24 research outputs found

    Sleep as a predictor of depression level using Naïve Bayes / Nur Syakinah Md Roduan

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    The percentage of peoples having depression nowadays is said to be inclining. However, many of the patients do not even realize that they are having major depressive disorder. Busy with abundance of works and not having any time to seek a doctor for check-up may worsen the patient condition. So, a prediction system was developed to predict students' level of depression based on their sleep behaviors that uses Naïve Bayes method, which implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) as result of survey conducted to the target user proved that majority of them need a system that can predict depression level. Five independent variables which are insomnia, amount of sleep (hours), overall sleep quality, sleep onset latency, and number of awakening per sleep that has been identified as the most-used variables in many previous research are used for the prediction model. The target subject to realize the objectives of the prediction system are students under the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences in UiTM Jasin who is currently in the 6th semester. From 150 total data collected, 80% of them were used as training data, and 20% were for the new data to be tested. A total of 31 prediction models were produced and tested. All 31 models are to predict the students' depression level, which include normal, mild, borderline, moderate, and severe depression gave an average of 51.075% accuracy for 120 training data and average of 37.527% accuracy for the 30 new data collected through questionnaires to the subject. Agile methodology is used throughout the development of the system to ensure that this project work properly according to plan. Functionality testing are also done to make sure that the system is working properly without having any error. In conclusion, this research demonstrated that Naïve Bayes method could be used to predict the level of depression. Future work on this subject should improve the findings by modifying the variables used and/or by using other methods in term of data collection or the algorithm itself

    Perniagaan informal di Pusat Bandar Batu Gajah, Perak / Nur Atika Syazila Muda dan Mimi Rozaida Mohamed Roduan

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    Kajian Perniagaan Informal Di Pusat Bandar Batu Gajah ini adalah untuk mengkaji perancangan lokasi dan keadaan perniagaan yang dijalankan. Perniagaan informal merupakan salah satu sektor yang penting kerana ianya merupakan antara penyumbang ekonomi bagi penduduk di Pusat Bandar Batu Gajah. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengatasi isu yang wujud di kawasan kajian antaranya ialah perletakan gerai atau penjaja yang kurang bersesuaian serta kurang strategik, keadaan gerai yang tidak seragam serta kelihatan telah usang dan aspek kebersihan, aktiviti dan susunatur yang tidak diselenggara dengan baik telah menjejaskan imej pusat bandar. Keadaan dan perletakan perniagaan informal ini merupakan aspek yang penting kerana ianya dapat memberi keselesaan kepada peniaga serta pengunjung, disamping dapat memenuhi keperluan dan kehendak pengguna. Kajian perniagaan informal ini juga memberi penekanan kepada empat peringkat yang meliputi tujuan dan objektif kajian, kajian teoritikal dan diikuti dengan analisis kajiselidik serta penemuan. Kajian kajiselidik dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga kaedah utama iaitu pengamatan ke atas kawasan kajian, soalselidik peniaga dan pengunjung serta temubual bersemuka ke atas pihak MDBG. Penemuan analisis kajian mandapati terdapat beberapa masalah antaranya ialah perletakkan penjaja yang dan gerai yang tidak bersesuaian, imej dan pemandangan yang terjejas, keperluan penambahan tempat letak kenderaan (TLK) serta kemudahan. Cadangan-cadangan diusulkan bagi mengatasi masalah yang telah dikenalpasti iaitu pemusatan penjaja statik dan beredar, membaikpulih, pembagunan semula dan keseragaman gerai-gerai sediada, penambahan tempat letak kenderaan dan penyediaan elemen kemudahan yang mencukupi. Kesimpulannya, pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) iaitu pihak dari Majlis Daerah Batu Gajah (MDBG) memainkan peranan yang penting untuk merealisasikan cadangan yang dikemukan

    Modulation of cancer signalling pathway(s) in two-stage mouse skin tumorigenesis by annonacin

