89 research outputs found

    Costs of sialendoscopy and impact on health-related quality of life

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    PurposeTo analyse costs related to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with sialolithiasis and sialadenitis managed with sialendoscopy, and to prospectively evaluate the impact of sialendoscopy on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in a longitudinal follow-up study.MethodsAll patients undergoing sialendoscopy or sialendoscopy-assisted surgery at a tertiary care university hospital between January 2014 and May 2016 were identified from a surgical database, and the direct hospital costs were retrospectively evaluated from 1year before to 1year after the sialendoscopy. The 15D HRQoL questionnaire and a questionnaire exploring the use of health care services during the preceding 3months were mailed to the patients before sialendoscopy as well as at 3 and 12months after the operation.ResultsA total of 260 patients were identified. Mean total hospital costs, costs related to the sialendoscopy, and complications were significantly higher in sialolithiasis patients than in patients with other diagnoses. 74 patients returned the baseline 15D questionnaire, and 51 patients all three 15D questionnaires. At baseline, the dimensions discomfort and symptoms and distress were lower in patients than in age- and gender-standardised general population, but the total 15D score did not differ significantly. The dimension discomfort and symptoms improved significantly at 3 and 12months postoperatively, and the mean total HRQoL score improved in patients with sialolithiasis at 3months postoperatively.ConclusionsThe costs related to sialendoscopy are substantial and the cost-effectiveness of sialendoscopy warrants further studies. However, sialendoscopy seems to reduce patients' discomfort and ailments and to improve HRQoL at least in patients with sialolithiasis.Peer reviewe

    Forecasting Emergency Department Crowding with Advanced Machine Learning Models and Multivariable Input

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    Emergency department (ED) crowding is a significant threat to patient safety and it has been repeatedly associated with increased mortality. Forecasting future service demand has the potential patient outcomes. Despite active research on the subject, several gaps remain: 1) proposed forecasting models have become outdated due to quick influx of advanced machine learning models (ML), 2) amount of multivariable input data has been limited and 3) discrete performance metrics have been rarely reported. In this study, we document the performance of a set of advanced ML models in forecasting ED occupancy 24 hours ahead. We use electronic health record data from a large, combined ED with an extensive set of explanatory variables, including the availability of beds in catchment area hospitals, traffic data from local observation stations, weather variables, etc. We show that N-BEATS and LightGBM outpeform benchmarks with 11 % and 9 % respective improvements and that DeepAR predicts next day crowding with an AUC of 0.76 (95 % CI 0.69-0.84). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to document the superiority of LightGBM and N-BEATS over statistical benchmarks in the context of ED forecasting

    Detection of cultured breast cancer cells from human tumor-derived matrix by differential ion mobility spectrometry

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsThe primary treatment of breast cancer is the surgical removal of the tumor with an adequate healthy tissue margin. An intraoperative method for assessing surgical margins could optimize tumor resection. Differential ion mobility spectrometry (DMS) is applicable for tissue analysis and allows for the differentiation of malignant and benign tissues. However, the number of cancer cells necessary for detection remains unknown. We studied the detection threshold of DMS for cancer cell identification with a widely characterized breast cancer cell line (BT-474) dispersed in a human myoma-based tumor microenvironment mimicking matrix (Myogel). Predetermined, small numbers of cultured BT-474 cells were dispersed into Myogel. Pure Myogel was used as a zero sample. All samples were assessed with a DMS-based custom-built device described as “the automated tissue laser analysis system” (ATLAS). We used machine learning to determine the detection threshold for cancer cell densities by training binary classifiers to distinguish the reference level (zero sample) from single predetermined cancer cell density levels. Each classifier (sLDA, linear SVM, radial SVM, and CNN) was able to detect cell density of 3700 cells μL−1 and above. These results suggest that DMS combined with laser desorption can detect low densities of breast cancer cells, at levels clinically relevant for margin detection, from Myogel samples in vitro.Peer reviewe

    Prognostic Value and Changes of Auditory Brain Stem Response in Children With Bacterial Meningitis in Luanda, Angola

