467 research outputs found

    TIPS for the treatment of refractory ascites, hepatorenal syndrome and hepatic hydrothorax: a critical update

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    Refractory ascites is a frequent complication of advanced cirrhosis and is associated with hepatorenal syndrome and hepatic hydrothorax. Large volume paracentesis and pleurodesis are regarded as first-line treatments in patients who do not respond adequately to diuretics. These treatments, however, do not prevent recurrence and carry the risk of worsening of the circulatory dysfunction leading to hepatorenal syndrome. The transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt ( TIPS) has been proposed as an alternative to paracentesis. TIPS reduces the rate of ascites recurrence mainly due to the reduction in the filtration pressure. In addition, TIPS results in a positive effect on renal function, including hepatorenal syndrome, demonstrated by a rapid increase in urinary sodium excretion, urinary volume, and improvement in plasma creatinine concentration. Furthermore, plasma renin activity, aldosterone, and noradrenalin concentrations improve gradually after TIPS insertion suggesting a positive effect on systemic underfilling, the factor of hepatorenal syndrome. As demonstrated recently in two meta-analyses including five randomised studies, TIPS also improves survival when compared with paracentesis. However, the evidence is based on relatively few studies with only 305 patients included. The positive effects of the TIPS are opposed by an increased frequency and severity of episodes of hepatic encephalopathy which may be reduced by both patient selection and reduced shunt diameter. Based on the present knowledge the recommended hierarchy of treatments for refractory ascites may be reconsidered upgrading TIPS in suitable candidates

    Senior Recital: Robin L. Roessle, Bassoon

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    Kemp Recital Hall Sunday Afternoon April 4, 1993 2:00p.m

    End2End Multi-View Feature Matching with Differentiable Pose Optimization

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    Erroneous feature matches have severe impact on subsequent camera pose estimation and often require additional, time-costly measures, like RANSAC, for outlier rejection. Our method tackles this challenge by addressing feature matching and pose optimization jointly. To this end, we propose a graph attention network to predict image correspondences along with confidence weights. The resulting matches serve as weighted constraints in a differentiable pose estimation. Training feature matching with gradients from pose optimization naturally learns to down-weight outliers and boosts pose estimation on image pairs compared to SuperGlue by 6.7% on ScanNet. At the same time, it reduces the pose estimation time by over 50% and renders RANSAC iterations unnecessary. Moreover, we integrate information from multiple views by spanning the graph across multiple frames to predict the matches all at once. Multi-view matching combined with end-to-end training improves the pose estimation metrics on Matterport3D by 18.5% compared to SuperGlue.Comment: ICCV 2023, project page: https://barbararoessle.github.io/e2e_multi_view_matching , video: https://youtu.be/uuLb6GfM9C

    Simultaneous dynamic characterization of charge and structural motion during ferroelectric switching

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    Monitoring structural changes in ferroelectric thin films during electric field-induced polarization switching is important for a full microscopic understanding of the coupled motion of charges, atoms and domain walls. We combine standard ferroelectric test-cycles with time-resolved x-ray diffraction to investigate the response of a nanoscale ferroelectric oxide capacitor upon charging, discharging and switching. Piezoelectric strain develops during the electronic RC time constant and additionally during structural domain-wall creep. The complex atomic motion during ferroelectric polarization reversal starts with a negative piezoelectric response to the charge flow triggered by voltage pulses. Incomplete screening limits the compressive strain. The piezoelectric modulation of the unit cell tweaks the energy barrier between the two polarization states. Domain wall motion is evidenced by a broadening of the in-plane components of Bragg reflections. Such simultaneous measurements on a working device elucidate and visualize the complex interplay of charge flow and structural motion and challenges theoretical modelling

    Apontamentos sobre uma pedagogia corporal : a obesidade e o novo higienismo na escola

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    Orientadora: Profª Drª Maria Rita de Assis CésarDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa: Curitiba, 2009Bibliografia f.91-97Área de concentração: Educação, Cultura e TecnologiaResumo: O "boom" da obesidade, seja nas estatísticas das principais organizações de saúde no mundo ou em informações circulantes, revela uma forma de preocupar-se com o corpo obeso inédita até então e produz na contemporaneidade um novo higienismo. Uma inquietação que mobiliza toda sociedade, mas que também regula condutas e desejos individuais. A obesidade transformou-se em problema biopolítico e com isso as intervenções sobre ela tornaram-se uma forma de governar a vida no sentido foucaultiano. Intervenções que se aplicam tanto na materialidade do corpo, através das inúmeras práticas corporais que o fazem perder calorias e derramar suor, como também em sua subjetividade, ao introjetar sobre ele o peso na consciência em comer chocolate e beber refrigerante. Uma guerra contra gordura corporal que utiliza como principal arma a informação e como artimanha a "fechada de cerco". Cercamse todos os espaços e ocupam-se os locais de discurso responsáveis agora por uma biopolítica informacional. Uma forma de governo possibilitada pela passagem, descrita por Gilles Deleuze, das sociedades disciplinares às sociedades do controle articulada à noção de risco para saúde. Nesse contexto, uma alimentação saudável e a prática de atividade física tornaram-se a lição mais urgente a ser aprendida pela sociedade. Tarefa esta que será incumbida à instituição escolar e que dentro de seu desnutrido discurso encontrará legitimação. A escola transforma-se em um espaço privilegiado de combate a obesidade e este se torna o problema de pesquisa desta dissertação. A partir dos programas de promoção da saúde, na e através da escola, realizados pela Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba, analiso como se constitui/dissemina/fixa contemporaneamente o combate a obesidade como forma de educação dos corpos, regulação da saúde e uto-governo.Abstract: The boom of obesity, either in statistics of major health organizations around the world or in circulating information, reveals an unprecedented way of worrying about the fat body, and produces a new health awareness in contemporary society. It is a concern that mobilizes the entire society, but also regulates behaviors and desires. Obesity has become a biopolitical problem and interventions on it became a way of governing life, in Foucaultian sense. These interventions apply to both: to the materiality of the body, through a host of bodily practices that make to lose calories and to shed sweat; and to the subjectivity, by internalizing upon de individual a guilty conscience about eating chocolate and drinking soda. A war against body fat takes place, a war that uses information as its main weapon and a "closed siege" as a stratagem. All spaces are surrounded and all places of discourse now responsible for an informational biopolitics are occupied. This is a form of distance government made possible by the passage, described by Gilles Deleuze, from disciplinary societies into societies of control, articulated to the concept of health risk. Within this context, a healthy diet and physical activity become the most urgent lesson to be learned by society. This task will be entrusted to the educational institution and will find legitimacy in its malnourished speech. School becomes a privileged space to combat obesity. This is the research problem in this thesis. Having as a start point health promotion programs in and through school, as practiced by the Municipality of Curitiba, Brazil, I analyze how contemporaneously obesity fighting is accomplished/spread/fixed as a form of body education, health regulation and selfgovernmen

