42 research outputs found
The Electoral Consequences of the Washington Consensus
This paper assesses how electoral outcomes in both presidential and legislative elections in Latin America have been affected by the adoption of economic policies that seek to improve macroeconomic stability and facilitate the functioning of markets. The database includes 17 Latin American countries for the period 1985-2002, and a total of 66 presidential and 81 legislative elections. The set of testable hypotheses is derived from a review of the literature and is structured around the hypothesis of economic voting. It is found that (i) the incumbents party is rewarded for reductions in the rate of inflation and, to a lesser extent, for increases in the rate of growth; (ii) the more fragmented or ideologically polarized the party system, the higher the electoral rewards of reducing the inflation rate or raising the economic growth rate; (iii) voters care not only about economic outcomes, but also about some of the policies adopted: while the electorate seems blind to macroeconomic policies such as fiscal or exchange-rate policies, it is averse to pro-market policies, irrespective of their effects on growth or inflation; and (iv) the electorate is more tolerant of pro-market reforms when the incumbents party has a more market-oriented ideology. These results suggest that reforming parties have paid a hefty price for the adoption of pro-market reforms, except when such reforms have been undertaken in conjunction with stabilization policies in high-inflation economies
Peopling mountain environments: Changing Andean livelihoods in north-west Argentina
Structural adjustment and neoliberal policy implementation in Latin America have had dramatic consequences for livelihoods and patterns of natural resource use in mountain regions. Restructuring of the agricultural economy has increased socio-economic hardship and reduced industrial labour requirements, altering traditional patterns of seasonal migration from these areas. This paper examines the implications of recent economic and political transformation for Andean livelihoods in the mountains of northwest Argentina. Case study material illustrates the local impacts of such changes on socio-economic dynamics, patterns of urban–rural interaction, and natural resource use. The research highlights the influence of agro-industrial restructuring, protected areas creation, and the distribution of social funds in the region. It reveals that local development is constrained and controlled not only by distant policies but also by contemporary local networks of political clientalism. The influence of both distant and proximate factors governing livelihoods and environmental impacts reinforces the value of geographical study in mountain areas, given its acute spatial and scalar awareness. The paper reaffirms the conception of mountain livelihoods as diverse and dynamic, shaped by economic, political, social and cultural factors as well as physical eality, and critiques the economic rationality of resource use assumed by policymakers and economic models
O Brasil na nova cartografia global da religião
Este artigo analisa as mudanças sociais, econômicas, culturais e religiosas que fizeram do Brasil um polo importante de produção do sagrado numa emergente cartografia global. Esta cartografia é policêntrica e entrecortada por uma miríade de redes transnacionais e multi-direcionais que facilitam o rápido movimento de pessoas, ideias, imagens, capitais e mercadorias. Entre os vetores que vamos examinar estão: imigrantes brasileiros que na tentativa de dar sentido ao processo deslocamento e de manter ligações transnacionais com o Brasil levam suas crenças, práticas, identidades religiosas para o estrangeiro, missionários e outros "entrepreneurs" religiosos, o turismo espiritual de estrangeiros que vão ao Brasil em busca de cura ou desenvolvimento espiritual, e as indústrias culturais, a mídia e a Internet que disseminam globalmente imagens do Brasil como uma terra exótica onde o sagrado faz parte intrínseca de sua cultura e natureza