644 research outputs found

    An experimental investigation into the anisotropic behaviour of bovine femoral cortical bone

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    To increase our level of knowledge of the human body for various applications, the behaviour of cortical bone needs to be understood. To understand and model the behaviour of cortical bone, knowledge of the strain rate dependent behaviour is required. Many authors have investigated these properties, however, the literature appears to be ambiguous and incomplete, with little focus being placed upon the intermediate strain rate regime (1s⁻Âč to 100s⁻Âč). The ambiguity arises as each author presents an averaged data set which does not describe the level of scatter or precise testing methods, nor does it correspond with other authors work [33, 56, 27, 2, 62]. Furthermore, bone should display distinct anisotropic properties due to the microstructural layout. However, no author has published or recorded a complete data set detailing the anisotropy of bone across any species. The intermediate strain rate regime is of particular interest due to Paul [50], capturing a distinct transitional behaviour of cortical bone between low and high strain rates. The apparent lack in intermediate regime research is due to the difficulty in attaining constant strain rate testing conditions within this region using conventional methods. Consequently, due to the absence of data, no accurate model has been developed to simulate the behaviour observed. The focus of this dissertation will therefore be to redesign and fabricate the previously used intermediate strain rate testing device, provide an accurate data set across both quasi-static and dynamic regimes, and a phenomenological model which is able to capture this strain rate dependent behaviour. In order to develop an understanding of the scatter presented in each orientation, light microscopy, inverse light microscopy, and SEM of the specimens is performed. What is observed is that each orientation displays a distinct microstructural layout with fractures propagating in a distinctly different manner based on the strain rate regime. Furthermore, counter to previous findings, the strength of bone across a variety of samples does not appear consistent, however, the longitudinal and radial orientations still display strain rate sensitivity (per sample) which was captured using the improved phenomenological viscoelastic model

    Quelle prise en compte du genre dans la communication publique ?

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    Through the lens of gender, it is possible to explore professional practices in public communication. Indeed, the ways communicators inquire into, categorize and represent publics/ audiences when conducting communication campaigns are key to taking gender into consideration. As publics/audiences are constructed through management tools which isolate individuals from their social context and do not call on other types of skills in order to take social complexity into account when figuring out publics/audiences, gender is approached only from a technical point of view. Therefore gender is voided of its heuristic and critical contents and only used as a criterion for categorization without acknowledging the balance of power, and by implication, being able to single out gender stereotypes.Par le prisme du genre, il est possible d’explorer les pratiques professionnelles en communication publique. Ainsi les modalitĂ©s d’exploration, d’apprĂ©hension et de reprĂ©sentation des publics par les communicateurs et communicatrices pour Ă©laborer leurs actions de communication sont dĂ©terminantes dans la prise en compte du genre. Comme les publics sont figurĂ©s au moyen de techniques gestionnaires qui isolent l’individu de son contexte social et ne mobilisent pas d’autres types d’aptitudes pour apprĂ©hender la complexitĂ© sociale dans le travail de reprĂ©sentation des publics, la question de la prise en compte du genre dans la communication est abordĂ©e sous un angle essentiellement technique. Ce faisant, le genre est vidĂ© de sa dimension heuristique mais Ă©galement contestataire pour ĂȘtre mobilisĂ© comme critĂšre de catĂ©gorisation qui se substitue Ă  la catĂ©gorie « femmes Â» sans prise en compte des rapports de force et, par ricochet, sans capacitĂ© d’identifier les stĂ©rĂ©otypes de genre

    “It’s Not What’s Done, But Why It’s Done”: Music Therapists’ Understanding of Normalisation, Maximisation and the Neurodiversity Movement

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    This position paper offers our personal reflections as five music therapists from varying social and international contexts attempting to understand and engage with the theory, politics and implications of the Neurodiversity Movement. We begin by positioning our views on the importance of the therapist’s intentionality when working with individuals for whom this social, cultural and political movement may represent central beliefs and values. The evolution of the Neurodiversity Movement is discussed, growing from the social model of disability and Disability Rights Movements to present a challenge to the dominant, medicalised model of disability. Throughout the paper, we invite critical debate around the role, position and attitude of the music therapist when working with neurodivergent participants, taking the powerful words of Autistic author and activist, Penni Winter, as our provocation. Finally, we offer our interpretation of key concepts and dimensions of this discourse, before sharing examples of how we might apply these understandings to tangible tenets of music therapy practice in different contexts through a series of brief composite case stories. Through critical reflection and discussion, we attempt to draw together the threads of these diverse narratives to challenge a normocentric position, and conclude by posing further questions for the reader and the wider music therapy profession

    Trading Jerusalem: Jewish-Arab Encounters in a Middle Eastern Restaurant in Toronto

