77 research outputs found

    Richtig Handeln in Entscheidungssituationen des Technikunterrichts - Instrumentenkonstruktion und empirische Befunde professioneller Unterrichtswahrnehmung

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    Aktuell wird als wesentlicher Aspekt professioneller Lehrerkompetenz in der empirischen Bildungsforschung der Bereich der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung diskutiert. Neben den Facetten content knowledge (CK), general pedagogical knowledge (PPK) sowie pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), werden in derzeitigen Modellen der Prozess des Unterrichtens unter Bezugnahme von Vorstellungen zum Lehren und Lernen sowie den Erfahrungen von Lehrpersonen erweitert. Dieser Beitrag skizziert die Entwicklung eines quantitativ angelegten vignettengestützten Testinstruments sowie deren Normwertgewinnung und fokussiert Ergebnisse einer Querschnittstudie (N=350) von Studierenden unter-schiedlicher Expertise. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass ein Instrument für eine ausreichend sensible Differenzierung zwischen verschiedenen Studierendengruppen herangezogen werden kann und dabei einen Anstieg über den Verlauf des Studiums abbildet.Schlüsselwörter: Professionelle Unterrichtswahrnehmung, Vignettentest, fachdidaktische Lehrkompetenzen, PCK-


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    Abstrak Pendidikan merupakan proses utama yang diselenggarakan dalam kehidupan sekolah atau kampus. Dasar pada pendidikan sangatlah penting bagi manusia untuk investasi jangka panjang yang besar bagi generasi penerus bangsa. Pendidikan jasmani dapat diartikan dengan berbagai ungkapan dan kalimat. Namun esensinya sama, yang jika disimpulkan bermakna jelas, bahwa Pendidikan Jasmani memanfaatkan alat fisik untuk mengembangkan keutuhan manusia. Dalam kaitan ini diartikan bahwa melalui fisik untuk mengembangkan  keutuhan manusia. Mempelajari banyak aspek didalam pembelajaran olahraga tidak kalah dengan mata pelajaran lain seperti IPA, IPS, Matematika, Biologi dan lain-lain yang membuat beda pelajaran PJOK dengan mata pelajaran lain yakni pembelajaran yang dirancang dengan menggunakan alat atau pun tanpa alat dengan kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan dapat merangsang pertumbuhan anak.Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh gerak seni ganda beladiri pencak silat dalam pembelajaran PJOK terhadap minat belajar siswa pada materi pencak silat di SMAN 3 Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian pretest postest design. Sampel pada penelitiani ini berjumlah 82 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster simple random sampling.  Hasil penelitian ini yakni diperoleh dari data yang dikumpulkan menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan yakni dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,02. Dapat disimpulkan adanya pengaruh gerak seni ganda beladiri pencak silat dalam pembelajaran PJOK terhadap minat belajar siswa pada materi pencak silat di SMAN 3 Surabaya dan minat belajar siswa meningkat sebesar 21%. Kata Kunci: minat belajar; pencak silat; seni ganda Abstract Education is the main process that is organized in school or campus life. The foundation of education is essential for people for a large long-term investment for the nation's next generation. Physical education can be interpreted by various expressions and sentences. But the essence is the same, which if summed up means clearly, that Physical Education utilizes physical tools to develop human wholeness. In this regard it is interpreted that through the physical to develop human wholeness. Learning many aspects in sports learning is not inferior to other subjects such as science, social sciences, mathematics, biology and others that make a difference pjok lessons with other subjects that are designed using tools or without tools with fun activities and can stimulate the growth of children. The purpose of this study is to find out if there is an influence of martial arts movement in the learning of PJOK pencak silat on students' learning interest in pencak silat material at SMAN 3 Surabaya. The method used in this study uses quantitative method with pretest postest design type research. The sample in this study amounted to 82 students. Sampling techniques using simple random sampling clusters.  The results of this study were obtained from data collected showing a significant influence with a significance value of 0.02. It can be concluded that the influence of martial arts movement in learning PJOK pencak silat on students' learning interest in pencak silat material in SMAN 3 Surabaya students' learning interest increased by 21%. Keywords: learning interests; pencak silat; artistic double &nbsp