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    Objective:To assess the role of single and repeated auditory brain stem response (ABR) in predicting mortality and severe neurological injury among children having bacterial meningitis (BM) in Luanda, Angola.Methods:The morphology of ABR traces of 221 children (aged 2?months to 12?years) from admission day was analyzed and compared with age-matched normative data. Absence and delay of traces were compared with mortality and mortality or severe neurological injury in subgroup analyses. Outcome was also evaluated with repeated ABR of 166 children based on presence or absence of responses at 80?dB nHL (normal hearing level) stimulation level.Results:Individually, the absence of typical ABR waveform did not signify poor outcome. At the group level, latencies and interpeak latencies (IPLs) were significantly prolonged among patients with BM in comparison with controls, and the prolongation correlated with higher mortality or severe neurological sequelae.Conclusions:We confirmed the effect of BM on neural conduction time in auditory pathway. However, ABR in similar settings seems not useful for individual prognostication, although at the group level, delayed latencies, IPLs, or both associated with poorer outcome.Peer reviewe

    Method for the Intraoperative Detection of IDH Mutation in Gliomas with Differential Mobility Spectrometry

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    Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation status is an important factor for surgical decision-making: patients with IDH-mutated tumors are more likely to have a good long-term prognosis, and thus favor aggressive resection with more survival benefit to gain. Patients with IDH wild-type tumors have generally poorer prognosis and, therefore, conservative resection to avoid neurological deficit is favored. Current histopathological analysis with frozen sections is unable to identify IDH mutation status intraoperatively, and more advanced methods are therefore needed. We examined a novel method suitable for intraoperative IDH mutation identification that is based on the differential mobility spectrometry (DMS) analysis of the tumor. We prospectively obtained tumor samples from 22 patients, including 11 IDH-mutated and 11 IDH wild-type tumors. The tumors were cut in 88 smaller specimens that were analyzed with DMS. With a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) algorithm, the DMS was able to classify tumor samples with 86% classification accuracy, 86% sensitivity, and 85% specificity. Our results show that DMS is able to differentiate IDH-mutated and IDH wild-type tumors with good accuracy in a setting suitable for intraoperative use, which makes it a promising novel solution for neurosurgical practice.Peer reviewe

    Bile-volatile organic compounds in the diagnostics of pancreatic cancer and biliary obstruction : A prospective proof-of-concept study

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    Objectives: Detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from bodily fluids with field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) and related methods has been studied in various settings. Preliminary results suggest that it is possible to detect prostate, colorectal, ovarian and pancreatic cancer from urine samples. In this study, our primary aim was to differentiate pancreatic cancer from pancreatitis and benign tumours of the pancreas by using bile samples obtained during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Secondarily, we aimed to differentiate all pancreatic region malignancies from all other kinds of benign causes of biliary obstruction. Methods: A bile sample was successfully aspirated from 94 patients during ERCP in Tampere University Hospital. Hospital and patient records were prospectively followed up for at least two years after ERCP. Bile samples were analysed using a Lonestar chemical analyser (Owlstone, UK) using an ATLAS sampling system and a split-flow box. Diagnoses and corresponding data from the analyses were matched and divided into two subcategories for comparison. Statistical analysis was performed using linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines, and 5-fold cross-validation. Results: Pancreatic cancers (n=8) were differentiated from benign pancreatic lesions (n=9) with a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 77.8%, and correct rate of 88%. All pancreatic region cancers (n=19) were differentiated from all other kinds of benign causes of biliary obstruction (n=75) with corresponding values of 21.1%, 94.7%, and 80.7%. The sample size was too small to try to differentiate pancreatic cancers from adjacent cancers. Conclusion: Analysing bile VOCs using FAIMS shows promising capability in detecting pancreatic cancer and other cancers in the pancreatic area.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Eteisvärinää sairastavien potilaiden antikoagulaatiohoito ja palveluiden käyttö Suomessa

