429 research outputs found

    La adecuación de las ICT y la aplicación de la Compatibilidad Electromagnética en un complejo hospitaliaro: Caso de la Vall de Hebrón

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    Es tracta d'estudiar la aplicació de les Infrastructures Comunes de Telecomunicació en complexos hospitalaris formats per diversos edificis per donar cobertura a les de comunicacions de veu i dades i serveis de radiodifusió, així com l'aplicació de la normativa vigent en quan a Compatibilitat Electromagnètica en l'entorn hospitalari. Es tracta de realitzar aquest estudi aplicar-lo al cas de l'Hospital de la Vall d'Hebron

    La adecuación de las ICT y la aplicación de la Compatibilidad Electromagnética en un complejo hospitaliaro: Caso de la Vall de Hebrón

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    Es tracta d'estudiar la aplicació de les Infrastructures Comunes de Telecomunicació en complexos hospitalaris formats per diversos edificis per donar cobertura a les de comunicacions de veu i dades i serveis de radiodifusió, així com l'aplicació de la normativa vigent en quan a Compatibilitat Electromagnètica en l'entorn hospitalari. Es tracta de realitzar aquest estudi aplicar-lo al cas de l'Hospital de la Vall d'Hebron

    Unconditional Quantile Partial Effects via Conditional Quantile Regression

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    This paper develops a semi-parametric procedure for estimation of unconditional quantile partial effects using quantile regression coefficients. The estimator is based on an identification result showing that, for continuous covariates, unconditional quantile effects are a weighted average of conditional ones at particular quantile levels that depend on the covariates. We propose a two-step estimator for the unconditional effects where in the first step one estimates a structural quantile regression model, and in the second step a nonparametric regression is applied to the first step coefficients. We establish the asymptotic properties of the estimator, say consistency and asymptotic normality. Monte Carlo simulations show numerical evidence that the estimator has very good finite sample performance and is robust to the selection of bandwidth and kernel. To illustrate the proposed method, we study the canonical application of the Engel's curve, i.e. food expenditures as a share of income

    Spectroradiometry with sub-microsecond time resolution using multianode photomultiplier tube assemblies

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    Accurate and precise measurements of spectroradiometric temperature are crucial for many high pressure experiments that use diamond anvil cells or shock waves. In experiments with sub-millisecond timescales, specialized detectors such as streak cameras or photomultiplier tubes are required to measure temperature. High accuracy and precision are difficult to attain, especially at temperatures below 3000 K. Here we present a new spectroradiometry system based on multianode photomultiplier tube technology and passive readout circuitry that yields a 0.24 μ\mus rise-time for each channel. Temperature is measured using five color spectroradiometry. During high pressure pulsed Joule heating experiments in a diamond anvil cell, we document measurement precision to be ±30\pm 30 K at temperatures as low as 2000 K during single-shot heating experiments with 0.60.6 μ\mus time-resolution. Ambient pressure melting tests using pulsed Joule heating indicate that the accuracy is ±80\pm 80 K in the temperature range 1800-2700 K.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figure

    Twelfth Intercomparison Campaign of the Regional Brewer Calibration Center Europe: El Arenosillo Atmospheric Sounding Station, Huelva, Spain, 29 May to 9 June 2017

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    Editado por Alberto Redondas y Stoyka NetchevaThe twelfth European Brewer Intercomparison Campaign was organized by the Regional Brewer Calibration Center for Europe (RBCC-E) in collaboration with the “Area of Instrumentation and Atmospheric Research Area” of Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA), with the support of the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the EUBREWNET ES1207 COST Action. Alongside the campaign, the ATMOZ (Traceability of Atmospheric Total Ozone) project workshop took place at the station. In addition, this event was also used as a demonstration exercise of the calibration methodologies and error assessment developed by the project (Gröbner et al., 2018)

    EUBREWNET Updates

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    Presentación realizada en: Nordic Ozone Group Meeting (2021), celebrado el 21 de abril de 2021 de manera virtual