2,962 research outputs found

    What is the best way to manage benign paroxysmal positional vertigo?

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    A simple repositioning maneuver, such as the Epley maneuver, performed by an experienced clinician, can provide symptom relief from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) lasting at least 1 month (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, systematic review of randomized controlled trials). Medical therapy with benzodiazepines for vestibular suppression provides no proven benefit for BPPV (SOR: B, 1 small randomized controlled trial). For undifferentiated dizziness, vestibular rehabilitation may provide symptomatic relief (SOR: B, 1 randomized controlled trial)

    The interplay between foreign direct investment, security and European integration: The case of the Central and Eastern European countries

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    A bi-directional relationship between FDI and economic reforms in ten Central European countries is tested, along with the role of the EU in breaking a potential vicious circle of insecurity, little investment, slow reforms, low prospects of EU membership and hence high insecurity. Using panel data regressions and a system of simultaneous equations, we find evidence that the prospect of EU membership has enhanced FDI in the less reformist candidates and that trade integration and increased EU financial assistance have improved FDI in the CEECs

    A fully Bayesian semi-parametric scalar-on-function regression (SoFR) with measurement error using instrumental variables

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    Wearable devices such as the ActiGraph are now commonly used in health studies to monitor or track physical activity. This trend aligns well with the growing need to accurately assess the effects of physical activity on health outcomes such as obesity. When accessing the association between these device-based physical activity measures with health outcomes such as body mass index, the device-based data is considered functions, while the outcome is a scalar-valued. The regression model applied in these settings is the scalar-on-function regression (SoFR). Most estimation approaches in SoFR assume that the functional covariates are precisely observed, or the measurement errors are considered random errors. Violation of this assumption can lead to both under-estimation of the model parameters and sub-optimal analysis. The literature on a measurement corrected approach in SoFR is sparse in the non-Bayesian literature and virtually non-existent in the Bayesian literature. This paper considers a fully nonparametric Bayesian measurement error corrected SoFR model that relaxes all the constraining assumptions often made in these models. Our estimation relies on an instrumental variable (IV) to identify the measurement error model. Finally, we introduce an IV quality scalar parameter that is jointly estimated along with all model parameters. Our method is easy to implement, and we demonstrate its finite sample properties through an extensive simulation. Finally, the developed methods are applied to the National Health and Examination Survey to assess the relationship between wearable-device-based measures of physical activity and body mass index among adults living in the United States

    Genetic Variation in Wood Mechanical Properties of Calycophyllum Spruceanum at an Early Age in the Peruvian Amazon

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    Calycophyllum spruceanum (Benth.) Hook. f. ex Shum. is an important timber species of the Peruvian Amazon Basin. Due to overexploitation in natural populations, users are turning to young trees of potentially lower quality. Therefore, variation in juvenile wood properties should be investigated to determine whether wood quality can be maintained or, if necessary, improved by breeding. A provenance/progeny test was established to evaluate genetic variation in growth and wood properties of young trees, the strength of their genetic control, as well as their interrelationships both at the genetic and phenotypic levels. This paper presents results obtained for ultimate crushing strength (σL), the static compliance coefficient (S11) in longitudinal compression, the dynamic s11 in the longitudinal direction (determined by ultrasound), and air-dry density at 39 months. Results indicate that the mechanical properties of juvenile wood of this species are adequate for structural uses. There was significant variation in all wood properties due to families within provenances, and in all but dynamic s11 due to provenances. Families accounted for a larger percentage of the total phenotypic variance than provenances. Heritability estimates were higher for σL and static s11 than for dynamic s11 and density. Genetic correlations indicate that selecting trees with denser wood and/or faster growth would have a positive effect on some mechanical properties. A non-destructive ultrasonic method appeared suitable for estimating juvenile wood strength and stiffness of this species

    Microscopic assessment of the sealing ability of three endodontic filling techniques

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    Background: Several techniques have been proposed for root canal filling. New rotary files, with non-standardized taper, are appearing, so, points adapted to the taper of the last instrument used to prepare the canal can help in the obturation process. The aim of this study is to assess the sealing ability of different root canal filling techniques. Material and Methods: Root canals from 30 teeth were shaped with Mtwo and divided in three groups; A, standard lateral condensation with size 35 and 20 gutta-percha points; B, standard lateral condensation and injected gutta-percha; C, single gutta-percha point (standardized 35 Mtwo), continuous wave technique and injected gutta- percha. Root surfaces were covered with nail varnish, except for the apical 2 mm, and submerged in a NO 3 Ag 2 solution; apical stain penetration was measured in mm. Data were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test with a 90% confidence interval. Results: A and B groups showed stain leakage in the 90% of the cases, whereas it was of 80% for group C. Stain leakage intervals were 1-5 mm for groups A and B and 1-3 mm for group C. There were no statistically significant differences between the three studied groups ( p >.05). Conclusions: All the analyzed root canal filling techniques showed some apical stain leakage, without significant differences among the

    Student evaluation of clickers in a dental pathology course

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of students and teachers, and to determine whether the students notice improvements in learning and in the learning environment as a result of the use of clicker. Material and Methods: Descriptive study. Fifty-one students and 8 teachers participated in the use of clicker technology in 8 preclinical seminars in dental pathology. Students and teachers filled a three-domain questionnaire at the end of the preclinical course. We used the Mann-Whitney U-test to compare the results between the two groups. Results: The domain “perception and expectation” showed the use of clickers to be simple and convenient for 80% of the students, who expressed interest in extending the practice to other teaching areas. In the domain “active learning”, over 70% of the students found the technique to be dynamic, participative and motivating. In the domain “improved learning”, over 70% considered it useful to know their level of knowledge before the seminar and found the contents of the lesson to be clear. Thirty percent considered the items of the examination to be of a complexity similar to that of the first and second tests. Only in this latter aspect were significant differences found between the teachers and students ( p =0.001). Conclusions: Participants described the use of clickers as simple and useful, motivating and participative. Both the students and teachers considered the technique to improve teaching and the learning environmen