    Effect of Representation Strategies on Secondary School Students’ Mathematics Achievement: A Case Unguja Island, Zanzibar

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    This study sought to establish the effect of representations strategies on Secondary School students’ Mathematics Achievement in Unguja Island, Zanzibar. Four out of sixteen public secondary schools located in the urban district of Unguja Island were randomly selected. Two of these schools were assigned as the experimental group while the other two were the control group. Participants were students from level three who were sampled based on the type of group to which the school is assigned. Achievement tests (pre-test and post-test) based on mathematics topics of relation and function were used as an instrument for data collection. Data was analyzed quantitatively in terms of descriptive statistics and t-tests. The study established no initial difference in performance between the control and the experimental groups. After the intervention, the experimental group which used multiple representation strategies outperformed the control group. Therefore, the study recommends that teachers should implement multiple representation strategies during the mathematics teaching. Additionally, teachers should be provided with in-service training on proper utilization of varieties of representation strategies in teaching and learning of mathematics for better results to be realized

    Discovering New Zealand Technology Teacher’s PCK

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    An important and under-researched area of technology education is teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). This concept reflects the notion that expert teachers’ knowledge is a unique integration of their pedagogical technique and their understanding of technology content as applied in a particular instance. The authors are interested in inquiring into technology teachers’ PCK from a comparative perspective between New Zealand and South African teachers, who have implemented and reviewed their technology education curriculum according to a similar timeframe. This article therefore reports on the first phase of this study on lower secondary technology teachers’ PCK, with the focus on New Zealand. The ultimate aim is to compare the PCK of New Zealand technology teachers and the PCK of South African technology teachers via a case study approach. The findings in this paper are reported from the interviews, classroom observations, and document reviews of four New Zealand technology teachers.Science and Technology Educatio

    Transformation or Resistance? A Case Study of Pre-Service Teachers Engaged in Technology Integration

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    This case study examined the context of one social studies methods course and its use of technology in instruction. The purpose was to determine to what extent pre-service teacher views and practice transformed to embrace technology use in their own teaching. The lens of Transformative Learning Theory (Mezirow, 2012) was used to analyze and describe the results of this embedded single case study. Results suggest that some transformation of beliefs occurred among participants, but that more sustained exposure and experience is needed for practice to change

    Editorial: Technology teachers and their professional competence - peculiarities and starting points for subject-specific didactical research

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    It goes without saying that teacher competence is an influential factor in pupil education and learning. The importance of professional competence in teachers has increased and become more generally recognised in recent years (cf. for example Baumert et al. 2010; Kunter et al. 2013). Professional knowledge, i.e. subject-specific, didactic, pedagogic and psychological knowledge, is a core area of every teacher’s professional competence. Several studies have shown that the professional knowledge of teachers plays a critical role in the quality of their instruction and the learning success of their pupils (Lipowsky et al. 2009; Voss, Kunter & Baumert 2011; Voss et al. 2014; Wagner et al. 2016). Despite existing research deficits, the current standing of international research leaves no doubt as to the importance of the teacher's professional competence for the learner's development (e.g. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia et al. 2009; Terhart, Bennewitz & Rothland 2014; KMK 2014). This competence is therefore also significant in economic terms.While a substantial body of knowledge exists as to the professional competence of teachers of various school subjects such as mathematics and physics (cf. for example Tatto et al. 2012; Riese et al. 2015), research findings on teachers of technology and interdisciplinary subjects such as natural sciences and technology (NST) are still comparatively few and far between. After outlining the theoretical background, this editorial article will discuss selected peculiarities and possible approaches to research into the professional competence of technology and NST teachers at comprehensive schools, focusing primarily on upper secondary level

    Teachers’ perception of the necessity of applying online applications for organizing teaching activities at high school in Vietnam

