41 research outputs found

    Depositional model and stratigraphic architecture of rift climax Gilbert-type fan deltas (Gulf of Corinth, Greece)

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    International audienceFacies, depositional model and stratigraphic architecture of Pleistocene giant Gilbert-type fan deltas are presented, based on outcrop data from the Derveni­Akrata region along the southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The common tripartite consisting of topset, foreset and bottomset [Gilbert, G.K., 1885. The topographic features of lake shores: Washington, D.C., United States Geol. Survey, 5th Annual Report, 69­123.] has been identified, as well as the most distal environment consisting of turbidites, and is organised in a repetitive pattern of four main systems tracts showing a clear facies and volumetric partitioning. The first systems tract (ST1) is characterised by the lack of topset beds and the development of a by-pass surface instead, thick foresets and bottomset beds, and thick well-developed turbiditic systems. This systems tract (ST1) is organised in an overall progradational pattern. The second systems tract (ST2) is characterised by a thin topset and almost no foreset equivalent. This systems tract is not always well-preserved and is organised in an overall retrograding trend with a landward shift in the position of the offlap break. The offshore is characterised by massive sandy turbidites. The third systems tract (ST3) is characterised by small-scale deltas prograding above the staked topsets of the giant Gilbert-type fan delta. Those small Gilbert-type fan deltas are generally organised in a pure progradation evolving to an aggradational­progradational pattern. In the distal setting of those small Gilbert-type fan deltas, almost no deposits are preserved on the remaining topography of the previous Gilbert-type fan delta. The fourth systems tract (ST4) is characterised by continuous vertically aggrading topsets that laterally pass into aggrading and prograding foresets. Bottomsets and distal turbiditic systems are starved. This fourth systems tract (ST4) is organised in an overall aggrading trend. These giant Gilbert-type fan deltas correspond to the Middle Group of the Corinth Rift infill and their stratigraphic development was strongly influenced by evolving rift structure. They record the migration of the depocenter from the rift shoulder to the rift axis in four main sequences from ca. 1.5 to 0.7 Ma, related to the migration of fault activity. It is worth noting that the maximum paleobathymetry was recorded during the final stage of the progradation of the Middle Group, suggesting that the rift climax was diachronous at the scale of the entire basin. The rapid (< 1 Ma) structural and sedimentological evolution, the migration of fault activity as well as the youth of the Corinth Rift, are probably exceptional factors allowing the characterisation of such diachronism

    Architecture stratigraphique et flux sédimentaires sur la marge Sud du golfe de Corinthe (GrÚce) : Analyse de terrain, modélisations expérimentales et numériques (ThÚse soutenue le 2 février 2007)

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    The objective of the present work is to characterize sediment supply dynamics within the Plio-Pleistocene Corinth Rift using an integrated approach based on field observations and analyses, experimental modeling and numerical modeling. Detailed sedimentological, structural and biostratigraphical studies on the southern coast of the rift provide a tectono-stratigraphic model within a well-constrained climatic and eustatic setting. Stratigraphic simulations (DIONISOS) are used to validate this model, to quantify the sediment supply and to discuss the relative role of four controlling factors on stratigraphic architecture (sediment flux, water flux, subsidence, eustasy). Finally, a geomorphological experimental approach has been developed to study the relative role of factors (rainfall, uplift rate.....) that control sediment supply and their record within the sedimentary signal.L'objectif de ce travail est de caractériser l'évolution du flux sédimentaire sur la marge sud du golfe de Corinthe, avec un aller-retour entre données de terrain, modélisations expérimentales et modélisations numériques. L'acquisition de données de terrain a permis d'établir l'évolution tectono-sédimentaire du rift de Corinthe dans le contexte climatique et eustatique bien contraint du Plio-PléistocÚne. Les simulations numériques stratigraphiques (DIONISOS) ont ensuite permis de valider ce modÚle d'évolution, de quantifier les flux sédimentaires et de discuter des facteurs de contrÎle de l'architecture stratigraphique à différentes échelles de temps et d'espace. Les modélisations expérimentales ont enfin permis de discuter des facteurs de contrÎle des flux sédimentaires et de leurs enregistrements dans les corps sédimentaires

    Architecture stratigraphique et flux sédimentaires sur la marge sud du golfe de Corinthe (GrÚce) (analyse de terrain, modélisations expérimentales et numériques)

