74 research outputs found

    Alcanzar altos AQL en frutas y verduras para la comercialización en los supermercados

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    La producción de alimentos de calidad, con destino a mercado interno y externo es de alta prioridad y es además lo que el consumidor demanda actualmente. El tema ha crecido fuertemente en los últimos años en el m undo. En los actuales mercados, la búsqueda de la excelencia y la calidad se convierten en metas fundamentales para los productores de alimentos. Las exigencias del consumidor actual de frutas y verduras se orientan cada vez más por los aspectos cualitativos más que los cuantitativos y éstos prefieren que tengan ciertas características sensoriales que lo satisfagan o, lo que es lo mismo, que tengan calidad. (Proyecto Eclair, Ferratto, 2003.

    Towards the Control of Electrophotographic-based 3-Dimensional Printing: Image-Based Sensing and Modeling of Surface Defects

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    Electro-Photography (EP) has been used for decades for fast, cheap, and reliable printing in offices and homes around the world. It has been shown that extending the use of EP for 3D printing is feasible; multiple layered prints are already commercially available (color laser printers) but only for a very limited number of layers. Many of the advantages of laser printing make EP 3D printing desirable including: speed, reliability, selective coloring, ability to print a thermoplastic, possibilities for multi-material printing, ability to print materials not amenable to liquid ink formulations. However, many challenges remain before EP-based 3D printing can be commercially viable. A limiting factor in using the same system architecture as a traditional laser printer is that as the thickness of the part increases, material deposition becomes more difficult with each layer since the increased thickness reduces the field strength. Different system configurations have been proposed where the layer is printed on intermediate stations and are subsequently transferred to the work piece. Layer registration and uniform transfer from the intermediate station become crucial factors in this architecture. At the Print Research and Imaging Systems Modeling (PRISM) Lab preliminary tests have confirmed the feasibility of using EP for Additive Manufacturing (AM). However, similar issues were encountered to those reported in literature as the number of layers increased, resulting in non-uniform brittle 3D structures. The defects were present but not obvious at each layer, and as the part built up, the defects add up and became more obvious. The process, as in many printers, did not include a control system for the ultimate system output (print), and the actuation method (electrostatic charge) is not entirely well characterized or sensed to be used in a control system. This research intends to help the development of a model and an image-based sensing system that can be used for control of material deposition defects for an EP 3D printing process. This research leverages from the expertise at RIT and the Rochester area in Printing, Electrophotography, Rapid Prototyping, Control, and Imaging Sciences

    A selection framework for derivative products: Development of an impact metric and platform value assessment methodology

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    In today’s product development environment, most companies develop product platforms due to the time and cost advantages that are reaped on subsequent development efforts. Many Research and Development (R&D) efforts conclude with the establishment of a platform that anticipates certain technologies and/or markets. However, when a new unanticipated market or technology arises, firms often struggle to assess these opportunities. Most tools to date focus on the upfront decisions while the product platform is under development. There is little work that examines these decisions with the added constraint of a preexisting platform. This work proposes a new methodology derived from existing tools that address platform development, specifically, the development of derivative products given the constraints of existing platforms and new opportunities that were not identified during the development of the original platforms. The methodology estimates the impact of making a change in a specific part of the platform in order to integrate new technologies and develop new derivative products, using information theory and coupling indices that capture different aspects of a platform and are combined to extract the most relevant characteristics of each tool. This estimation is fed into a Real Options decision tree model that establishes the value of the opportunity conducting simulations for certain scenarios of markets to pursue, technologies to integrate, and existing platforms to use. The methodology is applied to a water cooler in order to illustrate the process using two different platforms under a common set of assumptions. This case study suggested that the proposed approach facilitated the decisions to integrate new technologies and pursue new markets from existing platforms. Opportunities for future work include examining the appropriate ways of combining Coupling Indices and Information Theory, the linkage between impact assessment and the cost of technology integration, and the relationship between the type of industry and the required investment to integrate technologies. In addition, a real application case would provide more meaningful results and allow the refinement of this approach

    Análisis de la situación actual de la gestión documental en INTECOL Cali y formulación de una propuesta para actualizar dicha gestión, según las herramientas, normas y leyes vigentes.

