12 research outputs found

    Gamification of sports media coverage: an infotainment approach to Olympics and Football World Cups

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    Sports media coverage of mega-events is partly oriented to gamification, the use of game elements and game design techniques in non-gaming contexts. This infotainment approach to events has been developed by media outlets as an original and effective way to capture wider audience attention and to place events in context before a competition starts. This article examines 28 gamified sports pieces developed by media outlets from seven countries during the last two Olympics (2016 Summer Olympics in Rio and 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang) and Football World Cups (2014 in Brazil and 2018 in Russia). This sample comprises two categories following Ferrer-Conill (2015): “gamified pieces” (game like elements that are part of a bigger interactive feature) and “newsgames” (more sophisticated pieces often included in complex graphics or multimedia content). The results show that, despite its entertaining formula, gamification serves mainly informational purposes and adds value to sports coverage. Especially in the Summer and Winter Olympics, gamified sports pieces tend to be explanatory and data-driven in order to inform the audience about nonmainstream sports

    Biodiversity Assessment and Geographical Affinities of Discards in Clam Fisheries in the Atlantic–Mediterranean Transition (Northern Alboran Sea)

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    This study focused on the assessment and quantification of discards generated by clam fisheries along the northern Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean). Discard samples (n = 278) were collected throughout one year on board nine commercial vessels. A total of 129 species were identified, mostly represented by molluscs (72 spp.), arthropods (20 spp.) and echinoderms (12 spp.). Molluscs dominated in terms of abundance (67.5%) and biomass (94.2%). The superfamily Paguroidea (i.e. hermit crabs), together with undersized target individuals, were the most abundant taxa. The abundance and biomass of discards displayed significant maximum values in winter, which could be partly related to biotic factors including population dynamics of some dominant species. Multivariate analyses indicated the presence of different assemblages related to the targeted bivalve species, reflecting the transition between a fine surface-sands biocoenosis exposed to wave action and a well-sorted fine sands biocoenosis below 5 m depth. Analysis of biogeographical affinities showed that most discarded species (73.2%) have an extensive Atlantic range, whereas 7.1% have a restricted distribution within the Mediterranean. The presence of subtropical species highlights the uniqueness of this area (the Atlantic–Mediterranean transition) in European seas. The usefulness of discard analysis for biodiversity assessment is discussed.Postprin

    A precision medicine test predicts clinical response after idarubicin and cytarabine induction therapy in AML patients

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    Complete remission (CR) after induction therapy is the first treatment goal in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients and has prognostic impact. Our purpose is to determine the correlation between the observed CR/CRi rate after idarubicin (IDA) and cytarabine (CYT) 3 + 7 induction and the leukemic chemosensitivity measured by an ex vivo test of drug activity. Bone marrow samples from adult patients with newly diagnosed AML were included in this study. Whole bone marrow samples were incubated for 48 h in well plates containing IDA, CYT, or their combination. Pharmacological response parameters were estimated using population pharmacodynamic models. Patients attaining a CR/CRi with up to two induction cycles of 3 + 7 were classified as responders and the remaining as resistant. A total of 123 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were evaluable for correlation analyses. The strongest clinical predictors were the area under the curve of the concentration response curves of CYT and IDA. The overall accuracy achieved using MaxSpSe criteria to define positivity was 81%, predicting better responder (93%) than non-responder patients (60%). The ex vivo test provides better yet similar information than cytogenetics, but can be provided before treatment representing a valuable in-time addition. After validation in an external cohort, this novel ex vivo test could be useful to select AML patients for 3 + 7 regimen vs. alternative schedules

    Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are grounded in the global ambition of “leaving no one behind”. Understanding today’s gains and gaps for the health-related SDGs is essential for decision makers as they aim to improve the health of populations. As part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016), we measured 37 of the 50 health-related SDG indicators over the period 1990–2016 for 188 countries, and then on the basis of these past trends, we projected indicators to 2030

    Multiancestry analysis of the HLA locus in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases uncovers a shared adaptive immune response mediated by HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes

