1,039 research outputs found

    SPICA:Revealing the Hearts of Galaxies and Forming Planetary Systems; Overview and US Contributions

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    SPICA is a cryogenic space observatory studied by ESA and JAXA. The 2.5-m telescope is cooled to T&lt;8 K. Among the 3 instruments is a far- IR spectrometer SAFARI led by SRON, Holland to which the US will make key detector/instrument contributions. <p/

    SPICA:revealing the hearts of galaxies and forming planetary systems : approach and US contributions

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    How did the diversity of galaxies we see in the modern Universe come to be? When and where did stars within them forge the heavy elements that give rise to the complex chemistry of life? How do planetary systems, the Universe's home for life, emerge from interstellar material? Answering these questions requires techniques that penetrate dust to reveal the detailed contents and processes in obscured regions. The ESA-JAXA Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) mission is designed for this, with a focus on sensitive spectroscopy in the 12 to 230 micron range. SPICA offers massive sensitivity improvements with its 2.5-meter primary mirror actively cooled to below 8 K. SPICA one of 3 candidates for the ESA's Cosmic Visions M5 mission, and JAXA has is committed to their portion of the collaboration. ESA will provide the silicon-carbide telescope, science instrument assembly, satellite integration and testing, and the spacecraft bus. JAXA will provide the passive and active cooling system (supporting the

    Characterization of the anticipated synchronization regime in the coupled FitzHugh--Nagumo model for neurons

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    We characterize numerically the regime of anticipated synchronization in the coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo model for neurons. We consider two neurons, coupled unidirectionally (in a master-slave configuration), subject to the same random external forcing and with a recurrent inhibitory delayed connection in the slave neuron. We show that the scheme leads to anticipated synchronization, a regime in which the slave neuron fires the same train of pulses as the master neuron, but earlier in time. We characterize the synchronization in the parameter space (coupling strength, anticipation time) and introduce several quantities to measure the degree of synchronization.Comment: 8 pages. Proceedings of the conference on "Stochastic Systems: From Randomness to"Complexit

    Safari:Instrument design of the far-infrared imaging spectrometer for spica

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    The next great leap forward in space-based far-infrared astronomy will be made by the Japanese-led SPICA mission, which is anticipated to be launched late 2020's as the next large astrophysics mission of JAXA, in partnership with ESA and with key European contributions. Filling in the gap between JWST and ALMA, the SPICA mission will study the evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems. SPICA will utilize a deeply cooled 3m-class telescope, provided by European industry, to realize zodiacal background limited performance, high spatial resolution and large collecting area. Making full advantage of the deeply cooled telescope (&lt;6K), the SAFARI instrument on SPICA is a highly sensitive wide-field imaging photometer and spectrometer operating in the 34-210 μm wavelength range. Utilizing Nyquist-sampled focal-plane arrays of very sensitive Transition Edge Sensors (TES), SAFARI will offer a photometric imaging (R ≈ 2), and a low (R = 100) and medium resolution (R = 2000 at 100 μm) imaging spectroscopy mode in three photometric bands within a 2'x2' instantaneous FoV by means of a cryogenic Mach-Zehnder Fourier Transform Spectrometer. In this paper we will provide an overview of the SAFARI instrument design and system architecture. We will describe the reference design of the SAFARI focal- plane unit, the implementation of the various optical instrument functions designed around the central large-stroke FTS system, the photometric band definition and out-of-band filtering by quasioptical elements, the control of straylight, diffraction and thermal emission in the long-wavelength limit, and how we interface to the large-format FPA arrays at one end and the SPICA telescope assembly at the other end. We will briefly discuss the key performance drivers with special emphasis on the optical techniques adopted to overcome issues related to very low background operation of SAFARI. A summary and discussion of the expected instrument performance and an overview of the astronomical capabilities finally conclude the paper.</p

    Supplementary report to the final report of the coral reef expert group: S6. Novel technologies in coral reef monitoring

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    [Extract] This report summarises a review of current technological advances applicable to coral reef monitoring, with a focus on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (the Marine Park). The potential of novel technologies to support coral reef monitoring within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program (RIMReP) framework was evaluated based on their performance, operational maturity and compatibility with traditional methods. Given the complexity of this evaluation, this exercise was systematically structured to address the capabilities of technologies in terms of spatial scales and ecological indicators, using a ranking system to classify expert recommendations.An accessible copy of this report is not yet available from this repository, please contact [email protected] for more information

    ISO spectroscopy of compact HII regions in the Galaxy. II Ionization and elemental abundances

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    Based on the ISO spectral catalogue of compact HII regions by Peeters et al. (2001), we present a first analysis of the hydrogen recombination and atomic fine-structure lines originated in the ionized gas. The sample consists of 34 HII regions located at galactocentric distances between Rgal = 0 and 15 kpc. The SWS HI recombination lines between 2 and 8 mum are used to estimate the extinction law at these wavelengths for 14 HII regions. An extinction in the K band between 0 and \sim 3 mag. has been derived. The fine-structure lines of N, O, Ne, S and Ar are detected in most of the sources. Most of these elements are observed in two different ionization stages probing a range in ionization potential up to 41 eV. The ISO data, by itself or combined with radio data taken from the literature, is used to derive the elemental abundances relative to hydrogen. The present data thus allow us to describe for each source its elemental abundance, its state of ionization and to constrain the properties of the ionizing star(s).Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22 pages, 20 figures, 9 table