14 research outputs found

    Social network indices in the Generations and Gender Survey: An appraisal

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    Background: In this contribution we critically appraise the social network indices in the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS). OBJECTIVE After discussing the rationale for including social network indices in the GGS, we provide descriptive information on social network characteristics and an overview of substantive questions that have been addressed using GGS social network data: antecedents and consequences of demographic behaviour, care, and differences in well-being. We identify topics that have received relatively little attention in GGS research so far, despite the availability of novel and appropriate social network data. We end with a discussion of what is unique about the social network indices in the GGS. METHODS The descriptive information on social network characteristics is based on empirical analyses of GGS data, and an experimental pilot study. The overview of GGS research using social network indices is based on a library search. The identification of what is unique about the social network indices in the GGS is based on a comparison with the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement (SHARE), and the International Social Survey Program (ISSP). RESULTS Results show a high representation of family members in the social networks, and confirm the adequacy of using a cap of five names for network-generating questions. GGS research using the social network indices has largely focused on determinants of fertility behaviour, intergenerational linkages in families, and downward care transfers. CONCLUSIONS Topics that have received relatively little attention are demographic behaviours other than those related to parenthood, upward transfers of practical support, ties with siblings, and stepfamily ties. Social network indices in the GGS show a high degree of overlap with those in other international surveys. The unique features are the inventory of family ties ever born and still living, and the assessment of network members' normative expectations. The GGS holds a wealth of social network data that warrants a myriad of future investigations.EU/FP7/212749ERC/32421

    Expression of miRNA and Occurrence of Distant Metastases in Patients with Hürthle Cell Carcinoma

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    Background. Hürthle cell thyroid carcinoma (HCTC) is a rare type of thyroid carcinoma. In the present study, we investigated whether the expression of miRNAs of interest is associated with the occurrence of metastases in patients with HCTC. Materials and Methods. In 39 patients with HCTC (22 with nonmetastatic and 17 with regional or distant metastatic disease), the expression levels of six miRNAs (miR-138, miR-183, miR-221, miR-222, miR-768-3p, and miR-885-5p) and U6 snRNA as endogenous control were determined in FFPE samples of primary tumor and normal thyroid tissue using TaqMan miRNA assays. Results. In patients with HCTC, miR-138 and miR-768-3p were downregulated in tumor samples compared to normal tissue (p=0.013 and p=0.010, resp.). These two miRNAs were also significantly downregulated in tumor samples of patients with metastatic disease (p=0.030 and p=0.048, resp.) but not in patients with nonmetastatic disease (p=0.249 and p=0.101, resp.). In patients with nonmetastatic disease, miR-221 and miR-885-5p were slightly, albeit significantly, upregulated in tumorous compared to normal tissue (p=0.042 and p=0.027, resp.). Conclusion. Expression of miRNA (miR-183, miR-221, and miR-885-5p) in tumor tissue is associated with the occurrence of distant metastases in patients with HCTC


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    Vsak dan slišimo, beremo in se pogovarjamo o konfliktih med državami, političnimi strankami, družinskimi člani, udeleženci v prometu. Konflikti so prisotni v našem vsakdanjem življenju. Nobena izjema niso konflikti na delovnem mestu v organizaciji. Pogosto te konflikte dojemamo kot nujnost, s katerim se moramo sprijazniti. V organizacijski literaturi beremo o konfliktih kot stalnem pojavu, o njihovih lastnostih, vzrokih, vrstah, posledicah, njihovem premagovanju ali celo spodbujanju, o ravnanju z njimi. Naučili smo se, da konflikti ne prinašajo le negativnih posledic, temveč da so lahko koristni za razvoj podjetja in razvoj zaposlenih v njem. V diplomskem seminarju smo se usmerili le v ožji del preučevanja konfliktov: v samo nastajanje in potek organizacijskih konfliktov v organizacijskih procesih. V prispevku smo se omejili na konflikte med posamezniki, ki izvirajo iz razmerij med njimi kot člani organizacij. Vse ugotovitve smo smiselno razširili tudi na konflikte med skupinami in konflikte v skupini. V diplomskem seminarju smo najprej prikazali razumevanje konflikta. Poudarili smo nujnost konflikta v vsakem organizacijskem razmerju v podjetju in opredelili tisto vrsto konfliktov, ki je predmet obravnave. Nastajanje in potek konfliktov smo prikazali v neformalnih in formalnih organizacijskih procesih. Prikazali smo usklajevanje ali koordinacijo kot proces, ki vpliva na potek konflikta in vlogo managementa pri reševanju oziroma upravljanju s konflikti. V praktičnem delu diplomskega seminarja smo prikazali in dokazali obstoj konfliktov v izbranem podjetju. Vodstvo v izbranem podjetju se po rezultatih anketnega vprašalnika, ki smo ga pripravili sicer aktivno ukvarja s upravljanjem konfliktnih situacij, a prostora za izboljšave je mnogo. S teoretičnimi predlogi kako izboljšati upravljanje s konflikti smo del rešitev za izbrano problematiko predlagali tudi sami.In many cases, conflict in the workplace just seems to be a fact of life. We\u27ve all seen situations where different people with different goals and needs have come into conflict. And we\u27ve all seen the often-intense personal animosity that can result. The fact that conflict exists, however, is not necessarily a bad thing: As long as it is resolved effectively, it can lead to personal and professional growth. In many cases, effective conflict resolution can make the difference between positive and negative outcomes. The good news is that by resolving conflict successfully, you can solve many of the problems that it has brought to the surface, as well as getting benefits for company that you might not at first expect. However, if conflict is not handled effectively, the results can be damaging. Conflicting goals can quickly turn into personal dislike. Teamwork breaks down. Talent is wasted as people disengage from their work. And it\u27s easy to end up in a vicious downward spiral of negativity and recrimination. The discussion needed to resolve conflict expands people\u27s awareness of the situation, giving them an insight into how they can achieve their own goals without undermining those of other people. To calm these situations down, it helps to take a positive approach to conflict resolution, where discussion is courteous and non-confrontational, and the focus is on issues rather than on individuals. If this is done, then, as long as people listen carefully and explore facts, issues and possible solutions properly, conflict can often be resolved effectively. And that is the point of managing conflicts

