230 research outputs found

    Direct Iterative Reconstruction of Multiple Basis Material Images in Photon-counting Spectral CT

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    In this work, we perform direct material reconstruction from spectral CT data using a model based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) approach. Material concentrations are measured in volume fractions, whose total is constrained by a maximum of unity. A phantom containing a combination of 4 basis materials (water, iodine, gadolinium, calcium) was scanned using a photon-counting detector. Iodine and gadolinium were chosen because of their common use as contrast agents in CT imaging. Scan data was binned into 5 energy (keV) levels. Each energy bin in a calibration scan was reconstructed, allowing the linear attenuation coefficient of each material for every energy to be estimated by a least-squares fit to ground truth in the image domain. The resulting 5×45\times 4 matrix, for 55 energies and 44 materials, is incorporated into the forward model in direct reconstruction of the 44 basis material images with spatial and/or inter-material regularization. In reconstruction from a subsequent low-concentration scan, volume fractions within regions of interest (ROIs) are found to be close to the ground truth. This work is meant to lay the foundation for further work with phantoms including spatially coincident mixtures of contrast materials and/or contrast agents in widely varying concentrations, molecular imaging from animal scans, and eventually clinical applications

    Bisphosphonate-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles for Contrast-Enhanced X-Ray Detection of Breast Microcalcifications

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    Microcalcifications are one of the most common abnormalities detected by mammography for the diagnosis of breast cancer. However, the detection of microcalcifications and correct diagnosis of breast cancer are limited by the sensitivity and specificity of mammography. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the potential of bisphosphonate-functionalized gold nanoparticles (BP-Au NPs) for contrast-enhanced radiographic detection of breast microcalcifications using two models of breast microcalcifications which allowed for precise control over levels of hydroxyapatite (HA) mineral within a low attenuating matrix. First, an in vitro imaging phantom was prepared with varying concentrations of HA uniformly dispersed in an agarose hydrogel. The X-ray attenuation of HA-agarose compositions labeled by BP-Au NPs was increased by up to 26 HU compared to unlabeled compositions for HA concentrations ranging from 1–10 mg/mL. Second, an ex vivo tissue model was developed to more closely mimic the heterogeneity of breast tissue by injecting varying concentrations of HA in a Matrigel carrier into murine mammary glands. The X-ray attenuation of HA-Matrigel compositions labeled by BP-Au NPs was increased by up to 289 HU compared to unlabeled compositions for HA concentrations ranging from 0.5–25 mg/mL, which included an HA concentration (0.5 mg/mL) that was otherwise undetectable by micro-computed tomography. Cumulatively, both models demonstrated the ability of BP-Au NPs to enhance contrast for radiographic detection of microcalcifications, including at a clinically-relevant imaging resolution. Therefore, BP-Au NPs may have potential to improve clinical detection of breast microcalcifications by mammography

    Effects of bisphosphonate ligands and PEGylation on targeted delivery of gold nanoparticles for contrast-enhanced radiographic detection of breast microcalcifications

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    A preclinical murine model of hydroxyapatite (HA) breast microcalcifications (µcals), which are an important clinical biomarker for breast cancer detection, was used to investigate the independent effects of high affinity bisphosphonate (BP) ligands and a polyethylene glycol (PEG) spacer on targeted delivery of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) for contrast-enhanced radiographic detection. The addition of BP ligands to PEGylated Au NPs (BP-PEG-Au NPs) resulted in five-fold greater binding affinity for targeting HA µcals, as expected, due to the strong binding affinity of BP ligands for calcium. Therefore, BP-PEG-Au NPs were able to target HA µcals in vivo after intramammary delivery, which enabled contrast-enhanced radiographic detection of µcals in both normal and radiographically dense mammary tissues similar to previous results for BP-Au NPs, while PEG-Au NPs did not. The addition of a PEG spacer between the BP targeting ligand and Au NP surface enabled improved in vivo clearance. PEG-Au NPs and BP-PEG-Au NPs were cleared from all mammary glands (MGs) and control MGs, respectively, within 24–48 h after intramammary delivery, while BP-Au NPs were not. PEGylated Au NPs were slowly cleared from MGs by lymphatic drainage and accumulated in the spleen. Histopathology revealed uptake of PEG-Au NPs and BP-PEG-Au NPs by macrophages in the spleen, liver, and MGs; there was no evidence of toxicity due to the accumulation of NPs in organs and tissues compared with untreated controls for up to 28 days after delivery

