995 research outputs found

    Reduction in amniocentesis risks using a real-time needle guide procedure.

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    Journal ArticleRates of complications associated with a second trimester genetic amniocentesis were studied in 918 patients, and complete infant follow-up was obtained. In 903 singleton pregnancies and 15 twin gestations, the procedure was performed under continuous sector scanning guidance through an attached needle guide. Eight fetal deaths in the 903 cases occurred at less than 28 weeks after amniocentesis (0.89%), none within two weeks after the procedure. Only one fluid was visibly blood contaminated. Comparisons are made with other series from the literature

    Abnormal pregnancy sonogram: selective indication for fetal karyotype.

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    Journal ArticleThe inability to make a definitive diagnosis in the fetus with a sonographically identified abnormality often results in parental and physician uncertainty. An antenatal chromosome evaluation could resolve this uncertainty. Forty-one fetuses with an abnormal ultrasound examination were tested for karyotypic abnormality using a variety of specimens. Nearly one-third (13 of 41) of these fetuses had various chromosome abnormalities. There were only seven survivors in this series, underscoring the often poor prognosis when a significant ultrasound defect is detected antenatally. Knowledge of the fetal chromosome constitution in the setting of an abnormal ultrasound has important epidemiologic, cost-benefit, counseling, and pregnancy management implications

    A High-Throughput Screen Targeting Malaria Transmission Stages Opens New Avenues for Drug Development

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    A major goal of the worldwide malaria eradication program is the reduction and eventual elimination of malaria transmission. All currently available antimalarial compounds were discovered on the basis of their activity against the asexually reproducing red blood cell stages of the parasite, which are responsible for the morbidity and mortality of human malaria. Resistance against these compounds is widespread, and there is an urgent need for novel approaches to reduce the emergence of resistance to new antimalarials as they are introduced. We have established and validated the first high-throughput assay targeting the red blood cell parasite stage required for transmission, the sexually reproducing gametocyte. This assay will permit identification of compounds specifically targeting the transmission stages in addition to the asexual stage parasites. Such stage-specific compounds may be used in a combination therapy, reducing the emergence of resistance by blocking transmission of resistant parasites that may be selected in a patient

    Canonical matrices of bilinear and sesquilinear forms

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    Canonical matrices are given for (a) bilinear forms over an algebraically closed or real closed field; (b) sesquilinear forms over an algebraically closed field and over real quaternions with any nonidentity involution; and (c) sesquilinear forms over a field F of characteristic different from 2 with involution (possibly, the identity) up to classification of Hermitian forms over finite extensions of F. A method for reducing the problem of classifying systems of forms and linear mappings to the problem of classifying systems of linear mappings is used to construct the canonical matrices. This method has its origins in representation theory and was devised in [V.V. Sergeichuk, Math. USSR-Izv. 31 (1988) 481-501].Comment: 44 pages; misprints corrected; accepted for publication in Linear Algebra and its Applications (2007

    Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Cross River Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli)

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    From Executive Summary: This document represents the consensus of experts who met at a workshop in April 2006 in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria, to formulate a set of priority actions that would increase the survival prospects for the Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli). The Cross River gorilla is recognized by IUCN as Critically Endangered, and is the most threatened taxon of ape in Africa. It is the most westerly and northerly form of gorilla, and occurs only in a limited area around the mountainous headwaters of the Cross River, straddling the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. Participants at the 2006 workshop, which built upon the outcomes of previous meetings in Calabar in 2001 and Limbe, Cameroon, in 2003, included representatives of forestry and wildlife conservation agencies from the two range countries, of local and international nongovernmental conservation and development organizations, and of university-based researchers

    Discovery of quantitative trait loci for resistance to parasitic nematode infection in sheep: I. Analysis of outcross pedigrees