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    L objectif de ce travail est de caractériser l évolution du flux sédimentaire sur la marge sud du golfe de Corinthe, avec un aller-retour entre données de terrain, modélisations expérimentales et modélisations numériques. L acquisition de données de terrain a permis d établir l évolution tectono-sédimentaire du rift de Corinthe dans le contexte climatique et eustatique bien contraint du Plio-PléistocÚne. Les simulations numériques stratigraphiques (DIONISOS) ont ensuite permis de valider ce modÚle d évolution, de quantifier les flux sédimentaires et de discuter des facteurs de contrÎle de l architecture stratigraphique à différentes échelles de temps et d espace. Les modélisations expérimentales ont enfin permis de discuter des facteurs de contrÎle des flux sédimentaires et de leurs enregistrements dans les corps sédimentaires.The objective of the present work is to characterize sediment supply dynamics within the Plio-Pleistocene Corinth Rift using an integrated approach based on field observations and analyses, experimental modeling and numerical modeling. Detailed sedimentological, structural and biostratigraphical studies on the southern coast of the rift provide a tectono-stratigraphic model within a well-constrained climatic and eustatic setting. Stratigraphic simulations (DIONISOS) are used to validate this model, to quantify the sediment supply and to discuss the relative role of four controlling factors on stratigraphic architecture (sediment flux, water flux, subsidence, eustasy). Finally, a geomorphological experimental approach has been developed to study the relative role of factors (rainfall, uplift rate.....) that control sediment supply and their record within the sedimentary signal.RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Typologies, processus et stratigraphie des contourites dans le Rift de Corinthe - Approche intégrée terrain, sismique et données océanographiques.

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    Les dĂ©pĂŽts sĂ©dimentaires associĂ©s aux phases de rifts sont contrĂŽlĂ©s par le contexte gĂ©odynamique et les failles normales. Lors de l’initiation du rift, les dĂ©pĂŽts sont continentaux et gĂ©nĂ©ralement formĂ©s par des rĂ©seaux fluviaux dĂ©bouchant dans des lacs isolĂ©s. Dans une deuxiĂšme phase, ces sous-bassins se connectent et s’approfondissent laissant place Ă  une sĂ©dimentation clastique lacustre ou marine. ParallĂšlement Ă  ces processus gravitaires de dĂ©pĂŽts, les sĂ©diments peuvent ĂȘtre remaniĂ©s par des processus indĂ©pendants de la source sĂ©dimentaire, pendant ou aprĂšs le dĂ©pĂŽt, par des courants de fond. Bien que le Rift de Corinthe ait Ă©tĂ© largement Ă©tudiĂ©, les modĂšles tectono-sĂ©dimentaires existants sont basĂ©s sur une sĂ©dimentation gravitaire, et ne considĂšrent pas ces processus de remaniement. Une approche intĂ©grĂ©e basĂ©e sur de nouvelles donnĂ©es sĂ©dimentologiques, sismiques et ocĂ©anographiques, d’affleurements et de carottes, permet d’illustrer la formation d’un systĂšme sĂ©dimentaire mixte turbiditique et contouritique modifiant significativement les modĂšles tectono-sĂ©dimentaires utilisĂ©s. L’étude de terrain couplĂ©e au modĂšle photogrammĂ©trique Ă  haute-rĂ©solution des affleurements localisĂ©s sur la marge sud du Rift de Corinthe permet de documenter les facies, les associations de facies ainsi que l’architecture d’un systĂšme pro-deltaĂŻque. Ce prodelta est formĂ© par deux moats actifs et parallĂšles limitĂ©s par un drift commun. Ces moats forment un angle de 70 Ă  90° avec l’axe de progradation du delta, et s’écoulent parallĂšlement Ă  la cĂŽte. Le drift est formĂ© indĂ©pendamment du remplissage des moats par deux types de sĂ©quence : une sĂ©quence turbiditique et une sĂ©quence bigradationnelle contouritique. Les moats sont remplis par des facies de sables et de conglomĂ©rats Ă  imbrication transverse, indiquant un remaniement persistant des clastes par des courants perpendiculaires Ă  la zone d’apport et donc un export du matĂ©riel grossier dans la partie distale du bassin sous l’action de courants de fond. Les donnĂ©es de sismique illustrent une architecture comparable au niveau des deltas actuels du Golfe de Corinthe. De plus, la pente Nord du Golfe prĂ©sente Ă©galement des sediment-waves, des moats perchĂ©s et des plastered drifts. Ces moats sont Ă©rosifs, migrent Ă  contre-pente et sont limitĂ©s vers le bassin par un drift. Ces corps morphosĂ©dimentaires formĂ©s par le remaniement et l’érosion des sĂ©diments tĂ©moignent de la prĂ©sence de courants parallĂšles Ă  la cĂŽte. La cartographie de l’ensemble de ces corps Ă  l’échelle du Golfe et l’analyse des cartes d’isopaques, durant les derniers 600 ka a permis de mieux contraindre les processus sĂ©dimentaires dominants au cours de l’évolution du Rift. Ces processus de haute Ă©nergie modifient le cheminement sĂ©dimentaire et impliquent certaines configurations palĂ©oocĂ©anographiques et palĂ©ogĂ©ographiques qui sont cruciales dans l’évolution du Rift et notamment sa connexion avec la MĂ©diterranĂ©e. Actuellement le Golfe de Corinthe est en connexion avec la MĂ©diterranĂ©e Ă  l’Ouest au niveau du dĂ©troit de Rion. Ce niveau de seuil, d’une bathymĂ©trie actuelle de 62 m, contrĂŽle le caractĂšre lacustre ou marin du Golfe en fonction de l’eustatisme. Cette zone est donc cruciale dans la comprĂ©hension de la dynamique ocĂ©anique du Golfe. C’est pourquoi, une campagne sismique et ocĂ©anographique, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en partenariat avec l’UniversitĂ© de Patras en Juin 2019. Elle a permis d’imager (Multibeam, Chirp, Sparker, Camera) et de mesurer pour la premiĂšre fois des courants de fond (ADCP). Les rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires documentent les facies et les gĂ©omĂ©tries sĂ©dimentaires associĂ©es Ă  une circulation de courants de l’ordre de 1 m/s ainsi que de nombreuses surfaces d’érosion sous-marines en pĂ©riode de haut niveau marin. Ces surfaces d’érosion associĂ©es Ă  un contexte transgressif sont Ă  intĂ©grer aux interprĂ©tations stratigraphiques classiques jusqu’alors proposĂ©es.Le rĂ©gime tectonique Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© d’un jeune rift intercontinental: la transition entre le Rift de Corinthe en extension pure et le systĂšme oblique du rift de Patras en MĂ©diterranĂ©e

