268 research outputs found

    Female mating preferences in blind cave tetras Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Teleostei).

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    The Mexican tetra Astyanax fasciatus has evolved a variety of more or less color- and eyeless cave populations. Here we examined the evolution of the female preference for large male body size within different populations of this species, either surface- or cave-dwelling. Given the choice between visual cues from a large and a small male, females from the surface form as well as females from an eyed cave form showed a strong preference for large males. When only non-visual cues were presented in darkness, the surface females did not prefer either males. Among the six cave populations studied, females of the eyed cave form and females of one of the five eyeless cave populations showed a preference for large males. Apparently, not all cave populations of Astyanax have evolved non-visual mating preferences. We discuss the role of selection by benefits of non-visual mate choice for the evolution of non-visual mating preferences

    A molecular timetable for apical bud formation and dormancy induction in poplar

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    The growth of perennial plants in the temperate zone alternates with periods of dormancy that are typically initiated during bud development in autumn. In a systems biology approach to unravel the underlying molecular program of apical bud development in poplar (Populus tremula 3 Populus alba), combined transcript and metabolite profiling were applied to a high-resolution time course from short-day induction to complete dormancy. Metabolite and gene expression dynamics were used to reconstruct the temporal sequence of events during bud development. Importantly, bud development could be dissected into bud formation, acclimation to dehydration and cold, and dormancy. To each of these processes, specific sets of regulatory and marker genes and metabolites are associated and provide a reference frame for future functional studies. Light, ethylene, and abscisic acid signal transduction pathways consecutively control bud development by setting, modifying, or terminating these processes. Ethylene signal transduction is positioned temporally between light and abscisic acid signals and is putatively activated by transiently low hexose pools. The timing and place of cell proliferation arrest (related to dormancy) and of the accumulation of storage compounds (related to acclimation processes) were established within the bud by electron microscopy. Finally, the identification of a large set of genes commonly expressed during the growth-to-dormancy transitions in poplar apical buds, cambium, or Arabidopsis thaliana seeds suggests parallels in the underlying molecular mechanisms in different plant organs

    Measurement of Personality Structure by the OPD Structure Questionnaire Can Help to Discriminate Between Subtypes of Eating-Disorders

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    Background: Differentiation between purging type (AN-P) and restricting type (AN-R) is common in anorexia nervosa (AN) and relevant for clinical practice. However, differences of personality pathology in eating disorders (ED) and their subtypes, which can be captured by the operationalized psychodynamic diagnosis (OPD) system, have not been systematically investigated to date. Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore differences in personality structure between the subtypes of AN and bulimia nervosa (BN) using the OPD structure questionnaire (OPD-SQ). In addition, the ability of the instrument to support the classification of eating disorders was examined. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective, exploratory study in a subset sample of a larger validation study. The OPD-SQ had been collected from n = 60 patients with AN or BN. Patients were assigned to the ED groups by clinical assessment. Statistical analyses included multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and discriminant analysis. Results: Differences between ED groups were observed on 5 OPD-SQ main scales and 9 subscales, as well as on the global scale. AN-P patients demonstrated the lowest personality structure on most of the main scales and subscales, whereas AN-R patients showed a higher personality structure level as compared to both BN and AN-P patients. The OPD-SQ scales with the largest differences include self-perception, object perception, and attachment to internal objects. Discriminant analysis resulted in satisfactory assignment to ED groups by OPD-SQ subscales. Conclusions: Personality structure was found to be less developed in patients with BN and AN-P as compared to patients with AN-R. Although the results have to be proven in larger prospective studies, these results suggest that the OPD-SQ may be used to support the clinical assessment and classification in patients with EDs


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    Die Projektgruppe 544: DoVinci entwickelt ein Campus-Infrastruktur-System mit dem sich Personen auf dem Campus Anwendungen herunterladen und diese auf ihrem (mobilen) Endgerät ausführen können. Diese Anwendungen werden in Form von Appliances (Betriebssystem + Anwendung) bereitgestellt, was dazu führt, dass Installation und Wartung von der Rolle des Benutzers entkoppelt werden. Stattdessen wird auf dem Betriebssystem des Nutzers eine virtuelle Umgebung erzeugt, in welcher das Appliance-Betriebssystem, und damit auch die Anwendung, gestartet wird. Die Vorteile von Virtualisierung sind Isolation vom Nutzersystem (Schutz) sowie eine definierte Betriebssystemumgebung (Dediziertheit) für die Anwendung in der Appliance. Dabei liegt ein Schwerpunkt bei der Verringerung des Datenvolumens sowohl für die erste heruntergeladene Appliance, als auch für weitere Appliances und Updates. Mittel hierzu sind Maßschneiderung (Weglassen nicht benötigter Dateien und Programme) und Sharing (gemeinsame Dateinutzung). Maßschneiderung optimiert Appliances bezüglich Platzbedarf und verringert so das Übertragungsvolumen des ersten Downloads. Sharing zwischen Appliances bedeutet, dass alle Appliances auf einen gemeinsamen Datenspeicher zugreifen. Beim Download einer weiteren Appliance müssen bereits vorhandene Daten nicht heruntergeladen werden. So wird das Übertragungsvolumen weiterer Appliances reduziert. Um die oben genannten Ziele zu erreichen, werden im Rahmen von DoVinci verschiedene Techniken untersucht, verglichen und gegebenenfalls implementiert. Dazu gehören Wege zur Dienstfindung im WLAN, plattformunabhängiger Up-/Download mit Synchronisation, Maßschneiderung, Sharing und verschiedene Virtualisierungslösungen

