382 research outputs found

    Sesgo tafonómico en los datos de distribución de Cloudina en Siberia

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    Cloudina-morph fossils in Siberia have been traditionally regarded as a taphonomic mode of Anabarites tests inserted one into another under specific hydrodynamic conditions. Clusters of telescoped conical tests are ubiquitous in the Kessyusa Group and coeval strata across Siberia and not all of them can be easily interpreted as a result of simple mechanical stacking. It remains to be confirmed whether any of these clusters actually represents a life association of a Cloudina-morph structure.En Siberia los morfotipos de Cloudina han sido tradicionalmente considerados como una variedad tafonómica de conchas de Anabarites, insertadas una dentro de otra, bajo condiciones hidrodinámicas específicas. Las asociaciones de conchas cónicas telescópicas son omnipresentes en el Grupode Kessyusa y en estratos contemporáneos a lo largo de Siberia, y no todos ellos pueden ser fácilmente interpretados como resultado de un simple apilamiento mecánico. Queda por ver si alguna de estas bioacumulaciones representa una asociación de vida de una estructura morfotípica de tipo Cloudina

    Redistribution of ions within the active layer and upper permafrost, Yamal, Russia

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    A landslide-affected slope was chosen to study the ionic migration in the active layer and upper portion of permafrost. The research was conducted in two stages, in 1994 and 2001. Several boreholes, in dry and wet environments of the shearing surface of a 1989-landslide, were drilled. A background borehole on an undisturbed site was sampled as well. Each sample, collected from the core, underwent a conventional chemical cation-anion analysis. The results showed desalinization of the active layer and upper permafrost, which occurred in 7 years. Different migration rates noted for various salts determine change of ionic composition from marine pattern to continental, because mobile ions are washed away by surface and subsurface runoff, while the less mobile ones are accumulating in the upper portion of the active layer due to capillary rise and at the active layer base on a geochemical barrier

    Влияние объекта педагогической деятельности на изменение профессионально-личностных характеристик учителя: деструктивный аспект

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    In the paper the focus of attention is on the features of changes in professional and personal characteristics of teachers of comprehensive schools and orphan asylums. In accordance with the author’s concept of professionalization, the article considers changes in professional and personal characteristics in three directions. The authors dene these three vectors as the following: psychological characteristics of the subject; features of professional activity; features of the object of activity and interaction with it. To identify various behaviors of subjects that have a negative impact on personality development in school teachers and teachers of orphan asylums the authors used the following standard methods: the test-questionnaire of self-attitude (V. V. Stolin), “Sense-of-Life orientations” test (D. A. Leontiev), “Job Satisfaction” test (V. A. Rozanova), technique for diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout (V.V.Boyko), Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SS) by S. Hobfoll, technique of general communicative tolerance (V. V. Boyko), Bass-Darky questionnaire for estimating the level of aggression. The data obtained suggest that the teachers of orphan asylums had dierences in the destructive changes of personal and professional characteristics in comparison with school teachers. When explaining such dierences, the authors emphasize the very nature of professional activity of teachers of orphan asylums, their interactionwith apsychologically complicated object of labor. The destructive changes took place in all three dimensions of professionalization. The teachers of orphan asylums scored lower on measures of self-attitude and life sensemaking as psychological characteristics ofapersonal-sense component of the destructive changes in professional development. Psychological characteristics of an individual-activity component of the professional development of the teachers of orphan asylums manifested themselves in extreme dissatisfaction with their own work, its conditions, organization, opportunities for career growth, as well as in the nancial aspect. The ndings of the study also showed that the emotional burnout syndrome was more prominent in the teachers of orphan asylums; more often they behave antisocially in a stressful situation. The study demonstrated a communicative component of the destructive changes of the professional development of the teachers of orphan asylums in a high intolerance and prominent aggressive reactions (mainly verbal aggression).В работе исследуются особенности изменения профессионально-личностных характеристик педагогов общеобразовательных школ и социальных приютов. В соответствии с авторской концепцией профессионализации, изменение профессионально-личностных характеристик рассматривается в пространстве, образованном тремя векторами, обозначенными как психологические особенности субъекта, особенности самой профессиональной деятельности, особенности объекта деятельности и взаимодействия с ним. Для фиксации различных поведенческих проявлений субъектов, оказывающих негативное влияние на развитие личности в профессиональной деятельности педагогов школы и педагогов социального приюта использовались следующие стандартные методики: тест-опросник самоотношения В. В. Столина, тест «Смысложизненные ориентации» Д. А. Леонтьева, тест «Удовлетворенность работой» В. А. Розановой, методика диагностики уровня эмоционального выгорания В. В. Бойко, опросник SАСS – «Стратегии преодоления стрессовых ситуаций» С. Хобфолл, методика общей коммуникативной толерантности В. В. Бойко, тест на определение уровня агрессивности Басса–Дарки. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о наличии различий в деструктивных изменениях профессионально-личностных характеристик педагогов социального приюта в сравнении с педагогами общеобразовательной школы, что обусловлено спецификой профессиональной деятельности педагогов приюта, взаимодействием с психологически сложным объектом труда. Деструктивные изменения протекают по всем трем направлениям профессионализации. Психологические особенности личностно-смыслового компонента деструктивных изменений профессионального развития педагогов социального приюта характеризуются более низкими, по сравнению с педагогами общеобразовательной школы, показателями самоотношения и осмысленности жизни. Психологические особенности индивидуально-деятельностного компонента деструктивных изменений профессионального развития педагогов приюта проявляются в демонстрации крайней неудовлетворенности своей работой, ее условиями, организацией, возможностью карьерного роста, а также финансовой составляющей, по сравнению с педагогами общеобразовательных школ. У педагогов социальных приютов более выражен синдром эмоционального выгорания: как показали результаты проведенного исследования, они чаще прибегают к асоциальным действиям в стрессовой ситуации. Коммуникативный компонент деструктивных изменений профессионального развития педагогов социальных приютов обнаруживается в более высокой интолерантности, более выраженных агрессивных реакциях, проявляющихся преимущественно через вербальную агрессию

