1,011 research outputs found

    The role of integrated information acquisition and management in the analysis of coastal ecosystem change

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    This book chapter represents a synthesis of the work which started in my PhD and which has been the conceptual basis for all of my research since 1993. The chapter presents a method for scientists and managers to use for selecting the type of remotely sensed data to use to meet their information needs associated with a mapping, monitoring or modelling application. The work draws on results from several of my ARC projects, CRC Rainforest and Coastal projects and theses of P.Scarth , K.Joyce and C.Roelfsema

    ISO spectroscopy of compact HII regions in the Galaxy. II Ionization and elemental abundances

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    Based on the ISO spectral catalogue of compact HII regions by Peeters et al. (2001), we present a first analysis of the hydrogen recombination and atomic fine-structure lines originated in the ionized gas. The sample consists of 34 HII regions located at galactocentric distances between Rgal = 0 and 15 kpc. The SWS HI recombination lines between 2 and 8 mum are used to estimate the extinction law at these wavelengths for 14 HII regions. An extinction in the K band between 0 and \sim 3 mag. has been derived. The fine-structure lines of N, O, Ne, S and Ar are detected in most of the sources. Most of these elements are observed in two different ionization stages probing a range in ionization potential up to 41 eV. The ISO data, by itself or combined with radio data taken from the literature, is used to derive the elemental abundances relative to hydrogen. The present data thus allow us to describe for each source its elemental abundance, its state of ionization and to constrain the properties of the ionizing star(s).Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22 pages, 20 figures, 9 table

    The Evolution of NGC 7027 at Radio Frequencies: A New Determination of the Distance and Core Mass

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    We present the results of a 25-year program to monitor the radio flux evolution of the planetary nebula NGC7027. We find significant evolution of the spectral flux densities. The flux density at 1465 MHz, where the nebula is optically thick, is increasing at a rate of 0.251+-0.015 % per year, caused by the expansion of the ionized nebula. At frequencies where the emission is optically thin, the spectral flux density is changing at a rate of -0.145+-0.005 % per year, caused by a decrease in the number of ionizing photons coming from the central star. A distance of 980+-100 pc is derived. By fitting interpolated models of post-AGB evolution to the observed changes, we find that over the 25-yr monitoring period, the stellar temperature has increased by 3900+-900 K and the stellar bolometric luminosity has decreased by 1.75+-0.38 %. We derive a distance-independent stellar mass of 0.655+-0.01 solar masses adopting the Bloecker stellar evolution models, or about 0.04 solar masses higher when using models of Vassiliadis & Wood which may provide a better fit. A Cloudy photoionization model is used to fit all epochs at all frequencies simultaneously. The differences between the radio flux density predictions and the observed values show some time-independent residuals of typically 1 %. A possible explanation is inaccuracies in the radio flux scale of Baars et al. We propose an adjustment to the flux density scale of the primary radio flux calibrator 3C286, based on the Cloudy model of NGC7027. We also calculate precise flux densities for NGC7027 for all standard continuum bands used at the VLA, as well as for some new 30GHz experiments.Comment: submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    The ISO SWS on-line system

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    The software which is currently being developed for the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) is described. The spectrometer has a wide range of capabilities in the 2-45 micron infrared band. SWS contains two independent gratings, one for the long and one for the short wavelength section of the band. With the gratings a spectral resolution of approximately 1000 to approximately 2500 can be obtained. The instrument also contains two Fabry-Perault's yielding a resolution between approximately 1000 and approximately 20000. Software is currently being developed for the acquisition, calibration, and analysis of SWS data. The software is firstly required to run in a pipeline mode without human interaction, to process data as they are received from the telescope. However, both for testing and calibration of the instrument as well as for evaluation of the planned operating procedures the software should also be suitable for interactive use. Thirdly the same software will be used for long term characterization of the instrument. The software must work properly within the environment designed by the European Space Agency (ESA) for the spacecraft operations. As a result strict constraints are put on I/O devices, throughput etc

    Deriving Telescope Mueller Matrices Using Daytime Sky Polarization Observations

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    Telescopes often modify the input polarization of a source so that the measured circular or linear output state of the optical signal can be signficantly different from the input. This mixing, or polarization "cross-talk", is defined by the optical system Mueller matrix. We describe here an efficient method for recovering the input polarization state of the light and the full 4 x 4 Mueller matrix of the telescope with an accuracy of a few percent without external masks or telescope hardware modification. Observations of the bright, highly polarized daytime sky using the Haleakala 3.7m AEOS telescope and a coude spectropolarimeter demonstrate the technique.Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS

    Within-person variation in serum thyrotropin concentration: main sources, potential underlying biological mechanisms, and clinical implications