    Ectopic models for endochondral ossification: comparing pellet and alginate bead culture methods

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    Key aspects of native endochondral bone development and fracture healing can be mimicked in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) through standard in vitro chondrogenic induction. Exploiting this phenomenon has recently emerged as an attractive technique to engineer bone tissue, however, relatively little is known about the best conditions for doing so. The objective of the present study was to compare the bone-forming capacity and angiogenic induction of hypertrophic cell constructs containing human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) primed for chondrogenesis in two different culture systems: high-density pellets and alginate bead hydrogels. The hASC constructs were subjected to 4 weeks of identical chondrogenic induction in vitro, encapsulated in an agarose carrier, and then implanted subcutaneously in immune-compromised mice for 8 weeks to evaluate their endochondral potential. At the time of implantation, both pellets and beads expressed aggrecan and type II collagen, as well as alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and type X collagen. Interestingly, ASCs in pellets formed a matrix containing higher glycosaminoglycan and collagen contents than that in beads, and ALP activity per cell was higher in pellets. However, after 8 weeks in vivo, pellets and beads induced an equivalent volume of mineralized tissue and a comparable level of vascularization. Although osteocalcin and osteopontin-positive osteogenic tissue and new vascular growth was found within both types of constructs, all appeared to be better distributed throughout the hydrogel beads. The results of this ectopic model indicate that hydrogel culture may be an attractive alternative to cell pellets for bone tissue engineering via the endochondral pathway

    Mineral deposition and vascular invasion of hydroxyapatite reinforced collagen scaffolds seeded with human adipose-derived stem cells

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    Background: Collagen-based scaffolds reinforced with hydroxyapatite (HA) are an attractive choice for bone tissue engineering because their composition mimics that of bone. We previously reported the development of compression-molded collagen-HA scaffolds that exhibited high porosity, interconnected pores, and mechanical properties that were well-suited for surgical handling and fixation. The objective of this study was to investigate these novel collagen-HA scaffolds in combination with human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) as a template for bone formation in a subcutaneous athymic mouse model. Methods: Collagen-HA scaffolds and collagen-only scaffolds were fabricated as previously described, and a clinically approved bone void filler was used as a control for the material. Constructs were seeded with hASCs and were pre-treated with either control or osteogenic media. A cell-free group was also included. Scaffolds were implanted subcutaneously in the backs of athymic nude mice for 8 weeks. Mineral deposition was quantified via micro-computed tomography. Histological and immunofluorescence images of the explants were used to analyze their vascular invasion, remodeling and cellularity. Results: Cell-free collagen-HA scaffolds and those that were pre-seeded with osteogenically differentiated hASCs supported mineral deposition and vascular invasion at comparable rates, while cell-seeded constructs treated with the control medium showed lower mineralization after implantation. HA-reinforcement allowed collagen constructs to maintain their shape, provided improved cell-tissue-scaffold integration, and resulted in a more organized tissue when pre-treated in an osteogenic medium. Scaffold type and pre-treatment also determined osteoclast activity and therefore potential remodeling of the constructs. Conclusions: The results of this study cumulatively indicate that treatment medium and scaffold composition direct mineralization and angiogenic tissue formation in an ectopic model. The data suggest that it may be necessary to match the scaffold with a particular cell type and cell-specific pre-treatment to achieve optimal bone formation