    Electrochemical DNA Sensor Based on Carbon Black—Poly(methylene blue)—Poly(neutral red) Composite

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    The detection of small molecules interacting with DNA is important for the assessment of potential hazards related to the application of rather toxic antitumor drugs, and for distinguishing the factors related to thermal and oxidative DNA damage. In this work, a novel electrochemical DNA sensor has been proposed for the determination of antitumor drugs. For DNA sensor assembling, a glassy carbon electrode was modified with carbon black dispersed in DMF. After that, pillar [5]arene was adsorbed and Methylene blue and Neutral red were consecutively electropolymerized onto the carbon black layer. To increase sensitivity of intercalator detection, DNA was first mixed with water-soluble thiacalixarene bearing quaternary ammonium groups in the substituents at the lower rim. The deposition of the mixture on the electropolymerized dyes made it possible to detect doxorubicin as model intercalator by suppression of the redox activity of the polymerization products. The DNA sensor made it possible to determine 0.5 pM–1.0 nM doxorubicin (limit of detection 0.13 pM) with 20 min of incubation. The DNA sensor was successfully tested on spiked samples of human plasma and doxorubicin medication. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 20-33-90132; Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 19-73-10134Funding: This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (PP), grant number 19-73-10134 (synthesis of thiacalix [4]arenes bearing terminal ammonium groups and investigation of their interactions with DNA) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (GE), grant No 20-33-90132 (electropolymerization of dyes and assembling of the surface layer of DNA sensor)

    Considerable enhancement of the critical current in a superconducting film by magnetized magnetic strip

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    We show that a magnetic strip on top of a superconducting strip magnetized in a specified direction may considerably enhance the critical current in the sample. At fixed magnetization of the magnet we observed diode effect - the value of the critical current depends on the direction of the transport current. We explain these effects by a influence of the nonuniform magnetic field induced by the magnet on the current distribution in the superconducting strip. The experiment on a hybrid Nb/Co structure confirmed the predicted variation of the critical current with a changing value of magnetization and direction of the transport current.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure


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    The article deals with the dynamic behavior of the unevenly heated thin-walled conical shell of revolution of the aircraft fairing type under the loading conditions by shock wave in the gaseous environment, approximated by travelling load. The displacements of the shell, resulting from the preliminary uneven heating, are determined from the solution of the equations of thermoelastic equilibrium. Solution of the dynamic problem consists of the integration of the nonlinear equations of shell motion at the assigned initial displacement, zero initial velocities and boundary conditions, corresponding to the fastening of fairing. As a result of the solution of the presented problem the amplitudes of the fluctuations of the fairing nose edge are determined. It allows to determine the stress-strained state of shell for the purposes of the determination of its bearing capacity.В статье исследуется динамическое поведение неравномерно нагретой тонкостенной конической оболочки вращения типа обтекателя летательного аппарата в условиях нагружения ударной волной в газовой среде, аппроксимируемой подвижной нагрузкой. Перемещения оболочки, возникающие в результате предварительного неравномерного нагрева, определяются из решения уравнений термоупругого равновесия. Решение динамической задачи состоит в интегрировании нелинейных уравнений движения оболочки при заданных начальных смещениях, нулевых начальных скоростях и граничных условиях, соответствующих закреплению обтекателя. В результате решения представленной задачи определяются амплитуды колебаний носка обтекателя. Это позволяет определять напряженно-деформированное состояние оболочки в целях определения ее несущей способности

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of the use of mepolizumab in omalizumab-resistant patients with severe asthma

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    Objective. To determine the clinical and economic consequences of the drug mepolizumab in patients with severe bronchial asthma (SBA) and the ineff ectiveness of omalizumab. Methods. We conducted cost-eff ectiveness and budget impact analysis of the use of mepolizumab or omalizumab in omalizumab-refractory patients with SBA. Source of information about the eff ectiveness were the results of published clinical studies; the cost of drugs — maximum ex-works prices of manufacturers of vital and essential medicinal products and instructions for use of drugs; the cost of medical services — program of state guarantees of free medical assistance on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the coeffi cients of relative cost intensity for clinicalstatistical groups. Results. According to the results of a multicenter open study OSMO, the use of mepolizumab in patients with ineff ective omalizumab therapy led to a decrease in the frequency of clinically signifi cant exacerbations and exacerbations requiring hospitalization (1.18 and 0.19 cases / year, respectively) compared to 12 months before screening (3.26 and 0.63 events / year, respectively). Result of the cost analysis showed that switching to mepolizumab leads to signifi cant savings: the sum of direct medical costs was 865 217 and 1 666 401 RUB per patient per year, respectively. Budget impact analysis demonstrated savings in the CHI system in the treatment with mepolizumab within the analyzed cohort of patients (n=18) by 2.8 million rubles in the fi rst year and 12.7 million rubles in 5 years. Analysis of «missed opportunities» showed that the use of mepolizumab can allow to treat an additional 3 people for 1 year of therapy and 15 people for fi ve years of implementation of the analyzed drug. Conclusion. The use of mepolizumab in patients with SBA resistant to omalizumab, will reduce budget costs and will increase the eff ectiveness of treatment