225 research outputs found

    Phonon Assisted Multimagnon Optical Absorption and Long Lived Two-Magnon States in Undoped Lamellar Copper Oxides

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    We calculate the effective charge for multimagnon infrared (IR) absorption assisted by phonons in the parent insulating compounds of cuprate superconductors and the spectra for two-magnon absorption using interacting spin-wave theory. Recent measured bands in the mid IR [Perkins et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 71} 1621 (1993)] are interpreted as involving one phonon plus a two-magnon virtual bound state, and one phonon plus higher multimagnon absorption processes. The virtual bound state consists of a narrow resonance occurring when the magnon pair has total momentum close to (π,0)(\pi,0).Comment: 4 page

    Under the microscope: Single molecule symposium at the University of Michigan, 2006

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    In recent years, a revolution has occurred in the basic sciences, which exploits novel single molecule detection and manipulation tools to track and analyze biopolymers in unprecedented detail. A recent Gordon Research Conference style meeting, hosted by the University of Michigan, highlighted current status and future perspectives of this rising field as researchers begin to integrate it with mainstream biology and nanotechnology. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 85:106–114, 2007Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/55865/1/20621_ftp.pd

    Spin-wave spectrum in La2CuO4 -- double occupancy and competing interaction effects

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    The recently observed spin-wave energy dispersion along the AF zone boundary in La2CuO4 is discussed in terms of double occupancy and competing interaction effects in the ttt-t' Hubbard model on a square lattice.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic Raman Scattering in Two-Dimensional Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnets: Spectral Shape Anomaly and Magnetostrictive Effects

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    We calculate the Raman spectrum of the two-dimensional (2D) spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet by exact diagonalization and quantum Monte Carlo techniques on clusters of up to 144 sites and, on a 16-site cluster, by considering the phonon-magnon interaction which leads to random fluctuations of the exchange integral. Results are in good agreement with experiments on various high-T_c precursors, such as La_2CuO_4 and YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.2}. In particular, our calculations reproduce the broad lineshape of the two-magnon peak, the asymmetry about its maximum, the existence of spectral weight at high energies, and the observation of nominally forbidden A_{1g} scattering.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX, 1 postscript figur

    Charge and spin excitations of insulating lamellar copper oxides

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    A consistent description of low-energy charge and spin responses of the insulating Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2 lamellar system is found in the framework of a one-band Hubbard model which besides UU includes hoppings up to 3^{rd} nearest-neighbors. By combining mean-field calculations, exact diagonalization (ED) results, and Quantum Monte Carlo simulations (QMC), we analyze both charge and spin degrees of freedom responses as observed by optical conductivity, ARPES, Raman and inelastic neutron scattering experiments. Within this effective model, long-range hopping processes flatten the quasiparticle band around (0,π)(0,\pi). We calculate also the non-resonant A_{1g} and B_{1g} Raman profiles and show that the latter is composed by two main features, which are attributed to 2- and 4-magnon scattering.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, To be published in PRB (july

    Epidemic Leptospirosis Associated with Pulmonary Hemorrhage—Nicaragua, 1995

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    In October 1995, epidemic “hemorrhagic fever,” without jaundice or renal manifestations, was reported in rural Nicaragua following heavy flooding; 2259 residents were evaluated for nonmalarial febrile illnesses (cumulative incidence, 6.1%) and 15 (0.7%) died with pulmonary hemorrhage. A case-control study found that case-patients were more likely than controls to have ever walked in creeks (matched odds ratio [MOR], 15.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7–132.3), have household rodents (MOR, 10.4; 95% CI, 1.1–97.1), or own dogs with titers ≥ 400 to Leptospira species (MOR, 23.4; 95% CI, 3.6–`). Twenty-six of 51 case-patients had serologic or postmortem evidence of acute leptospirosis. Leptospira species were isolated from case-patients and potential animal reservoirs. This leptospirosis epidemic likely resulted from exposure to flood waters contaminated by urine from infected animals, particularly dogs. Leptospirosis should be included in the differential diagnosis for nonmalarial febrile illness, particularly during periods of flooding or when pulmonary hemorrhage occurs

    The Reproducibility of Lists of Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray Studies

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    Reproducibility is a fundamental requirement in scientific experiments and clinical contexts. Recent publications raise concerns about the reliability of microarray technology because of the apparent lack of agreement between lists of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). In this study we demonstrate that (1) such discordance may stem from ranking and selecting DEGs solely by statistical significance (P) derived from widely used simple t-tests; (2) when fold change (FC) is used as the ranking criterion, the lists become much more reproducible, especially when fewer genes are selected; and (3) the instability of short DEG lists based on P cutoffs is an expected mathematical consequence of the high variability of the t-values. We recommend the use of FC ranking plus a non-stringent P cutoff as a baseline practice in order to generate more reproducible DEG lists. The FC criterion enhances reproducibility while the P criterion balances sensitivity and specificity