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    Lähtökohdat Suoria antikoagulantteja ja varfariinia käytetään ei-läppäperäiseen eteisvärinään liittyvän aivohalvauksen estossa, mutta toistaiseksi eri antikoagulaatiolääkityksellä olevista suomalaisista potilaista on rajallisesti tosielämän tietoon perustuvia tutkimuksia. Menetelmät Tutkimme rekisteritiedolla antikoagulaatiohoitoa saavien eteisvärinäpotilaiden palvelukäyttöä, lääkitystä sekä potilasprofiilia. Tarkastelimme lääkesegmenteittäin sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen käyttöä ja kustannuksia sekä aivotapahtumista ja ruoansulatuskanavan vuodoista johtuvia erikoissairaanhoidon ja ­perusterveydenhuollon käyntejä ja hoitopäiviä potilailla, jotka olivat käyttäneet vähintään vuoden ­samaa antikoagulanttia. Tulokset Varfariinia ja apiksabaania määrätään keskimäärin vanhemmille ja korkeamman riskin potilaille kuin muita antikoagulantteja. Eteisvärinäpotilaiden yhteenlasketut sote-palveluiden kustannukset olivat vuonna 2018 noin 2 miljardia euroa. Haittatapahtumista aivoinfarktit ja aivotapahtumien jälkitilat aiheuttivat eteisvärinä­potilaille eniten palvelukäyttöä. Päätelmät Eteisvärinäpotilaiden hoidosta kertyy yhteiskunnalle suuria kustannuksia. Suoria antikoagulantteja ja varfariinia käyttävien potilaiden välillä on eroja potilasprofiilissa sekä palvelukäytössä ja sen kustannuksissa.</p

    Eteisvärinää sairastavien potilaiden antikoagulaatiohoito ja palveluiden käyttö Suomessa

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    Vertaisarvioitu. English summary.Lähtökohdat : Suoria antikoagulantteja ja varfariinia käytetään ei-läppäperäiseen eteisvärinään liittyvän aivohalvauksen estossa, mutta toistaiseksi eri antikoagulaatiolääkityksellä olevista suomalaisista potilaista on rajallisesti tosielämän tietoon perustuvia tutkimuksia. Menetelmät : utkimme rekisteritiedolla antikoagulaatiohoitoa saavien eteisvärinäpotilaiden palvelukäyttöä, lääkitystä sekä potilasprofiilia. Tarkastelimme lääkesegmenteittäin sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen käyttöä ja kustannuksia sekä aivotapahtumista ja ruoansulatuskanavan vuodoista johtuvia erikoissairaanhoidon ja ¬perusterveydenhuollon käyntejä ja hoitopäiviä potilailla, jotka olivat käyttäneet vähintään vuoden ¬samaa antikoagulanttia. Tulokset : Varfariinia ja apiksabaania määrätään keskimäärin vanhemmille ja korkeamman riskin potilaille kuin muita antikoagulantteja. Eteisvärinäpotilaiden yhteenlasketut sote-palveluiden kustannukset olivat vuonna 2018 noin 2 miljardia euroa. Haittatapahtumista aivoinfarktit ja aivotapahtumien jälkitilat aiheuttivat eteisvärinä¬potilaille eniten palvelukäyttöä. Päätelmät : Eteisvärinäpotilaiden hoidosta kertyy yhteiskunnalle suuria kustannuksia. Suoria antikoagulantteja ja varfariinia käyttävien potilaiden välillä on eroja potilasprofiilissa sekä palvelukäytössä ja sen kustannuksissa.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of signal kinetics in real time surgical tissue classification system

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    Effective surgical margin assessment is paramount for good oncological outcomes and new methods are in active development. One emerging approach is the analysis of the chemical composition of surgical smoke from tissues. Surgical smoke is typically removed with a smoke evacuator to protect the operating room staff from its harmful effects to the respiratory system. Thus, analysis of the evacuated smoke without disturbing the operation is a feasible approach. Smoke transportation is subject to lags that affect system usability. We analyzed the smoke transportation delay and evaluated its effects to tissue classification with differential mobility spectrometry in a simulated setting using porcine tissues. With a typical smoke evacuator setting, the front of the surgical plume reaches the analysis system in 380 ms and the sensor within one second. For a typical surgical incision (duration 1.5 s), the measured signal reaches its maximum in 2.3 s and declines to under 10% of the maximum in 8.6 s from the start of the incision. Two-class tissue classification was tested with 2, 3, 5, and 11 s repetition rates resulting in no significant differences in classification accuracy, implicating that signal retention from previous samples is mitigated by the classification algorithm.publishedVersionPeer reviewe