1,738 research outputs found

    Ambulatory Extracorporeal Arterioveous CO2 Removal via Subclavian Vessels

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    Lung transplantation is the last recourse for patients with severe respiratory failure. However, transplantable lungs do not keep up with the demand, and 15.4% of patients die awaiting transplant. An alternative therapy is extracorporeal life support (ECLS), which uses a pump and an oxygenator to serve as a bridge to transplant. However, this technology limits ambulation and requires ICU care. This novel study implements pumpless arteriovenous (AV) ECLS technology to remove CO2 via the subclavian vessels, providing respiratory support and hypercapnia (excessive CO2 retention) sympton relief for patients while allowing ambulation

    Prevalencia de relacion molar en ninos de 5 anos de los colegios municipales con ensenanza preescolar de Talca, 2009

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    79 p.Introducción: En la fase de dentición primaria la relación molar anteroposterior se describe en términos de la relación entre los planos terminales, los cuales son las superficies distales de los segundos molares primarios maxilares y mandibulares. Se clasifican en plano recto, escalón mesial y escalón distal. La evaluación de estos planos terminales, es de gran importancia, porque los primeros molares permanentes en erupción son guiados por las superficies distales de los segundos molares primarios, cuando hacen erupción en oclusión. Objetivo: Determinar la relación molar bilateral más prevalente en niños de 5 años. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal. La población fue de 402 niños de 5 años, de los cuales 300 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión mientras 102 fueron excluidos. Como dato adicional se anexó una encuesta de malos hábitos. Resultados: A los 5 años de edad se observaron 45% de niños con escalón recto bilateral, 52% de niños con escalón mesial bilateral y 3% de niños con escalón distal bilateral. No se encontraron diferencias en cuanto al sexo y tipo de relación molar En cuanto a la cuantificación de milímetros los valores en su mayoría fueron de 1mm. El 56,7% presentan al menos un mal hábito. Conclusiones: La relación molar más prevalente a los 5 años es de escalón mesial bilateral. No se encontró relación entre sexo y algún tipo de relación molar. Con respecto a la cuantificación en milímetros de los diferentes escalones, los valores en su mayoría fueron de 1 mm. Un 56,7% presenta al menos un mal hábito. No se encontró relación entre malos hábitos y relación molar, por tanto se concluye que los malos hábitos son independientes al tipo de relación molar. Palabras Claves: oclusión, relación molar, dentición primaria, niños

    Gene expression profiling approach towards enhancement of malaria vaccine development

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    Malaria continues to be one of the highest morbidity and mortality infectious diseases in the world, posing an enormous public health burden with significant economic consequences. The development of vaccines that provide sterile protection against pathogenic infection by the Plasmodium parasites that cause malaria is thus a major global public health priority. This dissertation describes three gene expression profiling experiments using RNA sequencing technology (RNASeq) applied to samples collected during clinical trials performed at the CAUCASECO research center in Cali, Colombia. In each case, peripheral blood samples from volunteers and patients enrolled in studies addressing different aspects of immunity against P. vivax malaria were studied, namely the effect of prior exposure, the efficacy of an attenuated parasite vaccine, and resolution of complicated disease. The results presented explore how gene expression profiling of the complex mixture of cells present in whole blood can nevertheless reveal the cellular nature and duration of the immune response to P. vivax infection, while also highlighting subsets of genes that may mediate adaptive immunity. These results demonstrate the potential value of RNASeq for studying the response of the host transcriptome of a malaria infection, and represent a step toward genomic profiling as a component of personalized clinical diagnostics for malaria treatment.Ph.D

    Frihet för vem? En kritisk analys av den liberala frihetssynen utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv med fokus på könsdiskriminerande reklam

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    Denna uppsats är en kritisk ideologianalys av den liberala frihetssynen utifrån feministisk teori. Som empiriska exempel har vi tagit sexualiseringen av det offentliga rummet och mer specifikt reklamens objektifiering av kvinnan och åtföljande diskussion om lagstiftning mot könsdiskriminerande reklam. Reklamens objektifiering av kvinnan inskränker på kvinnors reella frihet att definiera sig själva som individer och att vara fria från könsdiskriminering, en inskränkning som osynliggörs inom den liberala frihetssynen genom dess betoning på individen. Den feministiska kritiken framför mer användbara verktyg för att analysera det strukturella förtrycket av kvinnan och vi har utifrån en mer enhetlig syn på frihet med bas i Maccallums frihetsdefinition påvisat att inskränkningar i individers/gruppers frihet kan leda till större frihet för flertalet. Vem friheten är till för, dess innebörd och utformning kan således inte fastställas en gång för alla utan är en process som sker genom kontinuerliga avvägningar mellan olika individers och gruppers intressen. Nyckelord: Liberalism, frihet, förtryck, feminism, reklam. Antal tecken: 69 421 (inklusive blanksteg

    V Iberian Congress of Landscape Ecology "Changing Landscapes and Societies"