    MeerKAT-16 H I observation of the dIrr galaxy WLM

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    We present observations and models of the kinematics and the distribution of the neutral hydrogen (HI) in the isolated dwarf irregular galaxy, Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte (WLM). We observed WLM with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and as part of the MeerKAT Early Science Programme, where 16 dishes were available. The HI disc of WLM extends out to a major axis diameter of 30 arcmin (8.5 kpc), and a minor axis diameter of 20 arcmin (5.6 kpc) as measured by the GBT. We use the MeerKAT data to model WLM using the TiRiFiC software suite, allowing us to fit different tilted-ring models and select the one that best matches the observation. Our final best-fitting model is a flat disc with a vertical thickness, a constant inclination and dispersion, and a radially-varying surface brightness with harmonic distortions. To simulate bar-like motions, we include second-order harmonic distortions in velocity in the tangential and the vertical directions. We present a model with only circular motions included and a model with non-circular motions. The latter describes the data better. Overall, the models reproduce the global distribution and the kinematics of the gas, except for some faint emission at the 2-sigma level. We model the mass distribution of WLM with a pseudo-isothermal (ISO) and a Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) dark matter halo models. The NFW and the ISO models fit the derived rotation curves within the formal errors, but with the ISO model giving better reduced chi-square values. The mass distribution in WLM is dominated by dark matter at all radii.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 25 pages, 21 figures, 5 table

    Australia: A Continent Without Native Powdery Mildews? The First Comprehensive Catalog Indicates Recent Introductions and Multiple Host Range Expansion Events, and Leads to the Re-discovery of Salmonomyces as a New Lineage of the Erysiphales

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    In contrast to Eurasia and North America, powdery mildews (Ascomycota, Erysiphales) are understudied in Australia. There are over 900 species known globally, with fewer than currently 60 recorded from Australia. Some of the Australian records are doubtful as the identifications were presumptive, being based on host plant-pathogen lists from overseas. The goal of this study was to provide the first comprehensive catalog of all powdery mildew species present in Australia. The project resulted in (i) an up-to-date list of all the taxa that have been identified in Australia based on published DNA barcode sequences prior to this study; (ii) the precise identification of 117 specimens freshly collected from across the country; and (iii) the precise identification of 30 herbarium specimens collected between 1975 and 2013. This study confirmed 42 species representing 10 genera, including two genera and 13 species recorded for the first time in Australia. In Eurasia and North America, the number of powdery mildew species is much higher. Phylogenetic analyses of powdery mildews collected from Acalypha spp. resulted in the transfer of Erysiphe acalyphae to Salmonomyces, a resurrected genus. Salmonomyces acalyphae comb. nov. represents a newly discovered lineage of the Erysiphales. Another taxonomic change is the transfer of Oidium ixodiae to Golovinomyces. Powdery mildew infections have been confirmed on 13 native Australian plant species in the genera Acacia, Acalypha, Cephalotus, Convolvulus, Eucalyptus, Hardenbergia, Ixodia, Jagera, Senecio, and Trema. Most of the causal agents were polyphagous species that infect many other host plants both overseas and in Australia. All powdery mildews infecting native plants in Australia were phylogenetically closely related to species known overseas. The data indicate that Australia is a continent without native powdery mildews, and most, if not all, species have been introduced since the European colonization of the continent

    Microarray scanner calibration curves: characteristics and implications

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    BACKGROUND: Microarray-based measurement of mRNA abundance assumes a linear relationship between the fluorescence intensity and the dye concentration. In reality, however, the calibration curve can be nonlinear. RESULTS: By scanning a microarray scanner calibration slide containing known concentrations of fluorescent dyes under 18 PMT gains, we were able to evaluate the differences in calibration characteristics of Cy5 and Cy3. First, the calibration curve for the same dye under the same PMT gain is nonlinear at both the high and low intensity ends. Second, the degree of nonlinearity of the calibration curve depends on the PMT gain. Third, the two PMTs (for Cy5 and Cy3) behave differently even under the same gain. Fourth, the background intensity for the Cy3 channel is higher than that for the Cy5 channel. The impact of such characteristics on the accuracy and reproducibility of measured mRNA abundance and the calculated ratios was demonstrated. Combined with simulation results, we provided explanations to the existence of ratio underestimation, intensity-dependence of ratio bias, and anti-correlation of ratios in dye-swap replicates. We further demonstrated that although Lowess normalization effectively eliminates the intensity-dependence of ratio bias, the systematic deviation from true ratios largely remained. A method of calculating ratios based on concentrations estimated from the calibration curves was proposed for correcting ratio bias. CONCLUSION: It is preferable to scan microarray slides at fixed, optimal gain settings under which the linearity between concentration and intensity is maximized. Although normalization methods improve reproducibility of microarray measurements, they appear less effective in improving accuracy