18 research outputs found

    Effect of nickel seed treatment in soybeans

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    Micronutrients such as molybdenum (Mo), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni) have been shown to be necessary for maximizing the benefits of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in soybeans by mediating enzymatic processes of transforming gaseous nitrogen into mineral nitrogen. The objective of this literature review was to present a research based on a bibliographic review on the influence of nickel application on soybean seeds and its impact on increasing the productivity of this important legume in Brazilian agribusiness. A better understanding of the biochemical processes involved in biological nitrogen fixation in soybeans allowed the recognition of the relevance of nutrients such as Co, Mo, and Ni, especially in the constitution of enzymes such as urease and hydrogenase involved in this important symbiotic relationship between microorganisms and plants. As for nickel, a safe recommended dose for soybean seed treatment with this micronutrient has not yet been established, and relatively few studies have been conducted under Brazilian conditions. When nickel was applied to soybean seeds under various cultivation conditions, positive results were observed (greater nodulation, nodule weight, and enzymatic activity), higher nitrogen content in the plant and protein in the seeds, and higher productivity. Further research involving variables that directly affect nickel availability for soybeans, either through seed treatment or foliar application, still needs to be conducted before recommended dosages can be established

    Monitoring the acute effects of training load in soccer

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze changes in enzymatic, psychometric and hematological variables during a microcycle of a pre-season in professional soccer, to verify which of these parameters are more sensitive to training loads. Eight male athletes were evaluated before training (M1) and after 14 sessions (M2). After testing the data normality, we performed a paired Student t-test to calculate differences between M1 and M2. In hematological markers, a decrease was observed in erythrocytes (p = 0.01), hemoglobin (p = 0.02) and hematocrit (p = 0.01). Relative to the enzyme, there was an increase of CK (p = 0.001) and LDH (p = 0.01). CK was the variable that best responded to the training load in the short-term, while the LDH, hematocrit, hemoglobin and erythrocytes were potential variables, which could help in understanding the CK responses in the monitoring of training, allowing its improvement.Este estudo visa analisar alterações em variáveis enzimáticas, psicométricas e hematológicas durante um microciclo de uma pré-temporada no futebol profissional, a fim de verificar quais parâmetros são mais sensíveis às cargas de treinamento. Foram avaliados oito atletas do sexo masculino antes do treinamento (M1) e após 14 sessões (M2). Após testar a normalidade dos dados, foi realizado o teste t-Student pareado para calcular as diferenças entre M1 e M2. Nos marcadores hematológicos, foi observada a queda nos eritrócitos (p = 0,01), hemoglobina (p = 0,02) e hematócrito (p = 0,01). Enquanto que nos enzimáticos, observou-se aumento da CK (p = 0,001) e LDH (p = 0,01). A CK é a variável que melhor respondeu à carga de treino em curto prazo, enquanto que a LDH, hematócrito, hemoglobina e eritrócito são potenciais variáveis, podendo auxiliar no entendimento das respostas da CK no monitoramento dos treinamentos, permitindo o aprimoramento dos mesmos

    Agronomic potential of genebank landrace elite accessions for common bean genetic breeding

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    Plant breeding efficiency relies mainly on genetic diversity and selection to release new cultivars. This study aimed to identify landraces with favorable characteristics that can be used as parents of segregating populations in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding programs. Firstly, ten bean genotypes were selected because they showed promising agronomic performance, and the following seven adaptive traits of four commercial bean cultivars were evaluated: i) plant height; ii) diameter of the stem; iii) height of the insertion of the first pod; iv) pod number per plant; v) grain number per pod; vi) weight of a thousand grains and vii) grain yield. The accessions BAF 07, BAF 44, and BAF 45 are promising in terms of increasing plant height, and accession BAF 01, in terms of reducing plant height. The accession BAF 07 was also the most promising in terms of a plant ideotype that combines higher plant height, maximum height of the insertion of the first pod, and increment in grain yield. Moreover, the selection can be made between and within accessions, because genetic variability is also present within landraces

    Teste de envelhecimento acelerado em sementes de milho-doce (sh2)

