44 research outputs found
This research aims to investigate the relationship between critical reading abilities and critical discourse analysis (CDA) competencies among future 21st century educators, emphasizing the critical necessity for these educators to possess such skills in today's demanding educational landscape. A sample of 70 prospective teachers was analyzed to determine the interconnection between their abilities in critical reading abilities and CDA, with an exploration into how one skill may influence the other. Additionally, the study examines the role of cognitive style—specifically, field-independent and field-dependent thinking—as a moderating factor in this relationship. Findings indicate a significant positive impact of CDA capabilities on critical reading abilities, suggesting that proficiency in analyzing discourse critically enhances one's ability to read with a critical eye. Furthermore, the study reveals no significant difference in CDA and critical reading abilities between participants categorized as field-independent thinkers versus those identified as field-dependent thinkers. These outcomes highlight the need for further research to explore additional factors that may affect the development of critical reading and discourse analysis skills. The study concludes with a call for educational strategies that integrate both critical reading and CDA competencies, considering the varied cognitive styles of learners.
The aims of the research and development consist of (1) developing teaching material based on multimedia integration for exposition text and manual book for teachers meeting up standard of feasibility in all of aspects content, sequencing, graphic, and language (2) describing the effectiveness of its teaching material. Production of multimedia packages (Ghislandi, 1996:222) was adopted in reaching these aims. The result of validation test states that both of products are up standard of feasibility for all of aspect, content, sequencing, graphic, and language. Furthermore, statistic test shows there are significant excalation in mastering exposition text before and after implementation of product.
Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini, yaitu (1) menghasilkan produk berupa bahan ajar multimedia untuk teks eksposisi dan buku petunjuk penggunaan dalam pembelajaran yang memenuhi kelayakan dari aspek isi, penyajian, desain grafika, dan bahasa dan (2) mendeskripsikan keefektifan produk. Dalam upaya mencapai tujuan itu, digunakan model produksi paket multimedia (Ghislandi, 1996:222). Hasil penelitian pengembangan berupa berupa bahan ajar multimedia untuk teks eksposisi dan buku petunjuk penggunaan yang memenuhi kelayakan dari aspek isi, penyajian, grafika, dan bahasa untuk diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil uji statistik juga menunjukkan bahwa implementasi produk meningkatkan penguasaan teks eksposisi secara signifikan
This study aims to provide a problem-solving about students’ reluctance in speaking activities to express thoughts and feelings in SD Insan Amanah. There were several problems that inhibit the students’ speaking skills, namely fear of expressing, difficulties in facing many people (stage fright), wrong perceptions, and lack of contextual understanding. The drama method is impressive since it attracts people, which may encourage an unpredictable power when people perform it together. During the process, the students were expected to increase speaking skills; namely, the students are capable of speaking with proper pronunciation, intonation, and expressions. The research data source was the students’ work in the form of structural cards and drama scripts. The data collection in this study was employed through observation format, field note format, structural cards, and drama scripts. Meanwhile, the data analysis was implemented through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Peer observation and examination were conducted to test the data validity. Based on the research findings, in general, it can be concluded that the speaking skills learning through drama method of the fifth graders in SD Insan Amanah Malang were proved to increase. In Cycle I, only 35% of students succeeded. However, in Cycle II, there was an increase in 90% of students who succeeded in Basic Competence of "playing the drama role with proper pronunciation, intonation, and expression," meanwhile 10% of students had not succeeded
This research aims to develop media for learning of fable story wiritng for junior high school students that contain materials, examples, and exercises to achieve the indicators and learning objectives and to describe the feasibility of media for learning gained from expert judgement and field testing. Media for learning developed using macromedia flash program. The development model used was adapted from Borg and Gall development model. Aspect of the assessment in the media for learning is in terms of (1) content, (2) language, and (3) the display. From the results of the expert judgement and field testing, the overall product of learning media has been feasible to be implemented after going through revision stages.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran menulis teks fabel bagi siswa SMP yang berisi materi, contoh, dan latihan untuk mencapai indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran serta mendeskripsikan kelayakan media pembelajaran menulis teks fabel bagi siswa SMP yang diperoleh dari uji ahli dan uji lapangan. Media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan menggunakan program macromedia flash. Model pengembangan yang digunakan diadaptasi dari model pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Aspek yang menjadi penilaian dalam pengembangan produk media pembelajaran adalah dari segi (1) isi materi, (2) bahasa, dan (3) tampilan. Dari hasil validasi dan uji lapangan, secara keseluruhan produk media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah layak untuk diimplementasikan setelah melalui tahap revisi