    The reconstruction of the sewage system Velenje - Central wastewater treatment plant with hydraulic assessment of the cross profile

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    Pri izdelavi tehnične dokumentacije je pomembno pravilno določiti smernice za načrtovanje projektantske rešitve. Kanalizacijski sistem mora biti projektiran tako, da se ob upoštevanju razpoložljivih prostorskih zmožnostih in zakonodaje načrtuje rešitev, ki bo omogočala hitro izvedbo za učinkovito delovanje in bo ekonomsko vzdržna. V diplomskem delu smo prikazali osnovne podatke ter smernice za pripravo tehnične rešitve in izdelavo projektne dokumentacije sanacije dela mešanega sistema kanalizacije v Mestni občini VelenjeWhen we are creating project documentation it is important to correctly identify the guidelines for the engineering solutions. When we are planning solution of sewerage system we must consider space ability where we intend to build, legislation, the rapid implementation of effective functioning the system and economic aspect. This thesis shows basic data and guidelines for the preparation of technical solutions for mixed sewage system in the city Velenje

    Motion capture and reinforcement learning of dynamically stable humanoid movement primitives

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    Direct transfer of human motion trajectories to humanoid robots does not result in dynamically stable robot movements due to the differences in human and humanoid robot kinematics and dynamics. We developed a system that converts human movements captured by a low-cost RGB-D camera into dynamically stable humanoid movements. The transfer of human movements occurs in real-time. As need arises, the developed system can smoothly transition between unconstrained movement imitation and imitation with balance control, where movement reproduction occurs in the null space of the balance controller. The developed balance controller is based on an approximate model of the robot dynamics, which is sufficient to stabilize the robot during on-line imitation. However, the resulting movements cannot be guaranteed to be optimal because the model of the robot dynamics is not exact. The initially acquired movement is therefore subsequently improved by model-free reinforcement learning, both with respect to the accuracy of reproduction and balance control. We present experimental results in simulation and on a real humanoid robot

    Chemical State Analysis of Phosphorus Performed by X‑ray Emission Spectroscopy

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    An experimental and theoretical study of phosphorus electronic structure based on high energy resolution X-ray emission spectroscopy was performed. The Kα and Kβ emission spectra of several phosphorus compounds were recorded using monochromatic synchrotron radiation and megaelectronvolt (MeV) proton beam for target excitation. Measured spectra are compared to the results of ab initio quantum chemical calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). Clear correlation between energy position of the Kα emission line and the phosphorus formal oxidation state as well as DFT-calculated number of valence electrons is obtained; measured energy shifts are reproduced by the calculations. Chemical sensitivity is increased further by looking at the Kβ emission spectra probing directly the structure of occupied molecular orbitals. Energies and relative intensities of main components are given together with the calculated average atomic character of the corresponding molecular orbitals involved in transitions

    Electronic Structure of Third-Row Elements in Different Local Symmetries Studied by Valence-to-Core X‑ray Emission Spectroscopy

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    The electronic structure of phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine in compounds with <i>T</i><sub><i>d</i></sub> and <i>C</i><sub>3<i>v</i></sub> local symmetries was studied with high-resolution Kβ X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) in the tender X-ray range. Measured spectra are compared to the results of <i>ab initio</i> quantum chemical calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). The spectral structure is reproduced by the model spectra of isolated XO<sub>4</sub><sup><i>n</i>–</sup> and XO<sub>3</sub><sup><i>n</i>–</sup> (X = P, S, or Cl) anions incorporating only the first coordination sphere around the central atom. The main spectral components can be explained by the molecular orbital theory. Finally, the potential of XES spectroscopy combined with DFT calculations to study the electronic structure of third-row elements in a slightly larger molecule is investigated