7 research outputs found

    Coexistence of diploid and triploid hybrid water frogs: population differences persist in the apparent absence of differential survival

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    Background: The role of differential selection in determining the geographic distribution of genotypes in hybrid systems has long been discussed, but not settled. The present study aims to asses the importance of selection in structuring all-hybrid Pelophylax esculentus populations. These populations, in which the parental species (P. lessonae with genotype LL and P. ridibundus with genotype RR) are absent, have pond-specific proportions of diploid (LR) and triploid (LLR and LRR) genotypes. Results: With data from 12 Swedish ponds, we first show that in spite of significant changes in genotype proportions over time, the most extreme ponds retained their differences over a six year study period. The uneven distribution of genotypes among ponds could be a consequence of differential selection varying among ponds (selection hypothesis), or, alternatively, of different gamete production patterns among ponds (gamete pattern hypothesis). The selection hypothesis was tested in adults by a six year mark-recapture study in all 12 ponds. As the relative survival and proportion of LLR, LR and LRR did not correlate within ponds, this study provided no evidence for the selection hypothesis in adults. Then, both hypotheses were tested simultaneously in juvenile stages (eggs, tadpoles, metamorphs and one year old froglets) in three of the ponds. A gradual approach to adult genotype proportions through successive stages would support the selection hypotheses, whereas the presence of adult genotype proportions already at the egg stage would support the gamete pattern hypothesis. The result was a weak preference for the gamete pattern hypothesis. Conclusions: These results thus suggest that selection is of little importance for shaping genotype distributions of all-hybrid populations of P. esculentus, but further studies are needed for confirmation. Moreover, the study provided valuable data on genotype-specific body lengths, adult survival and sex ratios

    X-ray Structures and Feasibility Assessment of CLK2 Inhibitors for Phelan–McDermid Syndrome

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    CLK2 inhibition has been proposed as a potential mechanism to improve autism and neuronal functions in Phelan–McDermid syndrome (PMDS). Herein, the discovery of a very potent indazole CLK inhibitor series and the CLK2 X-ray structure of the most potent analogue are reported. This new indazole series was identified through a biochemical CLK2 Caliper assay screen with 30k compounds selected by an in silico approach. Novel high-resolution X-ray structures of all CLKs, including the first CLK4 X-ray structure, bound to known CLK2 inhibitor tool compounds (e.g., TG003, CX-4945), are also shown and yield insight into inhibitor selectivity in the CLK family. The efficacy of the new CLK2 inhibitors from the indazole series was demonstrated in the mouse brain slice assay, and potential safety concerns were investigated. Genotoxicity findings in the human lymphocyte micronucleus test (MNT) assay are shown by using two structurally different CLK inhibitors to reveal a major concern for pan-CLK inhibition in PMDS