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    Dentro de la función administrativa de cualquier organización es indispensable identificar a los archivos como elemento fundamental de la gestión, ya que estos cuentan la historia, conservan la información y promueven no sólo el desarrollo de las actividades presentes, sino que el mejoramiento de las futuras. Una vez identificada esta necesidad, el equipo de trabajo formuló el problema del proyecto orientado a analizar la situación del Sistema de Gestión Documental actual de INTECOL y a formular una propuesta de mejora para el mismo. Se inició aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos en la Especialización en Gestión de proyectos a través de la adaptación del PMBOK en el Capítulo 4 Desarrollo del Proyecto, en donde se detalló los planes de gestión de: Alcance, Cronograma, Costos, Calidad, Recursos Humanos, Comunicaciones y de Grupos de Interés. Esta metodología se adecuó a las características del proyecto ejecutado. Así mismo, el trabajo se desarrolla en 3 fases, la primera: Identificación de la organización, métodos, procedimientos y herramientas utilizadas en la gestión documental de la organización, donde se describe e identifica la estructura de la institución mediante el análisis de la misión, visión, mapa de procesos y/o principios y valores; más detalladamente se exponen los hallazgos encontrados en cuanto a los procedimientos y herramientas existentes para la Gestión Documental, e igualmente se analiza el patrimonio archivístico con el que cuenta INTECOL mediante la presentación de la caracterización general de los archivos físicos y la aplicación del Cuadro de Valoración Documental diseñado por el equipo de trabajo. Para la fase dos: Identificación de la normatividad, guías orientativas, procedimientos recomendados y herramientas aplicables a los requerimientos de INTECOL para gestionar los archivos, se realizó la consulta en diferentes fuentes de información para analizar las normativas, guías e instructivos disponibles y aplicables en la organización, donde se incluyeron no sólo leyes y decretos de obligatorio cumplimiento, sino también documentos orientativos que actúan como herramientas fundamentales para establecer políticas y procedimientos efectivos en la Gestión Documental de la institución. El objetivo es contar con el análisis inicial que servirá como punto de partida para el futuro desarrollo del Sistema de Gestión Documental final que aplicará la organización. Finalmente, en la fase 3: Diseño de propuesta final para el mejoramiento de la gestión documental en la Institución Educativa INTECOL, se creó el Programa de Gestión Documental que actúa como propuesta final de mejoramiento de la función archivística, documento que se basó en los productos obtenidos en las anteriores fases y que pretende sea considerado por la institución como el paso inicial para la estructuración de un Sistema de Gestión Documental funcional que garantice la conservación y preservación de la memoria histórica de la institución y de los intereses de todas las partes interesadas o Stakeholders.Within the administrative function of any organization, it is essential to identify archives as a fundamental element of management, since they tell the story, preserve information and promote not only the development of present activities, but also the improvement of future ones. Once this need was identified, the work team formulated the project problem aimed at analyzing the situation of INTECOL's current Document Management System and formulating an improvement proposal for it. It began by applying the knowledge acquired in the Project Management Specialization through the adaptation of the PMBOK in Chapter 4 Project Development, where the management plans of: Scope, Schedule, Costs, Quality, Human Resources, Communications were detailed and Stakeholders. This methodology was adapted to the characteristics of the executed project. Likewise, the work is developed in 3 phases, the first: Identification of the organization, methods, procedures and tools used in the document management of the organization, where the structure of the institution is described and identified through the analysis of the mission, vision, process map and / or principles and values; In more detail, the findings found regarding the existing procedures and tools for Document Management are exposed, and the archival heritage that INTECOL has is analyzed by presenting the general characterization of the physical archives and the application of the Assessment Chart Documentary designed by the work team. For phase two: Identification of the regulations, guidance guides, recommended procedures and tools applicable to INTECOL's requirements to manage the files, a consultation was carried out in different sources of information to analyze the regulations, guides and instructions available and applicable in the organization, where not only mandatory laws and decrees were included, but also guidance documents that act as fundamental tools to establish effective policies and procedures in the Institution's Document Management. The objective is to have the initial analysis that will serve as a starting point for the future development of the final Document Management System that the organization will apply. Finally, in phase 3: Design of the final proposal for the improvement of document management in the INTECOL Educational Institution, the Document Management Program was created, which acts as a final proposal for the improvement of the archival function, a document that was based on the products obtained in the previous phases and that it intends to be considered by the institution as the initial step for the structuring of a functional Document Management System that guarantees the conservation and preservation of the historical memory of the institution and the interests of all interested parties or stakeholders

    Is schizoaffective disorder a distinct categorical diagnosis? A critical review of the literature

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    Considerable debate surrounds the inclusion of schizoaffective disorder in psychiatric nosology. Schizoaffective disorder may be a variant of schizophrenia in which mood symptoms are unusually prominent but not unusual in type. This condition may instead reflect a severe form of either major depressive or bipolar disorder in which episode-related psychotic symptoms fail to remit completely between mood episodes. Alternatively, schizoaffective disorder may reflect the co-occurrence of two relatively common psychiatric illnesses, schizophrenia and a mood disorder (major depressive or bipolar disorder). Each of these formulations of schizoaffective disorder presents nosological challenges because the signs and symptoms of this condition cross conventional categorical diagnostic boundaries between psychotic disorders and mood disorders. The study, evaluation, and treatment of persons presently diagnosed with schizoaffective may be more usefully informed by a dimensional approach. It is in this context that this article reviews and contrasts the categorical and dimensional approaches to its description, neurobiology, and treatment. Based on this review, an argument for the study and treatment of this condition using a dimensional approach is offered

