3,305 research outputs found

    Traveling While Black

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    The history of African American travel is one of the great untold American stories. We seek a Level I Start-Up Grant to support the collaboration between humanities scholars and interactive designers to develop a choice-driven, exploratory game that places players directly in the shoes of African American travelers of the past. Through the game mechanics, players will explore the nature of prejudice, how it manifests, and the discrimination African Americans had to endure during the pre-civil rights era. The game will engage students and allow them to make strategic decisions, developing problem solving and systems thinking skills. Players will gain a rich and complex understanding of this important period in our nation’s history that continues to have contemporary resonance. The learning experience within the game will be augmented by the other platforms--documentary film, web series and digital cultural mapping--that make up the Traveling While Black (TWB) transmedia project

    Analysis of mixed elliptic and parabolic boundary layers with corners

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    We study the asymptotic behavior at small diffusivity of the solutions, u??, to a convection-diffusion equation in a rectangular domain. The diffusive equation is supplemented with a Dirichlet boundary condition, which is smooth along the edges and continuous at the corners. To resolve the discrepancy, on ???, between u?? and the corresponding limit solution, u0, we propose asymptotic expansions of u?? at any arbitrary, but fixed, order. In order to manage some singular effects near the four corners of , the so-called elliptic and ordinary corner correctors are added in the asymptotic expansions as well as the parabolic and classical boundary layer functions. Then, performing the energy estimates on the difference of u?? and the proposed expansions, the validity of our asymptotic expansions is established in suitable Sobolev spaces.open

    Scaffold for Tissue Regeneration in Mammals

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    A three-dimensional scaffold with interconnected pores for repair of tissue comprising a scaffold body for structural support of the tissue scaffold, where the scaffold body comprises scaffold body components bonded to each other and made from component materials comprising about 40 to about 90 wt % B2O3, and two or more other oxides, wherein the scaffold body has a porosity between about 15 and about 90 vol %


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    Background: The mesolimbic dopamine system consists of dopamine neuron projections from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc). The NAc regulates VTA dopamine release through inhibitory GABA projections to the VTA. Hyperactive mesolimbic dopamine signaling is implicated in anxiety. Cannabidiol, a compound found in cannabis, demonstrates promising therapeutic potential for anxiety through the regulation of the mesolimbic dopamine system. Previous studies have revealed that cannabidiol infusions into the NAc decreases mesolimbic dopamine activity - potentially through the inhibitory GABA signaling to the VTA. However, the receptor mechanism in the NAc through which CBD produces its effects is unknown. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARG) is a nuclear transcription factor that binds to CBD and colocalizes with GABA neurons. Recent evidence suggests that PPARG activation can decrease mesolimbic dopamine activity through inhibitory GABA signaling. Considering that the NAc expresses high levels of PPARG, intra-NAc CBD may regulate mesolimbic dopamine activity through PPARG activation. Hypothesis: PPARG activation in the NAc regulates mesolimbic dopamine transmission through the modulation of the GABAergic inhibition of the VTA. Methods: In-vivo electrophysiology was used to investigate the effects of intra-NAc PPARG activation on mesolimbic dopamine activity. The anxiolytic effects of intra-NAc PPARG activation was measured using the light-dark box and elevated plus maze behavioural tests. Results: We report that PPARG activation in the NAc significantly decreases mesolimbic dopamine activity whereas PPARG antagonists block this effect. Additionally, we reveal that intra-NAc PPARG activation produces anxiolytic effects as measured in the light-dark box and elevated plus maze behavioural tests


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    We study the boundary layers and singularities generated by a convection-diffusion equation in a circle with noncompatible data. More precisely, the boundary of the circle has two characteristic points where the boundary conditions and the external data ff are not compatible. Very complex singular behaviors are observed, and we analyze them systematically for highly noncompatible data. The problem studied here is a simplified model for problems of major importance in fluid mechanics and thermohydraulics and in physics.open4

    Sebaceous carcinoma in a mature teratoma of the ovary

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    The finding of a sebaceous carcinoma in a mature teratoma is rare in human pathology, with fewer than 10 cases currently reported in the literature. In this article, we report a case of sebaceous carcinoma in a mature teratoma of the ovary in a 59-year-old patient and discuss its histological findings

    Guidance on Sampling and Monitoring for Lead in Drinking Water

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    This report gives guidance on the assessment of lead in drinking water at national level in the framework of the work agreed by the Parties of the Protocol Water and Health. The guidance focuses on the case that nothing is known about the lead problem in water supply. The guidance proposes creating plumbosolvency maps of every water supply zone on which basis representative zones are selected for monitoring. The Random Daytime sampling protocol is the key method. On the basis of the monitoring results an estimate of the lead problem at national level can be made.JRC.I.2-Chemical assessment and testin

    Diet-induced obesity mediated by the JNK/DIO2 signal transduction pathway

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    The cJun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathway is a key mediator of metabolic stress responses caused by consuming a high-fat diet, including the development of obesity. To test the role of JNK, we examined diet-induced obesity in mice with targeted ablation of Jnk genes in the anterior pituitary gland. These mice exhibited an increase in the pituitary expression of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), an increase in the blood concentration of thyroid hormone (T4), increased energy expenditure, and markedly reduced obesity compared with control mice. The increased amount of pituitary TSH was caused by reduced expression of type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase (Dio2), a gene that is required for T4-mediated negative feedback regulation of TSH expression. These data establish a molecular mechanism that accounts for the regulation of energy expenditure and the development of obesity by the JNK signaling pathway