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    O milho-doce difere do milho comum quanto ao elevado teor de açúcares acumulados no endosperma e menor espessura do pericarpo. Esses fatores contribuem para os baixos índices de germinação e vigor apresentados por suas sementes e para uma resposta distinta a do milho comum aos testes de vigor utilizados. Com o objetivo de verificar a eficiência do teste de envelhecimento acelerado, e suas variações, para a avaliação da qualidade de sementes de milho-doce, dez lotes do híbrido de milho-doce DO-04 shrunken- 2 (sh2), foram submetidos às seguintes avaliações: teste de envelhecimento acelerado na temperatura de 42°C em água destilada (100% UR), solução saturada de cloreto de potássio (87% UR) e solução saturada de cloreto de sódio (76% UR), avaliando-se quatro períodos de exposição (24, 48, 72 e 96 horas), teor de água, germinação, primeira contagem da germinação, precocidade de emissão de raiz primária, emergência de plântulas em campo, teste de frio e condutividade elétrica. Após essas avaliações amostras dos dez lotes de sementes foram armazenadas por dezesseis meses e em intervalos quadrimestrais foram avaliadas quanto à germinação e a emergência das plântulas em campo. O delineamento experimental empregado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com a comparação das médias realizada por meio do teste Tukey, a 5% de significância. 2 Os resultados permitiram concluir que os testes de envelhecimento acelerado por 48 e 72 horas com água destilada, por 72 e 96 horas com solução salina de cloreto de potássio e por 96 horas com solução salina de cloreto de sódio, avaliados em conjunto com os testes de germinação, precocidade de emissão da raiz primária e condutividade elétrica mostram-se promissores na avaliação da qualidade das sementes de milho-doce (sh2).Sweet corn differs from the usual one concerning the high level of sugar accumulated in endosperm and a lower pericarp thickness. These characteristics contribute to lower germination rates and vigor shown by its seeds and to a specific response of usual corn to vigor tests used. Aimed at verifying the efficiency of accelerated aging test, and their variations, for the quality evaluation of sweet-corn, ten lots of DO-04 shrunken-2 (sh2) hybrid sweet corn seeds were subjected to the following evaluations: accelerated aging test under 42°C in distilled water (100% UR), potassium chloride saturated solution (87% UR) and sodium chloride saturated solution (76% UR), evaluating four exposition periods (24, 48, 72 and 96 hours), seed water content, standard germination, first counting, earliness of primary root emission, field seedlings emergency, cold test and electrical conductivity. After those evaluations seed samples of ten lots they were stored by sixteen months and in intervals of four months they were evaluated as standard germination and field seedlings emergency. The experimental design used was totally randomized where comparison between medians of lots was performed by Tukey test, at 5% of significance. Results concluded that accelerated aging tests with water for 48 and 72 hours, with potassium chloride saline solution for 72 and 96 hours and sodium chloride for 96 hours evaluated together with standard germination, earliness of primary root emission and electrical conductivity they are show promising in quality evaluation of sweet corn seeds (sh2).Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq


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    The pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is an annual grass, oftropical climate, used in animal feeding as forage, in direct feeding, for cut, hay, silage,and as grains crop for feed. Because of its growth speed, it is recommended for biomassproduction and soil covering in the system of direct planting, in central Brazil. The presentwork had the objective of studying the behavior of the millet, after different cut systems,sowed in two times of the year, to verify the possibility of cultivating it in the conditions of Botucatu, SP, if possible with double production purpose, dry matter and grains orseeds. The experiment was led in pots, under a plastic tunnel, in design of random blocks,with two sowing times (April and September), each one with five treatments: T1) freegrowth, without cuts; T2) a cut when the plant reached 50 to 70 cm of height; T3) a cutwhen the plant reached the flowering; T4) sequence of three cuts when the plant reached50 to 70 cm of height; T5) sequence of two cuts when the plant reached the flowering,and five replications. Plant development, occurrence of the main phenologic stages, andgrain production were evaluated. The data were submitted to the statistical analysis throughthe united analysis of the sowing times and the averages compared by the Tukey test to5% of significance. Compared to the control (T1), the treatments T2, T3 and T5 stoodout in the production of dry matter in the sowing of September, and the treatment T2 forboth sowing times as for the grains production. The sowing time and the cut systemaffect the production of dry matter and grains of millet

    Época de semeadura, produção e qualidade fisiológica de sementes de milheto

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    O milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) é uma gramínea anual, de clima tropical, utilizado no pastejo, na produção de massa e cobertura de solo no sistema de plantio direto. Para estudar o comportamento do milheto, semeado em diferentes épocas do ano em condições de Botucatu, sob túnel plástico, com a finalidade de produção de sementes, foram realizados dois experimentos. No experimento 1, estudou-se nove épocas de semeadura (abril a dezembro), empregando-se a cultivar BN2 e no experimento 2, três épocas (janeiro a março), empregando-se a cultivar Comum. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições. Foram avaliados componentes da produção, rendimento, germinação e vigor de sementes (primeira contagem do teste de germinação, condutividade elétrica e emergência de plântulas em solo). A época de semeadura afetou a produção e a qualidade das sementes de milheto. A massa de mil sementes e o número de sementes por panícula contribuíram para os melhores resultados da produção. As épocas de semeadura promissoras para produção de sementes milheto em Botucatu são dezembro e janeiro.Pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (l.) Leeke) is an annual graminea, of tropical climate, used in animal feeding as forage, in direct feeding, for cut, hay, silage and as grain crop for feed. To study the behavior of the pearl millet, sown at different times of the year underconditions in Botucatu, SP, Brazil, under plastic tunnel, with the purpose of seed production, two experiments were carried out. In experiment 1, nine sowing times (April to December) were studied using the BN2 cultivar and in experiment 2, three times (January to March) using the Comun cultivar. A randomized experimental design was used with five replications. The following were evaluated: yield components, yield, seed germination and vigor (first count of the germination test, electrical conductivity and seedling emergence in soil). The sowing time affected the pearl millet seed yield and quality. The mass of 1000 seeds and the number of seeds per panicle contributed to the best yield results. The promising sowing times for pearl millet seed production in Botucatu are December and January.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Intensidade de dormência durante a maturação de sementes de mucuna-preta

