found

    Se alquila 'alejamiento' tur铆stico sobre cementerio indio

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    La noticia aparec铆a hace unos meses en losmedios: en el barrio de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaban construyendo un edificio con seis apartamentos plurifamiliares de madera dirigidos a un mercado de turismo responsable. La promotora de estos apartamentos explicaba que se opon铆a al "turismo de borrachera" y a la "masificaci贸n de los barrios" y que apostaba por otros valores como son la "ecolog铆a" y lo "social". Todo un manifiesto[...] La not铆cia apareixia fa uns mesos en losmedios: al barri de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaven construint un edifici amb sis apartaments plurifamiliars de fusta dirigits a un mercat de turisme responsable. La promotora d'aquests apartaments explicava que s'oposava al 'turisme de borratxera' i de la 'massificaci贸 dels barris' i que apostava per altres valors com s贸n la 'ecologia' i el 'social'. Tot un manifest[...


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    The table contains landscape variables measured within the corridors between the study populations of Lychnis flos-cuculi in Oberaargau region, Switzerland. The corridors had different widths, which have been indicated in variable names: 50, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 meters. Columns include the proportion of the following landscape variables measured within corridors: forests (indicated as "forest" in the column name), settlements ("settlement"), the verges of ditches, streams and rivers ("water") and agricultural land ("agri"). Landscape variables were measured using VECTOR25 data by Swisstopo. In addition to landscape variables, the table includes cumulative elevation change between the study populations (in meters) as well as Euclidean distance between populations (in meters). The table also includes the measure of gene flow used in the study - genetic differentiation Fst


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    0/1 AFLP matrix for 10 individuals of 24 Swiss locations of Chorthippus albomarginatus, scored using RAWGENO default setting


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    Neutral microsatellite (n=11) data of Dianthus carthusianorum summarized by sampleID, sampled patch ID, grazing management status and geographic coordinate

    Concordia; code for simulating gene flow between demes

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    The "Concordia140519.zip" file contains the Matlab code. The main script is "Concordia.m" and all settings for a simulation run can be specified in this script. A description of the settings can be found in the user guide (+Text\+UserGuide\UserGuide.pdf). The user guide also contains more details about the functioning of Concorida as well as some comparisons of simulation results with those expected from analytical solutions