113 research outputs found

    The transcription factor GATA6 is essential for early extraembryonic development

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    The gene coding for the murine transcription factor GATA6 was inactivated by insertion of a beta-galactosidase marker gene. The analysis of heterozygote GATA6/lacZ mice shows two inductions of GATA6 expression early in development. It is first expressed at the blastocyst stage in part of the inner mass and in the trophectoderm. The second wave of expression is in parietal endoderm (Reichert's membrane) and the mesoderm and endoderm that form the heart and gut. Inactivation leads to a lethality shortly after implantation (5.5 days postcoitum). Chimeric experiments show this to be caused by an indirect effect on the epiblast due to a defect in an extraembryonic tissue

    Protection of CpG islands from DNA methylation is DNA-encoded and evolutionarily conserved.

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    DNA methylation is a repressive epigenetic modification that covers vertebrate genomes. Regions known as CpG islands (CGIs), which are refractory to DNA methylation, are often associated with gene promoters and play central roles in gene regulation. Yet how CGIs in their normal genomic context evade the DNA methylation machinery and whether these mechanisms are evolutionarily conserved remains enigmatic. To address these fundamental questions we exploited a transchromosomic animal model and genomic approaches to understand how the hypomethylated state is formed in vivo and to discover whether mechanisms governing CGI formation are evolutionarily conserved. Strikingly, insertion of a human chromosome into mouse revealed that promoter-associated CGIs are refractory to DNA methylation regardless of host species, demonstrating that DNA sequence plays a central role in specifying the hypomethylated state through evolutionarily conserved mechanisms. In contrast, elements distal to gene promoters exhibited more variable methylation between host species, uncovering a widespread dependence on nucleotide frequency and occupancy of DNA-binding transcription factors in shaping the DNA methylation landscape away from gene promoters. This was exemplified by young CpG rich lineage-restricted repeat sequences that evaded DNA methylation in the absence of co-evolved mechanisms targeting methylation to these sequences, and species specific DNA binding events that protected against DNA methylation in CpG poor regions. Finally, transplantation of mouse chromosomal fragments into the evolutionarily distant zebrafish uncovered the existence of a mechanistically conserved and DNA-encoded logic which shapes CGI formation across vertebrate species

    Bio-CAP:a versatile and highly sensitive technique to purify and characterise regions of non-methylated DNA

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    Across vertebrate genomes methylation of cytosine residues within the context of CpG dinucleotides is a pervasive epigenetic mark that can impact gene expression and has been implicated in various developmental and disease-associated processes. Several biochemical approaches exist to profile DNA methylation, but recently an alternative approach based on profiling non-methylated CpGs was developed. This technique, called CxxC affinity purification (CAP), uses a ZF-CxxC (CxxC) domain to specifically capture DNA containing clusters of non-methylated CpGs. Here we describe a new CAP approach, called biotinylated CAP (Bio-CAP), which eliminates the requirement for specialized equipment while dramatically improving and simplifying the CxxC-based DNA affinity purification. Importantly, this approach isolates non-methylated DNA in a manner that is directly proportional to the density of non-methylated CpGs, and discriminates non-methylated CpGs from both methylated and hydroxymethylated CpGs. Unlike conventional CAP, Bio-CAP can be applied to nanogram quantities of genomic DNA and in a magnetic format is amenable to efficient parallel processing of samples. Furthermore, Bio-CAP can be applied to genome-wide profiling of non-methylated DNA with relatively small amounts of input material. Therefore, Bio-CAP is a simple and streamlined approach for characterizing regions of the non-methylated DNA, whether at specific target regions or genome wide

    Blood stem cell-forming haemogenic endothelium in zebrafish derives from arterial endothelium

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    Haematopoietic stem cells are generated from the haemogenic endothelium (HE) located in the floor of the dorsal aorta (DA). Despite being integral to arteries, it is controversial whether HE and arterial endothelium share a common lineage. Here, we present a transgenic zebrafish runx1 reporter line to isolate HE and aortic roof endothelium (ARE)s, excluding non-aortic endothelium. Transcriptomic analysis of these populations identifies Runx1-regulated genes and shows that HE initially expresses arterial markers at similar levels to ARE. Furthermore, runx1 expression depends on prior arterial programming by the Notch ligand dll4. Runx1andminus;/andminus; mutants fail to downregulate arterial genes in the HE, which remains integrated within the DA, suggesting that Runx1 represses the pre-existing arterial programme in HE to allow progression towards the haematopoietic fate. These findings strongly suggest that, in zebrafish, aortic endothelium is a precursor to HE, with potential implications for pluripotent stem cell differentiation protocols for the generation of transplantable HSCs.</p

    Runx1 promotes scar deposition and inhibits myocardial proliferation and survival during zebrafish heart regeneration.