    Sedimentary record of tectonic and climatic erosional perturbations in an experimental coupled catchment-fan system

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    International audienceThis article deals with the stratigraphic record of a climatic or tectonic perturbation of an experimental coupled catchment-fan system. Following Bonnet & Crave's results (2003), which suggest that it is possible to differentiate between climatic or tectonic causes of surface uplift of an erosional topography from the record of sediment flux output, we design a new experimental device to test this proposition in the sedimentary signal. This device allows the study of a coupled erosion- sedimentation system at the laboratory scale for given and changing uplift and rainfall rates. On the basis of experimental results, we propose a methodology to study alluvial fan architecture from large-scale geometries to stacking pattern and sequence analysis. In these experiments, the erosional perturbation resulting from climate or tectonic forcing induces a typical dynamic in terms of both sediment supply and the ratio between the sediment and water supply, which controls the transport capacity. The four possible forcings (rainfall rate and uplift rate increase or decrease, respectively) then result in unique dynamics of the combined parameters such as the fan slope, apex aggradation, mean sedimentation rate, grain size distribution, bed thickness and frequency and facies stacking. We first analyse large-scale geometries (onlap, toplap, downlap or truncation) and then fine-scale sedimentological features (fining, thinning, coarsening, thickening) in order to discriminate the nature of the forcing. This conceptual model could be adapted to real world alluvial fans in order to recognize and separate the driving mechanisms from each other

    A Lacustrine Record for the Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundary—Yacoraite Fm., (Northwest Argentina)