    The principle of favorability applied from the general disciplinary code amended by law 2094 of 2021 to the advanced disciplinary processes during the effectiveness of the single disciplinary code

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    El Código General Disciplinario, incluidas las modificaciones contempladas en la Ley 2094 de 2021, constituye un cambio normativo para el derecho disciplinario que, hasta el momento, regía la Ley 734 de 2002. Dichas variaciones suponen un cambio para las autoridades disciplinarias, enfrentando el reto de surtir procesos valiéndose de ambas codificaciones, según la fecha de la comisión de la falta, así como la etapa actual de los mismos, verbigracia, la notificación del pliego de cargos al investigado. Pero ¿si el Código General Disciplinario prevé una situación más benévola para el investigado, aun cuando, dada la ocurrencia de la falta y el principio de legalidad, el proceso se adelanta a la luz de la Ley 734 de 2002? Pues bien, el presente artículo desarrolla el estudio de distintas formas de aplicación de la ley en el tiempo, así como el Principio de Favorabilidad; conceptos desarrollados por la jurisprudencia Colombia para resolver problemas jurídicos como el planteado, buscando la ley más favorable para el sujeto disciplinario. De este modo, a través de la investigación jurídico-dogmática, de carácter descriptivo aquí desarrollada, se estudiará acuciosamente el Principio de favorabilidad, su relación con la retroactividad y ultraactividad de la ley, para así tener claridad respecto de las situaciones de favorables que existen en el Código General Disciplinario, para quienes son investigados de acuerdo con la Ley 734 de 2022. Lo anterior, para analizar el Principio de favorabilidad en materia sancionatoria e identificar las instituciones jurídicas implicadas con la aplicación de este, ante la entrada en vigor de la Ley 1952 de 2019, modificada por la Ley 2094 de 2021.Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro -- Facultad de derecho, ciencias políticas y sociales -- Especialización en derecho administrativoThe General Disciplinary Code, including the amendments contemplated in Law 2094 of 2021, constitutes a regulatory change for disciplinary law, which until now was governed by Law 734 of 2002. These variations imply a change for the disciplinary authorities, facing the challenge of conducting proceedings using both codifications, depending on the date of the commission of the offense, as well as the current stage of the proceedings, for example, the notification of the statement of charges to the person under investigation. But what if the General Disciplinary Code provides a more benevolent situation for the person under investigation, even though, given the occurrence of the offense and the principle of legality, the process is carried out in the light of Law 734 of 2002? Well, this article develops the study of different forms of application of the law in time, as well as the Principle of Favorability; concepts developed by the Colombian jurisprudence to solve legal problems such as the one raised, seeking the most favorable law for the disciplinary subject. Thus, through the legal-dogmatic research, of a descriptive nature developed here, the Principle of favorability, its relationship with the retroactivity and ultraactivity of the law will be studied in detail, in order to have clarity regarding the favorable situations that exist in the General Disciplinary Code, for those who are investigated in accordance with Law 734 of 2002. The above, to analyze the Principle of favorability in sanctioning matters and identify the legal institutions involved with the application of this, before the entry into force of Law 1952 of 2019, as amended by Law 2094 of 2021

    Variabilidad Espacial de Algunas Propiedades Físicas y Químicas de los Suelos, con Diferentes Sistemas de Manejo

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    (38)hojasLa variación espacial de las propiedades del suelo es resultado de los procesos generales y específicos de la génesis de los suelos, en lotes cultivados de cítricos, guanábana y semestrales de la granja de la Universidad de los Llanos, se realizó un muestreo sistemático en cuadricula con 24 puntos ubicados con GPS, y con base en análisis geoestadísticos se estudió la variabilidad espacial de algunas propiedades físicas (densidad aparente, resistencia a la penetración) y químicas (materia orgánica, fosforo, pH en agua y pH KCl) del suelo; el estadígrafo SNK mostró diferencias significativas entre los diferentes sistemas. Y que existe variabilidad espacial en la densidad aparente y el pH del suelo.Aplicaciones del GPS en la agricultura………………….…………………14 Muestreo de suelos…………………………………………………………….14 Tipos de muestreo……………………………………………………………..15 Muestreo aleatorio simple……………………………………….……………15 Muestreo aleatorio estratificado……………………………………………..15 Muestreo aleatorio sistemático………………………………………………16 Muestreo en conglomerado…………………………………………………..17 Geoestadística como herramienta de interpretación de datos…….…..17 Variabilidad espacial del suelo……………………………………..………..18 Análisis de semivarianza……………………………………...………………19 Semivarianza……………………………………………………….……………19 Semivariograma………………………………………………….……………..20 Métodos de interpolación……………………………………………………..21 Kriging……………………………………………………………………………21 Propiedades físicas del suelo………………………………….…………….22 Densidad aparente………………………………………………….………….22 Método del cilindro para determinar densidad aparente…………….….22 Resistencia a la penetración……………………………………..…….…….22 Penetrologger con GPS……………………………………………….………23 Resistencia a la penetración medida con el penetrologger…………….23MÉTODOS DE INTERPOLACIÓN-AGRICULTURA, PROPIEDADES DEL SUELO, VARIABILIDAD DEL SUELOTesis (Ingeniería Agronómica) Universidad de los Llanos Orientales. Resultado para Obtener el Título de Ingeniero Agrónomo.PregradoIngeniería Agronómic