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    BACKGROUND: Currently most pastoral farmers rely on anthelmintic drenches to control gastrointestinal parasitic nematodes in sheep. Resistance to anthelmintics is rapidly increasing in nematode populations such that on some farms none of the drench families are now completely effective. It is well established that host resistance to nematode infection is a moderately heritable trait. This study was undertaken to identify regions of the genome, quantitative trait loci (QTL) that contain genes affecting resistance to parasitic nematodes. RESULTS: Rams obtained from crossing nematode parasite resistant and susceptible selection lines were used to derive five large half-sib families comprising between 348 and 101 offspring per sire. Total offspring comprised 940 lambs. Extensive measurements for a range of parasite burden and immune function traits in all offspring allowed each lamb in each pedigree to be ranked for relative resistance to nematode parasites. Initially the 22 most resistant and 22 most susceptible progeny from each pedigree were used in a genome scan that used 203 microsatellite markers spread across all sheep autosomes. This study identified 9 chromosomes with regions showing sufficient linkage to warrant the genotyping of all offspring. After genotyping all offspring with markers covering Chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 22 and 23, the telomeric end of chromosome 8 was identified as having a significant QTL for parasite resistance as measured by the number of Trichostrongylus spp. adults in the abomasum and small intestine at the end of the second parasite challenge. Two further QTL for associated immune function traits of total serum IgE and T. colubiformis specific serum IgG, at the end of the second parasite challenge, were identified on chromosome 23. CONCLUSION: Despite parasite resistance being a moderately heritable trait, this large study was able to identify only a single significant QTL associated with it. The QTL concerned adult parasite burdens at the end of the second parasite challenge when the lambs were approximately 6 months old. Our failure to discover more QTL suggests that most of the genes controlling this trait are of relatively small effect. The large number of suggestive QTL discovered (more than one per family per trait than would be expected by chance) also supports this conclusion

    Disruption of the Sarcoglycan–Sarcospan Complex in Vascular Smooth Muscle A Novel Mechanism for Cardiomyopathy and Muscular Dystrophy

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    AbstractTo investigate mechanisms in the pathogenesis of cardiomyopathy associated with mutations of the dystrophin–glycoprotein complex, we analyzed genetically engineered mice deficient for either α-sarcoglycan (Sgca) or δ-sarcoglycan (Sgcd). We found that only Sgcd null mice developed cardiomyopathy with focal areas of necrosis as the histological hallmark in cardiac and skeletal muscle. Absence of the sarcoglycan–sarcospan (SG-SSPN) complex in skeletal and cardiac membranes was observed in both animal models. Loss of vascular smooth muscle SG-SSPN complex was only detected in Sgcd null mice and associated with irregularities of the coronary vasculature. Administration of a vascular smooth muscle relaxant prevented onset of myocardial necrosis. Our data indicate that disruption of the SG-SSPN complex in vascular smooth muscle perturbs vascular function, which initiates cardiomyopathy and exacerbates muscular dystrophy

    Advancing conservation planning for western chimpanzees using IUCN SSC A.P.E.S.-the case of a taxon-specific database

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    Even though information on global biodiversity trends becomes increasingly available, large taxonomic and spatial data gaps persist at the scale relevant to planning conservation interventions. This is because data collectors are hesitant to share datawith global repositories due toworkload, lack of incentives, and perceived risk of losing intellectual property rights. In contrast, due to greater conceptual and methodological proximity, taxon-specific database initiatives can provide more direct benefits to data collectors through research collaborations and shared authorship.TheIUCNSSC Ape Populations, Environments and Surveys (A.P.E.S.) database was created in 2005 as a repository for data on great apes and other primate taxa. It aims to acquire field survey data and make different types of data accessible, and provide up-to-date species status information. To support the current update of the conservation action plan forwestern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) we compiled field surveys for this taxon from IUCNSSCA.P.E.S., 75%ofwhich were unpublished. We used spatial modeling to infer total population size, range-wide density distribution, population connectivity and landscape-scale metrics.Weestimated a total abundance of 52 800 (95%CI 17 577–96 564) western chimpanzees, of which only 17%occurred in national parks.We also found that 10%of chimpanzees live within 25 kmof fourmulti-national ‘development corridors’ currently planned forWestAfrica. These large infrastructure projects aim to promote economic integration and agriculture expansion, but are likely to cause further habitat loss and reduce population connectivity.We close by demonstrating the wealth of conservation-relevant information derivable from a taxon-specific database like IUCNSSC A.P.E.S. and propose that a network of many more such databases could be created to provide the essential information to conservation that can neither be supplied by one-off projects nor by global repositories, and thus are highly complementary to existing initiatives