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    Background: Annonacin, an annonaceous acetogenin isolated from Annona muricata has been reported to be strongly cytotoxic against various cell lines, in vitro. Nevertheless, its effect against in vivo tumor promoting activity has not been reported yet. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate antitumor-promoting activity of annonacin via in vivo two-stage mouse skin tumorigenesis model and its molecular pathways involved. Methods: Mice were initiated with single dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz[α]anthracene (DMBA) (390 nmol/100 μL) followed by, in subsequent week, repeated promotion (twice weekly; 22 weeks) with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) (1.7 nmol/100 μL). Annonacin (85 nM) and curcumin (10 mg/kg; reference) were, respectively, applied topically to DMBA/TPA-induced mice 30 min before each TPA application for 22 weeks. Upon termination, histopathological examination of skin, liver and kidney as well as genes and proteins expression analysis were conducted to elucidate the potential mechanism of annonacin. Results: With comparison to the carcinogen control, Annonacin significantly increased the tumor latency period and reduced the tumor incidence, tumor burden and tumor volume, respectively. In addition, it also suppressed tumorigenesis manifested by significant reduction of hyperkeratosis, dermal papillae and number of keratin pearls on skin tissues. Annonacin also appeared to be non-toxic to liver and kidney. Significant modulation of both AKT, ERK, mTOR, p38, PTEN and Src genes and proteins were also observed in annonacin-targeted signaling pathway(s) against tumorigenesis. Conclusions: Collectively, results of this study indicate that annonacin is a potential therapeutic compound targeting tumor promoting stage in skin tumorigenesis by modulating multiple gene and protein in cancer signaling pathways without apparent toxicity

    Annona muricata leaves extracts prevent DMBA/TPA-induced skin tumorigenesis via modulating antioxidants enzyme system in ICR mice

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    Annona muricata, locally known as soursop has been reported to exhibit antiproliferative activities against various cancer cell lines. In this current study, we have investigated the antitumor promotion of various fractions of Annona muricata leaves (AML); hexane (AMLH), dichloromethane (AMLD) and methanol (AMLM) fraction respectively on 7, 12-dimethylbenz[α]anthracene (DMBA) induced and 12-0-tetradecaboylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) promoted skin tumorigenesis in mice via morphological assessment, biochemical analysis and histopathological evaluation. The results of the study revealed significant inhibition in tumor incidence, tumor burden and tumor volume in the groups received AMLH and AMLD, respectively, and suppressive effects in group received AMLM compared with carcinogen control group at week 21. Superoxide dismutase, catalase, and lipid peroxidation levels were returned to near normal by administration of AML to DMBA/TPA-induced mice. The above findings were supported by histopathological studies, in which the extensive epidermal hyperplasia in carcinogen control group was restored to normal in AML treated groups. Whilst, annonacin, a major annaonaceous acetogenin was found to be the highest in AMLH and AMLD. From the present study, it can be inferred that AML supressed DMBA/TPA-induced skin tumor and this antitumor-promoting activity may be linked to the antioxidant/free radical-scavenging constituents of the extract and annonacin contained in the extracts

    Effect of laser loop on surface morphology of copper substrate and wettability of solder joint

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    The effect of different laser loop parameter on the geometry of micro-groove pattern on copper substrate and its effect on the wettability was investigated. The micro-grooves pattern was fabricated on the copper surface through laser surface texturing process. 3D measuring laser microscope and contact angle measurement test was conducted to measure the geometry of the micro-grooves pattern and wettability of the solder joint respectively. The results showed that the improvement in laser loop parameter increased the depth of the micro-grooves due to the more exposed time which allows more material ablation. It also showed that the contact angle of textured substrate is smaller than the untextured substrate which results in better wettability

    Effectiveness of dimple microtextured copper substrate on performance of Sn-0.7Cu solder alloy

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    This paper elucidates the influence of dimple-microtextured copper substrate on the performance of Sn-0.7Cu solder alloy. A dimple with a diameter of 50 µm was produced by varying the dimple depth using different laser scanning repetitions, while the dimple spacing was fixed for each sample at 100 µm. The dimple-microtextured copper substrate was joined with Sn-0.7Cu solder alloy using the reflow soldering process. The solder joints’ wettability, microstructure, and growth of its intermetallic compound (IMC) layer were analysed to determine the influence of the dimple-microtextured copper substrate on the performance of the Sn-0.7Cu solder alloy. It was observed that increasing laser scan repetitions increased the dimples’ depth, resulting in higher surface roughness. In terms of soldering performance, it was seen that the solder joints’ average contact angle decreased with increasing dimple depth, while the average IMC thickness increased as the dimple depth increased. The copper element was more evenly distributed for the dimple-micro-textured copper substrate than its non-textured counterpart

    Expression of cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) and cyclin dependent kinase 1B (CDKN1B/p27Kip1) in human prostatet adenocarcinoma

