4 research outputs found

    Functional innovations of PIN auxin transporters mark crucial evolutionary transitions during rise of flowering plants

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    Flowering plants display the highest diversity among plant species and have notably shaped terrestrial landscapes. Nonetheless, the evolutionary origin of their unprecedented morphological complexity remains largely an enigma. Here, we show that the coevolution of cis-regulatory and coding regions of PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin transporters confined their expression to certain cell types and directed their subcellular localization to particular cell sides, which together enabled dynamic auxin gradients across tissues critical to the complex architecture of flowering plants. Extensive intraspecies and interspecies genetic complementation experiments with PINs from green alga up to flowering plant lineages showed that PIN genes underwent three subsequent, critical evolutionary innovations and thus acquired a triple function to regulate the development of three essential components of the flowering plant Arabidopsis: shoot/root, inflorescence, and floral organ. Our work highlights the critical role of functional innovations within the PIN gene family as essential prerequisites for the origin of flowering plants

    Auxin-regulated reversible inhibition of TMK1 signaling by MAKR2 modulates the dynamics of root gravitropism

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    Plants are able to orient their growth according to gravity, which ultimately controls both shoot and root architecture.1 Gravitropism is a dynamic process whereby gravistimulation induces the asymmetric distribution of the plant hormone auxin, leading to asymmetric growth, organ bending, and subsequent reset of auxin distribution back to the original pre-gravistimulation situation.1, 2, 3 Differential auxin accumulation during the gravitropic response depends on the activity of polarly localized PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin-efflux carriers.1, 2, 3, 4 In particular, the timing of this dynamic response is regulated by PIN2,5,6 but the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we show that MEMBRANE ASSOCIATED KINASE REGULATOR2 (MAKR2) controls the pace of the root gravitropic response. We found that MAKR2 is required for the PIN2 asymmetry during gravitropism by acting as a negative regulator of the cell-surface signaling mediated by the receptor-like kinase TRANSMEMBRANE KINASE1 (TMK1).2,7, 8, 9, 10 Furthermore, we show that the MAKR2 inhibitory effect on TMK1 signaling is antagonized by auxin itself, which triggers rapid MAKR2 membrane dissociation in a TMK1-dependent manner. Our findings suggest that the timing of the root gravitropic response is orchestrated by the reversible inhibition of the TMK1 signaling pathway at the cell surface

    Systematic analysis of specific and nonspecific auxin effects on endocytosis and trafficking

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    The phytohormone auxin and its directional transport through tissues are intensively studied. However, a mechanistic understanding of auxin-mediated feedback on endocytosis and polar distribution of PIN auxin transporters remains limited due to contradictory observations and interpretations. Here, we used state-of-the-art methods to reexamine the auxin effects on PIN endocytic trafficking. We used high auxin concentrations or longer treatments versus lower concentrations and shorter treatments of natural (IAA) and synthetic (NAA) auxins to distinguish between specific and nonspecific effects. Longer treatments of both auxins interfere with Brefeldin A-mediated intracellular PIN2 accumulation and also with general aggregation of endomembrane compartments. NAA treatment decreased the internalization of the endocytic tracer dye, FM4-64; however, NAA treatment also affected the number, distribution, and compartment identity of the early endosome/trans-Golgi network (EE/TGN), rendering the FM4-64 endocytic assays at high NAA concentrations unreliable. To circumvent these nonspecific effects of NAA and IAA affecting the endomembrane system, we opted for alternative approaches visualizing the endocytic events directly at the plasma membrane (PM). Using Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy, we saw no significant effects of IAA or NAA treatments on the incidence and dynamics of clathrin foci, implying that these treatments do not affect the overall endocytosis rate. However, both NAA and IAA at low concentrations rapidly and specifically promoted endocytosis of photo-converted PIN2 from the PM. These analyses identify a specific effect of NAA and IAA on PIN2 endocytosis, thus contributing to its polarity maintenance and furthermore illustrate that high auxin levels have nonspecific effects on trafficking and endomembrane compartments

    Cell surface and intracellular auxin signalling for H+-fluxes in root growth

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    Growth regulation tailors plant development to its environment. A showcase is response to gravity, where shoots bend up and roots down1. This paradox is based on opposite effects of the phytohormone auxin, which promotes cell expansion in shoots, while inhibiting it in roots via a yet unknown cellular mechanism2. Here, by combining microfluidics, live imaging, genetic engineering and phospho-proteomics in Arabidopsis thaliana, we advance our understanding how auxin inhibits root growth. We show that auxin activates two distinct, antagonistically acting signalling pathways that converge on the rapid regulation of the apoplastic pH, a causative growth determinant. Cell surface-based TRANSMEMBRANE KINASE1 (TMK1) interacts with and mediates phosphorylation and activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPases for apoplast acidification, while intracellular canonical auxin signalling promotes net cellular H+-influx, causing apoplast alkalinisation. The simultaneous activation of these two counteracting mechanisms poises the root for a rapid, fine-tuned growth modulation while navigating complex soil environment