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    Across multiancestry groups, we analyzed Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) associations in over 176,000 individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus controls. We demonstrate that the two diseases share the same protective association at the HLA locus. HLA-specific fine-mapping showed that hierarchical protective effects of HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes best accounted for the association, strongest with HLA-DRB1*04:04 and HLA-DRB1*04:07, and intermediary with HLA-DRB1*04:01 and HLA-DRB1*04:03. The same signal was associated with decreased neurofibrillary tangles in postmortem brains and was associated with reduced tau levels in cerebrospinal fluid and to a lower extent with increased Aβ42. Protective HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes strongly bound the aggregation-prone tau PHF6 sequence, however only when acetylated at a lysine (K311), a common posttranslational modification central to tau aggregation. An HLA-DRB1*04-mediated adaptive immune response decreases PD and AD risks, potentially by acting against tau, offering the possibility of therapeutic avenues

    Análisis del Descarte de las Pesquerías de Moluscos Bivalvos con Dragas Mecanizadas en el Litoral Mediterráneo de Andalucía

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    Análisis del descarte de las pesquerías de moluscos bivalvos con dragas mecanizadas en el litoral mediterráneo de Andalucía T. García1, H. Gallardo2, E. León Duarte2, A. Rojas García2, B. Orúe Montaner2, J. Urra1, M. Lozano1, J.M. Serna, A. Garrido3, A.J. Ibañez Yuste3, A. Terrón Sigler3, J. Baro1, J.L. Rueda1 1. Centro Andaluz Superior de Estudios Marinos, Universidad de Cádiz, Polígono Río San Pedro 11510 Puerto Real, Cádiz, España 2. Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Puerto Pesquero s/n, 29640 Fuengirola, España 3. Agencia de Gestión Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía, Edificio Administrativo Servicios Centrales, Avda. de Grecia s/n, 41012 Sevilla, España Debido a la ausencia de información para el Mar de Alborán, se ha estudiado la composición y estructura del descarte asociado a la pesquería de Donax trunculus (coquina), Chamelea gallina (chirla) y Callista chione (concha fina) en los caladeros habituales donde opera la flota artesanal con dragas mecanizadas de los puertos de Caleta de Vélez, Fuengirola y La Línea de la Concepción. Se han analizado un total de 143 lances realizados en 45 mareas comerciales durante el periodo comprendido entre febrero y julio de 2013, obteniéndose información referente a la abundancia y la distribución de talla de las especies objetivo y la composición del descarte. Para el análisis del descarte se obtuvo una muestra de cada uno de los lances realizados, clasificando cuantitativa (abundancia, biomasa) y cualitativamente tanto los organismos como el material inerte (bioclastos, guijarros, restos de vegetales y basura) presentes en dicha muestra. Los datos se han tratado de forma univariante para el cálculo de índices ecológicos, y de forma multivariante para conocer las diferencias en los descartes entre especies objetivo y estaciones del año. Tras el análisis de las muestras, se observó que el número medio de especies en los descartes de los embarques dirigidos a la captura de coquina fue mayor (14,8 spp lance-1) que el de chirla (12,4 spp lance-1) o concha fina (7,2 spp lance-1), pero obteniéndose una tasa de descarte mayor para la chirla (23,1%) que para la coquina (10,7%) o la concha fina (14,5%). La fracción descartada está constituida por especies no comerciales y ejemplares de menor talla a la legal de captura. En una pequeña proporción se descartan ejemplares de mayor tamaño debido a daños producidos en el ejercicio de la maniobra de pesca. La fracción de material inerte fue mayor para la coquina (62,9%) que para la chirla (49,9%) o la concha fina (57,1%). El descarte está compuesto por un total de 104 especies, siendo los moluscos el grupo dominante tanto en riqueza específica (51,9%), como en abundancia (70,6%) y en biomasa (68,5%), seguido de los crustáceos decápodos y los equinodermos. Otros grupos que se hallaron en los descartes fueron los peces, los cnidarios, los anélidos, los poliquetos, los nemertinos y los sipuncúlidos, aunque generalmente con valores que no superaron el 1% de la abundancia y la biomasa total. Entre las especies dominantes, en relación a la abundancia, destacan ejemplares por debajo de la talla comercial de coquina y chirla o bivalvos como Mactra stultorum, Glycymeris nummaria, Acanthocardia tuberculata y Tellina spp., equinodermos como Echinocardium cf. mediterraneum, Astropecten irregularis, Ophiura ophiura y Holothuria spp., y decápodos como Liocarcinus vernalis, Atelecyclus undecimdentatus y diferentes especies de pagúridos. El análisis de similitud (ANOSIM) usando datos de abundancia (N) y biomasa (B) mostró que las muestras de descartes presentaban diferencias significativas en relación a la especie objetivo (N: RANOSIM=0,683; B: RANOSIM=0,664; p<0,001) y la estación del año (N: RANOSIM=0,119; p<0,001; B: RANOSIM=0,098; p<0,01), siendo en ambos casos las diferencias más acusadas entre los descartes de coquina y concha fina, y entre las muestras de verano e invierno