    A relação entre a indústria cultural e a prática dos professores de Educação Física do Ensino Médio : um estudo de caso

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    Orientador: Marcelo Moraes e SilvaMonografia (licenciatura) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Físic

    Die Romanischen Dorfkirchen des Magdeburger Landes : Untersuchungen einer Bauform des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts

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    Das Magdeburger Land ist eine alte Kultulandschaft, deren hervorragende Bedeutung sich in den architektonischen Zeugnissen vergangener Epochen spiegelt. Die ältesten erhaltenen Bauwerke der Region sind in aller Regel die romanischen Kirchen, an denen Glaubens-, Kultur- und Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters ablesbar sind. Das Gebiet um Magdeburg war im Mittelalter nicht nur ein Zentrum der Reichspolitik, sondern durch den sehr fruchtbaren Boden der Magdeburger Börde auch eine der wirtschaftlich potentesten und bevölkerungsreichsten Regionen Deutschlands. Auch deshalb konnten hier besonders viele Zeugnisse sakraler Baukunst entstehen. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, eine Analyse der Baubefunde des Bestandes durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse stellen den romanischen Dorfkirchenbau der Magdeburger Region des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts umfassend dar und zeigen seine Besonderheiten sowie Gemeinsamkeiten mit Kirchen derselben mittelalterlichen Architekturgattung anderer Regionen innerhalb der sächsisch - niedersächsischen Kunstlandschaft auf. Um einen umfassenden Überblick über die romanischen Dorfkirchen des Magdeburger Landes zu geben, wurden 56 Kirchen mit romanischer Bausubstanz für die Arbeit ausgewertet. Diese wurden unter Berücksichtigung der Literatur und vorhandener Quellen in einem Bestandskatalog mit einer Beschreibung der Architektur, Darstellung der Baugeschichte und Erfassung der Ausstattung sowie anhand von Abbildungen und Grundrissen ausführlich dargestellt. Es zeigt sich, daß die Dorfkirchen des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts im Magdeburger Land, bei aller manchmal zu beobachtender Bescheidenheit, oft hervorragende Qualität in Bauausführung und architektonischer Gestalt zeigen, die ihre Bedeutung für die romanische Architektur Deutschlands unterstreicht. Zudem ist festzustellen, daß die Kirchen des Magdeburger Landes nicht ohne die Dorfkirchenarchitektur benachbarter Regionen erklärbar sind und Abhängigkeiten, Parallelen und Einflüsse bestehen

    Coexistence and competition of magnetism and superconductivity on the nanometer scale in underdoped BaFe1.89Co0.11As2

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    We report muon spin rotation (muSR) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy experiments on underdoped BaFe1.89Co0.11As2 which show that bulk magnetism and superconductivity (SC) coexist and compete on the nanometer length scale. Our combined data reveal a bulk magnetic order, likely due to an incommensurate spin density wave (SDW), which develops below Tmag \approx 32 K and becomes reduced in magnitude (but not in volume) below Tc = 21.7 K. A slowly fluctuating precursor of the SDW seems to develop alrady below the structural transition at Ts \approx 50 K. The bulk nature of SC is established by the muSR data which show a bulk SC vortex lattice and the IR data which reveal that the majority of low-energy states is gapped and participates in the condensate at T << Tc

    GANeRF: Leveraging Discriminators to Optimize Neural Radiance Fields

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    Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have shown impressive novel view synthesis results; nonetheless, even thorough recordings yield imperfections in reconstructions, for instance due to poorly observed areas or minor lighting changes. Our goal is to mitigate these imperfections from various sources with a joint solution: we take advantage of the ability of generative adversarial networks (GANs) to produce realistic images and use them to enhance realism in 3D scene reconstruction with NeRFs. To this end, we learn the patch distribution of a scene using an adversarial discriminator, which provides feedback to the radiance field reconstruction, thus improving realism in a 3D-consistent fashion. Thereby, rendering artifacts are repaired directly in the underlying 3D representation by imposing multi-view path rendering constraints. In addition, we condition a generator with multi-resolution NeRF renderings which is adversarially trained to further improve rendering quality. We demonstrate that our approach significantly improves rendering quality, e.g., nearly halving LPIPS scores compared to Nerfacto while at the same time improving PSNR by 1.4dB on the advanced indoor scenes of Tanks and Temples.Comment: Video: https://youtu.be/EUWW8nUxpl