41 research outputs found

    Algorithms improving flying qualities of general aviation aircraft

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    The dynamic growth of general aviation as a mean of transport over medium distances means that people having no extraordinary qualifications or extraordinary physical or mental abilities more often pilot such types of airplanes. This phenomenon creates the necessity of giving planes flying qualities that allow them to be safely piloted by ordinary people. One way of solving this problem is equipping airplanes with fly‐by‐wire control systems that modify their handling qualities. Then the computer included into such control systems modifies the actions taken by the pilot, making the airplane both easier and more comfortable to control. This paper presents sample software tools – control algorithms that allowing an airplane's handling qualities to be improved. They are prepared by the authors and tested on board an experimental plane. That plane was equipped with a prototypical fly‐by‐wire control system, which can modify a plane's responses to a pilot's actions. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Control system for medium‐sized flying target

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    The research team from Control and Avionics Department of Rzeszow University of Technology (RUT) has been working on control systems for many types of flying objects for years. Experiences the team has had during their activity have helped create the control algorithms for a medium‐size flying target (MSFT). Researchers from RUT, together with the small aviation company EUROTECH, have been working on a flying target for artillery. This paper gives a generic view of the system, including airborne and on‐ground parts. But this paper mainly presents the control system that is mounted on the MSFT. The paper describes the generic conception of the control system of the flying target, including control laws used in the control system of the MSFT. Results of simulations and real flight data are also presented. Santrauka Ržešovo technologijos universiteto Valdymo ir kontroles departamento tyreju grupe keleta metu dirba su ivairi u tip u orlaivi u valdymo sistemomis. Turimas grupes patyrimas panaudotas kuriant valdymo sistemas vidutinio dydžio taikiniams. RUT tyrejai kartu su maža aviacijos imone EUROTECH dirba su skraidančiais taikiniais artilerijai. Straipsnyje pateikiama bendra sistemos apžvalga, iskaitant skrendančias ir žemeje esančias dalis. Pagrindinis demesys straipsnyje skiriamas valdymo sistemai, sumontuotai skrendančiame taikinyje. Pateikiama bendra skrendančio taikinio valdymo sistemos koncepcija, iskaitant valdymo desnius, taikomus skrendančio taikinio valdymo sistemoje. Taip pat pateikiami modeliavimo ir reali u skrydžiu rezultatai. First Publish Online: 14 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: valdymo sistema, bepiločiai orlaiviai

    The method of evaluation of the aircraft control system

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    The dynamical development of general aviation demands compilation of new aircraft control methods. Those methods allow people without special airborne qualifications to pilot these aircrafts. The main goals of such a control system are to reduce a pilot's load, to improve control precision, and to protect an aircraft against dangerous situations. There are many criterions applied to grading and describing an aircraft's flying characteristics and the handling qualities of general aviation airplanes equipped with classical mechanical control systems. But a modern, small, transport aircraft should be equipped with fly‐by‐wire control systems, and there are no clear, straight, rules rate and describe the handling qualities of small airplanes with fly‐by‐wire control systems. This paper presents a methodology created by the authors that classifies and compares the handling qualities of general aviation aircraft equipped with fly‐by‐wire control systems. It takes into consideration two parameters: pilot's effort during realization of ordered tasks and precision of his control. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Data acquisition system for a cabled ocean bottom seismometer (OBS)

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    Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) are highly used to monitor seismic activities at sea. They are also used to detect tsunamis and generate warning alarms. This paper presents a data acquisition system built for an OBS with capability to synchronize time through IEEE-1588 protocol. This acquisition system provides real time data through the Ethernet making it suitable for OBSs deployed at seafloor observatories.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The latest advances in wireless communication in aviation, wind turbines and bridges