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    Background: Individuals exhibit fluctuations in the concentration of serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) over time. The scale of these variations ranges from minutes to hours, and from months to years. The main factors contributing to the observed within-person fluctuations in serum TSH comprise pulsatile secretion, circadian rhythm, seasonality, and ageing. In clinical practice and clinical research however, such within-person biological variation in serum TSH concentrations is often not considered. The aim of this review is to present an overview of the main sources of within-person variation in TSH levels, as well as the potential underlying biological mechanisms, and the clinical implications.Summary: In euthyroid individuals, the circadian rhythm, with a nocturnal surge around 02:00-04:00 h and a nadir during daytime has the greatest impact on variations in serum TSH concentrations. Another source of within-person variation in TSH levels is seasonality, with generally higher levels during the cold winter months. Since TSH is secreted in a pulsatile manner, TSH levels also fluctuate over minutes. Furthermore, elevated TSH levels have been observed with ageing. Other factors that affect TSH levels include thyroid peroxidase (TPO)-antibody positivity, BMI, obesity, smoking, critical illness, and many xenobiotics, including environmental pollutants and drugs. Potential underlying biological mechanisms of within-person variation in TSH levels can be safely concluded from the ability of TSH to respond quickly to changes in cues from the internal or external environment in order to maintain homeostasis. Such cues include the biological clock, environmental temperature, and length of day. The observed increase in TSH level with ageing can be explained at a population level and at an organism level. In clinical practice, the season for thyroid testing can influence a patient's test result and it occurs frequently that subclinical hypothyroid patients normalize to euthyroid levels over time without intervention.Conclusions: Serum TSH concentrations vary over time within an individual, which is caused by multiple different internal and external factors. It is important to take the within-person variations in serum TSH concentrations into account when testing a patient in clinical practice, but also in performing clinical research.Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiological changes and therap

    Relationships between 24-hour LH and testosterone concentrations and with other pituitary hormones in healthy older men

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between LH and testosterone (T), which characteristics associate with the strength of this relationship, and their interrelationships with GH, TSH, cortisol, and ACTH.Design: Hormones were measured in serum samples collected every 10 minutes during 24 hours from 20 healthy men, comprising 10 offspring of long-lived families and 10 control subjects, with a mean (SD) age of 65.6 (5.3) years. We performed cross-correlation analyses to assess the relative strength between 2 timeseries for all possible time shifts.Results: Mean (95% CI) maximal correlation was 0.21 (0.10-0.31) at lag time of 60 minutes between LH and total T concentrations. Results were comparable for calculated free, bioavailable, or secretion rates of T. Men with strong LH-T cross-correlations had, compared with men with no cross-correlation, lower fat mass (18.5 [14.9-19.7] vs. 22.3 [18.4-29.4] kg), waist circumference (93.6 [5.7] vs. 103.1 [12.0] cm), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (0.7 [0.4-1.3] vs. 1.8 [0.8-12.3] mg/L), IL-6 (0.8 [0.6-1.0] vs. 1.2 [0.9-3.0] pg/mL), and 24-hour mean LH (4.3 [2.0] vs. 6.1 [1.5] U/L), and stronger LH-T feedforward synchrony (1.5 [0.3] vs. 1.9 [0.2]). Furthermore,T was positively cross-correlated withTSH (0.32 [0.21-0.43]), cortisol (0.26 [0.19-0.33]), and ACTH (0.26 [0.19-0.32]).Conclusions: LH is followed by T with a delay of 60 minutes in healthy older men. Men with a strong LH-T relationship had more favorable body composition, inflammatory markers, LH levels, and LH-T feedforward synchrony. We observed positive correlations between T and TSH, cortisol, and ACTH.Pathophysiology, epidemiology and therapy of agein

    A search for broad infrared recombination lines in NGC 1068

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    We report infrared spectroscopy of the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068, aiming at detection of broad components of hydrogen recombination lines that originate in the obscured broad-line region. Using the Short Wavelength Spectrometer on board the Infrared Space Observatory, we have observed for the first time the regions of Brackett beta 2.626um and Pfund alpha 7.460um, and present improved data for Brackett alpha 4.052um. No significant broad components are detected, implying an equivalent visual extinction to the broad-line region of at least 50 magnitudes and an obscuring column density of at least 10^23 cm^-2. While consistent with a highly obscured broad-line region, as required by the classical unified scenario, these limits are not yet significant enough to discriminate strongly between different torus models or to constrain properties of the gas causing the very large X-ray obscuration. We discuss the systematic limitations of infrared broad-line region searches and suggest that Brackett alpha may often be the most favorable transition for future searches.Comment: aastex (V4), 4 eps figures. Accepted by Ap

    Forest conservation delivers highly variable coral reef conservation outcomes

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    Coral reefs are threatened by human activities on both the land (e.g., deforestation) and the sea (e.g., overfishing). Most conservation planning for coral reefs focuses on removing threats in the sea, neglecting management actions on the land. A more integrated approach to coral reef conservation, inclusive of land–sea connections, requires an understanding of how and where terrestrial conservation actions influence reefs. We address this by developing a land–sea planning approach to inform fine-scale spatial management decisions and test it in Fiji. Our aim is to determine where the protection of forest can deliver the greatest return on investment for coral reef ecosystems. To assess the benefits of conservation to coral reefs, we estimate their relative condition as influenced by watershed-based pollution and fishing. We calculate the cost-effectiveness of protecting forest and find that investments deliver rapidly diminishing returns for improvements to relative reef condition. For example, protecting 2% of forest in one area is almost 500 times more beneficial than protecting 2% in another area, making prioritization essential. For the scenarios evaluated, relative coral reef condition could be improved by 8–58% if all remnant forest in Fiji were protected rather than deforested. Finally, we determine the priority of each coral reef for implementing a marine protected area when all remnant forest is protected for conservation. The general results will support decisions made by the Fiji Protected Area Committee as they establish a national protected area network that aims to protect 20% of the land and 30% of the inshore waters by 2020. Although challenges remain, we can inform conservation decisions around the globe by tackling the complex issues relevant to integrated land–sea planning