132 research outputs found

    Understanding Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement: From Hard and Soft Law Perspective

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    Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agree-ment interesting to be understood in the perspective of hard law and soft law. TRIPs Agreement justified as hard or soft law by identifying the norms in the TRIPs agreement. Parameter obligation of TRIPs agreement visible implementation and enforcement of agreement norm with full compliance to fourth of the IPR Convention for the State parties is an indicator of unconditional obligation. Parameters precision TRIPS agreement showed formulation of general obligation setting up the implementation of treaty obligations is regulated in detail and the use of ”shall” term in any norm, describe the imperative norm character and shown indicator as substantial limited of interpretation with the parties might not interpreted. Parameter delegation looked explicitly provision of implementation and enforcement agreement that put an obligation on national authorities of state parties through domestic law and its courts. Parameter obligation, precision as well as delegation showed as high indicator that the TRIPs agreement characterized as hard law

    Prismatika Hukum sebagai Dasar Pembangunan Hukum di Indonesia Berdasarkan Pancasila (Kajian terhadap Hukum Kekayaan Intelektual)

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    Prismatika law as the law paradigm of the development IPR law based on Pancasila, IPR regulations that should be in balance IPR moral doctrines such as the value of respect for the work of others and the value of honesty with moral values rooted in Indonesian society that is communality and spirituality value as part of the local wisdom. Local wisdom can be regarded as a reflection of the living law and respect for other people's work is expected to take to encourage peoples to be more creative and innovative could be used as a tool for change

    Perlindungan Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional dalam Sistem Hukum Kekayaan Intelektual

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    The exsisting law of intellectual property had enable to protect incomprehensive for against TCE cause that is difference between the characteristics of both IPR and TCE. Forms of IPR should be embodied in the idea (in material form), (novelty) and(originality), in the form of TCE can be verbal expression/oral, and idea of TCE must be contained and produced as an act and knowledge as well as specific techniques rooted cultural tradition. IPR system base on individualistic and monopolistic value, and TCE system base on comunal and sipiritual valu

    Kebijakan Hukum “Tranferability” terhadap Perlindungan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual di Indonesia

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    Perhatian dan kepedulian pemerintah Indonesia semakin meningkat setelah menjadi pihak Persetujuan TRIPs dan konsekuensinya Indonesia harus meratifikasi beberapa perjanjian Internasional di bidang HKI dan melakukan revisi serta mengeluarkan peraturan baru di bidang perlindungan HKI. Sistem hukum perlindungan HKI di Indonesia yang mendasarkan pada perjanjian-perjanjian Internasional mengandung nilai atau ide dasar perlindungan HKI mengadopsi gagasan yang mengedepankan hak-hak individu yang memenerima sesorang itu memiliki harga perseorangan yang kuat dan diyakini memiliki harga moral yang intrinsik/inheren yang berbeda dengan kosmologi masyarakat Indonesia yang bercorak komunal menjadikan karya-karya intelektual tersebut diciptakan oleh para kreator dan inventor bukan bertujuan untuk dimiliki secara pribadi sebagai kekayaan, tetapi semata-mata bertujuan memenuhi kebutuhan komunitas masyarakat. Kebijakan hukum perlindungan HKI di Indonesia sama dengan melakukan “transferability” ataupun transplantasi sistem hukum HKI yang berasal dari masyarakat Barat ke dalam sistem hukum Indonesia. Kebijakan perlindungan HKI di Indonesia menjadi tidak berakar sistem sosial masyarakatnya (not peculiar rooted of social life) dan tidak tumbuh di dalam konteks sosial masyarakat Indonesia sendiri (not developed within context)

    The Role of International Adjudicative Bodies in Prosecuting Genocide Crime: A Case Study of International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

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    This paper is intended to explain the urgency of the formation of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), as an ad hoc international court based on United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution No. 827 of 1993, to try perpetrators of genocidal crimes against ethnic Bosnian Muslims. The crime of genocide originated from the ethnic conflict that occurred in the federation of Yugoslavia. The research was conducted by using a qualitative method, based on analysis of data sourced from international journals, books, and other electronic sources. The results conclude that the genocide that occurred against Bosnian Muslim ethnicity is one form of international crime while threatening international peace and security in the Balkan region, also intended to break the practice of impunity against international criminals who are a common enemy of humanity (hostis humans generis). These two considerations form the legal basis for the issuance of the UNSC Resolution on the Establishment of ICTY. The establishment of ICTY as an international court is intended as a court used to try perpetrators of genocidal crimes against Bosnian Muslim ethnicities, so that similar crimes will not be repeated in the future, both in Yugoslavia and in various other countries


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    Legal Politics Of Protection Of Indonesian Traditional Cultural Expressions/ Folklare

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