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    E-learning has gained popularity as a method of delivering education recently and offers many advantages to enhance the learning experience for students. Technology allows teachers to design more interactive and engaging lessons that cater to different learning styles. It can also provide opportunities for teachers to incorporate virtual simulations and real-time data which can help students better understand complex concepts. The total number of survey samples was 187 teachers. Awareness of the need and purpose of applying information literacy in the organization of teaching activities was created to analyze. The results of the findings were interpreted in three ways: (i) Self-assessment of teachers’ competence in applying technology in organizing teaching activities.  (ii) Awareness of the necessity of using online applications in organizing teaching activities in schools.  (iii) Awareness of the goal of using online applications in the organization of teaching activities. Based on the results of the current study, the article establishes the process of applying online applications in the organization of teaching activities and proposes recommendations for subjects directly related to the application of online applications. High school administrators, teachers and educational management agencies at all levels are using online innovation to organize teaching activities in high schools

    Chemistry Learning Based on Kibas Asah Module (Wetland-Based Chemistry) Integrated AR-Sparkol on Buffer Solution Material: Students' Cognitive and Motivation Diagnostic

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    The learning process with a module based on local wisdom is the alternative way on how to make students' ability for analyzing and identifying be stronger, especially in learning chemistry and also their motivation. Chemistry learning does not only focus on material content but on how students can interpret content scientifically so that they have a broad and deep range of knowledge. This research was quantitative. It aimed to know the level of students' cognitive and motivation in learning chemistry where they were using a specific module. In this case, the kibas asah integrated Augmented Reality-Sparkol has been used. The research method used experimental research with the type of one-shot case study. The data collecting technique was a questionnaire, and it included a cognitive test and motivation. The data analyzing method was a descriptive statistics approach. The result showed that the level of students’ cognitive through two tests in a different location. Its value was in a row of 0,77 and 0,70 with “high” criteria, and students’ motivation value was 77,61 with strong criteria. These results showed that chemical learning based on the module was developed, and it can fix the quality of the students’ cognitive and motivation deeply. That is, the concept of research is not oriented towards the product produced, but how the product has implications for learning chemistry holistically, becoming a source of scientific reference, honing skills in using technology, creativity, critical thinking, mental models, habituating scientific attitudes, and increasing their knowledge both in terms of chemical content or environmental based references (local wisdom)

    Erfassung fachdidaktischer Lehrkompetenz im technikbezogenen Unterricht der Sekundarstufe 1. Instrumentenkonstruktion und erste Befunde

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    In der aktuellen Forschungsdiskussion stellen die Bereiche Fachwissen, pädagogisches Wissen und fachdidaktisches Wissen die Kernbereiche des Professionswissens von Lehrer(innen) dar. Dieser Beitrag skizziert Ausschnitte des aktuellen Stands der testbasierten Erfassung professioneller Lehrkompetenzen. Im Weiteren soll ein an internationalen Standards der Professionalisierungsforschung ausgerichtetes vignettengestütztes Testverfahren zur Erfassung fachdidaktischer Lehrkompetenz des Technikunterrichts an allgemeinbildenden Schulen vorgestellt und ergänzend der Validierungsschritt I sowie erste Ergebnisse einer Pilotierung dargelegt werden.Schlüsselwörter: Technikdidaktisches Wissen, PCK, Vignetten, Validierung von UnterrichtsvignettenMeasurement of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Teaching of Technology in the higher classes - instrument construction and first resultsAbstractContent knowledge, psychological pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge represent the core of teachers’ professional knowledge in the current research discussion. This article outlines the current state (excerpts) of test-based measurement of professional teaching competences. Furthermore a vignette-based test will be introduced, measuring teaching competences to international standards of professionalization research in the field of technology lesson in general education and additionally the validation step I and first results of a pilot will be presented.Keywords: Pedagogical Content Knowledge Technology, PCK, vignette-testlets, validation of vignette-based tes
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