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    Present-day technologies used in SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) systems in many implementations are based on wireless sensor networks (WSN). In the context of the continuous development of these systems, the costs of the elements that form the monitoring system are decreasing. In this situation, the challenge is to select the optimal number of sensors and the network architecture, depending on the wireless system’s other parameters and requirements. It is a challenging task for WSN to provide scalability to cover a large area, fault tolerance, transmission reliability, and energy efficiency when no events are detected. In this article, fundamental issues concerning wireless communication in structural health monitoring systems (SHM) in the context of non-destructive testing sensors (NDT) were presented. Wireless technology developments in several crucial areas were also presented, and these include engineering facilities such as aviation and wind turbine systems as well as bridges and associated engineering facilities

    The idea of a system increasing flight safety

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    This paper presents a conception of an airborne control system that can increase the safety of a general aviation aircraft. Sample threats appear on board the general aviation airplane discussed in the paper. The system monitors some events and flight parameters in the cockpit and can take some actions protecting the plane against threats if recognised as necessary. The paper presents sample actions fly‐by‐wire control systems can take to protect a plane against some threats on board. The system can modify a pilot's controls to correct flight and if it is not enough the system can disengage the pilot to autonomously fly the plane to the nearest safe airport Skrydžių saugumą  padidinančios sistemos idėja Santrauka. Straipsnyje pateikta valdymo iš oro sistemos koncepcija, kuri gali padidinti bendrosios aviacijos orlaivių saugumą bei aptartos pavyzdines grėsmės bendrosios aviacijos orlaiviuose. Aprašoma sistema stebi lakūno kabinoje rodomus įvairius skrydžio parametrus ir, kilus bet kokiai grėsmei orlaivio saugumui, gali jį apsaugoti. Darbe pateikiami ir kompiuterizuoto elektrodistancinio valdymo sistemos pavyzdžiai, kurie taip pat gali apsaugoti orlaivį nuo jam kylančių grėsmių. Ši sistema gali modifikuoti piloto valdymą taip, kad būtų pakoreguotas skrydis, o jei ir to neužtenka – sistema pajėgi ir autonominiam skrydžiui, kuomet orlaivis yra nukreipiamas į artimiausią ir saugiausią oro uostą be piloto pagalbos. Reikšminiai žodžiai: bendroji aviacija, skrydžių saugumas, automatinis skrydis. First publish online: 10 Feb 201

    A conception of voice guided general aviation aircraft

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    Lateral movement control algorithms for general aviation planes

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    Light general aviation airplanes become more affordable means of transport for the still raising group of people. This fact brings few consequences, of course. One of them is a set of problems appearing when inexperienced pilots start using such planes. Their habits and reactions to external factors are different to behaviors of professional pilots. So it seems to be purposeful to create the control system adequate to expectations of this group of pilots. First published online: 14 Oct 201

    Trajectory control during aerobatic flight

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    W artykule omówiony został problem automatycznego sterowania samolotem podczas wybranych figur akrobacji lotniczej. Dokładny proces syntezy systemów sterowania został omówiony w pozycjach [13, 20, 21]. Charakter manewrów oraz zakres zmian parametrów lotu podczas ich wykonywania ograniczają możliwość zastosowania klasycznych układów autopilota, jak również możliwość uzyskania dokładnej informacji na temat dokładnego położenia przestrzennego samolotu. Przedstawiono alternatywne podejście do projektowania układów automatycznego sterowania samolotem, które może zostać zastosowane w omówionych przypadkach. Zaprezentowano badane manewry z punktu widzenia mechaniki lotu, strukturę algorytmów sterowania oraz metodę weryfikacji ich działania w testach symulacyjnych.Paper discusses the problem of automatic flight control during selected aerobatic maneuvers. The exact process of control systems synthesis is discussed in works [13, 20, 21]. The nature of the maneuvers and the range of changes in flight parameters during their performance limit the possibility of using classic autopilot systems, as well as the possibility of obtaining accurate information about the exact aircraft’s spatial orientation. Article presents an alternative approach to the design of automatic aircraft control systems that can be applied in the discussed cases. The mentioned maneuvers were presented from the flight mechanics point of view. As well work shows the structure of control algorithms and the method of verifying their operation in simulation tests