    Environmental Dimensionality Controls the Interaction of Phagocytes with the Pathogenic Fungi Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans

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    The fungal pathogens Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida albicans are major health threats for immune-compromised patients. Normally, macrophages and neutrophil granulocytes phagocytose inhaled Aspergillus conidia in the two-dimensional (2-D) environment of the alveolar lumen or Candida growing in tissue microabscesses, which are composed of a three-dimensional (3-D) extracellular matrix. However, neither the cellular dynamics, the per-cell efficiency, the outcome of this interaction, nor the environmental impact on this process are known. Live imaging shows that the interaction of phagocytes with Aspergillus or Candida in 2-D liquid cultures or 3-D collagen environments is a dynamic process that includes phagocytosis, dragging, or the mere touching of fungal elements. Neutrophils and alveolar macrophages efficiently phagocytosed or dragged Aspergillus conidia in 2-D, while in 3-D their function was severely impaired. The reverse was found for phagocytosis of Candida. The phagocytosis rate was very low in 2-D, while in 3-D most neutrophils internalized multiple yeasts. In competitive assays, neutrophils primarily incorporated Aspergillus conidia in 2-D and Candida yeasts in 3-D despite frequent touching of the other pathogen. Thus, phagocytes show activity best in the environment where a pathogen is naturally encountered. This could explain why “delocalized” Aspergillus infections such as hematogeneous spread are almost uncontrollable diseases, even in immunocompetent individuals

    Anti-Fouling Effects of Saponin-Containing Crude Extracts from Tropical Indo-Pacific Sea Cucumbers

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    Sea cucumbers are bottom dwelling invertebrates, which are mostly found on subtropical and tropical sea grass beds, sandy reef flats, or reef slopes. Although constantly exposed to fouling communities in these habitats, many species are surprisingly free of invertebrate epibionts and microfouling algae such as diatoms. In our study, we investigated the anti-fouling (AF) activities of different crude extracts of tropical Indo-Pacific sea cucumber species against the fouling diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. Nine sea cucumber species from three genera (i.e., Holothuria, Bohadschia, Actinopyga) were selected and extracted to assess their AF activities. To verify whether the sea cucumber characteristic triterpene glycosides were responsible for the observed potent AF activities, we tested purified fractions enriched in saponins isolated from Bohadschia argus, representing one of the most active anti-fouling extracts. Saponins were quantified by vanillin-sulfuric acid colorimetric assays and identified by LC-MS and LC-MS/MS analyses. We were able to demonstrate that AF activities in sea cucumber extracts were species-specific, and growth inhibition as well as attachment of the diatom to surfaces is dependent on the saponin concentration (i.e., Actinopyga contained the highest quantities), as well as on the molecular composition and structure of the present saponins (i.e., Bivittoside D derivative was the most bioactive compound). In conclusion, the here performed AF assay represents a promising and fast method for selecting the most promising bioactive organism as well as for identifying novel compounds with potent AF activities for the discovery of potentially novel pharmacologically active natural products

    Differences and similarities in personality functioning across different types of eating disorders

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    Objective: The classification of anorexia nervosa (AN) into subtypes is relevant due to their different symptomatology. However, subtypes (restricting type: AN-R; purging type: AN-P) differ also in terms of their personality functioning. Knowledge about these differences would allow for better treatment stratification. A pilot study indicated differences in structural abilities that can be assessed by the operationalized psychodynamic diagnosis (OPD) system. The aim of this study was therefore to systematically explore differences in personality functioning and personality between the two AN subtypes and bulimia nervosa (BN) using three personality (functioning) constructs. Methods: A total of N = 110 inpatients with AN-R (n = 28), AN-P (n = 40), or BN (n = 42) were recruited in three clinics for psychosomatic medicine. Assignment to the three groups was performed using a comprehensive questionnaire validated for diagnostic purposes (Munich-ED-Quest). Personality functioning was examined using OPD Structure Questionnaire (OPD-SQ), personality by using the Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Brief Form and Big Five Inventory-10. (M)ANOVAs were used to examine differences across eating disorder groups. In addition, correlation and regression analyses were conducted. Results: We observed differences on several sub- and main scales of the OPD-SQ. Whereas patients with BN showed the lowest levels, AN-R patients displayed the highest levels of personality functioning. On some sub- and main scales, such as "affect tolerance," the subtypes of AN differed from BN, whereas on the scale "affect differentiation," AN-R, differed from the other two groups. The total eating disorder pathology score of the Munich-ED-Quest best predicted overall personality structure [stand. beta = 0.650; t(104) = 6.666; p < 0.001] and self-regulation [stand. beta = 0.449; t(104) = 3.628; p < 0.001]. Discussion: Our findings confirm most of the results of the pilot study. These findings can facilitate the development of stratified treatment approaches for eating disorders