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    A mucuna-preta é uma leguminosa empregada para adubação verde e como forrageira, cujas sementes apresentam dormência causada pela impermeabilidade do tegumento à água. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a intensidade de dormência das sementes de mucuna-preta em diferentes estádios de maturação quando submetidas à secagem no interior das vagens. Rácemos foram colhidos, semanalmente, a partir de 35 dias do início de florescimento (35 DAF) até o estádio de vagens secas (98 DAF). As sementes de cada colheita foram secadas no interior das vagens, em condições ambientais não controladas de laboratório; quando secas foram extraídas, avaliadas quando a massa de 100 sementes, espessura das sementes e submetidas ao teste de germinação. Foram analisadas as porcentagens de sementes duras, de germinação, de embebição e o índice de velocidade de embebição. Pode-se concluir que o estádio de maturação em que ocorre a secagem afeta a intensidade de dormência das sementes de mucuna-preta.The velvet bean (Mucuna aterrima (Piper et Tracy) Holland) is a legume utilized for green manure and as forage. Its seeds have dormancy caused by a seed coat that is impermeable to water. The purpose of this study was to investigate the dormancy degree of the velvet bean seeds during maturation when dried in intact pods. Racemes were harvested, weekly, beginning 35 days after labeling, at the start of flowering (35 DAF), and ending at the dry pod stage (98 DAF). The seeds of each harvest time were dried in intact pods at not controlled laboratory environment conditions; when dried, the seeds were extracted from the pods and the weight of 100 seeds and the seed thickness were evaluated and then submitted to the germination test. The percentages of hard seeds, germination, imbibed seeds and the imbibition rate were analyzed. We concluded that the maturation stage that seeds are dried at affects the dormancy degree of velvet bean seeds

    Teste de germinação com acondicionamento dos rolos de papel em sacos plásticos

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    O teste de germinação é realizado em laboratório, sob condições de ambiente controlado e favorável, visando a obtenção da mais completa e rápida germinação dos lotes de sementes. O substrato utilizado deve manter umidade suficiente para o processo de germinação, sendo que, muitas vezes os rolos de papel umedecidos necessitam ser acondicionados em sacos plásticos. O excesso de umidade também pode ser prejudicial à germinação, provocando atraso ou paralisação do desenvolvimento das plântulas. Essas alterações podem tornar o teste não representativo da verdadeira qualidade do lote. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de embalagens plásticas, no acondicionamento dos conjuntos de rolo de papel mais sementes, durante o teste de germinação conduzido em germinadores de câmara vertical tipo B.O.D., visando a maximização dos resultados. Foram avaliadas duas espessuras (0,033 mm e 0,050 mm) e a presença ou a ausência de perfurações (128 furos de 5mm de diâmetro por face de 60 cm x 40 cm), nos sacos plásticos transparentes utilizados durante a realização do teste de germinação, para as seguintes espécies: milho doce (cv. 'Doce Cristal' e cv. 'Super Doce'), feijão (cv. 'Pérola' e cv. 'IAC-Carioca Tybatã') e soja (cv. 'Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)-48' dois lotes). Para sementes de milho doce e feijão, os tratamentos plástico grosso ou fino perfurados e plástico fino inteiro promoveram os melhores resultados do teste de germinação. Concluiu-se que, a espessura do plástico e a presença ou ausência de perfurações são fatores que interferem nos resultados do teste de germinação conduzido em germinadores de câmara vertical tipo B.O.D.The germination test is performed in the laboratory under controlled environment aiming for complete and fast germination of the seed lot. During the germination test the substrate used must be kept moist to allow seed germination. Thus, the paper roll used needs to be kept in plastic bags to preserve the moisture required for germination. Excess of moisture may also affect seed germination, cause delay or paralyzation of seedling development. These modifications may give results that are not reliable, which do not represent the real quality of the seed lot. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the conditions of packaging the paper rolls in plastic sacks to optimize the results of the germination test carried out in a vertical B.O.D. type chamber. Two thickness of transparent plastic bags (0,033 mm and 0,050 mm) were evaluated and the presence or absence of perforation (128 holes of 5 mm diameter mm per size of 60 cm x 40 cm). The following species were used: sweet corn (cv. 'Doce Cristal' and cv. 'Super Doce'), bean (cv. 'Pérola' and cv. 'IAC-Carioca Tybatã') and soybean (cv. 'Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)-48' two lots). For sweet corn and bean seeds, the treatments perforated thick plastic, whole fine plastic and perforated fine plastic promoted the best results in the germination test. These results led to the conclusion that the thickness of the plastic and the presence of perforations were factors that interfered in the results of the germination test carried out in vertical B.O.D. type chamber