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Fabel dengan Macromedia Flash Bagi Siswa SMP
This research aims to develop media for learning of fable story wiritng for junior high school students that contain materials, examples, and exercises to achieve the indicators and learning objectives and to describe the feasibility of media for learning gained from expert judgement and field testing. Media for learning developed using macromedia flash program. The development model used was adapted from Borg and Gall development model. Aspect of the assessment in the media for learning is in terms of (1) content, (2) language, and (3) the display. From the results of the expert judgement and field testing, the overall product of learning media has been feasible to be implemented after going through revision stages.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran menulis teks fabel bagi siswa SMP yang berisi materi, contoh, dan latihan untuk mencapai indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran serta mendeskripsikan kelayakan media pembelajaran menulis teks fabel bagi siswa SMP yang diperoleh dari uji ahli dan uji lapangan. Media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan menggunakan program macromedia flash. Model pengembangan yang digunakan diadaptasi dari model pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Aspek yang menjadi penilaian dalam pengembangan produk media pembelajaran adalah dari segi (1) isi materi, (2) bahasa, dan (3) tampilan. Dari hasil validasi dan uji lapangan, secara keseluruhan produk media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah layak untuk diimplementasikan setelah melalui tahap revisi
Bibliometric Analysis of Character Education in Senior High School Indonesian Textbooks Based on the Merdeka Curriculum
This study aims to understand the publication trend and research contribution related to character education in Indonesian high school textbooks based on the Merdeka Curriculum from 2015 to 2024. Character education is crucial for student development, and textbooks play a central role. Using bibliometric analysis, the study identified 428 publications from Google Scholar and Scopus, including journal articles, proceedings, reviews, and books. Journal articles dominated with 363 publications, followed by 30 proceedings, 32 books, and three reviews. The study focused on the number of publications and the issues underlying the keyword emergence. While 2023 had the highest number of publications (75), 2018 saw the highest citations (890) and h-index (14), indicating significant influence. The highly cited study "Strategy and Implementation of Character Education in Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools" had 135 citations. Keyword analysis using VOSviewer revealed that "Indonesian textbook" was the most popular topic, particularly concerning gender representation and basic education. Despite increased productivity, recent publications need higher impact, achievable through improved research quality, appropriate journal selection, online dissemination, collaboration, and scientific community engagement. The focus on gender representation and basic education should be sharpened for inclusive teaching materials and to instill positive values early in Indonesian education. This study provides valuable insights and direction for future research and practice in character education within the Independent Curriculum framework
Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari wawancara pengasuh ponpes yang sekaligus menjadi narasumber utama, humas pesantren, masyarakat, tokoh masyarakat, tokoh agama, kepala desa juga pejabat KUA setempat. Yang kemudian data tersebut dicocokan dan dijadikan satu yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif-analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat suatu fakta di lapangan adanya pelaksanaan pernikahan antar orang gila diponpes as-syifa di dusun ngrandon, desa cepoko kec. Ngrambe, kab. Ngawi. Nampak kekhawatiran ketika kita melihat fakta yang terjadi dilapangan disamping karena mempelainya sama sama memiliki gangguan jiwa, selain itu juga pelaksanaan pernikahan tersebut sangat beresiko, karena bagaimana kehidupan kedepannya keluarga yang dibina oleh kedua orang gila tersebut.
Meskipun ada dalam hukum islam tidak diperbolehkan untuk melangsungkan pernikahan tersebut akan tetapi penulis menyimpulkan bahwa pernikahn yang terjadi tersebut sah, dengan landasan UU. No. 1 tahun 1974 tidak pernah menyebutkan bahwa orang yang menyandang gangguan itu tidak boleh melaksanakan nikah. Alasan lain juga bahwa pihak pesantren tidak akan menikahkan santri laki-laki dan perempuan jika tingkat kesembuhannya sampai 70-80%....
This research aims to produce writing short story teaching materials with the modeling conversion text. This research use a model of development Borg and Gall adaption. The result materials consist of five section. The materials tested to (1) Literary learning expert, (2) writing short stories expert, (3) writing short story teaching materials expert, (4) design graphic expert, (5) practitioners, and (6) student. Based on the test result obtained from the questionnare showed that teaching materials are decent and ready to be implemented.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan bahan ajar menulis cerpen dengan konversi teks. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Bahan ajar yang dihasilkan terdiri atas lima bagian. Bahan ajar tersebut diujicobakan kepada  (1) ahli pembelajaran sastra, (2) ahli menulis cerpen, (3) ahli bahan ajar menulis cerpen, (4) ahli desain grafis, (5) praktisi, dan (6) siswa. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba yang diperoleh dari angket menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar layak dan siap diimplementasikan