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    Prostate adenocarcinoma is one of the most common forms of malignancy occurring in the Malaysian male population. Inflammation has been identified in many studies to play key roles in the process of carcinogenesis. Inflammation is responsible for prompting angiogenesis, enhancing cellular motility and increasing resistance to apoptosis. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is an enzyme that converts arachidonic acid into proinflammatory prostaglandins and other eicosanoids. In addition, COX-2 is also highly expressed in a wide number of human cancers including prostate adenocarcinoma. Moreover, loss of Cyelin dependent kinase inhibitor IB (p27Kip) expression has been implicated in the malignant development in many human cancers. p27Kip) is a gene that encodes protein for cell cycle regulation generally, and controls the cell cycle progression at G) phase specifically. Low expression ofp27Kip) has been associated with a poor prognosis in malignant tumours, including breast, gastric and prostate carcinoma. The objectives of this study were to determine the expression level of COX-2 and p27Kipl in different types of prostate tissue and to relate the association with the clinicopathological parameters. p27Kipl (VI09G) polymorphism frequency in prostate adenocarcinoma was also determined to assess its relationship with advance prostate cancer susceptibility. Paraffin-embedded prostatic tissue (n = 263) was obtained from the Pathology Department of Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The mean age of the patients is 64.54 ±10.79 years. The tissue retrieved consisted of 63 normal prostate tissue samples, as well as 100 each for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate adenocarcinoma (PCa). COX-2 expression was performed using standard immunohistochemistry methods. Anti-human COX-2 monoclonal mouse primary antibody was used in a 1:]00 dilution, whereas the anti-human p27Kipl monoclonal mouse primary antibody was used in a dilution of 1:50. For each sample, the extent and intensity of staining with COX-2 antibody was graded on a scale from 0 to 4+. Staining was classified as 0 (no expression), I+ (weak expression), 2+ (moderate expression), 3+ (strong expression) and 4+ (very strong expression). The results showed that, 561100 PCa samples showed strong COX-2 expression (P=O.OOO), in comparison 161100 samples of BPH (P=O.OO 1), while weak COX-2 expression was observed in all 63 normal samples. Very strong expression for p27Kipl was seen in 62/63 normal prostate tissue samples and 771100 BPH samples (P=O.OOO), while 39/100 PCa samples exhibited weak p27Kipl expression and 25 of the rest had no expression (P=O.OOO). Next, to confirm the accuracy of staining, we further analysed selected samples by semiquatitative reverse transcriptase PCR (RTPCR) method on COX-2 and p27Kipl genes. This RT-PCR analysis, COX-2 expression was detected in high Gleason scores of 8 and 9, which were 2.01 and 2.17-fold respectively higher compared to normal tissue. BPH displayed only 1.04-fold higher COX-2 expression than normal tissue. Significant down-regulation of p27KipJ was observed in Gleason scores 7, 8 and 9 which were less than O.5-fold in changes compared to normal prostatic tissue. No significant p27KipJdown-regulation was observed in BPH samples compared to normal samples. PCR-RFLP was used to investigate p27KipJ polymorphism using Bgl1 restriction enzyme. PCR-RFLP analysis showed that distribution of genotypes were not statistically significant between PCa and normal prostate, whereby the genotypes VV and VG were observed more frequently in PCa and normal prostate, while GG genotype was not found in any PCa or normal samples. The results of this study, suggest that COX-2 overexpression and p27KipJ down-regulation may play a role in the progression of prostate adenocarcinoma. Therefore, expression of COX-2 and p27KipJ as potential therapeutic targets for prostate cancer should be evaluated further

    High expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in high grade human prostate adenocarcinoma

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    Inflammation plays an important role to the process of prostate carcinogenesis by increasing the rate of cell proliferation, which contributes to an aggressive tumour phenotype. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) has been found overexpressed in various types of cancer cells including prostate. The aim of this study was to investigate the COX-2 expressions in different types of human prostate tissues. Paraffin-embedded prostate tissues from 263 samples were examined for the expression of COX-2 marker by immunohistochemistry method. COX-2 was found highly expressed in prostate adenocarcinoma (p=0.001) as compared to benign and normal tissues. The score of COX-2 expressions in most of normal prostate was weak 49 (77.8%), while only 16 (16%) of BPH showed strong expression. 56 cases (56%) prostate cancer showed strong COX-2 expression. Prostate cancer cases showed significant differences in staining patterns as tumour grade increased. In addition, COX-2 expression was significantly correlated with Gleason score in cancerous tissues. This study suggests that COX-2 overexpression is associated with prostate cancer and higher grade tumour