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    The Yacoraite Fm. (Salta rift basin, Argentina) consists of a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic lacustrine succession, interbedded with volcanic ash layers and organised in four third-order stratigraphic sequences. It is one of the few sites in South America that encompass the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) transition, the position of which remains debated. Here, samples were collected along a depocentral stratigraphic section that was previously dated by zircon and carbonate U-Pb geochronology. The consistency between zircon and carbonate U-Pb ages, together with an accurate petrographic analysis, allowed the selection of carbonates potentially preserving the original geochemical signature. Accordingly, C-O stable isotopes were analysed from microbialites, oncoids, ooids and lacustrine cements. The available depositional age model from zircon geochronology defined the stratigraphic interval, potentially including the K–Pg transition. Within this interval, carbonates provided negative ή13C values consistent with the negative C anomaly recorded in various K–Pg sites elsewhere. Additionally, spherical particles resembling spherulites related to meteorite impacts were found in two samples. Accordingly, the K–Pg transition could be placed at the top of the second stratigraphic sequence. These findings encourage further investigation of the Yacoraite Fm. to gain insights into the response of South American terrestrial settings to the K–Pg palaeoenvironmental crisis

    Lacustrine Type I kerogen characterization at different thermal maturity levels : Application to the Late Cretaceous Yacoraite Formation in the Salta Basin - Argentina

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    International audienceA maturation series from the Late Cretaceous to Danian Yacoraite Formation in the Salta Basin (Argentina) was selected to investigate the evolution of organic matter properties from source rock samples mainly containing lacustrine Type I kerogen. Organic petrography determined the thermal maturity and the spatial distribution of organic matter particles. Rock-Eval analyses and kerogen isolation procedures were then applied to assess the hydrocarbon generation potential of the investigated intervals. Biomarker ratios as well as the molecular composition of organic compounds present in four immature to early-mature rock samples and their corresponding aliphatic and aromatic fractions were investigated to complete the lacustrine organic matter characterization. Based on petrographic results, immature to early-mature Yacoraite samples have a large content of yellow-brownish liptinites (alginites) whereas mature samples are characterized by abundant solid bitumen. Three kerogen samples from the Yacoraite Formation at different thermal maturity levels were also selected for analysis of bulk-kinetic parameters (e.g. activation energy distribution, frequency factor) using programmed open-system pyrolysis. In this way, bulk-kinetic parameters were calculated as a function of the thermal maturity for these three lacustrine kerogen samples. Bulk-kinetic results show both an increasing activation energy and loss of petroleum generation potential as thermal degradation proceeds. The investigated Yacoraite kerogen samples show single activation energy distributions which are typical for a Type I kerogen of lacustrine origin. Finally, it was demonstrated that the organic matter (OM) characteristics from the Yacoraite Formation (Argentina) could be compared to the typical Type I kerogen from the Green River Formation (USA), showing similar OM characteristics, petroleum potential and activation energy distributions. The novelty of the geological and geochemical information brought in this article about Yacaroite system in Argentina provides premises for further investigation

    Meta‐analysis of the long‐term stratigraphic evolution of rifted margin basins: The GeoDyNamical Analysis approach applied to the South Atlantic Ocean

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    International audienceModels of the formation of rifted margins have significantly evolved over the lastdecades by identifying new styles of crustal thinning and magmatic production.However, the expression of these different processes in the depositional environments of the overlying basins remains to be determined. Using only published data, we integrated the sedimentary evolution of 21 basins of the Equatorial, Central and South segments of the South Atlantic that record various styles of crustal thinning and magmatic production. To compare these basins that underwent rifting at different times, we developed a new type of analysis allowing to evaluate statistically the (dis)similarities in depositional environment trends by normalizing them to the tectonic phases of the basin (syn-rift, transition and post-rift) rather than the stratigraphic or absolute ages: The GeoDyNamical Analysis. We show that the timing of the long-term retrograding mega-sequence driven by lithosphere thinning depends on the deformation style and magma production. Along oblique margins of the Equatorial Segment, deepening initiated during syn-rift because their narrow crustal thinning style favours rapid tectonic subsidence surpassing sediment supply. Along wide margins of the Central Segment, deepening is initiated later, at the end of the transition phase, because depth-dependent thinning favours slow tectonic subsidence and late break-up.Along magma-rich margins of the South Segment, deepening is initiated during the transition phase, after volcanics stopped filling accommodation created by subsidence. In the Central Segment, evaporites accumulated during the second half of the transition phase, when crustal thinning ceased in the proximal margin and migrated to its distal part. Immediately before and during evaporites accumulation, sediments recorded continental and coastal depositional environments resulting from the limited thermal subsidence in the proximal margin domain. Evaporite deposition lasted until the initiation of retrogradingmega-sequence, at the onset of the post-rift phase and the end of crustal thinning in the distal margin