754 research outputs found

    Observation of a tricritical wedge filling transition in the 3D Ising model

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    In this Letter we present evidences of the occurrence of a tricritical filling transition for an Ising model in a linear wedge. We perform Monte Carlo simulations in a double wedge where antisymmetric fields act at the top and bottom wedges, decorated with specific field acting only along the wegde axes. A finite-size scaling analysis of these simulations shows a novel critical phenomenon, which is distinct from the critical filling. We adapt to tricritical filling the phenomenological theory which successfully was applied to the finite-size analysis of the critical filling in this geometry, observing good agreement between the simulations and the theoretical predictions for tricritical filling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Collective resonances in plasmonic crystals: Size matters

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    Periodic arrays of metallic nanoparticles may sustain Surface Lattice Resonances (SLRs), which are collective resonances associated with the diffractive coupling of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances (LSPRs). By investigating a series of arrays with varying number of particles, we traced the evolution of SLRs to its origins. Polarization resolved extinction spectra of arrays formed by a few nanoparticles were measured, and found to be in very good agreement with calculations based on a coupled dipole model. Finite size effects on the optical properties of the arrays are observed, and our results provide insight into the characteristic length scales for collective plasmonic effects: for arrays smaller than 5 x 5 particles, the Q-factors of SLRs are lower than those of LSPRs; for arrays larger than 20 x 20 particles, the Q-factors of SLRs saturate at a much larger value than those of LSPRs; in between, the Q-factors of SLRs are an increasing function of the number of particles in the array.Comment: 4 figure

    Thermalization and Cooling of Plasmon-Exciton Polaritons: Towards Quantum Condensation

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    We present indications of thermalization and cooling of quasi-particles, a precursor for quantum condensation, in a plasmonic nanoparticle array. We investigate a periodic array of metallic nanorods covered by a polymer layer doped with an organic dye at room temperature. Surface lattice resonances of the array---hybridized plasmonic/photonic modes---couple strongly to excitons in the dye, and bosonic quasi-particles which we call plasmon-exciton-polaritons (PEPs) are formed. By increasing the PEP density through optical pumping, we observe thermalization and cooling of the strongly coupled PEP band in the light emission dispersion diagram. For increased pumping, we observe saturation of the strong coupling and emission in a new weakly coupled band, which again shows signatures of thermalization and cooling.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures including supplemental material. The newest version includes new measurements and corrections to the interpretation of the result

    From weak to strong coupling of localized surface plasmons to guided modes in a luminescent slab

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    We investigate a periodic array of aluminum nanoantennas embedded in a light-emitting slab waveguide. By varying the waveguide thickness we demonstrate the transition from weak to strong coupling between localized surface plasmons in the nanoantennas and refractive index guided modes in the waveguide. We experimentally observe a non-trivial relationship between extinction and emission dispersion diagrams across the weak to strong coupling transition. These results have implications for a broad class of photonic structures where sources are embedded within coupled resonators. For nanoantenna arrays, strong vs. weak coupling leads to drastic modifications of radiation patterns without modifying the nanoantennas themselves, thereby representing an unprecedented design strategy for nanoscale light sources

    Quantum Rod Emission Coupled to Plasmonic Lattice Resonances: A Collective Directional Source of Polarized Light

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    We demonstrate that an array of optical antennas may render a thin layer of randomly oriented semiconductor nanocrystals into an enhanced and highly directional source of polarized light. The array sustains collective plasmonic lattice resonances which are in spectral overlap with the emission of the nanocrystals over narrow angular regions. Consequently, different photon energies of visible light are enhanced and beamed into definite directions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Coupling Bright and Dark Plasmonic Lattice Resonances

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    We demonstrate the coupling of bright and dark Surface Lattice Resonances (SLRs), which are collective Fano resonances in 2D plasmonic crystals. As a result of this coupling, a frequency stop-gap in the dispersion relation of SLRs is observed. The different field symmetries of the low and high frequency SLR bands lead to pronounced differences in their coupling to free space radiation. Standing waves of very narrow spectral width compared to localized surface plasmon resonances are formed at the high frequency band edge, while subradiant damping onsets at the low frequency band edge leading the resonance into darkness. We introduce a coupled oscillator analog to the plasmonic crystal, which serves to elucidate the physics of the coupled plasmonic resonances and to estimate very high quality factors (Q>700) for SLRs, which are the highest known for any 2D plasmonic crystal.Comment: 13 pages (in preprint), 4 figures, 1 tabl