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    V Congresso Ibérico de Ecologia da Paisagem 18 a 19 de novembro de 2021 Online A Associação Espanhola de Ecologia da Paisagem (AEEP), capítulo espanhol da Associação Internacional de Ecologia da Paisagem (IALE), juntamente com a Associação Portuguesa de Ecologia da Paisagem (APEP), organizou o V Congresso Ibérico de Ecologia da Paisagem / V Conferência Ibérica de Ecologia da Paisagem, ​ "Paisagens e sociedades em mudança" ​ O objetivo é criar um espaço de discussão e informação que inclua ecólogos, urbanistas, geógrafos, gestores e todos aqueles que se reúnem no espaço de interação que é a Ecologia da Paisagem. ​ Este evento será realizado de modo não-presencial (online) nos dias 18 e 19 de novembro de 2021, e inclui o Workshop "Copernicus para o moniyorização da paisagem", que terá início antes das datas indicadas para o congresso. No entanto, a Universidade de Alicante (Estação Científica Font Roja Natura) continua a ser a sede do Congresso, embora tenhamos considerado a melhor opção manter o formato online. ​ É uma oportunidade de aprender sobre a ciência da ecologia da paisagem e como esta pode contribuir para o planeamento territorial e a gestão e conservação dos serviços dos ecossistemas. As palavras-chave serão, portanto, infraestrutura verde, serviços dos ecossistemas, soluções baseadas na natureza e as relações entre a Diretiva Habitats e a governança do planeamento e ordenamento do territorio

    A Binary Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm to Solve the Set Covering Problem

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    The Set Covering Problem (SCP) is a well known NP-hard problem with many practical applications. In this work binary fruit fly optimization algorithms (bFFOA) were used to solve this problem using different binarization methods. The bFFOA is based on the food finding behavior of the fruit flies using osphresis and vision. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our algorithms producing competitive results when solve the benchmarks of SCP from the OR-Library

    A Comparison of Three Recent Nature-Inspired Metaheuristics for the Set Covering Problem

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    The Set Covering Problem (SCP) is a classic problem in combinatorial optimization. SCP has many applications in engineering,including problems involving routing, scheduling, stock cutting, electoral redistricting and others important real life situations. Because of its importance, SCP has attracted attention of many researchers. However,SCP instances are known as complex and generally NP-hard problems.Due to the combinatorial nature of this problem, during the last decades,several metaheuristics have been applied to obtain efficient solutions.This paper presents a metaheuristics comparison for the SCP. Three recent nature-inspired metaheuristics are considered: Shuffled Frog Leaping,Firefly and Fruit Fly algorithms. The results show that they can obtainn optimal or close to optimal solutions at low computational cost

    Development of a wearable bioartificial kidney using the Bioartificial Renal Epithelial Cell System (BRECS)

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    Cell therapy for the treatment of renal failure in the acute setting has proved successful, with therapeutic impact, yet development of a sustainable, portable bioartificial kidney for treatment of chronic renal failure has yet to be realized. Challenges in maintaining an anticoagulated blood circuit, the typical platform for solute clearance and support of the biological components, have posed a major hurdle in advancement of this technology. This group has developed a Bioartificial Renal Epithelial Cell System (BRECS) capable of differentiated renal cell function while sustained by body fluids other than blood. To evaluate this device for potential use in endâ stage renal disease, a large animal model was established that exploits peritoneal dialysis fluid for support of the biological device and delivery of cell therapy while providing uraemic control. Anephric sheep received a continuous flow peritoneal dialysis (CFPD) circuit that included a BRECS. Sheep were treated with BRECS containing 1 à  108 renal epithelial cells or acellular sham devices for up to 7 days. The BRECS cell viability and activity were maintained with extracorporeal peritoneal fluid circulation. A systemic immunological effect of BRECS therapy was observed as cellâ treated sheep retained neutrophil oxidative activity better than shamâ treated animals. This model demonstrates that use of the BRECS within a CFPD circuit embodies a feasible approach to a sustainable and effective wearable bioartificial kidney. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140038/1/term2206.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140038/2/term2206_am.pd

    Development of a Model of Pediatric Lung Failure Pathophysiology

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    A pediatric artificial lung (PAL) is under development as a bridge to transplantation or lung remodeling for children with end-stage lung failure (ESLF). To evaluate the efficiency of a PAL, a disease model mimicking the physiologic derangements of pediatric ESLF is needed. Our previous right pulmonary artery (rPA) ligation model (rPA-LM) achieved that goal, but caused immediate mortality in nearly half of the animals. In this study, we evaluated a new technique of gradual postoperative right pulmonary artery occlusion using a Rummel tourniquet (rPA-RT) in seven (25–40 kg) sheep. This technique created a stable model of ESLF pathophysiology, characterized by high alveolar dead space (58.0% ± 3.8%), pulmonary hypertension (38.4 ± 2.2 mm Hg), tachypnea (79 ± 20 breaths per minute), and intermittent supplemental oxygen requirement. This improvement to our technique provides the necessary physiologic derangements for testing a PAL, whereas avoiding the problem of high immediate perioperative mortality