16 research outputs found

    Economic Aspects of Environmental Accounting

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    Economic Aspects of Environmental Accounting

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    Ekologicznie zr贸wnowa偶ony doch贸d narodowy i inne sposoby metody poprawy jako艣ci informacji na temat wzrostu gospodarczego

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    All economic actions are directed to the satisfaction of wants, or in other words: to welfare. Welfare is defined as the satisfaction of wants derived from our dealings with scarce goods. It is a category of personal experience and not measurable in cardinal units. Therefore we have to make do with indicators that are measurable in cardinal units and that are arguably influencing welfare. The cardinal indicator and the ordinal welfare have, of course, to develop in the same direction. Economic growth is generally defined as increase of national income (NI) (or GDP) as a measure of production. However, according to the subject matter of economics, economic growth can mean nothing other than increase in welfare. Welfare is dependent on more factors than solely production. It is also dependent on employment, income distribution, labour conditions, leisure time and the scarce possible uses of the non-human-made physical surroundings: the environmental functions. These objectives or ends are often in conflict. Therefore welfare can increase with decreasing production. The narrow minded, theoretical wrong definition of economic growth is especially threatening the current and future availability of environmental functions, the most fundamental scarce and consequently economic goods at the disposal of humanity. These fall outside the market and outside the measurement of NI. Correct information is decisive for the coming into being of  the  preferences of individuals and institutions and consequently for the decision making process. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to correct the current misleading information. In the paper five relatively simple ways are discussed to correct the wrong information about growth. The concept of environmental functions is defined as the possible uses of the non-human-made physical surroundings on which humanity is entirely dependent.Celem wszystkich dzia艂a艅 o charakterze gospodarczym jest zaspokojenie potrzeb, czyli zapewnienie dobrobytu. Dobrobyt definiowany jest jako stan zaspokojenia potrzeb przy wykorzystaniu d贸br wyst臋puj膮cych w niewystarczaj膮cej ilo艣ci. Jest to kategoria do艣wiadczenia osobistego, niemo偶liwa do zmierzenia i wyra偶enia w jednostkach g艂贸wnych (kardynalnych). W tym celu wykorzystujemy wi臋c wska藕niki, kt贸re s膮mierzalne i wyra偶ane w jednostkach g艂贸wnych, oraz maj膮 wp艂yw na poziom dobrobytu. Jednostka mierzalna  przyj臋tego wska藕nika oraz jednostka porz膮dkowa (ordynalna) dobrobytu musz膮 rzecz jasna ewoluowa膰 w tym samym kierunku. Wzrost gospodarczy definiowany jest og贸lnie jako wzrost dochodu narodowego (lub PKB) stanowi膮cy miar臋 wzrostu produkcji. Jednak偶e w ekonomii wzrost gospodarczy oznacza wy艂膮cznie wzrost poziomu dobrobytu. Dobrobyt zale偶y natomiast nie tylko od produkcji. Czynniki kszta艂tuj膮ce poziom dobrobytu obejmuj膮 r贸wnie偶 zatrudnienie, podzia艂 dochodu, warunki pracy, czas wolny, oraz wykorzystanie ograniczonych zasob贸w 艣rodowiska fizycznego niewytworzonych przez cz艂owieka, tj. funkcji 艣rodowiska naturalnego. Te cele i interesy stoj膮 cz臋sto w sprzeczno艣ci wzgl臋dem siebie. Wzrost dobrobytu mo偶e by膰 zatem skorelowany ze spadkiem produkcji. W膮ska i z gruntu nieprawid艂owa definicja wzrostu gospodarczego zagra偶a szczeg贸lnie dost臋pno艣ci przysz艂ych i obecnych funkcji 艣rodowiska naturalnego, czyli najbardziej podstawowych deficytowych d贸br ekonomicznych dost臋pnych ludziom. Dobra te wykraczaj膮 poza zakres d贸br rynkowych i nie mog膮 by膰 wyra偶one poziomem dochodu narodowego. Precyzyjne informacje s膮 niezb臋dne do zaspokojenia preferencji os贸b fizycznych i instytucji, a co za tym idzie do podj臋cia prawid艂owych decyzji w procesie decyzyjnym. Dlatego tak istotne jest skorygowanie obecnie przyj臋tych b艂臋dnych danych. Niniejsze opracowanie przedstawia pi臋膰 relatywnie prostych metod umo偶liwiaj膮cych korekt臋 nieprawid艂owych informacji na temat wzrostu gospodarczego. Poj臋cie funkcji 艣rodowiska definiowane jest jako potencjalne wykorzystanie zasob贸w 艣rodowiska fizycznego niewytworzonych przez cz艂owieka, od kt贸rych zale偶y istnienie ludzko艣ci

    The future of the Environmentally sustainable national income

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    Our planet is threatened by a wrong belief in a wrongly formulated growth. Estimating the distance between gross domestic product and environmentally sustainable national income can greatly improve the information about economic growth

    Contribution to Beyond GDP "Virtual Indicator Expo"

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    Abstract All economic action is directed to the satisfaction of wants, or in other words: to welfare. Welfare is defined as the satisfaction of wants derived from our dealings with scarce goods. It is a category of personal experience and not measurable in cardinal units. Therefore we have to make do with indicators that are measurable in cardinal units and that are arguably influencing welfare. The cardinal indicator and the ordinal welfare have, of course, to develop in the same direction. Economic growth is generally defined as increase of national income (NI) (or GDP) as a measure of production. However, according to the subject matter of economics economic growth can mean nothing other than increase in welfare. Welfare is dependent on more factors than solely production. It is also dependent on employment, income distribution, labour conditions, leisure time and the scarce possible uses of the non-human-made physical surroundings: the environmental functions. These objectives or ends are often conflicting. Therefore welfare can increase with decreasing production. The narrow minded, theoretically wrong definition of economic growth is especially threatening the current and future availability of environmental functions, the most fundamental scarce and consequently economic goods at the disposal of humanity. These fall outside the market and outside the measurement of NI. Correct information is decisive for the coming into being of the preferences of individuals and institutions and consequently for the decision making process. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to correct the current misleading information. In the paper five relatively simple ways are discussed to correct the wrong information about growth. The concept of environmental functions is defined as the possible uses of the nonhuman-made physical surroundings on which humanity is entirely dependent