    Impacto sobre las Comunidades Bentónico-Demersales Generado por las Pesquerías con Dragas Mecanizadas en el Litoral Mediterráneo de Andalucía

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    Se ha estudiado el impacto que las dragas mecanizadas ocasionan sobre la comunidad bentónica-demersal en la pesquería de Donax trunculus (coquina), Chamelea gallina (chirla) y Callista chione (concha fina). Para ello se han analizado las muestras de descarte de 143 lances, procedentes de 45 mareas comerciales, entre febrero y julio de 2013, en los caladeros habituales donde opera la flota artesanal con dragas mecanizadas de los puertos de Caleta de Vélez, Fuengirola y La Línea de la Concepción. Se ha definido el impacto como el daño que se produce sobre los ejemplares capturados durante las operaciones de pesca y su manipulación, estableciéndose un rango de daño potencial en base a literatura científica consultada: (1) “sin daño”, individuos sin signos de daño físico y con alta probabilidad de supervivencia; (2) “daño intermedio”, individuos que presentan daños en ciertas partes que pueden ser regenerados tras su liberación (ej. Asteroideos u Ofiuroideos sin un brazo, pérdida de apéndices en decápodos, etc.); y (3) “daño severo”, ejemplares con daños que le impiden sobrevivir tras su liberación (ej. peces, rotura de charnela en bivalvos, decápodos con muy pocos apéndices, etc.). Tras el análisis de las muestras, los ejemplares descartados “sin daño” representan el 83,8% del total de individuos del descarte de coquina, el 80,6% del descarte de chirla y el 67,5% del de concha fina. Los individuos descartados con “daño intermedio” son el 6% para coquina y chirla y el 16,9% para concha fina, mientras que los considerados con “daño severo” representan el 10,48% para coquina, el 13,4% para chirla y el 15,5% para concha fina. Las especies más sensibles al impacto de la pesquería son los peces (ej. Lithognathus mormyrus, Ophidion rochei, Raja asterias, Microchirus boscanion), equinodermos con exoesqueleto de tipo frágil o que puedan autotomizarse (ej. Echinocardium cf. mediterraneaum, Holothuria sp., Luidia atlantidea, Ophiura ophiura), organismos vermiformes delicados como son los anélidos poliquetos (ej. Marphysa sp., Nephtys sp.) o sipuncúlidos (Sipunculus nudus), crustáceos decápodos (ej. Derilambrus angulifrons, Liocarcinus vernalis, Atelecyclus undecimdentatus) y moluscos de concha frágil, fundamentalmente bivalvos (ej. Ensis minor, Pharus legumen, Tellina spp., Mactra spp.). Para muchas de las especies descartadas se desconoce su supervivencia tras el descarte en relación al tipo de daño, siendo interesante la realización de estudios experimentales para este tipo de invertebrados y en diferentes estaciones (invierno vs. verano). No obstante, debido a la alta dominancia de los bivalvos con concha resistente, los ejemplares con “daño intermedio” y “daño severo” representan porcentajes bajos con respecto al total. Además, todos los ejemplares descartados son devueltos a la misma zona de captura (mismo tipo de hábitat y comunidad bentónica) en un corto periodo de tiempo (<1 hora), lo cual favorece su posibilidad de supervivencia. Aunque el número de embarcaciones artesanales del litoral mediterráneo andaluz es mayor (~400) al de embarcaciones de arrastre (~130), el impacto directo estimado sobre el medio bentónico seguramente es menor con respecto a la flota de arrastre. Esto es debido a que la flota artesanal cambia de arte a lo largo del año (rastro, trasmallo, etc.) y por tanto no incide en este medio durante todo el año, y está representada por embarcaciones de pequeño tamaño con baja movilidad desde su puerto base, con una mayor dependencia de la meteorología local (paradas debido a fuerte oleaje) y con menores áreas de acción/captura en cada operación de pesca, las cuales se realizan en zonas muy concretas y a muy poca profundidad, favoreciendo la suelta de material descartado en la misma zona de recolección, lo cual incrementa las posibilidades de supervivencia de las especies descartadas