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    This ethnographic study explores everyday encounters between Jewish Israeli immigrants, Palestinian Arab immigrants, and Canadian Jews in Jerusalem Restaurant a Middle Eastern dining establishment in Toronto. The article reveals the waysin which these three subgroups relate to each other economically and culturally in the context of a diasporic food business that bases its appeal on the symbolism of Jerusalem. Through the practices and relationships observed in this restaurant, we suggest that these subgroups create a practical foodway community, while each subgroup associates with the notion of Jerusalem in its own distinctive way.Cette Ă©tude ethnographique analyse les interactions quotidiennes entre immigrants israĂ©liens juifs, immigrants palestiniens arabes et Juifs canadiens dans le Jerusalem Restaurant, un restaurant de cuisine moyen-orientale de Toronto. L’article met au jour comment ces trois sous-groupes interagissent Ă©conomiquement et culturellement dans le contexte d’un commerce alimentaire diasporique qui se construit autour du symbolisme de JĂ©rusalem. Les pratiques et les relations observĂ©es dans ce restaurant nous permettent d’avancer que ces diffĂ©rents sous-groupes forment une communautĂ© de pratiques alimentaires tout en ayant, chacun, des liens spĂ©cifiques et distinctifs avec la notion de JĂ©rusalem

    Entre ombre et lumiùre, analyse communicationnelle de la construction identitaire de l’ONG Finance Watch

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    Finance Watch est une association nĂ©e en juin 2011 Ă  Bruxelles pour reprĂ©senter la sociĂ©tĂ© civile face au lobby de l’industrie financiĂšre. À partir de l’analyse du cycle d’écriture des documents fondateurs de l’organisation, il est possible de raconter l’histoire de la crĂ©ation, c’est-Ă -dire de montrer comment se façonnent progressivement l’identitĂ©, le rĂŽle et le champ d’action de l’organisation mais Ă©galement ses relations avec la sociĂ©tĂ© civile, les Ă©lus et les particuliers. Une telle dĂ©marche permet de mettre en avant les paradoxes et les contradictions entre la rhĂ©torique de la transparence que porte l’organisation et l’opacitĂ© que nĂ©cessite sa construction. Celle-ci s’inscrit dans l’approche CCO considĂ©rant la communication constitutive de l’organisation et s’appuie sur la conception systĂ©mique de la communication de Luhmann.Finance Watch is a non-profit association set up in June 2011 to act as a public interest counterweight to the powerful financial lobby. The analysis of the founding documents’ writing process makes it possible to tell the story of the creation of the organisation, especially the construction of its identity, its role and the field of its action as well as its relationships with civil society, elected members of the European Parliament and individuals. Such an approach highlights the paradoxes and contradictions between the rhetoric of transparency of the organization and the necessary opacity needed to build up the organization. It fits into the CCO theoretical framework (communication constitutes organization) and builds on Luhmann’s systems theory of communication

    Comment s’informent les publics des associations ? DiversitĂ© des publics, diversitĂ© des pratiques

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    Comment s’informent les publics des associations ? Comment cela nous renseigne-t-il sur lesdits publics et leur rapport Ă  l’information, en particulier celle produite par les associations ? C’est Ă  ces questions que nous essayons de rĂ©pondre Ă  partir d’une recherche qualitative sur les pratiques informationnelles des publics d’une association belge. Nous distinguons publics amateurs et publics professionnels pour prendre en compte la diversitĂ© des rapports Ă  l’information et Ă  l’activitĂ© de s’informer, tout en notant la porositĂ© de certaines pratiques informationnelles comme l’entre-soi. Dans ce contexte, l’association belge Ă©tudiĂ©e peine Ă  informer les publics qu’elle cible.How do audiences of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) get their information? What do these information practices reveal about NGO audiences and how they view information, in particular information which is produced by volunteer organizations? We present the results of a qualitative analysis of the information practices of audiences of a Belgian NGO. We distinguish between amateur and professional audiences in order to take into account diverse information consumption experiences. At the same time, we consider the porosity between certain types of information practices. Given the diverse practices and expectations we were able to identify, we conclude that the organization under study has difficulties informing its target audiences

    La collaboration entre praticiens et chercheurs

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    Entretien avec AurĂ©lie Valtat, Digital Strategist, Commission EuropĂ©enne Entretien conduit par Sandrine Roginsky, Professeure, UniversitĂ© catholique de Louvain AurĂ©lie Valtat est responsable de la communication digitale au Conseil de l’Union europĂ©enne, l’une des trois principales institutions de l’Union europĂ©enne. Elle est membre et ancienne prĂ©sidente de l’IABC (International Association of Business Communicators). Titulaire d’un DEA en Sciences politiques, elle a essentiellement travaillĂ© dans les organisations internationales, oĂč elle s’est formĂ©e Ă  la communication numĂ©rique
