104 research outputs found

    CSEFA Hub and Spoke Evaluation

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    This report details findings from the second year of a four-year evaluation of the 'Hub and Spoke' initiative, being undertaken by the University of Bedfordshire. Funded by the Child Sexual Exploitation Funders' Alliance (CSEFA), this initiative aims to improve services in relation to child sexual exploitation (CSE). It utilises the expertise, resources and infrastructure of an established voluntary sector CSE service (the 'Hub') by locating experienced CSE workers (known as 'Spoke workers') into new service delivery areas. The evaluation assesses the extent to which the Hub and Spoke model triggers cultural and systemic change in the way that services engaging with young people respond to CSE. Specifically it considers the impact of the Hub and Spoke model on: a) Safeguarding young people from sexual exploitation through service delivery b) Supporting and equipping specialist CSE workers to work effectively in host agencies c) Promoting stable CSE policy frameworks in new areas by raising awareness, developing procedures and improving how local policy makers respond to CSE

    Achieving more with less: acquisitions in hard times

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    It’s the all too familiar picture... campus consolidation, staff redundancies, a dwindling book budget, mountains of boxes of new books, processing delays due to a lack of staff and an outdated acquisitions workflow that hasn’t caught up yet with a changed workplace. This is undoubtedly a familiar scenario for many institutions and was the situation at Buckinghamshire New University (Bucks) in the first half of 2010. Change was needed to improve our labour- and time-intensive acquisitions process which already used electronic data interchange (EDI) ordering and some outsourced book supplier processing. Shelf ready acquisitions seemed the best way forward, but at a price. In 2010 we were faced with the need to change our acquisitions processes but with no additional monies to invest to achieve this. However, almost a year on, we are running a smooth and efficient acquisitions process which is already showing improved order supply times and has made a positive impact on staffing resources and tasks within the library team. All this has been achieved without major financial investment, with just a closer look at our staff and technical resources and a drive to maximise systems and technical expertise we already had

    Acquisitions and Edifact

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    As published in Cambridge Universities Libraries Information Bulletin, New Series No. 70, Lent 2012

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    SEFA Hub and Spoke Evaluation - year two progress report and interim findings 2014-15

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    This report details findings from the second year of a four-year evaluation of the ‘Hub and Spoke’ initiative, being undertaken by the University of Bedfordshire. Funded by the Child Sexual Exploitation Funders’ Alliance (CSEFA), this initiative aims to improve services in relation to child sexual exploitation (CSE). It utilises the expertise, resources and infrastructure of an established voluntary sector CSE service (the ‘Hub’) by locating experienced CSE workers (known as ‘Spoke workers’) into new service delivery areas. The evaluation assesses the extent to which the Hub and Spoke model triggers cultural and systemic change in the way that services engaging with young people respond to CSE.

    A real-time operating system

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    Implantação do código de ética ou conduta ética nas empresas

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    Orientador: Lauro Brito de AlmeidaMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Contabilidade e FinançasResumo: Este trabalho desenvolve-se a partir da verificação das necessidades de externar a importĂąncia da conduta Ă©tica, nos processos de administração das empresas, avaliar as vantagens para as organizaçÔes em manter uma postura Ă©tica e disseminando entre os colaboradores, gestores e parceiros de negĂłcio o processo de Ă©tica e a implantação do cĂłdigo de Ă©tica e ingressar na cultura empresarial essa postura. Num mercado globalizado onde a competição por fatias maiores de mercado e a incessante busca de resultados positivos, para a organização e acionistas, muitas vezes a questĂŁo Ă©tica nĂŁo Ă© observada. Com este trabalho o que pretendemos mostrar atravĂ©s da metodologia de pesquisa, como se agir com postura Ă©tica e aproveitar desta conduta e aumentar as vantagens competitivas para a organização. HĂĄ diversos fatores que desestimulam, principalmente pequenas e mĂ©dias empresas, a implantação de um cĂłdigo de Ă©tica ou mesmo uma conduta Ă©tica, como: restriçÔes financeiras, limitação do mercado de atuação, fatores culturais enraizados na administração, entre outros. Com este trabalho· mostramos as vantagens e as vĂĄrias maneiras de se tirar proveito do processo de implantação da Ă©tica. Baseado nessas premissas, traduzimos alguns conceitos e fizemos um paralelo dos fundamentos Ă©ticos jĂĄ implantados e adotados em grandes empresas e podemos observar que hĂĄ diversos pontos que podem ser transportados ĂĄ pequenas e mĂ©dias empresas e inserĂ­-los neste contexto de Ă©tic

