5 research outputs found

    Percolation of worms

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    We introduce a new correlated percolation model on the dd-dimensional lattice Zd\mathbb{Z}^d called the random length worms model. Assume given a probability distribution on the set of positive integers (the length distribution) and v(0,)v \in (0,\infty) (the intensity parameter). From each site of Zd\mathbb{Z}^d we start POI(v)\mathrm{POI}(v) independent simple random walks with this length distribution. We investigate the connectivity properties of the set Sv\mathcal{S}^v of sites visited by this cloud of random walks. It is easy to show that if the second moment of the length distribution is finite then Sv\mathcal{S}^v undergoes a percolation phase transition as vv varies. Our main contribution is a sufficient condition on the length distribution which guarantees that Sv\mathcal{S}^v percolates for all v>0v>0 if d5d \geq 5. E.g., if the probability mass function of the length distribution is m()=cln(ln())ε/(3ln())1[0] m(\ell)= c \cdot \ln(\ln(\ell))^{\varepsilon}/ (\ell^3 \ln(\ell)) 1[\ell \geq \ell_0] for some 0>ee\ell_0>e^e and ε>0\varepsilon>0 then Sv\mathcal{S}^v percolates for all v>0v>0. Note that the second moment of this length distribution is only "barely" infinite. In order to put our result in the context of earlier results about similar models (e.g., finitary random interlacements, loop percolation, Poisson Boolean model, ellipses percolation, etc.), we define a natural family of percolation models called the Poisson zoo and argue that the percolative behaviour of the random length worms model is quite close to being "extremal" in this family of models.Comment: 50 page

    Random cherry graphs

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    Due to the popularity of randomly evolving graph processes, there exists a randomized version of many recursively defined graph models. This is also the case with the cherry tree, which was introduced by Bukszar and Prekopa to improve Bonferroni type upper bounds on the probability of the union of random events. Here we consider a substantially extended random analogue of that model, embedding it into a general time-dependent branching process

    Moments of general time dependent branching processes with applications

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    In this paper, we give sufficient conditions for a Crump-Mode-Jagers process to be bounded in LkL_k for a given k>1k>1. This result is then applied to a recent random graph process motivated by pairwise collaborations and driven by time-dependent branching dynamics. We show that the maximal degree has the same rate of increase as the degree process of a fixed vertex.Comment: 12 page