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    Runx1 is a transcription factor that plays a key role in determining the proliferative and differential state of multiple cell types, during both development and adulthood. Here, we report how Runx1 is specifically upregulated at the injury site during zebrafish heart regeneration, and that absence of runx1 results in increased myocardial survival and proliferation, and overall heart regeneration, accompanied by decreased fibrosis. Using single cell sequencing, we found that the wild-type injury site consists of Runx1-positive endocardial cells and thrombocytes that induce expression of smooth muscle and collagen genes. Both these populations cannot be identified in runx1 mutant wounds that contain less collagen and fibrin. The reduction in fibrin in the mutant is further explained by reduced myofibroblast formation and upregulation of components of the fibrin degradation pathway, including plasminogen receptor annexin 2A as well as downregulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor serpine1 in myocardium and endocardium, resulting in increased levels of plasminogen. Our findings suggest that Runx1 controls the regenerative response of multiple cardiac cell types and that targeting Runx1 is a novel therapeutic strategy for inducing endogenous heart repair.BHF, Wellcome, MR

    A Novel TGFβ Modulator that Uncouples R-Smad/I-Smad-Mediated Negative Feedback from R-Smad/Ligand-Driven Positive Feedback

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    As some of the most widely utilised intercellular signalling molecules, transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily members play critical roles in normal development and become disrupted in human disease. Establishing appropriate levels of TGFβ signalling involves positive and negative feedback, which are coupled and driven by the same signal transduction components (R-Smad transcription factor complexes), but whether and how the regulation of the two can be distinguished are unknown. Genome-wide comparison of published ChIP-seq datasets suggests that LIM dom

    Deletion of a conserved Gata2 enhancer impairs haemogenic endothelium programming and adult Zebrafish haematopoiesis

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    Gata2 is a key transcription factor required to generate Haematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells (HSPCs) from haemogenic endothelium (HE); misexpression of Gata2 leads to haematopoietic disorders. Here we deleted a conserved enhancer (i4 enhancer) driving pan-endothelial expression of the zebrafish gata2a and showed that Gata2a is required for HE programming by regulating expression of runx1 and of the second Gata2 orthologue, gata2b. By 5 days, homozygous gata2aΔi4/Δi4 larvae showed normal numbers of HSPCs, a recovery mediated by Notch signalling driving gata2b and runx1 expression in HE. However, gata2aΔi4/Δi4 adults showed oedema, susceptibility to infections and marrow hypo-cellularity, consistent with bone marrow failure found in GATA2 deficiency syndromes. Thus, gata2a expression driven by the i4 enhancer is required for correct HE programming in embryos and maintenance of steady-state haematopoietic stem cell output in the adult. These enhancer mutants will be useful in exploring further the pathophysiology of GATA2-related deficiencies in vivo

    Stochastic specification of primordial germ cells from mesoderm precursors in axolotl embryos

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    A common feature of development in most vertebrate models is the early segregation of the germ line from the soma. For example, in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos primordial germ cells (PGCs) are specified by germ plasm that is inherited from the egg; in mice, Blimp1 expression in the epiblast mediates the commitment of cells to the germ line. How these disparate mechanisms of PGC specification evolved is unknown. Here, in order to identify the ancestral mechanism of PGC specification in vertebrates, we studied PGC specification in embryos from the axolotl (Mexican salamander), a model for the tetrapod ancestor. In the axolotl, PGCs develop within mesoderm, and classic studies have reported their induction from primitive ectoderm (animal cap). We used an axolotl animal cap system to demonstrate that signalling through FGF and BMP4 induces PGCs. The role of FGF was then confirmed in vivo. We also showed PGC induction by Brachyury, in the presence of BMP4. These conditions induced pluripotent mesodermal precursors that give rise to a variety of somatic cell types, in addition to PGCs. Irreversible restriction of the germ line did not occur until the mid-tailbud stage, days after the somatic germ layers are established. Before this, germline potential was maintained by MAP kinase signalling. We propose that this stochastic mechanism of PGC specification, from mesodermal precursors, is conserved in vertebrates