    Functional imaging of hippocampal dysfunction among persons with Alzheimer’s disease: a proof-of-concept study

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    Cholinergic deficits are an early and functionally significant manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). These deficits contribute to impairment of hippocampally mediated information processing, including declarative memory impairments and abnormal auditory sensory gating. A functional imaging technique that facilitates identification of changes in cholinergically dependent hippocampal information processing would be of considerable use in the study and clinical evaluation of persons with this condition. Techniques that interrogate hippocampal function passively, ie, in a manner requiring no cognitive effort or novel task learning during the neuroimaging procedure, would also be especially useful in this cognitively impaired population. The functional magnetic resonance imaging sensory gating paradigm developed at the University of Colorado, CO, USA, is a functional neuroimaging technique that possesses both of these characteristics. We developed a demonstration project using this paradigm in which we passively interrogated hippocampal function in two subjects with probable AD of mild severity. Imaging data were quick and easy in these subjects and served usefully as an initial demonstration of the feasibility of using this neuroimaging method in this population. Preliminary analyses of the data obtained from these subjects identified abnormal blood oxygen level-dependent responses when compared with four healthy comparators, and the pattern of these responses was consistent with impaired function of the auditory sensory gating network. The strengths and limitations of this neuroimaging paradigm and the additional issues that require investigation in order to continue its development into a research and clinical technique for use in this population are discussed

    Obstáculos epistemológicos en torno al concepto de teoría científica en estudiantes de las licenciaturas: biología, física y química de la universidad distrital

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    The construction of scientific concepts has been a challenge for students during their academic training process, the above is evident when the training that is carried out is to perform professionally as teachers or trainers of people in scientific subjects, since science they pose complex themes that permeate ideas and theoretical constructions that are difficult to understand and understand, which generates cognitive and even psychological difficulties when it comes to producing scientific knowledge. These difficulties are called epistemological obstacle. The objective of this research was to determine the epistemological obstacles presented by students in the second and fifth semesters of the Bachelor's Degree in Biology, Physics and Chemistry of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, with respect to the concept of scientific theory. To do this, a questionnaire consisting of 6 questions was generated, applied to a group of 30 students, 5 second and 5 fifth semesters of each curricular project. In this way, it was possible to compare the obstacles in which the students of each academic level fall. The main obstacles encountered were: general knowledge, basic and verbal experience. Following these we find the quantitative obstacle and the animistic obstacle. The quantitative obstacle was only evidenced in the Degree in Physics. All of the above framed in the postulates of Gastón Bachelard.La construcción de conceptos científicos ha sido todo un reto para los estudiantes durante su proceso de formación académica, lo anterior, es evidente cuando la formación que se adelanta es para desempeñarse profesionalmente como docentes o formadores de personas en los temas científicos, puesto que las ciencias plantean temáticas complejas que se permean de ideas y construcciones teóricas difíciles de entender y comprender, lo cual genera dificultades de orden cognitivo y hasta psicológico a la hora producir conocimiento científico. Estas dificultades, reciben el nombre de obstáculo epistemológico. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar los obstáculos epistemológicos que presentan los estudiantes que cursan los semestres segundo y quinto de Licenciatura en Biología, Física y Química de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, con respecto al concepto de teoría científica. Para ello, se generó un cuestionario conformado por 6 preguntas, aplicado a un grupo de 30 estudiantes, 5 de segundo y 5 de quinto semestre de cada proyecto curricular. De esta forma, se pudo comparar los obstáculos en los que caen los estudiantes de cada nivel académico. Los principales obstáculos encontrados fueron: conocimiento general, experiencia básica y verbal. Seguidos de estos encontramos el obstáculo cuantitativo y el obstáculo animista. El obstáculo cuantitativo sólo se evidenció en Licenciatura en Física. Todo lo anterior enmarcado en los postulados de Gastón Bachelard