    The participation of young people in child sexual exploitation services: a scoping review of the literature

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    This is a scoping review of the literature which focuses on the participation of young people in child sexual exploitation services.  The review is part of the Alexi Project, which involves an evaluation of the CSEFA Hub and Spoke services in England. The review aims to develop understanding of the concept of participation and the nature of effective participatory practice in the context of child sexual exploitation services. It has taken place between September 2015 and April 2016. The review focuses on the following questions: ‱ How is ‘participation’ of young people in CSE services conceptualised in the research, policy and professional literature? ‱ How explicit is the policy requirement for children and young people’s participation in the processes associated with assessment, planning and review and what evidence exists regarding the implementation and/or effectiveness of these processes? ‱ What evidence exists regarding the nature of the experience of participation, and its impact, from the perspectives of young people, parents and carers, and professionals? ‱ What evidence exists regarding the conditions that need to be in place to make participative working possible and effective for different groups of CSE affected young people? ‱ What evidence exists regarding the replicability of participative models

    Evaluation of the Alexi Project ‘Hub and Spoke’ programme of CSE service development

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    This report details the evaluation of a programme of service development as it was rolled out through 16 new services, which were designed to extend the coverage and reach of child sexual exploitation (CSE) services in England. They were funded by the Child Sexual Exploitation Funders’ Alliance (CSEFA). The 16 services were all established by voluntary sector organisations, and specialised in working with young people affected by CSE. Each service adopted a ‘Hub and Spoke’ model of service development, which involved an established voluntary sector CSE service (known as the ‘hub’), locating experienced project workers (known as ‘spokes’) in new service delivery areas. These spoke workers undertook a range of activities to improve CSE work locally, including individual casework and awareness-raising with children and young people, and consultancy, training and awareness-raising with professionals locally. The evaluation adopted a realist approach. This focusses not just on whether programmes or interventions work, but on how or why they might do so (Pawson and Tilley, 1997 ). It takes a theory-driven approach to evaluation rather than concentrating on particular types of evidence or focussing on ‘before’ and ‘after’ type data. It starts from the principle that interventions in themselves do not either ‘work’ or ‘not work’ – rather it is the people involved in them and the skills, attitudes, knowledge and approach they bring, together with the influence of context and resources, that determine the outcomes generated. The evaluation was undertaken between September 2013 and January 2017, exploring how the 16 services developed during a phased roll out. The evaluation team undertook extensive fieldwork at each site on two occasions (one visit for the final eight sites), including 276 interviews with Hub and Spoke staff, professionals locally from children’s services, police, and health, and with children and young people and parents/carers. In addition, quantitative data were collected (about numbers of young people and professionals reached), and spoke workers produced case studies about their work with young people

    Uninterested youth? Young people's attitudes towards party politics in Britain

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    Following the outcome of the 2001 and 2005 General Elections, when the numbers of abstainers outweighed the numbers of Labour voters on both occasions, much attention has focused upon the state of British democracy and how to enthuse the electorate, especially young people. While the government is exploring ways to make the whole process of voting easier, it may be failing to tackle the real problem - that youth appear to find the business of politics uninviting and irrelevant. This paper examines data derived from a nationwide survey of over 700 young people in order to shed light on what lies at the heart of young people's apparent disengagement from formal politics in Britain - political apathy or a sense of political alienation. The findings reveal that they support the democratic process, but are sceptical of the way the British political system is organised and led, and are turned off by politicians and the political parties. However, there is no uniform youth orientation to politics, and the data indicate that views differ according to social class, educational history, and also gender. However both ethnicity and region of the country in which young people live seem to have little influence in structuring political attitudes and behaviour