    The Critically Endangered western chimpanzee declines by 80%

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    African large mammals are under extreme pressure from unsustainable hunting and habitat loss. Certain traits make large mammals particularly vulnerable. These include late age at first reproduction, long inter-birth intervals, and low population density. Great apes are a prime example of such vulnerability, exhibiting all of these traits. Here we assess the rate of population change for the western chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes verus, over a 24-year period. As a proxy for change in abundance, we used transect nest count data from 20 different sites archived in the IUCN SSC A.P.E.S. database, representing 25,000 of the estimated remaining 35,000 western chimpanzees. For each of the 20 sites, datasets for 2 different years were available. We estimated site-specific and global population change using Generalized Linear Models. At 12 of these sites, we detected a significant negative trend. The estimated change in the subspecies abundance, as approximated by nest encounter rate, yielded a 6% annual decline and a total decline of 80.2% over the study period from 1990 to 2014. This also resulted in a reduced geographic range of 20% (657,600 vs. 524,100 km2). Poverty, civil conflict, disease pandemics, agriculture, extractive industries, infrastructure development, and lack of law enforcement, are some of the many reasons for the magnitude of threat. Our status update triggered the uplisting of the western chimpanzee to “Critically Endangered” on the IUCN Red List. In 2017, IUCN will start updating the 2003 Action Plan for western chimpanzees and will provide a consensus blueprint for what is needed to save this subspecies. We make a plea for greater commitment to conservation in West Africa across sectors. Needed especially is more robust engagement by national governments, integration of conservation priorities into the private sector and development planning across the region and sustained financial support from donors.Additional co-authors: Emma Normand, Kathryn Shutt-Phillips, Alexander Tickle, Elleni Vendras, Adam Welsh, Erin G. Wessling, Christophe Boesc

    Lifetime alcohol intake is associated with an increased risk of KRAS+ and BRAF-/KRAS- but not BRAF+ colorectal cancer.

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    Ethanol in alcoholic beverages is a causative agent for colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is a biologically heterogeneous disease, and molecular subtypes defined by the presence of somatic mutations in BRAF and KRAS are known to exist. We examined associations between lifetime alcohol intake and molecular and anatomic subtypes of colorectal cancer. We calculated usual alcohol intake for 10-year periods from age 20 using recalled frequency and quantity of beverage-specific consumption for 38,149 participants aged 40-69 years from the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study. Cox regression was performed to derive hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between lifetime alcohol intake and colorectal cancer risk. Heterogeneity in the HRs across subtypes of colorectal cancer was assessed. A positive dose-dependent association between lifetime alcohol intake and overall colorectal cancer risk (mean follow-up = 14.6 years; n = 596 colon and n = 326 rectal cancer) was observed (HR = 1.08, 95% CI: 1.04-1.12 per 10 g/day increment). The risk was greater for rectal than colon cancer (phomogeneity  = 0.02). Alcohol intake was associated with increased risks of KRAS+ (HR = 1.07, 95% CI: 1.00-1.15) and BRAF-/KRAS- (HR = 1.05, 95% CI: 1.00-1.11) but not BRAF+ tumors (HR = 0.89, 95% CI: 0.78-1.01; phomogeneity  = 0.01). Alcohol intake is associated with an increased risk of KRAS+ and BRAF-/KRAS- tumors originating via specific molecular pathways including the traditional adenoma-carcinoma pathway but not with BRAF+ tumors originating via the serrated pathway. Therefore, limiting alcohol intake from a young age might reduce colorectal cancer originating via the traditional adenoma-carcinoma pathway