    The fracture toughness of small animal cortical bone measured using arc-shaped tension specimens: Effects of bisphosphonate and deproteinization treatments

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    Small animal models, and especially transgenic models, have become widespread in the study of bone mechanobiology and metabolic bone disease, but test methods for measuring fracture toughness on multiple replicates or at multiple locations within a single small animal bone are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a method to measure cortical bone fracture toughness in multiple specimens and locations along the diaphysis of small animal bones. Arc-shaped tension specimens were prepared from the mid-diaphysis of rabbit ulnae and loaded to failure to measure the radial fracture toughness in multiple replicates per bone. The test specimen dimensions, crack length, and maximum load met requirements for measuring the plane strain fracture toughness. Experimental groups included a control group, bisphosphonate treatment group, and an ex vivo deproteinization treatment following bisphosphonate treatment (5 rabbits/group and 15 specimens/group). The fracture toughness of ulnar cortical bone from rabbits treated with zoledronic acid for six months exhibited no difference compared with the control group. Partially deproteinized specimens exhibited significantly lower fracture toughness compared with both the control and bisphosphonate treatment groups. The deproteinization treatment increased tissue mineral density (TMD) and resulted in a negative linear correlation between the measured fracture toughness and TMD. Fracture toughness measurements were repeatable with a coefficient of variation of 12–16% within experimental groups. Retrospective power analysis of the control and deproteinization treatment groups indicated a minimum detectable difference of 0.1 MPa·m1/2. Therefore, the overall results of this study suggest that arc-shaped tension specimens offer an advantageous new method for measuring the fracture toughness in small animal bones

    Shared Bacterial and Viral Respiratory Agents in Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis), Domestic Sheep (Ovis aries), and Goats (Capra hircus) in Montana

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    Transmission of infectious agents from livestock reservoirs has been hypothesized to cause respiratory disease outbreaks in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), and land management policies intended to limit this transmission have proven controversial. This cross-sectional study compares the infectious agents present in multiple populations of bighorn sheep near to and distant from their interface with domestic sheep (O. aries) and domestic goat (Capra hircus) and provides critical baseline information needed for interpretations of cross-species transmission risks. Bighorn sheep and livestock shared exposure to Pasteurellaceae, viral, and endoparasite agents. In contrast, although the impact is uncertain, Mycoplasma sp. was isolated from livestock but not bighorn sheep. These results may be the result of historic cross-species transmission of agents that has resulted in a mosaic of endemic and exotic agents. Future work using longitudinal and multiple population comparisons is needed to rigorously establish the risk of outbreaks from cross-species transmission of infectious agents

    Transient and Microscale Deformations and Strains Measured under Exogenous Loading by Noninvasive Magnetic Resonance

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    Characterization of spatiotemporal deformation dynamics and material properties requires non-destructive methods to visualize mechanics of materials and biological tissues. Displacement-encoded magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has emerged as a noninvasive and non-destructive technique used to quantify deformation and strains. However, the techniques are not yet applicable to a broad range of materials and load-bearing tissues. In this paper, we visualize transient and internal material deformation through the novel synchrony of external mechanical loading with rapid displacement-encoded MRI. We achieved deformation measurements in silicone gel materials with a spatial resolution of 100 µm and a temporal resolution (of 2.25 ms), set by the repetition time (TR) of the rapid MRI acquisition. Displacement and strain precisions after smoothing were 11 µm and 0.1%, respectively, approaching cellular length scales. Short (1/2 TR) echo times enabled visualization of in situ deformation in a human tibiofemoral joint, inclusive of multiple variable T2 biomaterials. Moreover, the MRI acquisitions achieved a fivefold improvement in imaging time over previous technology, setting the stage for mechanical imaging in vivo. Our results provide a general approach for noninvasive and non-destructive measurement, at high spatial and temporal resolution, of the dynamic mechanical response of a broad range of load-bearing materials and biological tissues