503 research outputs found

    Impacts of Traffic Reductions Associated With COVID-19 on Southern California Air Quality

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    On 19 March 2020, California put in place Stay‐At‐Home orders to reduce the spread of SARS‐CoV‐2. As a result, decreases up to 50% in traffic occurred across the South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB). We report that, compared to the 19 March to 30 June period of the last 5 years, the 2020 concentrations of PM_(2.5) and NO_x showed an overall reduction across the basin. O₃ concentrations decreased in the western part of the basin and generally increased in the downwind areas. The NO_x decline in 2020 (approximately 27% basin‐wide) is in addition to ongoing declines over the last two decades (on average 4% less than the −6.8% per year afternoon NO₂ concentration decrease) and provides insight into how air quality may respond over the next few years of continued vehicular reductions. The modest changes in O₃ suggests additional mitigation will be necessary to comply with air quality standards

    Tetraspanin Cd9b plays a role in fertility in zebrafish

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    In mice, CD9 expression on the egg is required for efficient sperm-egg fusion and no effects on ovulation or male fertility are observed in CD9 null animals. Here we show that cd9b knockout zebrafish also appear to have fertility defects. In contrast to mice, fewer eggs were laid by cd9b knockout zebrafish pairs and, of the eggs laid, a lower percentage were fertilised. These effects could not be linked to primordial germ cell numbers or migration as these were not altered in the cd9b mutants. The decrease in egg numbers could be rescued by exchanging either cd9b knockout partner, male or female, for a wildtype partner. However, the fertilisation defect was only rescued by crossing a cd9b knockout female with a wildtype male. To exclude effects of mating behaviour we analysed clutch size and fertilisation using in vitro fertilisation techniques. Number of eggs and fertilisation rates were significantly reduced in the cd9b mutants suggesting the fertility defects are not solely due to courtship behaviours. Our results indicate that CD9 plays a more complex role in fish fertility than in mammals, with effects in both males and females

    Tetraspanins in zebrafish development

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    Introduction: Tetraspanins represent a family of integral membrane proteins involved in cell-cell interaction, including adhesion, fusion, differentiation and proliferation. These basic functions are essential for embryonic development, yet there is little research on the role of tetraspanins in this process. The aim of my project is to pilot zebrafish as a new and sensitive model for assessing tetraspanin function in vertebrate development. Background: There are approximately 50 tetraspanin genes in zebrafish, representing orthologues of most of the 33 mammalian genes. mRNA expression analysis has shown that at least 22 of these are expressed in zebrafish embryos and thus may regulate developmental processes. CD9 is a well-characterized tetraspanin and we have shown that zebrafish CD9 orthologues are present in the posterior lateral line (pLL), a sensory system comprised of hair-cell containing neuromasts. The development of the pLL coordinates proliferation, deposition and migration simultaneously and thus requires highly regulated cell interactions. Major findings: We generated CRISPR double knockouts (dKOs) of both zebrafish CD9 paralogues. The dKOs are adult viable and fertile, in contrast to mouse CD9 KO females which are sterile. Inspection of the pLL in the CD9 KOs revealed that there is measurably slower migration of the primordium and fewer hair cells in the posterior neuromasts at 10 dpf. Furthermore we observed a reduced regenerative capacity of the dKO neuromasts, and also upregulation of CD9 paralogues during bone repair. Conclusions: Our results suggest a role for CD9 in collective cell migration and hair cell development. We will analyse the organisation and migration of the primordium in more detail as well as the development and regeneration of the neuromasts and bone. This will be aided by generating fluorescent transgenic zebrafish to visualise dynamic processes involved. This offers a unique insight into the in vivo function of tetraspanins

    Tetraspanin Cd9b and Cxcl12a/Cxcr4b have a synergistic effect on the control of collective cell migration

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    Collective cell migration is essential for embryonic development and homeostatic processes. During zebrafish development, the posterior lateral line primordium (pLLP) navigates along the embryo flank by collective cell migration. The chemokine receptors, Cxcr4b and Cxcr7b, as well as their cognate ligand, Cxcl12a, are essential for this process. We corroborate that knockdown of the zebrafish cd9 tetraspanin orthologue, cd9b, results in mild pLL abnormalities. Through generation of CRISPR and TALEN mutants, we show that cd9a and cd9b function partially redundantly in pLLP migration, which is delayed in the cd9b single and cd9a; cd9b double mutants. This delay led to a transient reduction in neuromast numbers. Loss of both Cd9a and Cd9b sensitized embryos to reduced Cxcr4b and Cxcl12a levels. Together these results provide evidence that Cd9 modulates collective cell migration of the pLLP during zebrafish development. One interpretation of these observations is that Cd9 contributes to more effective chemokine signalling

    Methane emissions from dairies in the Los Angeles Basin

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    We estimate the amount of methane (CH_4) emitted by the largest dairies in the southern California region by combining measurements from four mobile solar-viewing ground-based spectrometers (EM27/SUN), in situ isotopic ^(13∕12)CH_4 measurements from a CRDS analyzer (Picarro), and a high-resolution atmospheric transport simulation with a Weather Research and Forecasting model in large-eddy simulation mode (WRF-LES). The remote sensing spectrometers measure the total column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of CH_4 and CO_2 (X_(CH)_4 and X_(CO)_2) in the near infrared region, providing information on total emissions of the dairies at Chino. Differences measured between the four EM27/SUN ranged from 0.2 to 22 ppb (part per billion) and from 0.7 to 3 ppm (part per million) for X_(CH)_4 and X_(CO)_2, respectively. To assess the fluxes of the dairies, these differential measurements are used in conjunction with the local atmospheric dynamics from wind measurements at two local airports and from the WRF-LES simulations at 111 m resolution. Our top-down CH_4 emissions derived using the Fourier transform spectrometers (FTS) observations of 1.4 to 4.8 ppt s^(−1) are in the low end of previous top-down estimates, consistent with reductions of the dairy farms and urbanization in the domain. However, the wide range of inferred fluxes points to the challenges posed by the heterogeneity of the sources and meteorology. Inverse modeling from WRF-LES is utilized to resolve the spatial distribution of CH_4 emissions in the domain. Both the model and the measurements indicate heterogeneous emissions, with contributions from anthropogenic and biogenic sources at Chino. A Bayesian inversion and a Monte Carlo approach are used to provide the CH_4 emissions of 2.2 to 3.5 ppt s^(−1) at Chino

    Comparative validation of single-shot optical techniques for laparoscopic 3-D surface reconstruction

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    Intra-operative imaging techniques for obtaining the shape and morphology of soft-tissue surfaces in vivo are a key enabling technology for advanced surgical systems. Different optical techniques for 3-D surface reconstruction in laparoscopy have been proposed, however, so far no quantitative and comparative validation has been performed. Furthermore, robustness of the methods to clinically important factors like smoke or bleeding has not yet been assessed. To address these issues, we have formed a joint international initiative with the aim of validating different state-of-the-art passive and active reconstruction methods in a comparative manner. In this comprehensive in vitro study, we investigated reconstruction accuracy using different organs with various shape and texture and also tested reconstruction robustness with respect to a number of factors like the pose of the endoscope as well as the amount of blood or smoke present in the scene. The study suggests complementary advantages of the different techniques with respect to accuracy, robustness, point density, hardware complexity and computation time. While reconstruction accuracy under ideal conditions was generally high, robustness is a remaining issue to be addressed. Future work should include sensor fusion and in vivo validation studies in a specific clinical context. To trigger further research in surface reconstruction, stereoscopic data of the study will be made publically available at www.open-CAS.com upon publication of the paper