    Gravest Empirical Mode to be used by Inverted Echo Sounders in order to determine the zonal flows in the South Atlantic

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    Four Pressure-equipped Inverted Echo Sounders (PIES) were deployed at about 10°W, between 19 and 35°S, the South Atlantic Gateway (SAGA), in order to determine the zonal flows in the South Atlantic. Those PIES will allow to observe the circulation of two water masses, the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) and the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), that flow in opposite directions across the South Atlantic, between Cape town and Brazil, through the SAGA. The measurements from the PIES, together with historical hydrographic data, permit to estimate the profiles of temperature and salinity of the water column, and therefore the density. Besides, using the thermal-wind equation, it is possible to retrieve the geostrophic velocity from an array of PIES. In order to get those estimations of temperature and salinity, it is necessary to determine the Gravest Empirical Mode (GEM), a relationship between the acoustic travel time observed by the PIES and the historical observations of salinity and temperature in the study area. In this work, we will show the GEM estimated for the SAGA, calculated using historical hydrographic data from CTDs and Argo Float, as well as, the estimations of the error in the geostrophic transport

    Comprehensive analysis and insights gained from long-term experience of the Spanish DILI Registry

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    Altres ajuts: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Agencia Española del Medicamento; Consejería de Salud de Andalucía.Background & Aims: Prospective drug-induced liver injury (DILI) registries are important sources of information on idiosyncratic DILI. We aimed to present a comprehensive analysis of 843 patients with DILI enrolled into the Spanish DILI Registry over a 20-year time period. Methods: Cases were identified, diagnosed and followed prospectively. Clinical features, drug information and outcome data were collected. Results: A total of 843 patients, with a mean age of 54 years (48% females), were enrolled up to 2018. Hepatocellular injury was associated with younger age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] per year 0.983; 95% CI 0.974-0.991) and lower platelet count (aOR per unit 0.996; 95% CI 0.994-0.998). Anti-infectives were the most common causative drug class (40%). Liver-related mortality was more frequent in patients with hepatocellular damage aged ≥65 years (p = 0.0083) and in patients with underlying liver disease (p = 0.0221). Independent predictors of liver-related death/transplantation included nR-based hepatocellular injury, female sex, higher onset aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and bilirubin values. nR-based hepatocellular injury was not associated with 6-month overall mortality, for which comorbidity burden played a more important role. The prognostic capacity of Hy's law varied between causative agents. Empirical therapy (corticosteroids, ursodeoxycholic acid and MARS) was prescribed to 20% of patients. Drug-induced autoimmune hepatitis patients (26 cases) were mainly females (62%) with hepatocellular damage (92%), who more frequently received immunosuppressive therapy (58%). Conclusions: AST elevation at onset is a strong predictor of poor outcome and should be routinely assessed in DILI evaluation. Mortality is higher in older patients with hepatocellular damage and patients with underlying hepatic conditions. The Spanish DILI Registry is a valuable tool in the identification of causative drugs, clinical signatures and prognostic risk factors in DILI and can aid physicians in DILI characterisation and management. Lay summary: Clinical information on drug-induced liver injury (DILI) collected from enrolled patients in the Spanish DILI Registry can guide physicians in the decision-making process. We have found that older patients with hepatocellular type liver injury and patients with additional liver conditions are at a higher risk of mortality. The type of liver injury, patient sex and analytical values of aspartate aminotransferase and total bilirubin can also help predict clinical outcomes