4 research outputs found

    Hubungan Indonesia-Barat dalam pasca 1965

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    Kemunculan kerajaan Order Baru yang dipimpin Presiden Suharto telah menukar paradigma dasar luar Indonesia menjadi lebih rapat dengan negara Barat berbanding dengan zaman kekuasaan Presiden Sukarno. Artikel ini membincangkan mengenai senario yang membawa kepada kewujudan peluang kepada negara kuasa Barat seperti Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan Britain untuk menguatkan pengaruh di negara itu. Selain itu, artikel ini juga turut menganalisis dimensi hubungan yang lebih makro yang berbentuk multilateral dengan negara-negara sekutu Barat yang lain seperti Australia, New Zealand, Jepun dan Perancis serta pertubuhan-pertubuhan antarabangsa. Hubungan ini direalisasikan melalui kerjasama ekonomi, sosial dan kebudayaan demi kepentingan pembangunan Indonesia dalam era pentadbiran Order Baru. Artikel ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dengan pendekatan historiografi. Data-data sejarah dianalisis secara diskriptif dengan menggunakan sumber-sumber primer dan sekunder. Bahan-bahan primer merupakan rekod-rekod rasmi kerajaan British yang diperoleh dari Arkib Negara United Kingdom dan rekod-rekod Jabatan Negara AS yang diakses dari laman sesawang rasmi Arkib Jabatan Luar AS (Office of Historians). Bahan-bahan sekunder yang terdiri daripada buku, artikel dan bahan-bahan atas talian. Dapatan utama penulisan ini membuktikan elemen ‘soft power’ iaitu bantuan ekonomi dan sosial telah membentuk persekitaran politik baru di Indonesia semasa era Order Baru. Tujuan bantuan-bantuan ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengukuhkan pengaruh di rantau ini dalam menyekat ancaman komunis di Asia Tenggara (AT) semasa Perang Dingin


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    Looking at the relations between Malaysia-Indonesia, it could be seen that society has the power to direct the bilateral relations between two countries. In comparison, Indonesian society is more responsive than Malaysian society in responding to particular issues related to both countries. The most active group is generally from the younger generation known as Generation Y (Gen Y) where their reactions tend to be provocative. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the knowledge and perceptions of Gen Y and Gen X at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) on the Malaysia-Indonesia bilateral relationship and the factors that influence their knowledge and perception. This paper uses quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of the study showed that respondents accepted Indonesia as an important neighbor because of the current state's interests. The cultural and social aspects, particularly audio-visual products such as Indonesian soap operas and Indonesian pop songs have the most significant influence in influencing the respondents' level of knowledge about Indonesia. In addition, they also get a lot of information about Indonesia through electronic media. An important finding from this study is that all respondents acknowledge that Indonesia is still relevant as Malaysia's closest neighbor based on the similarity factor and those good relations between the two countries need to be maintained


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    Malaysia and Indonesia are traditionally neighboring countries in ASEAN and sharing a historical background, language, culture, and religion. It is undeniable fact that Malaysia-Indonesia relations are often influenced by current national issues such as water territorial, Indonesian immigrants, national product, and others.  Reviews These issues always sparked conflicts and Provoked various actions from Indonesians and dieting. Normally, Indonesians are more sensitives compared with dieting when faced with this situation as well. This article focuses on knowledge and understanding of X and Y Indonesian generation on Malaysia-Indonesia bilateral relations. This article incorporates the qualitative method with primary data obtained through a questionnaire distributed amongst respondents. Respondents are consisted of UIN's first-degree students and staff s and were selected by purposive sampling. Apart from that, focus group discussion and interview session was held to get a view from respondents. This article found that X and Y Indonesian generations have a good understanding of Malaysia. They are also usually aware of the importance of Malaysia-Indonesia bilateral relations. In addition, they acknowledged Malaysia as an essential country for Indonesia's present interest. Respondents also showed high sensitivity regarding competition between Malaysia and Indonesia. The important finding of this writing is both generations s acknowledge the fact that they are closest neighboring country and a good relationship should be maintained in facing the global challeng