    Fast channel estimation in the transformed spatial domain for analog millimeter wave systems

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    Fast channel estimation in millimeter-wave (mmWave) systems is a fundamental enabler of high-gain beamforming, which boosts coverage and capacity. The channel estimation stage typically involves an initial beam training process where a subset of the possible beam directions at the transmitter and receiver is scanned along a predefined codebook. Unfortunately, the high number of transmit and receive antennas deployed in mmWave systems increase the complexity of the beam selection and channel estimation tasks. In this work, we tackle the channel estimation problem in analog systems from a different perspective than used by previous works. In particular, we propose to move the channel estimation problem from the angular domain into the transformed spatial domain, in which estimating the angles of arrivals and departures corresponds to estimating the angular frequencies of paths constituting the mmWave channel. The proposed approach, referred to as transformed spatial domain channel estimation (TSDCE) algorithm, exhibits robustness to additive white Gaussian noise by combining low-rank approximations and sample autocorrelation functions for each path in the transformed spatial domain. Numerical results evaluate the mean square error of the channel estimation and the direction of arrival estimation capability. TSDCE significantly reduces the first, while exhibiting a remarkably low computational complexity compared with well-known benchmarking schemes

    On the use of composite indicators for mobile communications network management in smart sustainable cities

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    Beyond 5G networks will be fundamental towards enabling sustainable mobile communication networks. One of the most challenging scenarios will be met in ultra-dense networks that are deployed in densely populated areas. In this particular case, mobile network operators should benefit from new assessment metrics and data science tools to ensure an effective management of their networks. In fact, incorporating architectures allowing a cognitive network management framework could simplify processes and enhance the network's performance. In this paper, we propose the use of composite indicators based on key performance indicators both as a tool for a cognitive management of mobile communications networks, as well as a metric which could successfully integrate more advanced user-centric measurements. Composite indicators can successfully synthesize and integrate large amounts of data, incorporating in a single index different metrics selected as triggers for autonomous decisions. The paper motivates and describes the use of this methodology, which is applied successfully in other areas with the aim of ranking metrics to simplify complex realities. A use case that is based on a universal mobile telecommunications system network is analyzed, due to technology simplicity and scalability, as well as the availability of key performance indicators. The use case focuses on analyzing the fairness of a network over different coverage areas as a fundamental metric in the operation and management of the networks. To this end, several ranking and visualization strategies are presented, providing examples of how to extract insights from the proposed composite indicator

    Reactivating Fetal Hemoglobin Expression in Human Adult Erythroblasts Through BCL11A Knockdown Using Targeted Endonucleases.

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    We examined the efficiency, specificity, and mutational signatures of zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcriptional activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas9 systems designed to target the gene encoding the transcriptional repressor BCL11A, in human K562 cells and human CD34+ progenitor cells. ZFNs and TALENs were delivered as in vitro transcribed mRNA through electroporation; CRISPR/Cas9 was codelivered by Cas9 mRNA with plasmid-encoded guideRNA (gRNA) (pU6.g1) or in vitro transcribed gRNA (gR.1). Analyses of efficacy revealed that for these specific reagents and the delivery methods used, the ZFNs gave rise to more allelic disruption in the targeted locus compared to the TALENs and CRISPR/Cas9, which was associated with increased levels of fetal hemoglobin in erythroid cells produced in vitro from nuclease-treated CD34+ cells. Genome-wide analysis to evaluate the specificity of the nucleases revealed high specificity of this specific ZFN to the target site, while specific TALENs and CRISPRs evaluated showed off-target cleavage activity. ZFN gene-edited CD34+ cells had the capacity to engraft in NOD-PrkdcSCID-IL2Rγnull mice, while retaining multi-lineage potential, in contrast to TALEN gene-edited CD34+ cells. CRISPR engraftment levels mirrored the increased relative plasmid-mediated toxicity of pU6.g1/Cas9 in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs), highlighting the value for the further improvements of CRISPR/Cas9 delivery in primary human HSPCs

    Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Salmonella in Hunted Wild Boars from Two Different Regions in Switzerland

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    Toxoplasma gondii and Salmonella are zoonotic foodborne pathogens that may be transmitted to humans through the consumption of raw or undercooked meat, including game. The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of T. gondii and Salmonella antibodies in wild boars in two different regions in Switzerland. During the hunting season of 2020, a total of 126 diaphragm muscle samples of hunted wild boars were collected and the meat juice of these samples was analysed for pathogen-specific IgG antibodies using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits. The overall seroprevalences were 35% for T. gondii and 17% for Salmonella, respectively. In general, seropositivity increased with the age of the animals. Seroprevalences of T. gondii were similar for animals from the northern region (29%) to those from the southern region (36.8%), indicating that T. gondii is widespread in the sylvestrian environment. By contrast, Salmonella seropositivity was remarkably higher in wild boars from the north (52%) compared with those from the south (5.3%). The high occurrence of Salmonella may represent a risk of transmission to compatriot domestic animals such free-range farmed pigs as well as to humans. Further, meat of hunted wild boars may present a source of human toxoplasmosis or salmonellosis